
Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity

(This is for OOC - Put your OOC stuff here. Since there's nothing else here right now, I'm going to put what a Osiri can do that humans can't here - Since that hasn't yet been clarified.)

Osiri are essentially walking, talking computers with a lot more features. The more 'everyday' Osiri are available pre-built in stores, but one could build their own Osiri with proper parts or they could order one custom (For an incredibly high price, if it may be said).

In order to function, Osiri require electricity - They can charge themselves a bit through exposure to sun or they can be plugged in and charged from 1% battery to 100% in an instant - Though this can be rather expensive in the long run. Older Osiri (About eight years or older) are designed to breathe to keep themselves ventilated and cooled while newer models run efficiently enough to not need ventilation - They cool down enough over time that they remain well below overheating temperatures.

An Osiri can replace most if not all luxury electronics one owns - They can send and receive calls (But not texts - They can't read those, strangely enough), they can record video and take pictures based on what they see and play video if it's hooked up to a TV or any sort of display, like a monitor.

When it comes to physical capabilities, one could argue either way; Most pre-built Osiri sold in stores aren't quite as strong as custom-built Osiri (Ones built by their owners or custom ordered) could be. Custom Osiri could be up to three times as physically capable as a normal human being to half as capable as a normal human being. Weaker owners may choose to make their Osiri(s) less capable than them in case of malfunction or for a 'backup means of control'.

Generally, Osiri are around $10,000 in price - The latest pre-built ones, at least. As stated on multiple occasions, pre-built Osiri are not quite the best - Custom Osiri are, in most cases, more powerful. For one to buy the parts of an Osiri and build one on their own would only cost about $6,500 - Add in the price to write the personality and that's only $6,750 for a custom equivalent of a pre-built. Again, for one to have an Osiris that is the best of the best (at the time), they will spend about $12,500 on parts and the personality - As well as knowledge on everything a normal person would know (If one didn't want the Osiris to know everything already, that would be $10,500). Essentially, if one is willing to spend a bit more and build a superior Osiris they won't be disappointed. Most people still buy pre-built Osiri, however, because building one's own still requires a great amount of skill with electronics.

Osiri don't like water; However, they can withstand small amounts of water, like rain and showers, but if they are submerged in water, some of it might slip into the Osiris' system and damage or completely destroy it, as well as electrify the water around it.

On an Osiris' spine, there are a number of inputs and outputs, as well as various cords. In order from top to bottom, there's:

Button - Display Controls - This button is at the top of any Osiris' spine; It hides all of the controls (Except the button itself).

Input - Controller - If a proper device is plugged into this, through the use of a keyboard one could input commands for the Osiris to follow - The Osiris would have to follow these orders. The 'Free Will' switch must be turned off in order for this to properly function if said Osiris has one.

Cord - Display - If the proper cord is hooked into this and a monitor of some sort, one can display video, pictures or other media stored or found by the Osiris on said monitor.

Output - Display commands - If a proper cord is used, connection to a monitor of some kind will allow for the commands and processes an Osiris is following to be shown. This includes things like their personality, learned actions and words, etc.

Switch - Free Will - Found on most pre-built Osiri, but rarely if ever found on custom-built Osiri. If this is turned off, the 'controller' input may be used.

Input - Update Port - When software updates are available to make an Osiris run more efficiently and smoothly, one can buy it and upload it to the Osiris if they so desire. This does not bring older models up to snuff with the latest and greatest, however, and does not improve how powerful the Osiris itself is. It only makes the Osiris run more efficiently in most cases and teaches the Osiris (If the Osiris' owner cannot tolerate teaching the Osiris themselves).

Cord - Audio - Similar to Display. When plugged into speakers or anything of the like, the Osiris will be able to play any sort of audio through those speakers. Pre-built models are restricted to 100 decibels of volume, however.

Switch - Disable - This switch is rather simple, and is at the bottom of the spine. When it's disabled, the Osiris loses its ability to move but retains its consciousness (Unless it chooses to lose it) - It essentially becomes a big metal ragdoll. When the switch is enabled again the Osiris will, over the course of about five minutes, regain its normal way of moving. To a lesser extent this function also occurs naturally when the Osiris sleeps.

When an Osiris is first built or bought, the Osiris knows little to nothing aside from its owner's first language (Or the nation's first and second language, possibly), as well as how to speak, write and read that language. Unless the Osiris has had the world's knowledge uploaded to it, it needs to learn about the world with its owner (Or the owner can just pay to have the Osiris learn everything). It takes about three years for an Osiris to be up to snuff with the average person when it comes to world knowledge.

If an Osiris is told to do something, they will examine the speaker's voice - If it's recognizable when compared to their owner's, they will follow the command. If the voice is that of someone their owner has clarified as an equal, they will follow the command. Otherwise the Osiris will not.

(More may or may not be added.)

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Hello, I'm interested, I think, but would like more info. Is this a freeform sandbox or a bit more like a visual novel?
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It's, I'm guessing, a vis novel. Although I'm sure suzumiya has something planned for us. 
Can I say something? WHY THE HELL DID I MAKE A MALE HUMAN . Cause all the Osiri are coming after me
RandomBomb said:
It's, I'm guessing, a vis novel. Although I'm sure suzumiya has something planned for us.
I have absolutely nothing planned!

I've never been in a roleplay where things were already planned out already - I've only been in roleplays where there's a vague outline of what might happen, but people are allowed to get wherever they want however they want (So long as it's fair and, most importantly, at least semi-possible).
Please, 2 male humans. We don't have room for Osiri at this point 

suzumiya42 said:
I have absolutely nothing planned!
I've never been in a roleplay where things were already planned out already - I've only been in roleplays where there's a vague outline of what might happen, but people are allowed to get wherever they want however they want (So long as it's fair and, most importantly, at least semi-possible).
So normal life then? All of us live near each other, I'm guessing. Maybe I'll have moved in, just so you don't end up with too much filler. So, also, you should know each other. Maybe an Osiri relationship is possible, but they don't live on their own.
I will be making another Male Human! Now all the Osiri can be owned. 
I am going to take the multiple personality chick( what's her name)
Okay then, I made what I knew in my CS, sorry if it was choppy in it's making Dx

Which Osiri are still homeless?
Thanks for putting up an explanation of what an Osiris can do, suzumiya. Just to make sure, are Osiri equal to humans in strength, or do they have Terminator grip for wacky slapstick shenanigans?
I'm sorry I took so long to look over characters - I slept waaaaaaaaaaaay too late today (I got 12 hours of sleep though, so that's good)! Just to clarify, everyone with a human character, put your human character(s)'s name and what Osiri(s) they own like so;

Human Character Name - Osiris

For the Osiri that haven't edited their character sheet with who their owner is, please do that! It helps a lot!

I want to have a record of who owns who (Because even I'm a bit confuzzled at this point) for convenience.
I was planning on making the apartment building bigger later on in the RP and adding a full floor C, D and E, and maybe a basement if the demand was enough. A full floor C for now couldn't hurt, though.
I'm not sure... You could always disregard Yamata until she comes back (Unless she doesn't), or you could ask for permission to control Yamata.
Alright. Pretty much, Asake's waiting in the room, Kenji and Minorin are checking out everyone (be ready!), Ran and Yoona are out, Ice and Noob have just slept the night, and... I think that's all. Also, I'm being a little(!) more free with my Osiri. Telling Minorin to think for herself and stuff... Fun times.

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