Osiel Academy


Ruler Above All Others
Just to let you know, there is no set amount of people that are able to join.





@Party Poison







@Romer Knight

@Canadia Writer





@Totally a hero




Exusia :

Name: (First, "Nick name" Last)

Age: (15-20)



Appearance: (Anime is preferred, Real is fine.)




Specialty Rune Type: (Healing, Strengthening, etc. Nothing too OP. No more than 2)

Weapon: (If any.)



Name: (First, "Nick name" Last)

Age: (15-20)



Appearance: (Anime is preferred, Real is fine.)




How Your Weapon is Enhanced: (ex. Stronger bullets, can break weak runes, etc. Nothing OP. No more than 2)

Exusia :

Name: Sayuri "Sayu" Tokage.

Age: 17

Height: 5'5

Weight: 116



(Partially covers her left eye)

Personality: Sayu is a very bright and friendly girl who loves meeting new people, even if they seem dark and gloomy. She's very quick to trust others, which may make her seem like an easy target for Karyuudo's. She also doesn't get mad very easily. The only time she gets mad is when someone dear to her is being hurt. When she gets mad, she tends to start lashing out runes in an attempt to hurt her enemies. But this is very rare and she usually never resorts to such violence.

History: At the age of 6, her parents had taught her the basics of runes and how to use them. This gave her plenty of time to learn more about runes. She enjoyed learning more about it with her parents, who were considered very strong. But it all soon came to an end when her parents were killed by a Karyuudo. Since she was young and didn't understand fully, she couldn't develop any hate towards the Karyuudo. Her cousin, the Headmaster, took her in and continued to teach her, eventually enrolling her into Osiel Academy.

Specialty Rune Type: Defensive and Strengthening.



Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life 
Headmaster Kai

Name: Kai

Age: ?????

(He's older than he looks!!)

Personality: He's surprisingly playful with his students and often gets mistaken as one of them. He knows that there are Karyuudo's in his campus, but trusts his students to protect themselves or ask for help.

Specialty Rune Type: Sealing, as in blocking one's power core. (Very Rare. Only he can do this.)

Tattoo: (This is pretty much how it looks like.
:D It extends all the way down his arm.)


Everything else about him isn't very necessary.
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Name: June moroka

Age: 15


Weight:95 pounds

Appearance: (first image)

Personality: June tends to be veery fragile but determined. He's loyal and knows his place in this world. He tends to shy away from large groups due to the anxiety it gives him. Evan around close friends he manages to still be quit. But he will pipe up to defend his opinions, he's not somebody he takes being stepped on veery little. He's a bit scatter brained at times but in the end he can do the task assigned to him.

History: June grew up rather secluded from the world with only his older sister to raise him. It's not that his parents were gone, it's just that they were always busy with other things. Never the less he adored his older sister and the things she taught him. He knew from an early age that he was not a fighter. He would cry at the smallest paper cut as a child. So instead of mastering a weapon June went deep into his study's. Learning all their is to learn about this world. By age seven he knew more than most college graduates. Besides the lack of physical strength, June also lacked...manliness. His sister was the only person he knew growing up, so naturally he grew up girly. From his hair, to the way he walks, the way he dresses,evan to the way he giggles. All things normal boys shouldn't do. June knew growing up that he would become a karyuudo, but it didn't bother him all that much. It was what his sister had done, so naturally he was happy to imitate. At the age of ten his father had stepped back into his life long enough to teach him the art of sword play. His mother had also taught him to shoot. By the time he was 14 he was no pro, but he could hold himself in a fight.

Weapon: (second image)

With his knowledge June decided to make his ordinary sword something more intimidating. The sword also has the ability to cause confusion if it breaks skin due to a thin coating of poison across the blade,this poison has great affect on the exusias. It hinders their powers,causing them to loos control of there powers.

Weapon two (third image)

Nothing special about this. Just an ordinary compact revolver. It has a kick close up, but from a distance it does little to no damage.

Osiel Academy 4 Life <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.952bdf7de8a3619d25017befee186235.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.952bdf7de8a3619d25017befee186235.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c17e3885ea229ad1d889c00df3140ed4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15305" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.c17e3885ea229ad1d889c00df3140ed4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a7be9fa0f4f7a5cae08d7f65134cc5c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.a7be9fa0f4f7a5cae08d7f65134cc5c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Maikeru Yoaki

Age: 17

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 165


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On his back.

Personality: Maikeru has a pretty laid back personality and doesn't really like to take things seriously. He is a social person, but doesn't really like to get too close to people. He is very self-conscious of his last name due to the assumptions that come with it. He doesn't like to try to hard in front of people, so all his serious training usually happens when no one is around.

History: Maikeru was brought up in the Yoaki family of dark ruin users. For that reason the last name Yoaki is known and slightly feared for the runes in which they specialize in. Because of that Maikeru practiced with fire runes to try and break free from the assumptions that came with his family name. He eventually enrolled in the academy to further his skill with runes.

Specialty Rune Type: specializes in Dark and Fire ruins.


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Osiel Academy 4 Life



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Name: Hideyoshi Miyamoto

Age: 15

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 115 lb



Personality: Calm for the most part however he is firm and strict in his beliefs, and has the tendency to lash out and lecture if he doesn't agree with your ways and/or opinions. His top priority is always his religion and fulfilling his 'purpose' and life, meaning he doesn't care for love or romance, friendships, pursuing his own path or freedom. His God and religion is all that he knows and loves. His one and only purpose in life is to wipe out the Exusians and nothing more and that's the life he tries to live. Though his eyes say different to that, beyond all that he says he's quiet lonely but his happiness doesn't matter. In the end when he fulfills his purpose his God will give him all that he needs and longs for deep within his hollow, manipulated being.

History: His purpose was already determined from the moment he was conceived. He was born into a high Karyuudo name in which were strong in their faith. He was not born out of love, but as a planned weapon to use against the Exusians. From as far as Hideyoshi can remember, he was educated and strictly disciplined by the people under Karyuudo faith, given his purpose and spoon-fed him lies on how God had chosen him to wipe out the Exusians, how it was his only purpose and they also trained him in combat to teach him about his powers and how to defeat the Exusians. Now at 15, Hideyoshi has begun his first mission to enter Osiel Academy.

Weapon: Cross-spear


How Your Weapon is Enhanced: When in contact, the weapon can temporarily numb one's abilities (in other words, make one's rune power temporarily weaker. Effect time varies from 10-30 minutes depending on how much contact was met with said weapon)

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life
Name: Megan Elwards-Indole

Age: 16




Tattoo:On her lowerback,which she hates it there.It reminds her of a tramp-stamp.


Personality:The shy nerdy girl everyone expects her,and so much more.Megan does not talk to people often,and most people find her weird because she continues to mumble to herself,which is her only creating and thinking of more rune combinations.The young Exusia maybe shy but she is also direct with her emotions,especially when cornered or in class.One Megan removes her glasses it is like she has a split personality,she becomes more blunt,violent,and brash.Even though Megan has changed she still does not quit calculating,unless of course her crush is around,then she has a harder time thinking.


"MEGAN!LET'S DANCE!"Was the last words she heard from her mom.Megan's real parents were killed by the Karyuudo when she was 6.Around the age of seven a rich family,the Elwards,adopted her and treated her like a princess.Megan was happy,but she still wondered why her parents were kill,but her memory fought her,so she could only remember vague images.One day the Elwards got a call from an old lady claiming to be Megan's grandmother,skeptical they demanded a blood test,which she accepted and passed.Megan's biological grandmother,Nilla met with the Elwards and explained to them that Megan was an Erusia and part of the Indole family.The Indole family are the masters of the elemental family.Indoles are known to create the most complex & outrages elementals spells in history,and most families dealing with elements are connected to the Indoles.Well,Nilla wanted to take her granddaughter and train her,but the Elwards loved her like their own,and she was theirs.Nilla warned them of the Karyuudo so the Elwards struck a deal,"How about this,"Mrs.Elwards mused,being the sensible one,"We will allow her to train with you,but we shall still run the risk of the Karyuudo killing us.In other words,we won't give her up so easily,but you can train her till your heart is content!"The queen of the Elwards empire yelled at Nilla,but the elder only smiled and nodded.

Over the course of the years Nilla trained her granddaughter,who's outward shy shell always hid a demon ready for battle.When Megan turned 13 Nilla told her to go to the Osiel Academy,created for Erusia like her,but before Megan left for the academy Nilla warned her,"My dear,everyone there has secrets,including you,so be careful who you trust.Oh,and I love you,brat!"

Specialty Rune Type: Elemental and Healing

Weapon: Whip


Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life
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dori Sato












129 lbs




Midori is a strong-hearted girl with the passion to drive her towards anything. She is very ambitious in her goals in becoming a great Karyuudo, and trains and studies relentlessly at home. However, when she is at school, she masks this behind a quiet, wallflower-like demeanor. If approached by someone, she will smile and put on a friendly face, although on the inside she will be agitated by the close contact of an Exusia (she doesn't know about the presence of the other Karyuudos in the school).

It may also be due to the strict protocol that her mother forced upon her when she was little, but Midori is a real stickler for the rules. She has a real pet peeve for anyone who breaks the rules and rule-breakers in general. She gets quite irritated just at the mere sight of someone doing something out of order, but due to her current status, she will remain quiet about it. Unless, of course, it is something completely unbearable that she must speak up about. She is also quite fussy about the neatness and organization of things (no OCD here).

She never exactly gets the highest marks in the class, nor is she the most outstanding of student when it came to sporting. However, this is purely an intentional tactic to stay out of the spotlight, as she is extremely careful never to get caught by the Exusias. If looked at upon by someone outside, she would seem like a very plain person. She doesn't have a large arsenal of friends (she doesn't have any) but yet still happens to remain on good terms with everyone. If someone had to guess that a Exusia hunter was in the midst of them, Midori would be the last person that they would think of. After all, how can a girl so bland and inexperienced in fighting and literature be a Karyuudo?




Unlike most Karyuudos, Midori's lineage is not of pure Karyuudo blood. Her mother was a fully fledged, talented Karyuudo and Exusia hunter, who happened to fall in love with a very average, normal human. Of course, her mother's side of the family could not be anymore against the wedding that the two planned. In order to avoid more scrutiny, her parents ran away together and managed to flee to a small cottage in the country. There, Midori was born.

Despite retiring from Karyuudo duty, Midori's mother still managed to teach her many skills in fighting close-hand and with a bow, in the hope that one day, her daughter would grow up to be just as experienced

and renowned as she, herself, once was. She was strict in both her training and raising of Midori, adhering her to rules and guidelines that she had to follow every morning through to the very night. Her father never intervened with the training; he had complete faith in his wife and her abilities to raise their daughter properly. Before he ran away with her mother, he had been a teacher (a very effective one at that, too). Midori was home schooled; literacy and mathematics was taught to her by her father, and her fighting skills trained by her mother. If anything, it was a good life for her.

However, it wasn't before Midori's 14th birthday that her mother fell seriously ill. The cause and origin was unidentifiable, therefore there was no cure available for the disease. Midori spent her mother's last days by her bedside, listening to everything that her mother had to say as her father went out searching far and wide for the best doctors, physicians -- anyone who could cure his wife of her suffering. Alas, her mother seemed to sense her final day, and called for Midori to bring her bow


(which was an important family heirloom) to the side. After doing so, Midori's mother gifted her the bow, and in accepting it, Midori's mother wanted her to take up her family's specialty as a Karyuudo. After her mother passed away that night, no one could comfort Midori and her falling tears, not even her own father. He had her re-enter schools after that -- however, she was constantly moving with her father because the news had happened to reach her maternal family; and they blamed both Midori and her father for her mother's death. Now, they were hunting the pair down for non-existent revenge. Whilst her father was worrying about his and his daughter's own safety, Midori had other things on her mind.

At the age of 16, she begged her father to let her go to Osiel Academy, a school mentioned by her mother on her deathbed, a place flocked by the Exusias. She wanted to become the great Karyuudo that her mother wanted her to do be, and before that, she had to get to know the enemy first. Although being against the idea at first, her father eventually gave up to her pleading and submitted her school application to the front office for the following year.




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ow Your Weapon is Enhanced


When enhanced, she will receive the ability to use two other types of arrows (aside from her normal ones), each inflicting a different type of effect...

  • Bursting Arrow

    : An arrow type invented by her great grandfather and (the blueprints having) passed onto her by her mother, these arrows are designed to have a extremely sensitive trigger on their very tip which are activated by hitting something solid. The arrow, after being activated, will emit a series of rapid ticks for approximately two seconds, which is actually the sound of mechanical parts inside the arrow 'clicking' together, opening blocked gateways into a secret chamber and releasing the chemicals to be mixed. After the warning period, the arrow will burst into flames, with an approximate area-of-effect of four metres in diameter. Anyone standing in the area-of-effect may suffer second-degree burns and/or serious damage due to the intensity of the burst. As these are extremely hard to create, Midori only has a limited range in stock.
  • Trance Arrow

    : An arrow that is similar to the Bursting Arrow in build and trigger, but instead of destructive purposes, it is used more to confuse the enemy. It is also noted that this

    will only affect weak Exusias

    , preferably after the use of Bursting Arrow or successful physical combat. The arrow (when triggered) releases a set of chemicals into the air that sets about targeting nearby Exusias and rendering them into a state of disorient. This doesn't do much to their physical fighting ability and they are still able to create runes -- however, the chemicals will make it difficult for the Exusia to create the correct rune, often ending in the production of a completely different one from the one planned, sometimes even creating something that is harmful to the Exusia him/herself.




Osiel Academy 4 Life



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Name: Hanako 'Hana' Wakahisa

Age: 16

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 124 lbs.

Appearance: Hana adorns dark brown hair, reaching her mid back, severed into layers, courtesy of her messy cutting skills. Her eyes are a dull blue color, often appearing grey, and her features haven't quite matured yet. Her skin is an ivory shade, and her cheeks have a seemingly ever-present rosy blush. Her nose is thin and eyelashes thick, though these features are often dismissed.



It keeps a constant place on the inside of her left wrist, though she wishes it was some place else.

Personality: Though hot-tempered and hard to control, Hanako is actually a girl with very good intentions. Her actions usually cause her to get a lot of negativity from her peers, but those who decide to get close to her almost never suffer her blowing off steam. She's loyal and very determined to meet whatever goals she sets for herself, but get in her way and she'll probably challenge you in one way or another, what with not being one to put up with much from people. When she's not busy being angry, she's a very kind girl, laughing and smiling, appreciating the little things in life. She picked up her hostile behavior from her mother, which is regrettable, and she tries to get out of it, but some idiot always forces her back in. Hana, despite her seemingly dull knowledge, has extensive intelligence on certain subjects, though few know of this. Due to a silly case of insomnia (which slows her power-restoring process), she spends many nights reading whatever she can get her hands on.

History: Raised as a city girl, she's grown to dislike being around too many people, having to deal with it her entire life. She always wondered about the strange and foreign marking on her wrist, and asked her mother and father about it when she was very young, but didn't give it much of a second thought when they showed her their own. She thought it was normal, until she hit elementary school. As she aged, Hanako noticed that very few, if any, others had markings like her own, and she started to question her parents' dismissal of her childish inquiries. They only told her to ignore it, to pretend it wasn't there, and to not talk about it. Not understanding why, the girl was very frustrated, but did as she was told anyway; it was hard to see then, but she now realizes that they were only trying to protect her.

Hitting middle school, her personality had shifted from that of the gentle and innocent image of a child to that of a spitting image of her mother's. A fiery temper, but a good heart, with sprinkles of minimal patience with intolerable people. It was also this age that she'd been told exactly what the marking was for. Her father had been the one to explain it to her, and to inform her as to why it was so important she kept it hidden. Many people weren't accepting of their kind, he had told her, and that's why it was best to be careful. Together, her mother and father trained her, sure to do this when no one else was watching (or rather, when they knew no Karyuudos were watching), and she grew strong quickly.

As soon as she was fifteen, they'd declared that they were sending her off to an academy - one that went by the name of Osiel - so that she could learn how to use her powers without being in constant fear of being caught by an enemy. Despite her protests at first, Hanako had finally agreed to it, but not without much convincing from her mother. She'd said she knew how it was, to feel like you were being shipped away as a burden, or as something unwanted, because she had felt that way too, but it would be worth it in the long run. Although the teenager had second guesses, her kin had reassured her, and off she went.

Specialty Rune Type: Acid & Defense

Weapon: She uses a single dagger, one that's small in size, with her rune carved onto the handle. With this, she can use it to draw a shape into the ground, and an acidic barrier will protect her, or whoever she drew it around, from close-range attacks. It's also put into effect if coming into contact with blood, causing acid to begin to coat the blade.

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life

Name: Zetherin 'Zeth' Denimo

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

Weight: 147

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/6727848201_2b8178b338_b.jpg.7a2a8c2d5fcb19ab2b8636c12a255443.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/6727848201_2b8178b338_b.jpg.7a2a8c2d5fcb19ab2b8636c12a255443.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tattoo: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef8a0c82_UniqueTribalTattooDesigns8.jpg.bc0e1aea542c1048154f184c930c65a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef8a0c82_UniqueTribalTattooDesigns8.jpg.bc0e1aea542c1048154f184c930c65a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

On the front of his left shoulder.

Personality: Zeth is neither straight forward nor is he silver tongued, but whatever suits him in a given situation. He tends to be pretty laid back and calm for the most part - nothing good comes from losing your head, after all. It takes an extreme situation for him to get riled up and then once he is it doesn't take him long to cool down again. Zeth enjoys smiling but he hates looking like a fool and is always trying to guard against looking weak or inferior in any way possible. He has a fairly large opinion of himself, thinking himself to be pretty smart and all knowing but he tries not to let onto that. He's fascinated by other people - how they think and work - and enjoys asking random questions and just talking to people though he prefers not to be around people all the time and never enjoys being surrounded by people. Zeth is also extremely practical and hates anything being wasted- whether that is time or food or money, whatever it is it's a surefire way to irritate him.

History: Zeth's parents really didn't want him getting involved with anything dangerous, raising him in a secluded area where they taught him runes of healing. They survived by living off the land for the longest time until their family was found by a Karyuudo and they had to pick up and move into the city to try and lose them. It's been successful so far but being back in a populated area means attending school so Zeth was enrolled into the Exusia school, Osiel Academy, and has been attending there ever since he was 16. The Academy fit him extremely well since he had been pretty self taught- his parents having assigned him studies when they had been living out in the wilderness and trusting him to do his part. Zeth excelled in and still excels in Math- anything that has to do with Creative Problem Solving and thinking outside of the box. Being with other people made Zeth want to become more a part of the community in ways so when not in school Zeth joins as many clubs and sports teams as he can keep up with. His parents are always pushing him to do better but reminding him that violence is never the answer.

Specialty Rune Type: Healing & Illusion

Weapon: (Sword in Image) Zeth has always had a fascination with swords but has never been properly taught how to use one. Regardless, he carries one passed down to him from his grandmother close to him at all times. It's a family heirloom after all... and if Zeth ever does learn how to do proper swords play he wants it to be with a blade important to his heritage. It has seen many battles before and for Zeth, when he unsheathes the swords it's almost like he's taking a step back into his ancestor's shoes.

Others: Osiel Acadamy 4 Life



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Name/ last name: Mika (meaning: new moon) Nakamura

Age: 17

Height: 5.8

Weight: 110

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.38257eafc0f97058f3bb7068612849f8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.38257eafc0f97058f3bb7068612849f8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Mika's personality is quiet different. If she doesn't know you she will be if given a reason harsh. She normally keeps her business to her self, knowingly that she is a hunter. She keeps it in secret most of the time. Yet if she gets to know you, she is kind, caring, and above all loyal. She would set her life on the line for her friends, no matter what kind of person it is. Overall though, she is brave, stubborn, and normally gets her self into trouble. Being a first class rule breaker, to the school as well as the hunter code.

History: At the age of 6, Mika was a happy child. She loved her family and life yet, was blind to see that her parents where Karyuudo/ hunters. They were poor and barley made a living but coming into this world that way, she never saw wrong. One day they walking the streets, it began to rain, cold and wet, her father rented a motel room. As night came her father left. As well as mother. This normally didn't happen yet this time what ever was going on seemed Urgent. Her parents said lock the room and no matter what do not open the door. As hours past, Mika soon became of wonder of where they might of gone.and even though her parents warning her curiosity got the best of her. Opening the door, she left the room making her way to the lobby. As she hit her last step, her gaze rose. Coming to a immediate halt. Sadness washed through her, as her parents were dead on the floor, blood everywhere. Running up to the, she cried out there names yet heard nothing in return. She cried, as well as the sky. Hearing her name being called in a muffled voice, she turned, seeing her father breathing slightly, blood running down his mouth and on his neck. From a gash in chest. Running to his side she wanted to hug him, yet stopped knowing he was in pain. And would not make it. He spoke in a quiet voice "honey..we.w.we...arr..are..family..you..u.need..t..to.know...you..u...are...w..wee..are..a...Karyuudo..you need...to run...he's...he's.....coming..we...love..yo.." And with those last words he began to fade, dieing before her eyes. She cried for a while, yet remembering her fathers words, something triggered in her, something she never felt before. She knew exactly what to do. Standing up her emotion was set aside, she looked done speaking softly "..goodbye"leaving never looking back. Knowing if she did she would never be able to leave.

Years have passed now, and she now know what she is. She is a pure blood Karyuudo . One of a long heritage. Later on she found put that Exusia killed her parents. She trained every day, now becoming one of the best. Looking for the man..who murdered her parents. Now she isn't really a fan of Excusia.

Weapon: two hand glocks. (Guns)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.fc1fbfb5df8d45c2bf2c08b3611dd831.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.fc1fbfb5df8d45c2bf2c08b3611dd831.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How your weapon is enhanced: the bullets used in her guns, have her family symbol on it. This symbol is not just a ordinary drawing it leaves something behind. When hitting a target, the area hit become paralyzed for a short time (10 min). Giving the hunter a advantage. Also getting the bullets out are a pain, because if the symbols shape, if not completely being run through the being at the shot, loges in.

Other: family symbol:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.badceb09fa50111c2502c521ae10056b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.badceb09fa50111c2502c521ae10056b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
Sorry, just read them : Osiel Academy 4 Life  
Yay! Thanks so much!



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Name: Hannah Constantine

Age: 17

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 118


Located on neck. Stretches down to collarbone

Hannah has very few friends. She is a rather bleak figure. She seems to have an emotionless demeanor to her, accompanied by a dark sense of humor. She almost never speaks with others but has no issues with addressing situations as a leader. Hannah is a withdrawn person, very quiet, and perhaps that is for her own good. A very intellectual girl she is, knowledgeable on almost every subject, but perhaps her knowledge is too vast for her age. She knows things that she shouldn't, and due to her odd understanding she has a really hard time making friends. She's convinced herself that being alone is best for her, and because of her odd demeanor she is often made fun of, but she doesn't take it to heart. She is very avoidant of people, and upon meeting an unfamiliar face she tends to become rather uptight. She has a soft side, which is revealed when she warms up to someone, but rarely does that happen.

History: Born into a big city, Hannah always had issues fitting in. She had a weird personality that caused those around her to be pushed away. Try as she might she was never good enough in the eyes of the other children, and she often found herself alone on the playground swing set, drawing what she saw. Fast forward a few years and she's moved on from elementary. Now in high school she's deprived of the comfort of her swing set and takes another shot at making friends. It was most likely her dark humor or her bad puns, but nobody stuck around long enough, and after a while her personality grew jaded. Having no say into the world she was born in, Hannah spent her life hiding herself from others. She longed to meet someone like her, someone that would understand her, and that day had yet to come.

Specialty Rune Type: Illusion and Fire.

The bow Hannah possesses is only activated by Hannah's touch, and her touch only. When in her hands the arrows and the bow itself burst into flame, but do not burn her skin in any way. When in use Hannah's appearance is modified slightly. Her hair turns from it's natural cool colors to bright, vibrant orange and red colours, but the colors soon fade and her hair will return to it's natural state within time.

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life

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Name: (Robin)

Age: (18)


Weight: 135lbs

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gaius_(FE13_Artwork).png.9bcd57314eb1d4550d8b6574e5020455.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Gaius_(FE13_Artwork).png.9bcd57314eb1d4550d8b6574e5020455.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Robin has a rather sly personality although he is aggressive. He is known to be quick and clever when in various situations. There have been multiple times where he is seen teasing people, which many people may find charming. When in combat, his personality is no different. His skill with a sword is almost as good as his skill with a bow and arrow. Being skillful with both weapons make him prepared for any type of combat.

History: Robin was born into poverty, as a young child he had no interest of melee. He remembers his late father as a vigorous Karyuudo. Growing up alone he has nothing to live for, but seeing as how the Karyuudo blood flowed in his veins, he decided to attend Osiel Academy to get a closer look at his enemies.

Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/CoolSword.jpg.177214d5529f760209b2df6618bd9076.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/CoolSword.jpg.177214d5529f760209b2df6618bd9076.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

How Your Weapon is Enhanced: Can break weak 3 symbol runes, depending on the circumstances.

Other: Osiel Academy 4 Life



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Name: Ty Hideoshi

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: I honest to God know nothing about American measurements so Im going to say like 90 whatevers (60 kilos in my mind)

Appearance: (Character below drawn by me for rp purpouses)



Ty is very serious and focused on what she thinks its important. She's not mean but can become extreamly direct and sarcastic at some points, usually ending in her regreting it. She's not very good with reacting to people's emotions, and some things can very easily trigger hers. She values the friends she can make but her priorities are very firm and she will not doubt in losing friendships for them. She struggles greatly with books and classes (usually falls asleep) so her grades are not something to be proud of, but she's never quite as focused as when she's crafting something, from a bird house to a massive machine gun, its her way of relaxing, and nothing distracts her from that. She's not particulary enthusiastic about murdering Exusians, but she's faithful to her God and understands its the only way. Sometimes she feels very sick about it and prays for long hours to find the wisdom to continue her task as a Karyuudo.


Ty is an orphan, left as a baby, she never met her parents so it didnt bother her too much. A nun found her and she was raised as part of a church community, whenever times seemed harsh on her as a kid, the people on the church showed mercy and compassion, she was always shown the love of God, and she grew up holding her faith close to her. She also learned that she could fulfill the way of God even more, by eliminating the people that acted againts it. She wasnt fond of the idea, but God was her only truth, she owed everything to the church and her faith. This was the least thing she could do to show gratitude. She used to fix the problems with the different churchs, so she used her crafting skills to learn about weapons. So much time was consumed by this, that she never took much chances to just go out and hang out with other children, but she was friends with the people that went to church often, from other Karyuudos to old cleaning ladies to nuns. Growing up to be a serious girl but with good intentions in her mind.


She builds her own weapons or take already-existing ones and enhance them to fit her arm, its how she feels more comfortable using them.

Her favourite is a very complex multi-tasking gun that covers almost half of her arm (yas, the one on the picture). She carries different types of bullets, sleeping bullets,poisoning, some with truth serum, heat trackers, with numbing agents etc. Even though her aim is good, she tries to shoot as less as possible to save bullets. (In battle it also affects her how much she lets her feelings get to her).

Weapon Enhanced:

Her bullets gain stronger effects. Though none of these are very effective with runes, it can weaken the user enough for them to lose control over their runes.

Others:Osiel Academy 4 Life I guess.

((I will try my best to sound as literate as I can, but english is not my first language so I apologize to the grammar nazis))

Name: Felix Keating

Age: 16

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 157 lbs




A black tribal pattern covering his upper back and the top of his shoulders.

Personality: Felix is a quirky character who loves meeting new people. He adores making people laugh, sometimes taking it too far, but can be serious when need be. His foolish demeanour deems him as a childish personality, which deters some, but usually makes him more likable. He can get fired up pretty quickly, but would never hurt the people he cared for.

History: His father was Swedish and his mother was Japanese. He was brought up in Japan until he was 9, and then he moved to Sweden with his family. He learnt that he had powers when he was 7, and because his family were Karyuudos, they sent him to an orphanage until he was old enough to attend Osiel Academy. At a young age he was a bit of an outcast, but becoming the class clown helped, and he has since gained a lot of confidence.

Specialty Rune Type: Dark & Healing

Weapon: 2 revolvers and a katana.

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life

((Sorry it isn't too detailed, I had to rush it))

Name: Zean Lntlmn (Lan-tel-min)

Age: 16





On his left iris

Personality: Serious and tactical, he never goes halfway. He gets grumpy when you call his creation a 'weapon' preferring to call them artifacts

History: Ever since he was a child he loved to read. Especially books with heroes and weapons. It wasn't until he was kidnapped at the age of 8 that he realized he could recreate the artifacts he reverred to defend himself. Soon he was able to create or recreate any artifact he so wishes. He attends Osiel out of sheer requirement.

Specialty Rune Type: Concept and Creation

Weapon:(Zean: ARTIFACTS!) He makes them out of runes

Others:Osiel Academy 4 Life
Name: Johnny Kazuka

Age: 16

Height: 5.7

Weight: 145

Appearance:Took it from DeviantArt :D

On his chest. Covering the left part.

Personality: He is calm most of the time and not a lot of things bother him. He is very strategic and curious so he likes to analyze everything surrounding him. He is a very reliable person and hates traitors. His calm makes other people feel like he doesn't care about them or about things in general. He likes to be around other people and make them laugh.

History: Johnny was born in a poor family and didn't have much. His parents knew what he was because of the tattoo on his chest, but they never told him because he was too little and at the age of 5 he was left alone on the streets after his parents died. He went through a lot so he a lot of things don't surprise him. He had to defend himself with a bo staff he found. And he discovered his powers at the age of 14 when he was attacked by a group of people that were accusing him of stealing. So he joined this school that his parents were talking about, one of the only things he remembers about them.

Specialty Rune Type: Agility, Earth


Others: My first rp :) . Sorry if i do something bad. Oh yeah, I forgot: Osiel Academy 4 Life
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Name: Jack Varnor

Age: 17

Height: 5' 7

Weight: 123



Located on his right hand

Personality: Jack enjoys time spent with other people, but also prefers quiet time.

He loves to relax, and listen to nature, although he is slightly awkward he tries to be as social as he can be. Jack has always been a pacifist, and loves any type of poetry. Although he can become nervous to the point of fainting, and tends to push people away when he feels them getting close.

History: Jack was born into a gypsy family, although he's quite open about

being a gypsy, but he doesn't take pride in it. All his life he's been on the move with his fellow caravan members, the most they've spent in a certain place was three months. Jack never liked that aspect of life, always being on the move, it felt like they were running from something.

At the age of eleven he discovered his ability to manipulate plants, but he didn't think much of it, his parents began to distance him from the other kids more, and more as they began to question is tattoo on the top of his hand, he didn't really think much of it.

As time went on, he became tired of not seeing anyone, but his parents, he begged them to let him communicate with the outside world freely, at age 17 his parents found Oisel Academy, and enrolled him there. They didn't tell him that he was a Exusia until the day before he left.

Specialty Rune Type: Plant manipulation, And Water manipulation


Others: Oisel Academy 4 Life
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Name: (First, "Nick name" Last)

Frank [He hates nick names] Gassler

Age: (15-20)





200 lbs

Appearance: (Anime is preferred, Real is fine.)



Small tattoo located in the middle of his forehead.


Frank is quite frankly (I did it :D ) not as bad as he looks. He will behave silent and give strangers the cold shoulder if they don't fit his conversation standards, but that will most likely not happen, because he is easily entertained. Frank has no confidence or persistence whatsoever , if you say "No." it's no, but if you say "Yes" to something believe me he will take it to heart. Frank is easily intimidated which results in anger on said person intimidating, so basically intimidation leads to him starting a fight. When it comes to taking a joke Frank can do it, but when he jokes he is either ends up hurting someone or not making any sense at all. If he is agitated he will most likely kill himself, because he exhausted his power throwing his rune abilities around. If people get close enough to Frank they would probably realize that he wants nothing but to be good company. Last thing to add is that he is rather old fashioned and sorta stuck in the 50s with his music. ONE MORE THING!!! He loves insects they seem to entertain him during his times of boredom.


Frank was born and raised in several different apartments all his life mostly living off of cheap microwave foods and a broken TV. Jumping from school to school, because of his fathers credit card scams he never really had the chance to make friends (no not a girlfriend either). At the age of 13 Frank was pulled into the business having to manage his fathers tax and calculate the income, if a certain step was taken. His lack of persistence comes from his fathers first law that he taught since he was a young stout (If they say "no" the first time, then repeating definitely won't make it a yes) and since that law seemed to work until 2 years ago, where his father was beat to death with a bust of Julius Caesar's head by a group of mad "clients". The death of his father didn't quite touch him, he was a cold old man who gave him no attention and seemingly used him. After the death of the old phony Frank was sent to live in a foster home and finally moved to here where he obviously still resides... I think. His power has not been noticed by anyone and he didn't bother to even budge with it as his father was being bashed to death.

Specialty Rune Type: (Healing, Strengthening, etc. Nothing too OP. No more than 2)

Insectia(The insects come either from the environment or from his body) & Control (Control the insects mostly useless in combat, but great in the long run, because bot fly eggs are a pain to remove..)

Weapon: (If any.)

The power of love!!! No nothing... he will use what's around.. chairs, tables,.. cats... dogs... potassium hydroxide, ham.. hey maybe even love if it's available `o3o`

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life
prounst23 said:
Name: (First, "Nick name" Last)
Frank [He hates nick names] Gassler

Age: (15-20)





200 lbs

Appearance: (Anime is preferred, Real is fine.)



Small tattoo located in the middle of his forehead.


Frank is quite frankly (I did it :D ) not as bad as he looks. He will behave silent and give strangers the cold shoulder if they don't fit his conversation standards, but that will most likely not happen, because he is easily entertained. Frank has no confidence or persistence whatsoever , if you say "No." it's no, but if you say "Yes" to something believe me he will take it to heart. Frank is easily intimidated which results in anger on said person intimidating, so basically intimidation leads to him starting a fight. When it comes to taking a joke Frank can do it, but when he jokes he is either ends up hurting someone or not making any sense at all. If he is agitated he will most likely kill himself, because he exhausted his power throwing his rune abilities around. If people get close enough to Frank they would probably realize that he wants nothing but to be good company. Last thing to add is that he is rather old fashioned and sorta stuck in the 50s with his music. ONE MORE THING!!! He loves insects they seem to entertain him during his times of boredom.


Frank was born and raised in several different apartments all his life mostly living off of cheap microwave foods and a broken TV. Jumping from school to school, because of his fathers credit card scams he never really had the chance to make friends (no not a girlfriend either). At the age of 13 Frank was pulled into the business having to manage his fathers tax and calculate the income, if a certain step was taken. His lack of persistence comes from his fathers first law that he taught since he was a young stout (If they say "no" the first time, then repeating definitely won't make it a yes) and since that law seemed to work until 2 years ago, where his father was beat to death with a bust of Julius Caesar's head by a group of mad "clients". The death of his father didn't quite touch him, he was a cold old man who gave him no attention and seemingly used him. After the death of the old phony Frank was sent to live in a foster home and finally moved to here where he obviously still resides... I think. His power has not been noticed by anyone and he didn't bother to even budge with it as his father was being bashed to death.

Specialty Rune Type: (Healing, Strengthening, etc. Nothing too OP. No more than 2)

Insectia(The insects come either from the environment or from his body) & Control (Control the insects mostly useless in combat, but great in the long run, because bot fly eggs are a pain to remove..)

Weapon: (If any.)

The power of love!!! No nothing... he will use what's around.. chairs, tables,.. cats... dogs... potassium hydroxide, ham.. hey maybe even love if it's available `o3o`

Others: Osiel Academy 4 Life
A student tried to fight the Headmaster. Kai got pissed and summoned a weak golem. After the golem for destroyed, he left the fighting to another person. Right in front of the gate was a big area that became totaled by the summoning of the golem. (Skip to the party) Sayu repaired the hole. And that's about it. :D You're chara can just say he was at the party.
Name: Aurora Kohn

Age: 16

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 108


It is on her upper arm.

Personality: Aurora is presevered around newer people and prefers not to talk to them unless they say something first but once she gets to know them she is very open. When it comes to things like horror movies and rodents she does not want anything to do with them. She is nattrually affraid of rodents. Aurora has a creative mind and loves to write and paint. She always wants the best for her friends and family and tries to make the best out of a sad situation. Most of the time she puts others before her and lets them walk all over her but she calls it being nice. She prefers not to let anyone down and is scared she will hurt their feelings. She would like to know someones mood when she talks to them. Aurora also has a strange ciriousity for different things and loves to try new things.

History: Aurora lived with her parents in Vilna, Liettua she was homeschooled by her aunt until junior high and didn't meet many people her age. When she entered junior high she didn't talk to people unless she had to and sat alone at any other time.

Specialty Rune Type: Ice and Faith

Weapon: She does not have one.

((I'm sorry for any wrong spelled words I am not very good at English yet and I can not do countries in English yet either!! I also apologies for her history being so short I couldn't think of anything eles!!))
Name: Arella "Relli" Mystic

Age: 18

Height: 5'2

Weight: 140



Personality: Shes a quiet soul, often seen reading books. She's always willing to lend a helping hand, though she knows how to old a grudge if you make her angry enough.

History: To be revealed in the rp~

Specialty Rune Type: Healing~

Weapon: She has no weapon, for she doesn't belive in violence of any sort. Though she has taken self-defense classes. Her body is her weapon.
Name: Aliyana Camino

Age: 17

Height: 63 inches

Weight: 142 pounds



Personality: Aliyana is a passionate cheerful girl with an aura of light and darkness. Aliyana was once a young confident girl and traveler who was tormented by staying in one place her whole life. Despite all her hardships she remained optimistic and passionate. She hates seeing her friends hurt or killed. She never understood the meaning of war or pain she didn't know why people had to go through that.

History: Aliyana lived with her paretns in Cala Milor, Spain and was usually always helpful with everything she could help anyone with. When she was young she helped her mother with the laundry and cooking . Aliyana always wanted to be a savior and has beleived that she could do anything. When she was 15 she never wanted anything to get in the way of her job. Her family was extreamly poor and she wanted work hard so she could earn money to support her family. She worked hard to become the strong woman she always strived to be. Aliyana had always dreamed of traveling but was bound by the guilt of leaving behind everything she cared for. Her future changed when she met a young man when she was seventeen. His name was Guario Carriedo and he was a noble man who kept his word. She slowly fell in love with him everyday she was with him. He loved her even more then she could imagine. She always felt happy and safe around him and never wanted him to leave. Aliyana could talk about anything with him dreams,hopes,her future. She was completely happy and felt like it would never go away until Guario had to go back home to the Dominican Republic but she stayed confident and knew she would meet him again.

Specialty Rune Type: Protection and Earth


Others: She's scared of most bugs and loves children. Osiel Academy 4 Life.
Name: Grey Kraton

Age: 15

Height: 5'9

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/grey.jpg.685e784b33e14c2ea9e7dc4ca405ff6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/grey.jpg.685e784b33e14c2ea9e7dc4ca405ff6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tattoo: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tattoo.jpg.00a634783e28dfc13d02f5ce8b9d42df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/tattoo.jpg.00a634783e28dfc13d02f5ce8b9d42df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (He has one on each side of his neck)

Personality: Kind, yet shady and invisible. You may think he may be passive but he is more of an active person. He is eager to do anything but thinks before acting.

History: Grey had a hard time making friends with his weak presence and calm voice so he found his companion through reading. This made him increasingly intelligent and smart.But it comes at a price. The ones who could see him, like his parents and teachers had a hard time seeing him as he became very intelligent. Eventually he found out his abilities by accident. Therefore eventually he settled at Osiel Academy where he will learn to use his abilities and find his purpose.

Specialty Rune Type: Disguising (a lesser kind of protection) and Buffering a person's abilities

Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/dagger.jpg.843a1fb15164bebb9a4750e4e7c54a54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/dagger.jpg.843a1fb15164bebb9a4750e4e7c54a54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (He uses two daggers, both can extend up to 3 meters using a chain which is discharged by the exposed yet highly disguised trigger using the crossguard)

Others: Pets are attracted to him and he fears anybody's death.



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Name:Milanor Cruz



Weight:120 pounds




(located at his upper back)

Personality:Milanor Cruz is Quiet and Serious in a Dangerous situation he is sometimes an easy-going person he also dosen't react and talk much if with a stranger if with friends his easy going side comes, he sometimes tries hard if he wants to get what he desires.

History:When Milanor was still a Child he was an orphan he was adopted by a rich man while his living in a rich family his 3 step-brothers is bullying or insulting him because he was poor but the 4th or the younger of the step-brothers deeply cares for him he is teaching Milanor things that he still not know and have fun playing together,until 10 years later his 3 step-brothers planned to poison Milanor's Medicine because he was sick the younger step-brother knew what they're planning and when they entered Milanor's room the younger step-brother drank the medicine that is poisoned he died Milanor is Furious of what they've done Shouting in rage the mansion exploded until he knows he sometimes can't control his special rune, he is finding a way to control it until he enrolls at Osiel Academy to control his Rune.

Specialty Rune Type: Void/Destruction



Others:He likes Friends and he Hates Losing Control. Osiel Academy 4 life
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