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Fantasy Oshalan - Untold Horizon - Still looking for rp'ers


New Member
A vast world to explore. Lush forests. Colossal cities boasting immense steam powered war machines. Horrifying monsters, many mysteries and an untold story upon the Horizon.
This is Oshalan.

[SIZE=11pt]Hi there, first thing’s first – I’d like to introduce myself. I’m pretty new to this website but I’m not new to roleplay in the slightest! It’s one of my biggest passions and I’ve been doing it for quite some time now, both in games and on text based forums or applications like Skype.
Me and some friends have been meaning to bring this world to light for a while and we think it's about time we got our asses in gear and get some good ol' rp going in this world! (There's currently 3 of us + anyone else who joins)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I won't put too much information on the world here as we have our own wikia to write down everything. We simply found it to be easier and more organised that way. 
Here's the link:  http://oshalan.wikia.com/wiki/Oshalan_Wiki[/SIZE]

Do keep in mind that the Wiki page isn't fully complete yet and there is still much to be added(like visuals!), therefore if you have any questions about the world just ask me and I'll answer it to the best of my ability without giving too much away!

But hopefully there is enough there for you to work with.

[SIZE=14.6667px]The world itself is a postmedieval/steampunk fictional roleplay with six races in total to choose from: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Dobosu, Dobosu Kin and Vampires. [/SIZE]
There's many ways this rp could go depending on what the rp'ers choose to do. As of this moment there isn't really a single set plot that will definitely happen. In that way this rp will be very flexible and will heavily depend on what you choose to do as the player. Everyone rp'ing will change the rp in one way or another(Obviously within reason, smashing your tin can into the table won't change much) and there's plenty of things to discover in this world. Everything in the world has a meaning behind it, I've made it a point to try and not leave anything un-explained or just 'there'. Therefore you can expect there to be an answer for all the questions you and your character(s) have in your minds. On the other hand, if no one sets anything in motion you can certainly expect something to happen! 

But what can you expect from this roleplay?

Well for one, this will be a living, breathing world that your character can change if they so wish! Be it overthrowing the king, figuring out the greatest mysteries the world has to offer or stopping a war before it happens! 

Large scale rp involving large battles, sneaking around or assassinating your least favourite uncle, to casual rp such as getting drunk and beating up a few ruffians at a bar!
In terms of rp'ing, the length of our messages are usually a paragraph, two or more. We don't really mind about how long your message is, however I wouldn't class our average message as long.

Along with that, in terms of our characters fighting we don't use any dice, stats or maths to resolve them, instead we keep things fair (Do keep in mind this is a high fantasy rp and so the combat may be extravagant) and use a system where you emote freely and within reason. We like to trust one and other.

If you do happen to hold some interest in this rp and want to get involved then you'll need to fill out this character sheet here, it's nothing too long but if you could just send me your character sheet in private after you've done it that would be great!


There will be mystery, there will be carnage, there will be scheming, there will be much alcohol consumed at bars.
So do go and give some of the things on our wikia a read and if this rp sounds like it strikes your fancy! Leave a comment below and hopefully we can get in touch. Just pm and we can text some more on Skype.

Note that you will need Skype to rp as we will be carrying this rp out on Skype.
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I want to join but I don't have Skype, and only using, kills off...alot of willing RPers, your basically shooting yourself in the foot by forcing people to use Skype
Hi there. Perhaps I am shooting myself in the foot, my bad. It's just how I've done things for a while. I'm glad to hear you're interested though Mister Lucifer!
And unfortunately Ratatoskr this cannot be changed as we've already started on Skype. So I'm afraid if you don't like Skype this might not be the rp for you which is a shame
Hey, not sure if you can see my profile pic but it should be the same as my one here so just look for that. Otherwise add margriet505

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