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Fandom Ōsama Game (King's Game)


what even is life
I'm curious to know if anyone would be interested in a King's Game roleplay. This is in no way related to canon, therefore no knowledge of the manga is needed to participate in this roleplay. This actually only in the fandom section since it's based off the manga, and I didn't know where else to put it rip me.

King's Game would be a realistic/horror roleplay with minor supernatural elements. This roleplay would take place at a modern day highschool where students mysteriously receive text messages sent by someone known as "The King". These messages contain certain objective that students must complete or they must face 'punishment'. At first they appear to be simply pranks, so the students gleefully follow along with the messages. But... as the days goes buy, these messages start being more and more absurd and realistic that students become hesitant to do them. When two students (NPC's) decide they didn't want to follow through with the order, they end up dead the next day.

Our roleplay would begin a few days before this and would start by everyone receiving order and deciding whether or not to do it. All of the orders given will be taken from both of the manga. I'll randomize what order to give, the punishment, and who has to complete the order. Keep in mind that uncompleted orders will result in punishment that could lead to death.

Apart from the basis of the roleplay, I want this roleplay to be consistant which means do not sign up if you plan on dropping out moments later. If for some reason someone drops out, let me know in a PM so I can device a plan to kill off your character. This roleplay would be considered casual, but all replies will need to contain 150 words or more.

I'm not going to get into any other details until I know who might be interesting in such a thing.

interested people

@Cece Meep || @Blue Fire || @Hana Koen || person 4
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@Cece Meep Awesome! I'll add to the list of interested people... I'll probably wait until at least three or four people have responded to this before making an official roleplay ;3
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I Like the story of it. I have not read the manga but I have read the wiki page to see what it was all about
@Blue Fire - That's fine! Like I said, no knowledge of the manga is needed as it has no connections to the canon universe besides the concept c; With that being said, I would still highly recommend giving the manga a quick read since the story is really good (if you ever do read the manga, i suggest reading the prequel first as it has a much better story line in my opinion.). Since you're going off a Wiki information only, you can feel free to ask any questions you have of how the game works. And thank you so much for showing your interest~ <3
Thank you for showing interest, @Hana Koen! Now that we have atleast three people, I might just go ahead and get the actual roleplay set up ^^

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