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Active Orson's Feast: Communion


Everyone gathers in the main building of the monastery. The rain still falls heavy outside, its perpetual hissing can be heard through the shoji walls. The monks were especially active making the large influx of visitors comfy as everyone assembled. Those from Kruhrin began sitting and laying on the floor, making themselves comfortable as the monks tended to them. Blankets were brought for the drenched guests as hot tea and soup were passed around.

Despite this being the culmination of the Kruhrin festival honoring their guardian known as Orson, there was not much celebration or cheer on this particular feast day. Many were days away at Houisil helping with their construction efforts. A handful were left behind in Kruhrin under Mhu'ati's care, being too sick to make the journey here. Now an undetermined number of casualties had been suffered making the journey to the monastery. Though many had somehow made it, the large absence was noticed and felt by those present.

Eventually, Akim entered the chamber, helping Lady Bao as she gingerly shuffled beside him. Following behind them was the now vertically enhanced Jia, who seemed to have been washed off some by the rain. Deep cuts were visible all over his particularly muscular form, but he didn't seem to mind them. The trio walked into the center of the chamber so that everyone could see them. Akim motioned for a stool to be brought for Lady Bao, who gratefully sank down onto it once it was underneath her. Akim stared down at her, seemingly perplexed by her deteriorated state, before looking around the room. Roughly rubbing the top of his head and neck, he cleared his throat.

"The Monastery welcomes the guests of Kruhrin once again on this the fifth day of our feast in honor of our guardian Orson. We are glad that you...most of you...arrived safely...*ahem* and...." Akim trailed off as his jaw clenched. Jia placed a hand on Akim's shoulder, his eyes glistening with emotion as well as they met each others' gaze. Akim breathed deeply as he looked away from Jia. "For those who are not familiar with our customs, today is the one day of the year we are permitted to meet Orson face-to-face. We will begin moving everyone to the ritual plaza just before noon. The monastery will ensure your safety for the duration of your stay, so please make yourselves comfortable until then." Akim and Jia promptly exited the chamber.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle @saxon

Hathaway had barely been able to register Akim's words as he stared off into the distance. He was still dazed by brush with death. The priest still couldn't believe what he had seen, an incredibly large raven had swooped down from the clouded sky like a a fallen angel and nearly tore him to pieces. The youth had only been able to fall on his rear in terror before he was miraculously saved by the bearkin cavalry. Most certainly, the gods were looking out for him at that moment.

For is they had been a moment later, there may have not been much of Hathway left to save. The moment before that, he felt like he could handle himself but he was soon faced with the large feathery truth of how helpless he truly was. It was thanks to the efforts of a multitude of individuals and divine intervention, that he was standing at this very moment. The young man wasn't sure how to grasp the nature of his confusion, but at the very least he could feel relief at the success he had a hand in. With an tired but warm smile on his face, the priest looked at Lady Bao.

While Lady Bao no doubt looked solemn because of the grim events that transpired, Hathaway felt relief that she was well. "I'm glad to see you made it to the monetary in one peace. How goes the driver? Is he well? I wanted to give my condolences about the horse," he spoke candidly to her while keeping a soft tone to his voice so as not to put her on edge. "Forgive me for leaving you both to fend for yourselves. I saw no other choice but to stay behind. I had desperately hoped no ill will would befall you on your way to the monastery. Thankfully it looks as if my prayers were answered." he was genuinely grateful he hadn't led them into some nefarious trap.

"I still have to wonder just what were those avian creatures. Especially the gargantuan one I saw last. It was....quite terrifying...Still, Sifu Akim's students were most impressive to be able to drive it away!"

Lady Bao sat quietly, not even looking at Hathaway as he began asking about her condition and that of the driver. There was a vacantness in her gaze that made her seem far away. As she sat oblivous to Hathaway's presence, she hugged the honeypot in her lap as one hand absently groped for the lid. Finding the knob, the wizened hand gingerly lifted the lid as the other dipped inside and felt around. Unfortunately, the pot was indeed empty.

This caused Lady Bao to look down at the pot in confusion. She began muttering to herself, "No honey...? Why, Orson just filled this up a week ago...." She lifted her eyes and squinted at everyone in the room. "One of you naughty cubs has been stealing the honey. Shame on you." Her voice was barely above a whisper. Then she finally seemed to notice Hathaway. Her suspicious eyes smiled as she looked at him. "Oh, there you are, dear! Would you do me a service? The pot is empty again. You know where to fill it, right? Ask Misha or Jia. I'm sure they'll point you in the right direction." Lady Bao said sweetly as she lifted the empty vessel to Hathaway.

[Hathaway and the survivors are in the big central chamber, while Ciu'nan and the others are in the chamber on the right.]

kruhrin monastery blueprint.png@Kenju Law

| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan had been escorted to a room separate from the others in the main building of the monastery. Her chamber was off to the right of the structure. Beni would eventually be brought as well once she and Wei arrived. Beni would be hunched and shivering as she entered. Wei, who remained in the room with them, removed his outer cloak and wrapped it around Beni for what good it would do. Towels were eventually brought, but they were damp from the others using them in the main room. Meager portions of soup and plain water were served to them, also after the others had their fill.

Ciu'nan rang her hair out on the floor. Removing her outer layers, she likewise rang them out. When the monks brought the dampened towels, instead of handing one to Ciu'nan, the monk took the last one and began dabbing the floor with it. After doing so, he handed the towel to the fae, who took it without hesitation. Drying herself as best she could, she draped the towel around her neck. She looked to Wei.

"What news of the caravan?" she asked.

Wei was hanging his tunic and cloak on sconches, the damp fabric effectively dousing the flame underneath. He turned to her, but delayed in answering. Instead he sat with his back against one of the support beams with a heavy sigh. After a moment, he looked to her.

"From what I saw of those who arrived...over half of the caravan was lost. The scouts were almost entirely wiped out. Many of the gravely ill didn't even make it."
Beni gasped at the news.

"How could such a thing happen?" she said, her first words in quite some time as far Ciu'nan had heard.

The screen door slid open as Akim and Jia entered the room. Everyone gasped at Jia's changed appearance.

"It gets worse."
Akim began. "Apparently, the darkness presently covering the meadow is being sustained by some giant shadow bird. It nearly ate the priest, but we were able to scare it off just in time. It is still in the area though." An involuntary whimper escaped Beni. Ciu'nan looked to her as did everyone else. "What is it, Beni? If you know something, speak up!" Akim demanded.

Beni cowered at his tone.

"Leave her alone!" Ciu'nan commanded, approaching Akim.

Akim swung around without warning, aiming a kick to Ciu'nan's abdomen. She dodges backward before lunging at him, but find herself colliding with Jia instead. He looked down at her, a fierceness blazing in his eyes, contained, for now, but ever ready regardless. Speaking over his shoulder, his voice came calm but commanding, "This isn't the time for this Akim. We need to keep our heads if we are to keep everyone safe. Beni, we need you to tell us what you can." Jia released Ciu'nan as he focused on the rabbitkin.

Beni shivered again while whimpering. Wei got up and wrapped an arm around her.

"It's back...." she whispered. "That horrible creature...slaughtered my entire village! It was the entire reason the bearkin of Kruhrin took me in!"

Ciu'nan cupped a hand to her mouth. Akim seemed to become more anxious.

"We know it's a murderous beast! What I want to know is WHY is it here??" he said, punching a support beam in frustration.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle @saxon

Hathaway held a pleasant smile on his face for the respectable Lady Bao. Yet, as he continued listening to her speak, the priest's expression grew more grim by the second. Until the point where his mouth was hanging open as he stared at her.

"Lady Bao....you..."
Hathaway couldn't even articulate his thoughts as he came to the horrific realization of the Bearkin's mind. Did she have some sort of mental breakdown under the emmense trauma of their recent ordeal? Now that he thought back on it, Lady Bao had started to seem out of it evee since he met with her on the wagon. The priest initially thought it was depression over the plague or fear from the avian attacks.

However, he now understood that it was signs of her mind crumbling. Hathaway didnt want to accept that such a wise and respectable woman could come to this. "Lady Bao, please... dont you remember all that happened?" He began to utter as the pot was placed in his grasp. "In the caravan we..." he began to trail off before letting his words die.

Hathaway stared painstakingly at Lady Bao with a smile on his face, "Right, I'll make sure this pot is filled to the brim with honey." He managed to utter in his feigned happiness. "You just take a seat and stay safe here, yes?" He said while placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. As he turned away from her, the priest mournfully walked around towards the chamber door where he saw Akim and Jia leave through.

He walked with a purpose while carrying the honey pot. Once Hathaway entered the chamber, it was just when Akim had struck the wall with his fist. He awkwardly stood in silence for a moment before speaking, "...Sifu Akim,...Miss Jia. Lady Bao isn't well. I believe the recent horrid experiences have taken an extreme toll on her psyche. Isn't there anything we can do?"
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

The conversation had stalled after Akim's latest outburst. When the priest slid the screen open, everyone looked to him. Upon addressing him, Akim turned his fierce eyes to this would-be student. Upon processing the revelation of Lady Bao's state, he seemed to break, try as he might to remain strong in front of everyone. His body slackened as he simply turned and rested his forehead against the pillar he had just assaulted.

"Jia, I can't...." he said, gritting his teeth as he closed his eyes against coming tears. His friend approached and rested a hand on shoulder Akim's shoulder as he began to silently weep.

"Lady Bao is no longer fit to be a member of the council. Her mind has inexplicably deteriorated as well as her physical condition. It's as if...she has aged many years overnight." Jia said as Akim punched the beam again.

"But...Kruhrin has always had three councilbears!" Beni protested. "Lady Bao had many assistants, but I never heard her declare any of them as her successor. What will this mean for Kruhrin?"

"It means that Kruhrin is dead!"
Akim spat, rounding on Beni. "Don't you see? Most of Kruhrin is out there in the bellies of those gluttonous frogs or dying here with this mysterious ailment! Now that you're all here, we of the monastery may die soon as well! You have all brought death to this house, and it is unlikely that any of us will survi--" The last syllable of Akim's tirade was cut short as Jia's fist connected with the irate master's jaw. Akim reeled back clutching his jaw.

"You will silence that muzzle until you have something useful to say, Master Akim." Jia said, the same fierceness that Ciu'nan had seen now flashed at Akim. The master of the monastery moved his jaw back and forth to ensure it still worked. Standing without a word, Akim stormed out of the room. Jia sighed before moving to slide the screen door closed once more. He turned back to everyone, his eyes scanning over those who remained. They paused on Hathaway.

"Akim tells me you were found out in the meadow standing alone against the creatures of shadow." Jia said matter-of-factly. All eyes turned to Hathaway in surprise.

As Hathaway looks at Jia, the bearkin's once red-orange fur had turned pure white in places. His eyes seemed to burn with an inner flame. Presently, as Jia speaks with Hathaway, the fur at the tip of one his ears changes to white.


Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle

Having to announce the state of of Lady Bao hurt Hathaway as much as thr others within the room. He hated having to bring down their spirits even further. Nevertheless, he took to heart the worries that they shared. He even began to approach Akim once he saw how defeated the master looked. That was until Jia stepped in instead.

Listening to the two converse, Hathaway couldn't help but respond with, "If I recall correctly, Lady Bao mentioned something about needing to refill the pot in order to settle all of.....this." He looked up at the harsh skys beyond the window. As he momentarily scanned his surroundings, he noticed Ciu'nan nearby. "I didn't know were around, I'm glad to see your safe. Have you heard any news of Boris and Crymaria?" he spoke while giving her a warm smile.

While Hathaway was occupied with addressing Ciu'nan, he was suprised by Jia's remark. "Yes, that would be right. It was a harrowing experience but-" before Hathaway could finish he saw the fiery light within Jia's eyes glow along with their fur. Seeing the violent change, the priest took an involuntary step back while finishing his sentence, "...I was able to fend them off...Is their an issue?"
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan was about to go after Akim again as he began fuming at Beni. Thankfully Jia stepped in to everyone's surprise and gratitude. The room seemed to relax some after Akim made his exit. Everyone looked expectantly at Hathaway as he gave his brief answer to Jia's inquiry.

"Don't be intimidated by my appearance, priest." Jia said. "Beasts can't always help how terrifying they are. Here, I'll take the pot off your hands. The time to fill it hasn't yet come. It will set some things right...but not all."

He turned and paced across the room while staring at the floor. In this lull in the conversation, Hathaway would greet Ciu'nan. His warmth pricked her heart in a way that the frogs and even Jia could not touch. After all she had done, there was still someone here that would show her kindness and gentleness? When Hathaway asked about Crymaria and Boris, she shook her head.

"I haven't seen them since the meeting about the frogs....Were they not with the others who made it to the monastery...?" Ciu'nan asked.

"I took them to the medical wing." Jia chimed in while pausing his pacing. "Thanks to a tip from one of my surviving scouts, I found them just beyond the boundary of the shadow zone created by the bird creature. The bear especially had taken a beating. There was also a strange fellow in a mask."

Ciu'nan's eyes widened at Jia's closing remark as he began pacing again. She stared at the floor, unsure of what this could mean. If only they could hurry to the trial! Now, before that man wakes up.

"J...Jia is there...any way we could go meet Orson now? Surely the business of our trial shouldn't wait?"
Ciu'nan asked barely able to keep the urgency out of her voice. This caused Jia to pause once more. He turned to look at Ciu'nan before walking over to her, his intense gaze resting squarely on her. Like Hathaway had moments ago, she found herself unsettled by Jia's gaze. Looking away, she grasped for more words to try and convince him. "Isn't this a...festive occasion? Why drag down the mood with trials? Shouldn't those who are here have more quality time with Orson?"

Jia's facial expression didn't change, but he did huff finally as a sort of half-hearted laugh.

"Not at all, my esteemed guest. The outcome of your trial may be the best part of today--for me, at least." Jia said before returning to his thoughts as he walked away. While passing Wei, he said, "Go check with the monastery guard. See if any other scouts made it."

"Right away, sir."
said Wei, as he stood and left.

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle

Hathaway had to make quite the effort in order to not seem intimidated by Jia. The priest didnt know why but even outside of the physical, something was different about the beastkin. He couldnt quite put a finger on it as he watched, "Of course. Your physical prowess is remarkable."

As Hathaway said that, he thought about on how capable and nimble Jia was on the road earlier. He began to wonder if his skill was comparable to that of Akim. The two seemed like peers, so it wouldn't be a stretch to think that. "Well, at the very least I pray that filling the pot will have some positive effect. We need something," he added affer handing over the pot.

Hearing about the state of Boris, Hathaway began to wonder if he should go and help heal the bear. That was until the nature of Jia and Ciu'nan's conversation caught his attention. He was left almost anxiously looking back and forth between the two. Stirred with worry, Hathaway questioned Ciu'nan "One second! Whats this I hear about a trial!? Are you in some sort of trouble!?"
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan's face turned sorrowful as Hathaway questioned her further.

"Yes...I...." Her voice trailed off as she tried to offer an explanation.

"She was the one who caused the accident that injured me and killed my assistant." Jia stated when Ciu'nan failed to confess. She simply bowed her head.

"It's true."

This was a whole new level of torment: not only knowing she had willfully committed this act, but now having to continually acknowledge it. Thanks to her flashes of experience from her past, she knew that at one time she was acquainted with the concept of hell. It was hard to say how invested she had been in the idea before, but now she was beginning to understand that hell is very real--and that it felt very much like this. Even so...she chose this...didn't she?


Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle


Hathaway felt as if he was smacked in the face once he heard what Jia accused Ciu'nan of. His month hung open for a few seconds as he tried to process what had been said. The priest looked between both of them as if expecting to be told that this was only a joke. Yet, he unfortunately was not given such relief. "No,...surely you must be mistaken. I may not have known Ciu'nan long but she's a good person." he managed to utter with concern in his voice.

Hathaway raced through his memories to help make sense of the situation. He had become so focused on the chaos surrounding them that the issue of the murder had escaped him. He felt ashamed of that truly, but just because he was blindsided by this didnt mean he could accept it so easily. "Not to mention, Ciu'nan was making an effort to find the murderer along with us. What would she gain by assisting us in finding the truth!?" he became more heated in his words before calming down and looking to Ciu'nan herself.

"You can't be serious can you? I won't accept it just because. Please, explain,..." Hathaway eanestly pleaded for her explanation. The way he saw it, she must have been confused or tricked in some manner. Atleast, that was what he hoped for.
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

This was what Ciu'nan had expected from Hathaway initially. She felt herself tense as his mood metamorphosed into the outrage already exhibited by everyone else in the know. Yet another creature left hurt and feeling betrayed by the unassumingly merry fae's dark actions. An out of place stoicism settled over Ciu'nan's features as she met Hathaway's gaze. The well of her tears seemed to have ran dry. He demanded an explanation of her, so she would oblige whether he was ready or not.

"I came to Kruhrin two weeks ago with the express goal of killing a bear. I was successful. I've shed my tears, and now I'll go to whatever fate awaits me. If death is my punishment, then pray I'm reunited with my children. If I am returned here..." Her eyes turned to Jia. "...my work may not be done."

Beni backed away from Ciu'nan, unease apparent on her face. Jia approached her in an intimidating fashion.

"Which reminds me, you've been without your shackles for long enough. I hear Wei coming down the hall. We'll have him correct this little oversight." Jia said as Wei's footsteps became apparent to those without enhanced hearing. Wei slid open the door as he entered and was about to slide it closed when Jia stopped him.

"Put her shackles back on." Jia instructed him. "We were just leaving. But first, report."

Wei did as Jia instructed as Ciu'nan offered her wrists to him. He looked between them sensing he had missed something. When Jia asked for a report, however, he shook his head.

"There's no one out there. We can pray that they found shelter somewhere, but...." Wei sighed. "...we were not prepared for this, sir."

Jia looked to Wei as though he were expecting more. When nothing else came, however, Jia simply nodded slightly.

"Stay with them. We won't be far away...if anything happens." The last part was spoken as a warning to Ciu'nan than as reassurance to Wei. With that, Jia bade Hathaway to follow him out of the room. Outside the room, Jia calmly slid the door closed after Hathaway had exited. "You are under no obligation to lend any more assistance, priest. If you would like, however, I can show you the medical wing. Or you may roam the monastery. I only ask that you don't venture too far outside given the current threat."

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle


Despite his silent plea, Hathaway heard the words he least wanted to hear. He wanted Ciu'nan to say there was some sort of mistake or misunderstanding. If that was said, the priest would do hid darndest to defend his ally. Now that the uncomfortable truth had come to light however, all he could do was hang his head in frustration. "How,...can that be...." he managed to mutter but was unable to even think about what to say in response.

Hathaway was unsure how to even approach the matter as he listened to them discuss putting Ciu'nan in handcuffs. Feeling terrible about his uselessness, the young man couldn't even look her in the face. As he solemnly followed behind, the priest left a final comment behind for Ciu'nan, "Even so,.. I don't want to believe that any of our time together was a lie." He let the shutting of the doors put the end to his sentence.

Once Jia gave the proposition of where Hathaway wanted to go, he waited a few moments before speaking. After taking some time to process the previous discussion, the priest finally answered, "Yes, I'll go with you to the medical wing. That's probably the best thing to help me get my mind straight."
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan offered no further reply to Hathaway's final statement. Once Jia closed the door, she closed her eyes and sighed. Resting her back against a column, she sank to the floor and rested her forehead on her hands. With any luck, all of this will be over soon. Her kids were out there waiting for her...weren't they...?

Her brow furrowed as she tried to imagine what roads she might take to get to where they were. They lived in...southern Ryke...? No, no, it was definitely northern Ryke. Yes, somewhere along the border with the Republic surely. There was a small mountain where they had gone...for a picnic probably. Right, a picnic in that mountain because that's where the bear...the bear...and she....

Her head suddenly throbbed. She couldn't bring the details into clarity.


With Hathaway's consent, Jia walked him over to where the medical wing was on the opposite side of their building. Unlike the paper screens fitted into the other interior walls, the walls of this room were of solid wood. Jia carefully slid the door open as he led Hathaway in.

The room was occupied by a host of bearkin in monk garb. They were all having their arms bandaged, having incurred burns of varying severity. Boris and Crymaria could be seen shoved into a far corner. Both appeared badly injured and unconscious still. A couple of the sick that had managed to arrive at the monastery had also entered the infirmary while they waited for the ritual. Even Lady Bao now sat on one of the beds staring absently at everyone.

"It's so nice for us all to be together like this...." she was mumbling to no one in particular.

Jia approached one of the monks who was wrapping his own burn. The master stopped him and pointed to Hathaway.

"Show him first." Jia said.

The monk pursed his lips as he obediently paused his wrapping, even undoing a few passes of the bandage, to reveal his scorched arm. Most of the fur on the forearm was singed off, and the skin underneath was badly disfigured. There was a consistent pattern of circles forming lines that swirled around the appendage in a curious fashion.

"Such is the price of Orson's power," Jia said, "granting the bearkin of the monastery the ability to briefly handle his lightning in exchange for pain and suffering. I felt you should know what it cost to protect you earlier." Jia gestured for the student to continue bandaging himself. "As I said, we don't ask anything of you, but if you'd like to help here, you are more than welcome. I need to track down Akim and make sure everything is ready." Adjusting his grip on the honeypot, Jia left Hathaway in the infirmary.


The few hours left until the appointed time passed by at their own pace. Despite the monks' vigilance, no more survivors made it to the monastery, but neither did further threat. Other than the storm, which seemed to lessen some more, it was a peaceful time.

Bowls of water were brought out, but no more food was provided. As the time approached, everyone seemed to gather in the main building in and around the central chamber where the residents of Kruhrin waited.

At a certain point, their impending departure was announced and everyone that was able stood in anticipation. The monks dispersed themselves ahead of the group, intermingled within the group, and trailed behind the group. The bearkin monk which led the procession held a large tuning fork about the size of his forearm from elbow to the tip of his fingers. Striking it against a decorative metal pauldron on his left shoulder, he would wave the fork while its resonance lasted, striking it again once the sound faded. Behind him were Master Akim and Master Jia supporting Lady Bao between them as they walked. Next was Ciu'nan and Beni, who were closely followed by Wei, who held the chain attached to their shackles. After them was a mixture of monks and Kruhrin survivors (Hathaway is in this group somewhere). Then a small group of monks bringing up the rear, the backmost one holding a tuning fork like the first monk and periodically striking and waving it in the same manner. Whenever the tuning forks were struck, it seemed as if the rain froze in place for but a moment before cascading down once more.

The final pilgrimage to the ritual summit had begun.


Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle

When Hathaway saw a familiar face in Crymaria and Boris, he wanted to do nothing more than to rush over to them with questions and concerns about all that had happened. Yet seeing the injured and tired nature of the duo, he knew there was nothing he could say. So the priest restrained himself with a grim expression as he helped those that were hurt. Becoming aware that their injuries were due to rescuing him only set him to steeling himself even further. With the thoughts of the dangers surrounding them, the state of his allies, Ciu'nan's actions, and his own, Hathaway aided all he could with his healing capabilities.

Finally was the time of the pilgrimage, and to everyone's dismay, no more survivors had popped up in that time. While in the group that marched toward the summit. Hathaway watched as Ciu'nan was chained and pulled along by Wei. The priest was still unsure of how to interact with the confessed murderer. What he did know however was that they were still in danger, and being in chains would make surviving even more difficult for Ciu'nan if something were to attack them. He had the horrible premonition of her being used as a necessary sacrifice if it came down to a life or death situation. Therefore, he made sure not to stray far away them in the crowd.

After some time to ponder, Hathaway searched for and spoke to one of the nearby monks within the group. "Pardon my asking, I know the lightning technique is thanks to the blessing of Orson, but is it really true that just anyone in the monastery can make use of it?" he asked, a bit cautious of whether he was overstepping with his question. "Also, what is the significance of those tuning forks?" Hathaway pointed out a he continued to walk alongside them.
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan willingly followed behind as Wei led her along, the cold metal of her shackles their only connection. Beni walked beside her, the rabbitkin's head drooped with shame. As much as Ciu'nan wished to comfort her beastkin friend, she had someone else she wanted to keep her eye on: the pilgrim. He had been resuscitated through the efforts of the monks and Hathaway's healing, and now walked nonchalantly mere feet behind her. His face was once again obscured by the mask.

[Having helped heal him, Hathaway would be aware of the man's appearance. He was an adult male that had not quite reached middle age based on the condition of his body. The body itself suggested he was some kind of human/beastkin hybrid. Feathers sprouted sparsely on his upper back, shoulders, and nape of the neck. His finger nails were dark and their shape was more similar to a bird's talon than fingernails.]


Hathaway would find himself in the company of familiar faces as Bai and Bolin escorted their favorite assistant Karsh between them. As was typical of the human artist, Karsh was entirely unenthused by his circumstances. Upon seeing Hathaway, Bai would raise his paw in greeting.

"Why if it isn't the young pupil!" The trio sauntered in Hathaway's direction. "You want to know about the miracles of Orson? They are potent magics indeed. I myself have yet to learn how to use them, but Bolin was allowed to make his first attempt recently. Unfortunately, all he was able to conjure was a tiny spark." Bolin silently held up a massive paw showing a bandaged pinky and middle finger. "Probably for the best that he messed up. Otherwise Karsh would be pulling double duty in the kitchen!" Bai said nudging the artist with his elbow.

"I'd rather be back in that kitchen than trudging out here in the rain!" Karsh barked back in his usual 'cheerful' manner.

After a laugh, Bai waxed thoughtful as he considered Hathaway's question about the lightning.

"The monks who wish to try are free to do so, but I don't know about 'anyone in the monastery'. Look at Karsh here, for example--" Bai hooks his arm around the artist's neck to pull him closer. "--he's so thin and frail. If Bolin got off with a couple of singed fingers, just imagine what that power would do to this little creature!" Bai playfully ruffles Karsh's hair as he releases him. "Why? Do you want to try?" Bai said barely hiding the excitement in his voice. "As for the tuning forks, they are actually part of an old tradition from the Republic. Different pitches of sound were believed to tap into the divine realms, warding against or granting access to the supernatural. We still use them today mostly out of tradition. Master Akim still holds to the old ideas about the supernatural properties of the tuning forks though."

Titles: [Human], [Priest], [Landless Lord]
Clyvelle Clyvelle

A flush of embarrassment rose up to Hathaway's cheeks once his intentions of the lightning technique were easily discovered. "W-well I may have had a small flight of fancy in regards to using it myself. That is of course not to disrespect your ways! I see now that an amateur such as myself could not hope to even make use of the power..., I simply hoped to make myself useful", he admitted with some hesitation in his voice. As his words indicated, the priest had wished to even for a moment be able to harness the power that saved him from a gruesome end. Ashamed as he was of his cowardice, Hathaway spoke out for his seniors' to hear, "To be honest,...just the thought of that enormous avian creature drives a spike of terror in my heart. It was as if I saw a vision of a future where no one saved me and it was free to tear open and splay my innards to it's liking...". Just walking out in the open was enough for the priest to be extra cautious of it suddenly appearing again.

Still, it felt a relief to have the trio be their normal boisterous selves at a time like this. It was enough to get some laughs out of him despite the mood. In an effort to shift the topic away from something that would further stress his nerves, Hathaway looked up and spoke once more, "I'll pray that the tuning forks match up to their legends portray. If they prove to keep us safe throughout our voyage, I'll be the first to carry tuning forks with me every day." He half-joked while trudging through the rain. Even while distracted, Hathaway would periodically glance at Ciu'nan, if she were around such a lively bunch such as this, would she laugh and smile as well?

Turning back towards Bai and Bolin, he continued, "Speaking of which, I've taken notice that Master Akim is quite the heavy traditionalist. I take it that his influence is quite....strong." Hathaway spoke with as much careful manner as he could. Being apart of a holy order himself, the priest was well versed in having to manage the ideals of the elder traditionalists around him.
| Fae | Crusader |
[Crusader] - character is pursuing a dangerous goal that threatens to bring change to many and has already shed blood toward the cause. When their spirits are low, they will find the strength to persevere. When their morale is high, it will be as if [god] were on their side.

Ciu'nan continued glancing over her shoulder at the pilgrim. By and by as they traversed the mountain path, the pilgrim began drifting further back in the group. Eventually he disappeared into the crowd. Now that she couldn't see him at all, Ciu'nan was left to wonder which was worse: having him too close or not knowing where he was at all. For the moment, it seemed better that he was further away. This at least afforded her time to speak with Beni.

"Listen, Beni...," she began as she tried to find the words to comfort the rabbitkin, "...these bears are your family, right? They wouldn't be so harsh with your treatment here, would they? Sure, you might suffer some discipline, but they will accept you back into the community, right?"

"You truly don't understand, do you?"
Beni replied. Her tone was controlled but the hostility it bore was not hidden. "My reputation is entirely ruined by this one event. Even if I am allowed to live after this transgression, I will be stripped of my station. None of these bears--the only family I've known for most of my life--will likely treat me the same ever again. It...It would be better if I were executed than to live with this shame and the mistreatment I'll suffer for it."

Ciu'nan's eyes widened as Beni laid out the reality of what this all meant for the former aide to the council. Her actions have cost Beni literally everything. Ciu'nan couldn't imagine the bears actually executing an adopted daughter such as Beni, but living through this upheaval was arguably worse than dying for her.

It never occurred to Ciu'nan that there was something worse than death. This made the fae think of the life she had left behind before entering this world. Ciu'nan couldn't say that the life she had there was entirely pleasant. The man who fathered her children was not a welcomed memory to have restored. Even so, there in the midst of a life she did not ask for or desire...she had her children. They made enduring that life worthwhile.

There was something there on the edge of Ciu'nan's memory desiring to be recalled, but it eluded her grasp. There was something so familiar about all of this....


Bolin reached a massive paw over top of Hathaway's head and patted him with surprising gentleness. Bai clapped him on the back as well.

"Don't sell yourself short, warrior of light. You should know word travels fast in a monastery since we monks can only sweep the grass and stone so many times. We know about you holding your ground against the dark onslaught outside our gate! That was you and you alone. Well, aside from Master Jia, but, well, look at him! Anyway, my point is that you may not serve Orson or use his power, but your own god's power has proven quite effective here. If it were me, I'd consider showing my gratitude to such a deity that would empower me in my times of peril." Bai suddenly threw his arm around Hathaway's shoulder and gently pulled him close to whisper in his ear, "Though you should know this particular day of Orson's Feast is our time to commune with the bear himself in the flesh. Maybe we could introduce you. See where things go from there?"

When the conversation drifted to Akim, Bai's tone waxed reverential. He spoke low despite the noise of the rain and periodic chime of the tuning forks.

"Sifu Akim holds the respect of both those in the monastery as well as many of the old bears in Kruhrin. Along with Lady Bao, Master Jia, and Misha, they and Sifu Akim are the bears responsible for leading the bearkin exodus from the Republic many years ago. That act alone solidified them as leaders in the eyes of the bearkin. It's also why Sifu Akim is invited by the Kruhrin council to help make decisions sometimes. You might even say he is an unofficial fourth councilbear.
"Personally, I feel that Akim's reverence of the traditions from the homeland are what led him to be appointed as the head of the monastery. They may seem like odd practices, but I can't say that we've had trouble with Akim running things. He can be a hellbeast of Sifu in training though."

Up ahead, the uphill path they travelled began to level out. Large stone constructs could be seen looming over the crest of the hill. The procession approached the front of a stone enclosure.

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