Orlea Academy [Inactive]

Jack smiled, " hi names jack." he held out his hand and couldn't believe that this good looking girl actually spook to him. " so what's your?" he blushed a bit hoping she wouldn't noticed
Eleni inwardly chuckled at the slight dusting of red gracing Jack's cheeks.

"I'm Eleni," she replied, taking Jack's offered hand.
Jack shook her hand and let go," nice to meet you Eleni so is this your first year here at the academy. Its my first year and I'm still trying to figure out the whole some are children of gods and that there are cool looking hybrids." he chuckle and grinned at Eleni
"Yeah, it's pretty hard to your head around, but you get used to it. So first year, huh? I guess you'd be needing a tour guide." Eleni grinned. "I'm actually in my second year. Perhaps, after classes, I could show around?"
Jack grinned," that would be nice thanks, oh and I just thought that I should mentioned that I'm a son of Aries if you were trying to figure out who my parent was." jack noticed how people seemed to whisper quietly when he mentioned he was a son of Aries and he heard someone close by say," but he's so nice, he can't be a son of Aries." this ticked him off a bit but didn't let it show
Eleni mock-pouted."Aww, you had to ruin the fun," she joked, "It's entertaining trying to figure out who's born to who."
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