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Fantasy Original World RP/ Update OoC open for chat! 09/14/2015

Shin Positron Laser

Guardian of the Old Ways
Hello there,

Would anyone be interested in RPing an Original World? Although I have never played DnD in its many forms, people have said this RP reminds them of DnD. Here is an overview of what I have planned and extra details about the RP.

About the RP:

Although it has the typical 'Save the World' plot, the RP is more about flushing out characters, interactions with members and responding to situations the World throws at you. There is much exploration and creation to be done as the RP goes on.


  • Adventure: Travel the wondrous and beautiful world of Elegos
  • Romance: Not necessary, but the journey is a long one and for some reason this tends to happen.
  • Combat: Raise your sword against your foe, but be warned the world does fight back.
  • Original: Not based on any one thing, help create and make the World of Elegos unique.
  • Supernatural: Oh, what miracles and wonders you will see.

Player Involvement:

As the RP progresses members who have shown great interest and passion will become my SiC's and be assigned various responsibilities that include the creation and/or approval of Original Flora, Fauna, monsters, NPC's, Lore, settings, events etc!

Journal Entries:

The RP will have points in the journey that will have timeskips, time shifts, events and battle. They will be categorized and separated and put into this overview section. It will be an easy way for those who have been away or newer ones to catch up or join.

Character Points System:

A points rewards system I developed, that allows greater freedom in situations in and out of combat. e.g. Characters with supernatural combat abilities will have not access to their full arsenal from the start. But as they progress the storyline more and more of that will become available. It can be also used to buy items, not like, water juggs or the sort, but special items, like an 'instant travel back to town'. At the moment, I am trying to figure out whether this will work with the site or not.

Multiple IC's

I love how this forum has the use of tabs within the RP thread. It makes multiple IC's much more manageable. Should there be further interest down the road, characters can be overflowed into another IC.

Battle Arena:

Again, use of multiple tabs! The battle arena is a place where characters can duke it out. It can be used for the GM to examine and approve new supernatural abilities and make sure they are not OP. And contests can be held with the rewards of points in this section.

Times and Place:

The calendar is original

I have detailed settings from maps, to continents, countries and cities.

There is also a historic timeline I continue to add to, something to help members when it comes to ancient lore.

There is so much more to add, but I am currently working on formatting it with the forum and seeing how much interest there is for this type.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Also feel free to answer this questionnaire to help me in getting this RP off on the right direction

Member Name:

What do you expect from RP's?:

What do you expect from THIS RP?:

What times are you available?:

How long on average are you on?:

How many posts a week do you think you can make?:

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or

create a role for yourself?:

Character preference male or female?:

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?:

Would you be willing to have your character die?:
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pbtenchi said:
will it be simple( Doubt it) casual( My preferred) or detailed( Complex)?
Haha good instincts. I have tried to be as accommodating as I could. But there will be posting standards to meet, no one liners ( although the lines here are fairly long. According to what I have read here on the forums this RP would fall under the Detailed I would assume. I would say something like 5 line minimum, proper grammar and punctuation are greatly appreciated etc. I did this RP casually for the members, although I would be there everyday.

Abyss said:
I'd certainly be interested ^^.
Really! that would be great. Would you mind answering this questionnaire for me? It will help me to know how to rework the RP.

Member Name:

What do you expect from RP's?:

What do you expect from THIS RP?:

What times are you available?:

How long on average are you on?:

How many posts a week do you think you can make?:

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or

create a role for yourself?:

Character preference male or female?:

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?:

Would you be willing to have your character die?:
Member Name: pbtenchi

What do you expect from RP's?: Fun, good story.

What do you expect from THIS RP?: Fun, good story, adventure, awesomeness.

What times are you available?: Nearly all the time except when sleeping but may change.

How long on average are you on?: Not sure, I always have rpnation open in my tabs, except from when busy with life and sleep all the time I guess.

How many posts a week do you think you can make?: Depends on other members, but probably a lot.

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or create a role for yourself?: I prefer making my own role.

Character preference male or female?: Well, I prefer male, its easier for me.

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?: Yeah, evil is cool.

Would you be willing to have your character die?: If its a death that adds to story and is satisfying.
[QUOTE="Shin Positron Laser]Haha good instincts. I have tried to be as accommodating as I could. But there will be posting standards to meet, no one liners ( although the lines here are fairly long. According to what I have read here on the forums this RP would fall under the Detailed I would assume. I would say something like 5 line minimum, proper grammar and punctuation are greatly appreciated etc. I did this RP casually for the members, although I would be there everyday.
Really! that would be great. Would you mind answering this questionnaire for me? It will help me to know how to rework the RP.

Member Name:

What do you expect from RP's?:

What do you expect from THIS RP?:

What times are you available?:

How long on average are you on?:

How many posts a week do you think you can make?:

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or

create a role for yourself?:

Character preference male or female?:

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?:

Would you be willing to have your character die?:

No problem, ask whatever you want I'm always happy to help!

Member Name: Abyss

What do you expect from RP's?: I hope for a long term commitment, but most often am disappointed.

What do you expect from THIS RP?: Many great things, I'm hoping for a wide expanse of new playground and looking forwards to interesting species to toil with in character creation.

What times are you available?: Typically I check in multiple times throughout the day.

How long on average are you on?: Typically a few hours at a time.

How many posts a week do you think you can make?: I should be able to make at least one detailed post a day.

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or

create a role for yourself?: If needed I could attempt a premade role, but I prefer to create my own characters.

Character preference male or female?: I'm willing to play both genders, however I have a preference for playing males.

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?: Yes, though I do not have experience I would enjoy the challenge.

Would you be willing to have your character die? Perhaps, depending on the scenario and if it contributes towards the plot.
Thank you for your replies!

If we have 1 or 2 more interested in joining, that is enough for me to post the Roleplay thread. It should not take too long as most of it is written out and all that's needed is to make things look fancy. Hopefully as I post the various sections of the RP more interest will generate. I would give you character sheet to fill out as you wait, but the RP World is so original that it would be easier to look up the various info already made then to go back and correct the discrepancies... so I'll hold back lol
I am interested in taking part in this if you'll have me. The idea of an ever-evolving world I'm which more and more interesting things are being created and introduced sounds like it will make for a very nice and vivid environment. I like a fantasy world which is rich in background and has substance. I would be honoured to be accepted among the ranks of accepted roleplayers in this roleplay! ^w^
Cipah said:
I am interested in taking part in this if you'll have me. The idea of an ever-evolving world I'm which more and more interesting things are being created and introduced sounds like it will make for a very nice and vivid environment. I like a fantasy world which is rich in background and has substance. I would be honoured to be accepted among the ranks of accepted roleplayers in this roleplay! ^w^
The honor is mine. You're in! Well the rp has not yet begun but now it seems there is enough interest for me to start the thread in the RP section.

Please help me out by answering the questionnaire at the bottom of the first post!
Once the thread is made, even more members will pop up you know. A lot of people don't read the interest check area but browse the rps.
pbtenchi said:
Once the thread is made, even more members will pop up you know. A lot of people don't read the interest check area but browse the rps.
lol talk about defeating the purpose of the interest check section. Well then I'll start posting the thread tonight after work. Everything should be up by tomorrow evening

thanks for the info pbt
Member Name: Cipah

What do you expect from RP's?: A fun and imaginative adventure which both entertains and helps sharpen my writing skills!

What do you expect from THIS RP?: A mystical adventure in a world which, thanks to the creator and the ones he deems worthy, keeps becoming more and more in-depth and fascinating! A fun quest and an interesting world is ideal!

What times are you available?: Usually around 16:00 to 1:00-ish GMT.

How long on average are you on?: Hours. I can be on for quite a while. College work might take up some of my time though.

How many posts a week do you think you can make?: Quite a lot. College is the only other thing that takes up my time. I'm a little timid though, so if you could be nice with me then I should be able to come out of my shell and really get into my writing element!

Would you be willing to play a role already setup, or

create a role for yourself?:
I'm used to creating my own stuff but I'm open to the idea of playing an archetype if it would help make this roleplay even better!

Character preference male or female?: I have no preference. I choose whatever gender I feel like at the time.

Would you be willing to play an Antagonist?: If it's asked of me, then sure! Villains are always interesting people.

Would you be willing to have your character die?: I know this may be a running trend in my answers, but if it makes the story better, sure. I would still like to have involvement in the roleplay if my character were to die, however. Unless you deem me too poor a writer to participate. I will understand if that's the case.
MrMopp said:
You got room for me?
You're in! Thanks for the interest.

BTW FYI I have started organizing the RP thread, character sheets are up and so are basic locations. You are free to start creating your characters and posting them in the OoC for approval.

The RP will start out in an area known as the Northern Kingdoms, portrayed somewhat like renaissance europe. It would be best if the characters originated in this land to start out with, but it's not mandatory.

The Principle Journey

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