Original Sin ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )


Senior Member

The God that ruled over Messenia was a benign and great God, and it made sure its lands were cared for and safe. However, it wasn't perfect; just like everything else, it too had flaws. Its flaws were nothing unusual; the same flaws everyone carries in them. But when a God has these flaws, they are called sins. Apathy. Arrogance. Envy. Cowardice. Rage. Lust. Pride. And from these sins - the Original Sins - the six races of Messenia were born. From the God's apathy, the Humes were born; human and blessed with equivalent skill in all things, with just the faintest touch of apathy for others. From the God's arrogance, the Elves were born; tall and thin, blessed with great strength and an affinity for white magic, with an air of arrogance to everything they did. From the God's envy, the Hussar were born; a matriarchal society with somewhat savage tendencies, blessed with incredible grace and speed, but forever envious of those with more. From the God's cowardice, the Iali were born; a long-living and slow-aging race, blessed with a vast affinity for all schools of magic but with a cowardly nature woven into their very beings. From the God's rage, the Demark were born; a patriarchal society of stern male warriors, blessed with great endurance and fortitude but forever on the verge of rage. From God's lust, the Sirens were born; a dangerous and devious matriarchal society with free and lusting ways, having no care in the world. And finally, from the God's pride, the Soulithe were born; a strong and animalistic ( quite literally ) race of different species, taking on from bears to cats to even lizards, having pride for their strength among other races.

These races were not driven solely by these inherent sins - they were people, and they lived and breathed and loved - but they forever had a touch of the God's own sin in them. And disgusted with its own flaws, the God sealed its very essence away, part of its soul, and cast the sealed parts away. However, even though it was the flaws the God sealed away, the flaws were still apart of its soul; in casting away its flaws, it caused the God to weaken.

The God fell into slumber.

However, these shards - the God's essence - had enough of a power to them even with the God sleeping to create life for themselves; in order to protect themselves, the shards created for themselves a living facade, and when that creature died, would repeat the process. Animal or humanoid alike, the shards existed alongside the races their very essence created.

The world continued to turn, progress, and grow, and the five races of Messenia found their niches and grew to excel in their own activities. The
Humes, ever skilled and so inventive, became the masters of engineering, carving their home nation of Rabana out of mountain and stone and turning it into the center of the industrial world, creating airships and firearms like no other. The Elves, so proud and devout, established their Kingdom of Elias in the thick forests to the nort-westh of Rabana, becoming the one nation that still worshiped the God in all its glory. To the south, in the raging waters of the great ocean, The Hussar united their tribes on the ring of islands known as Belgrad, thick with jungles and teeming with the most exotic wildlife in all of Messenia; they excelled as hunters and survivors, and have become the most resilient and ferocious mercenaries in the world. The Iali, who still look so very young even well into adulthood, established their home nation of Fortuna on the vast plains of the continent across the ocean from Rabana and Belgrad, and quickly became the academic and magical center of the world. The Demark carved their home nation of Zeinn out of the arid deserts of an island just south of Rabana; the sand smoothed their rough edges till they became a nation of well-oiled machines, rigid and relentless. The Sirens, beneath the raging waves and east of the Hussar they created a spherical dome called Cionive, close to the barrier reefs and aquatic animals nearby where music and love fulfilled their ever-flowing lust. The Soulithe, south of Elias, created Horgrove within the steep hills and mountains of the grassy biome, accustoming the natural and animalistic nature.

And while originally each race and nation kept to themselves, over time ships and horses broke boundaries, and the nations began to trade wisdom and beliefs; these days, it is not uncommon to see a Hume in the deserts of Zeinn or an Iali in the forests of Elias - though the majority of the populations still inhabit their native lands - and there is almost no hostility between the nations. However, there is hostility elsewhere; in the forests, the mountains, the savanna, the jungles and the deserts, creatures both dangerous and ferocious lurk. And with the merging of knowledge and the need to unite against these creature, the class system was born. While there are merchant and shop keepers and politicians and the people needed to keep the cities and nations running, a huge percent of the population of all five nations are adventurers - combatants who brave the wilds and the creatures there for a variety of reasons. Each adventurer has excelled in one particular school of combat and skill, and that is referred to as their "class".

However, even without the God's influence, the world still turns.

And sometimes, things go wrong.

There is a story handed down in the shadows of society that if one can find the
six shards, bring them together, and then destroy their mortal shells at once, you can return the Original Sins to God, and awaken it. There are people who murmur dissent, unhappy with the abandonment of their God, and they have banded together, known as The Hunters, to find the other shards - they do not consider the shards living creatures, even if they are externally, and have no qualms about killing them off. This group, a mix of races and classes from across Messenia, have acquired a plan to find the other shards.

All is not lost, though - people have heard of this group as well, and have begun to come together, known as
The Guardians, to try and stop them and protect the shards; they feel that they've existed long enough without the God, there's no need to sacrifice innocent people to awaken it. It won't be easy - the shards can exist as the fly on the wall or the person you pass on the street and everything in between, and the only ones who can tell the shards apart from any other being are the shards themselves. As if facing each other wasn't enough, both groups will have to face the very worst the wilds of Messenia can throw at them; crossing the world and exploring the very depths of the darkest and most unknown regions in the world.

These two groups,
The Guardians and The Hunters, have a wide variety of people with their own motives, reasons, and skills in each group.

This quest is anyone's game.



Shards are sentient, living beings, objects or creatures - but at the same time, they're not quite normal. Shards can be anyone or anything, and live normal lives, and eventually die of old age. However, the one thing that distinguishes Shards from normal is that in a life or death situation, the Shard can access a pooled memory; that is, the Shard can pull the memories and abilities of all of their previous lives. This can be very powerful, but it is still limited by the physical strength and endurance of the Shard's current form. The knowledge does not stay with them, either - once the crisis has been averted, they return to being just a normal person, object or creature. This can be very dangerous for anyone who seeks to challenge or control a shard, especially if the Shard is in prime condition in its current form. You have five of them, based on the sins.


The term "Adventurer" is not only an occupation but a title; those who are formally registered as a Adventurer and have established themselves with a class gain many benefits normal citizens do not. Adventurers receive free lodging at any government building in any of the five nations, and can cross borders with little hassle. Adventurers pay low prices for necessary goods like survival supplies and weapons, and are often given discounts above and beyond that, depending on their rank and standing. Being an Adventurer has its burdens as well though - you are expected to be able to fight on a moment's notice, and the government of your home nations - whichever you're allied to - can order you to fight not too differently from a soldier. Adventuring is a highly dangerous lifestyle; since the God fell into slumber, the world has become overrun with wild creatures that would gladly tear any hapless Adventurer apart.


The class system is a system accepted across Messenia to categorize the wide array of adventurers by their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. There are "inbetween" or "Hybrid" classes, and many can change their class or own two at any moment; to be considered an "adventurer" and receive the perks and freedom that come along with this title, you must declare yourself one of the established classes. Some are purely defensive or supportive, and some are made purely for combat. All have strength and weaknesses, and all have their place in the lifestyle of adventurers.


Humes are, quite literally, the jack of all trades, and the master of none. They live in Rabana, a thriving city of stone and granite ruled by an elected president that is home to most of the greatest inventors in Messenia. The population of Rabana is mostly Humes, but there is a sizable amount of Demark residing in Rabana as well, as well as minor populations of the other three races. Humes do well in every class, and do not do poorly in any - but they will never be as skilled as the other races in certain fields. They are the humans of the Messenia world.


Elves are typically tall, with a lithe, muscled frame. They are the tallest of the five races, the very shortest of the adults averaging at around six feet tall; their other trademark is their pointed ears. Although, not all elves are tall, especially among the women. Elves excel in strength and white magic, and rogue agility based classes. A proud (bordering on arrogance) people, the elves are the only race who is uncomfortable sharing their home nation with the other races - for that reason, nearly 95% of Elias is elves. Elias is a Kingdom - the only Kingdom among the five nations - and is ruled by the King. Elias is a solemn and serious place, and is the only nation one can find the towering cathedrals dedicated to the slumbering God.


Hussar move with a fluid grace not dissimilar from a cat. Hussar are the most dexterous, agile and fast of the races, but have low endurance and are abysmal with white magic. Hussar live on a ring of volcanic islands ( called Belgrad ) coated with dense jungle, and are totally at home in the wilderness. A matriarchal society, men are outnumbered ten to one - not mistreated, just far less common - and each island is a separate tribe lead by a Chieftain, all Chieftains answering to the Head Chieftain. Hunters and mercenaries most commonly, Hussar are the least comfortable in the hustle and enclosed spaces of cities.


Iali are the longest lived of the races, often easily reaching two-hundred years old before they even begin to slow down. The unfortunate side effect to this is they age extremely slow - they may resemble a twenty year old Hume in most cases, but they are quite likely actually hundreds years old. Iali excel in all classes of magic usually, but are often seen in warrior based classes as well. Their home, Fortuna, is the largest of all the nations, and is sweeping and spacious. It is the magical and academic hub of Messenia, and is traversed by many - but the population is almost entirely Iali, as well as Hussar, who the Iali have a comrade-like relationship with.


Demark are the most physically imposing of the races, sometimes not as tall as most, but almost always more muscular. They are nearly the strongest and have the highest endurance of all the races. Usually calm and cool, the Demark are a stern and chilled patriarchal society - you rarely see Demark women, but they are there - but are easily driven to anger. Their home, Zeinn, is in the desert, and they have a great respect for the power of the wind and the earth.


Sirens are the most devious of the races, thinly framed with beautiful hair and bodies. They are the best looking of all the races, coming first ( Elves taking a close second ), and are usually calm and loving in most situations. Although attractive on the outside, they can be full of tricks and are dangerous in many ways. They live in a very open matriarchal society - the men very few, but there. Their home is east of the Hume islands of Belgrad and beneath the waves, in a dome where they spend most of their time relaxing and singing songs.


Soulithe are the most strong of the races, different species of animals one could imagine. They appear to look like animals, walking on their two legs, but have qualities of human in every way. They speak like us, and they walk just like us, but because of their animalistic nature, they believe they are superior. Their home is south of the Elf forests of Elias and in the mountains and hills, buildings and shops coming out of them, with bridges connecting the higher ones.










Clothing / Gear:



Here is the map of Messenia.

Post your character sheets here and follow the rules below.

NOTE: There are absolutely NO limits in this role play other than the species themselves.

You may make up your own classes, abilities, creatures, towns, weapons and gear.
The shards

can BE your character, or an item your character possesses, or a creature. Shards can be any species.

one. Yes there are hybrid classes, and there are hybrid races.

two. If you want to be a shard, ask me. I will choose who will be one.

three. Don't kill off ANY characters unless you have the permission of the owner.

four. Minimum of a paragraph: 3 lines, any less than that, there better be a reason.

five. No godmodding or controlling other characters, talk to the owner before doing anything.

six. Absolutely NO fighting. No one is better than anyone else, keep it that way. We're all friends here.

Now go have fun. :amuse:

Name: Arwen Riella Sindanarie

Age: 20

Race: Elf

Class: Archer / White Mage


It's often claimed that one’s surroundings during childhood help develop the personality of said individual; branches out accordingly in whichever direction. The highest of nobles can be seen becoming indifferent and overly pompous to their commoners, while the lowliest of peasants may turn bitter to the world around them. Surprisingly, Arwen's tale was not filled with endless sorrows, or losses beyond repair, or irreversible damage that shook her very core – no, it hadn't been anything remotely close. So, in her case, she had been exposed to great losses at an early age without actually being affected. She was abandoned before she'd even been able to open her eyes to the world and fully comprehend what was happening. From what she knew of them, Arwen's parents were lowly fish-mongers who immediately gave her up when she was born, dropping her like an anchor they would rather forget. She felt nothing. How could she? She couldn't remember their faces. She couldn't remember their voices. It was almost as if they hadn't existed at all. They never cultivated any happy memories, so if she managed to reflect on them, it was as if we were looking back on an empty slate.

Performance and theatrics and entertainment became her bread and butter. It was the gypsy-merchants and loose-tongued thieves that took her in, when she was but a babe swaddled in pock-holed blankets. The troupe was led by a sharp-eyed, dark-skinned Elf; full of bluster, life and an exotic charm that couldn't be ignored. It felt like they traveled all throughout Messenia; straight through each of the nations. They played characters from old fables, of fairies and creatures and mischievous imps that led traveler's astray; spinning torches, twirling on the balls of their feet, utilizing illusion and acrobatics, and always earning extra coin by subtly dipping their fingers into purses while they watched them perform, awestruck. The usual seasonal routine of the troupe was to stop in the main city every winter, when the people were less able to leave far from their homes. If it got cold enough, then the troupe would travel until they met with more favorable temperatures. They weren't beyond scavenging the lands or traipsing on owned properties. If anything, they'd been the closest thing to a family that Arwen ever had.


If there's something Arwen can do best, it's keeping secrets. She prefers keeping things to herself instead of sharing her thoughts, her accumulated information of interest, or anything else she believes can further her own cause with other people. These are important cards jammed up her sleeves, protected by gnashing teeth and the nastiest stinkeye you've ever encountered. She's as thick-skinned as an elephant, sloughing off insults like they were directed somewhere else and snappishly responding with her own quips. She's untouched by minor hurts or vocal wounds that might affect a gentler soul. Her feathers aren't easily ruffled, so gossip regarding herself slips off her shoulders like oil. She doesn't try to keep her reputation squeaky clean. It's more interesting that way. Even if she doesn't want to stand out in a crowd – she does, it's in the way she carries herself, it's in the casual looks she flashes around, it's in the frequently gaudy bracelets winking in the sunlight. There's just something that's eye-catching about her and it makes it impossible to blend into Messenia's crowds, hidden from unwanted attention.

Arwen can be a little careless with trivial matters but if something matters to her intensely, passionately then she'll give an arm or leg in dedication to it. Likewise she can seem apathetic about things that do not concern her, but she is highly passionate about things that do. She's got passion in her pants. She's a squawking sea-hawk diving headlong into the ocean without any calculated thoughts prior to the reckless action, without glancing around to see if there's any seals waiting to gobble her up. Mentally adroit in shady situations – in any event, she has worldly common sense – Arwen utilizes her quick wits to brutally subdue her aggressors. She's probably somewhere close to unmatched when it comes to her flapping tongue: sharp as a warrior's whetted blade. She's a fighter. She's a survivor. She's a battered orphan suckling the last remnants of soup from a tin can before she transforms the can's lid into some sort of unusual lockpick. She's an inventor, a dreamer, a creature who's muses never cease to exist.

Abilities: She knows all spells consisting white magic and healing, although in her case to do such spells she must sacrifice her own blood for it.

Clothing / Gear: Shedding her Elven lineage, Arwen has only started to introduce leathers into her usually drab clothing. Her clothes offer a strange mixture of Hume influence, as well as Elven ascendancy. Her outfit is subject to change, usually in all white, for she needs to blend in with the crowd. She isn't a fan of chilly weather, so in cold weather she wears a thick hooded cloak of white wool; if one were perspective, they could catch sight of the small clasp clipped at her throat, displaying her banner. Crimson on white with a golden gnarled tree, and a waxed moon in it's background. Her bow is strapped to her back as well as a her long blade resting in her large holster at her hip. As for a companion, she rides around on her dear forest spirit, Socrates who is 15 feet long and 6 feet wide.

Group: Shard of Arrogance

Name: Qa'naro Liam Neane

Age: 26

Race: Soulithe, Tiger

Class: Warrior


Nowadays, if someone told him that he didn't need to cure all of his imperfections and weaknesses, Qa'naro would've sourly laughed. If only someone had told him to tread his path proudly, confidently in the direction of whatever ambitions all men tend to dream up. Unfortunately, Qa'naro's guidance was limited to his mother's frequent harassment and disquieting propagation. Her attitude was unceasingly glacial; her cruelty knew no bounds. By Soulithe standards, Qa'naro's mother was a ***** who offered no excuses. The joviality of communal, spiritual beasts must have flown clear of her mothers' womb. She wore her wealth as a shield and she wielded her influence freely. It wasn't love she sought. She didn't need love when the world lay at her feet: hers for the taking. Her greatest ambition was never to be brilliant, just unforgettable. Everyone has they're own story—she has her own, but I won't get into that. It's not important.

An empty, soulless relationship. A loveless marriage. Bound by the kicking, squalling things writhing in her belly. These are also the creatures' that caused his father to flee his home. Qa'naro's mother knew this more than anyone. His father, though he'd never come to know him, was apparently colder and crueler than she'd ever been. He would never come to love her and she knew she'd never love him. She'd been a good woman, a good wife. She watched as the light drained from his eyes and as he grew violent and stronger and colder. It was the distant relationship that formed and moulded Qa'naro's twisted opinions. The gradual mistreatment. A deadbeat lioness raking it's claws on the weakest slab of meat to conceal it's pain; open and raw. Qa'naro stood by her side and took care of her till the day she died, and finally he left home, going on his own adventures from there on out.


If there was anyone, or anything, as conflict-avoidant as Qa'naro, then it'd probably have to be a twitchy-nosed rabbit scurrying for it's hovel. He's very tolerant of others, probably because he's so insufferable himself. He's an unscrupulous eel; as flighty as any small rodent. He's the kind of individual who adapts near-instantly to all situations or instances because he values his own life so much – his survival instincts are as strong as any Soulithe's pride, as any addiction to the shadier indulgences Messenia has to offer in their own caravans. For someone who's so cautious around Messenia's inhabitants, Qa'naro is as curious as a kitten, and it's likely to get him killed someday. Despite others' perception of him as a hyper-violent barbarian, or at least before he actually opens his yapper, Qa'naro is incredibly intelligent and might regularly surprise people with his insight. He's naturally gifted when it comes to picking up signals, or perceiving where the conversation is going. He can also be very well-spoken, which isn't usually a Soulithe-born trait, and can communicate complicated ideas with an ease quite unlike what people would expect from him. This isn't to say that Qa'naro doesn't occasionally slip into his silken Horgrove accent, lilting this way and that; purely for the giggles. He knows you don't find it endearing. If you're surprisingly fond of it, then he'll still try to use it as a form of enticement.

Abilities: Outwardly he's a gifted Two-handed Warrior; looking deeper, he's merely a sing-song Bard with sticky fingers and the uncanny ability to squeeze into places much too small for him. He is a cat, after all. His bones are as flexible and malleable as putty, so he's able to twist in most directions without causing him excruciating pain and irreversible damage. He can use a bow, and can often shake someone up with his "roar".

Clothing / Gear: If it wasn't weird to wear layers of fur, then Qa'naro would've done it long ago. Fortunately, his erstwhile fashion sense has stopped him from making that faux pas. Instead, the Soulithe prefers to wear modified pieces of leather, which consists of: a thin leather vest that looks as if it were made by Elven hands, a pair of dark cotton trousers, leather ankle wraps, a sky blue Horgrove cape wound around his waist and iron plates of armor strapped to his thighs and knees.

Group: Leader of The Guardians
Name: Resmion Auveille

Age: 19

Race: Siren

Class: Spellsword


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Naturally, people and most sea-dwellers are always cautious and ready to fight if they were in a Siren's presence. From Resmion's understanding, this would make it difficult for him to make many friends outside of his lascivious kin. Resmion was the son of a human woman and a Siren father. When Resmion was born, his father took her for a swim on a stormy night and she was caught in the storm but he managed to return. However, he told Resmion and all who asked that she was caught in a storm at his birth. During his childhood, Resmion would always watch in shock of how most of his brothers and sisters did naught except deceive others, have parties day after day, and play at others' emotions to gratify their lust. Although this behavior was in a Siren's nature, Resmion slowly began to realize that there was much more to life than merely deception and debauchery. However, Resmion was in for a surprise on his 16th birthday. An enormous festival was held in his honor. He danced and drank more than anyone who challenged. But a lovely Siren girl named Asagi tried to get him alone, and she told him about what happened between his father and his mother. Hearing the truth was not easy for him, but he believed her. He slowly saw his old man with disgust. He decided to leave Clonive and make in order to find his mother.


Despite being very skilled in the ways of the deceiver, Resmion saw himself in a different perspective. Resmion is graceful, but he is very intelligent and dignified. He does not look for keeping a good reputation since it does make things seem more fun for him. He also takes great delight in using his wit and his sarcasm to make cutting remarks in battle and casual conversation. Although he is first viewed as a sinister person, or at least before he has the chance to open his mouth, Resmion is several cuts above most Sirens and a great ally.


Resmion has some skills as a Magician. While using elemental spells lay waste to foes, he specializes in spells that brings his enemies down to his knees. There is one drawback with Resmion's spells: The more powerful the spell is, the more time he takes to cast. However, he has many more talents than his skill with black magic. As a Siren, he is capable to swimming like a fish and staying underwater for long periods of time, the longest being an hour and half. He is able to fight with short blades as well as swords.

Clothing / Gear: Resmion wears a dark blue mantle with long white sleeves. He also wears a white on the back of his legs. The robe is held up by his bronze belt that has six sapphires. His pants are light blue than his shoulderguards and his shoes are pointed and shoes.

Group: Shard of Lust/Adventurer
(Okay, I'm a little new to this site, but basically we post our skellies here and the rp will start on a different thread later?)

Name: Xivran Gurneth

Age: 23

Race: Demark

Class: Spellsword/Monk

Appearance: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR27Jp_0nKY-7zzts1F_Sqp_yxaX3M1tTDD1XfiI4cU5qJEE13R

Biography: Some people talk of how the shards must be found, re-awaken the old god and return the land to it's former state of being. Other's say leave the shards be, the world has gone on for so long without the higher powers that such is not needed. For Xivran . . . this argument has become nothing less than a blight upon his life. Raised in the homeland of the Demarks, forged by the sun and the winds, Xivran was part of a fairly normal household. His father was a great warrior, often leaving for battles and returning with tales of his victories. His mother stayed at home, and made sure to teach Xivran how a disciplined was greater than one consumed by rage. His sister, five years his junior, would constantly look up to him for help. He constantly honed his body to be a warrior like his father . . . but it didn't last. The shard hunt would not leave this to be. At his time of eleven years it happened. It was suspected that Xivran's younger sister, Lenal, might in fact be a carrier of a shard. Where this suspicion sprang from or who started it, no one knows. What is important is what happened as a result. The hunters came, saying how she could possibly restore the land. When his father refused to engage in their "Ridiculous delusions" . . . it became a bloodbath. Xivran somehow survived until the next morn . . . but the rest of his family lay dead amongst the bodies of adventurers. Xivran let himself cry and scream in anguish that day . . . and not a single time thereafter. He buried his family, took up the blade his father had crafted for him, and left. He only said one thing before leaving, as he cut into his hand, "All who hunt for the shards will die. This I swear in blood."

From that day forward, he has remained alone. Wandering from town to town, he has visited most every city, training and equipping himself along the way. True to his word, all hunters he confronts end up dead. Whether by duel, ambush in a back alley, or even the use of the law. He cares not what method he uses, but he will not stop until the hunt for the shards ceases to be.

Personality: Initially, anyone would think of Xivran as cold, apathetic, and generally an asshole. He is not polite when speaking, and refuses to soften his speech for someone's benefit. Many would also think him unfriendly, which is in part true. But he's also afraid deep inside . . . afraid that if he lets himself open up to others he will be trying to replace those he has lost, as well as put himself in danger of feeling that pain again. If someone had the patience and understanding to deal with his blunt speech and dig through all the walls he has put up, they would find a warrior who fiercely protects that which is important to him, in whatever capacity he is able to. Asofar . . . no one has actually been able to put up with him for more than a few days to do so.

Abilities: His fierce mental discipline allows him to shrug off just about any mind-affecting powers, mundane or magical, that he might encounter. In-keeping with that, he also is a master of hand-to-hand combat. However, his true skill lies with that of the blade. He is well-versed in both single-handed and double-handed blades, he himself preferring a hand-and-a-half sword. He also mastered the art of blade magic, allowing him to weave the elements of magic into the steel he wields. He has even perfected an alternate form of this art that lets him weave magic around his very fists. He prefers the elements of air and earth to other magics.

Clothing/gear: Xivran prefers practical gear, albeit with a tendecy for flash. Simple, leather pants are his standard, usually black. He also wears light shoes, the soles just thick enough to prevent damage, allowing him to kick with little impediment. He wears sleeveless overcoats, vests, or belts on his top depending on the weather. Whatever it is, he will always leave his arms bare and unfettered up to the shoulders. Save the metal bracers he usually wears. These generally are light, but sturdy enough to withstand metal. He has little use for cloaks, avoiding them unless heading to extreme climates. However, he does constantly have a short, torn one upon his shoulders. A memento of where he came from and what he lost. He wears a large sword on his back, a blade forged from the metals of his home. It has been reforged several times, but the core of it remains the same blade forged for him by his father. It has a tendency to glow random colors when unsheathed in the dark, and sparks that fly from it when colliding may flash differently. Best he can tell, this is due to enchanting it contantly.

Group: Identifies in part with the guardians, but currently remains solitary.
@The BetterKuja The only thing missing is an appearance, picture or description - unless that's your character in your signature? Otherwise, accepted!

Ixidor92 Accepted, and yes, I will post in this thread with the link when I get the other topic made, I'm just waiting for one or two more people to join.
(Finally finished! I was having so much trouble resizing my pictures lol.)

Name: Bayonette Symphadora Roosavie

Age: 22

Race: Humes

Class: Warrior/ Swordsman

Appearance: She has ash grey hair that tumbles to her waist as well as a long slender face&body that could mistake her for an elf. Her eyes are a foggy green and she’s as pale as milk.

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Biography: It’s not as if Bayonette takes a lot of pride in her heritage, in fact the complete opposite could be said about her. Since she took off from home to pursue a life of war and adventure, many Humes have lost respect for her family name. Since she is an only child, she is in sole possession of her family’s Rose Bloodied Blade- and taking off with an artifact of Hume culture has slightly alienated her from her nation.

But a life of politics and curating history was not for her. In fact the idea of living the dismal life her parents had is likely what pushed Bay to declare herself and adventurer. She hasn’t regretted it yet. All the years of fencing, purely for the sake of class, have developed into her own personal style of speed and accuracy with a blade. She still has a soft spot for music though, her violin being her prized possession for a number of years. It has now been replaced by her red blade though, and she hasn’t played for over a year even though she still takes her violin with her on her travels. In the back of her mind she has the idea that if worse comes to worst; she can play it for her travel funds.

Ability: A superb swordsman. She’s light on her feet and quick to the jab. Don’t try sneaking up on her because she can always tell when she’s being preyed upon. She knows how to use almost any kind of equipment being a Hume, and is quite inventive on her own. Playing violin is a past skill of hers, not that it would be useful in battle.

Personality: She’s a clever and endearing woman, but it’s the sharp tip of her blade that you need to watch out for. Don’t tell her your problems because she doesn’t care, and doesn’t take much heed in being sensitive with her words. She’s blunt but not always honest in her opinion; it takes a very perceptive eye to notice. Bayonette has the intuition of a psychic, experiencing a looming feeling when things are unbalanced or danger is near. She can spot a lie from a mile away, but she doesn’t always admit to noticing. She likes to observe the development of others, whether they spout lies or speak from the heart. That being said, it is unlike her to intervene in someone’s affairs or conversation—not unless she’s drunk, which unfortunately is a bad habit of hers. In fact it seems like all of her moneys goes into dresses and alcohol. Good thing she gets that “adventurer discount”.

Clothing / Gear: Her sword is an ancient heirloom, passed down and cared for by the Roosavie family. Coincidence-or perhaps divine intervention has fated the Rose Bloodied Blade to embody the shard of the Humes. Who knows if it has always been a sword, or if it has had many other lives. All Humes know though, is that it has existed for over a century, since the God himself fell into a slumber. The sword, as if bathed in red magic, imbues it’s holder with vitality. It is warm to the touch and occasionally sparks or causes small shock waves in battle.

She also has a firearm from her homeland Rabana, but it’s only good against single enemies since it only holds one shot at time. She has to carry gun powder, lead balls and patches to load it with.

Her attire is rather feminine for her nature, but I suppose she likes to show off the idea of female empowerment. The lock-stich sewing machine, initially introduced in her homeland, made lavish trimmings and lace possible for boutique dresses across the world. Bayonette enjoys experimenting with fashions from every culture, so you can often time see in anything from Elvish dress to her Hume lolita style attire.

Group: In possession of the Shard of Apathy/Adventurer.

More unknown history behind the Shard/Sword: Yes the sword has existed for a very long time, but it was not always a shard. The shard had lived before, from Hume to Hume, being born and reborn- it wasn’t until about 100 years ago that the Rose blade became bloodied. Around this time the shard was a woman, a beautiful half-Siren half-Hume with a lucky affinity for red magic. She had a romance with a Hunter and eventually they were married. She didn’t reveal her nature for a long time; in fact she had studied ways to be rid of the shard within her, to no avail. When she had bore this Hunter his first child, she finally fessed up. To her extreme misfortune, he left her, taking the child with him. Misery and grief overtook her and she took his precious sword and lunged it into her own heart. The shard was in danger in a way that it couldn’t so instantly defend, and so it jumped. The shard bled out along with her blood unto the blade of the Rosen sword, thus giving it its title and mysterious nature.


Name: Lucid Nostarial

Age: 25

Race: Elf

Class: White Mage

Appearance: 6ft tall, slightly built, austere looking for an elf.

View attachment 10411

Biography: Born and raised in the devout kingdom, Lucid along with the rest of his noble race, place their god on a pedestal. It has in fact never been any other way. Since his youngest days, Lucid had prayed, worshiped and was told great tales about God. He worshipped god like any other elf, but with a more mature nature at young ages. When his affinity for white magic was discovered, he spent long days studying its temperament and praying that he could always protect his beloved nation with his power. When eventually he learned of the shards, and the story of God falling into his slumber, he was devastated. Knowing the almighty divine being that he and his kingdom payed homage to had been reduced to no more than a soulless essence was an outrageous deception. Lucid felt betrayed, as if all of his race’s prayer was futile in the midst of a fractured deity. He could not stand for it; he would not stand for it. If God’s soul needed to be saved, he would take it upon himself to do so.

Personality: Arrogance becomes him, an elf of Elias in all its glory. He believes his way is righteous and won’t let anyone else dissuade him. He’s not a bad person, but his nature is stubborn and unrelenting. He yearns for the affection of a higher power, to be recognized as the savior of his people and his god. He doesn’t like to take help from others and often finds himself implementing his morals in places where they aren’t welcome. He’s usually in a serious mood with a solemn attitude. Lucid is a very intelligent elf and in his homeland holds some influence. When it comes to his own pursuits, he is catious and attentive.

Abilities: A very adept white mage. His areas of expertise are powerful “anti-intruder” spells, “Energy Strength” or stamina spells, cure spells and sleep spells. The cost for him to use these spells is temporarily sacrificing any one of his traditional 5 senses. Taste would provide for rather basic spells. Upgrading the degree of these spells would require sacrifice in this ascending order or combination sacrifices:

Taste, Smell, Touch, Hearing, Sight.

He can partially sacrifice certain senses such as sight by blinding one eye for a more powerful spell rather than both for an extremely impenetrable spell. The more powerful the spell, the longer the effects last. Usually by the time he goes to sleep and wakes up, all affects have worn off.

-More spell detail-

Each spell costs more or less depending on how powerful the caster wants the spell to be. Lucid can only cast up to seven spells at one time, but then he would be deaf, blind, and lacking all other senses. The seven come from the five senses, plus the fact of two ears and two eyes. If Lucid casts very powerful magic, than the number of spells castable would be reduced in accordance with the degree of the sacrifice.

Basic White spells:

Imperium Somnus: “I command you to sleep”---puts the subject to sleep for designated amounts of time. If the subject is already drained, or sleepy, than they will stay asleep for longer than that designated time.

Evigilo: “awaken”----wakes up the subject

Impenetrabilis Munitionem: “Impenetrable Fortress”---Makes a certain building, area or item impenetrable except to the caster. (Usually costs at least Touch to cast this spell on any object, area or place.)

Purificabitque Sanguis: “Purify Blood”---purifies the blood the subject, ie: cures poisons or blood diseases. (Costs at least Touch)

Abundantiorem Navita: “Abundant Energy”---Casts vigor and endurance on the subject, allowing them to do dynamic activities, such as running, for longer periods of time. (Costs at least Taste & Smell combined)

Retexamus Impenetrabilis Munitionem: “Reverse Impenetrable Fortress”---makes it so the building, area or object is impossible to escape from, except for the caster. (Costs at least an eye for a small building, and ear for an area, or taste for a small object)

Clothing / Gear: A black leather jacket with silver trimming and a furred color, usually overtop a grey silk shirt. He carries lots of botanicals and herbs for his basic health spell. He doesn’t tend to fend off wild creatures physically, but just in case he carries a whip and a cane. The cane is also in case he casts a spell that blinds him. He also takes shackles and other bondage materials in case he should come across a shard in its living form.

Group: Hunters

[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] The posting thread is now open.

[MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION] The posting thread is now

[MENTION=4111]MsTeaTime[/MENTION] Wonderful, accepted! The posting thread is now
((This idea is absolutely epic.))

Name: Sabin Ozera

Age: Looks 17, and doesn't feel keeping track of his age is worth the effort since he's partially dead anyway, but it's about 300.

Race: Lich(the story of his birth is a weird one) Iali

Class: Necromancer


His robes are black and inset with ancient and unspeakably sinister obsidian runes. The hem of his robe is noticeably stained with gravedust and blood. His eyes are a greyish-green, with red runes inscribed on the whites of his eyes if one is to look closely enough. His short, haphazardly cut short dark brown hair is constantly afflicted by "hood-hair" because of his usual unconcerned tendency that have caused many to mistake him for a Hume. His true reason for concealment with the hood being that many an elf easily recognizes the hollowness in his eyes, and sicks the guards on him.

Biography: Sabin's childhood was a strange one by most sane standards, but for him, he couldn't have asked for a better one. All the strangeness began with Sorova, his Iali mother.

Sorova was a born in a large, well-off city in Fortuna to wealthy, loving parents. She would have none of it, she despised everything in her upbringing. The servants would get swatted away as they tried to dress her as a 5 year old. She would outright refuse to have her food cut for her. She chose to stay indoors and study, like some Iali...but even to them her studying habits were a bit irregular. Yet she never cast one insult, nor gave a nasty look, all she did was in a cold manner--as though she was a finely constructed contraption of the Humes. As she grew older and was put into school the children found her rude and xenophobic, while the teachers were awed at her maturity and logic at such a young age. She knew things far beyond what some could teach her, some even hailed her as a prodigy. She would curtly reply, "I'm just very curious about certain things." Despite her cold attributes Sorova began to blossom into a strikingly beautiful woman. Her calculating glance and immovable expression turned her into a challenge for some of the more masculine boys. Despite their efforts, the only slight twinge of emotion she gave was the gleam of interest in her eyes when she found a particularly dusty tome. She graduated with honors, and many suspected her to attend the most prestigious of arcane universities. Surprising to all, even her parents, she took the lowly job of a mortician in her hometown. After a short time she received many scholarships, but declined them all--she found it all so bothersome. The final straw was when her parents began pleading with her to find a man before she appeared 30, it had been centuries and she hadn't been on a single date. After her refusal a soft-hearted young man finally built up his courage after those many long years and confessed his undying love to her, not sparing one detail. When she refused so easily it broke his sanity, as he fell to his knees shattered, he desperately tried to at least touch her hand. She unfeelingly backed away, her expression one of disgust. The man hung himself that night. His family read his suicide note and relentlessly cried that Sorova caused his murder. Sparing no thought to her parents she quickly moved to a small village between Rabana and Zeinn, finally finding a brief solitude in caring for the dead of the village. She never left her graveyard shack except when necessity arose, so hateful she had become of society in general. Even when she did so she always wore a billowing brown robe with the hood over her face. The villagers took it that she had been stricken by grief long ago, and that caring for the dead was her only solace. Almost correct. After many long years of seclusion and study, she noticed an unfamiliar figure wandering her grave sites. He stayed for a quite a few hours, but never stayed at a single stone, and didn't seem to pray. It almost seemed like he was taking stock. He wore a long tattered red cloak over black heavy armor and a helmet that concealed his features. She approached him to see if she could assist in any way. As she got close he turned immediately to face her, his hollow grey eyes locking to her own. They stood there and both stared for a while, then he moved to her and grasped her hand--strangely, she didn't feel it was a lustful gesture like all the other men and allowed him to do so. He moved his hand over hers and a familiar greenish-grey energy sparked between their hands. It was an awkward feeling she received afterwards, not from the magic, but from her icy heart. He stayed for many days, imparting knowledge Sorova found more satisfying than any other she had found in the dark and forbidden recesses of black magic. Then, beyond even her accursed teacher's understanding, it happened. The rumors slowly spread, and the disturbance caused by the Lich's presence began to take it's toll on the natural flow of magic--mage authorities soon came prowling, and Sabin's father was forced to leave. Somehow, Sorova had fallen pregnant, and soon came after the child, born undead. The midwives were quite surprised at her refusal of any aid with the birthing, but luckily took no heed. As Sabin grew his undead traits were quite discreet. He appeared to be a very pale and sickly child with unnaturally green eyes, Sorova suspected his flesh would rot as a Lich's would, or perhaps that he would not age...but neither occurred. His conception in the first place was a mix of nature and Necromancy, and neither was completely understood. The child also had an all-consuming interest in his mother's studies, and in many ways they were identical. He had quite a few health problems however, and particular needs for nourishment. Then one day, when he appeared to be in his teens, his mother's dark art was finally discovered--especially her experiments with the corpses of relatives in the town. There was nowhere for her to run or hide, she was in the middle of town, completely surrounded. Her son, however, could. He was buried in a shallow grave as his mother was taken, his only heirloom were her most precious notes--along with arcane writings and depictions written by his father. Sorova herself had only managed to decipher an extremely small amount, and gathered them into a large black book. She did not have the resources that she did back in Fortuna, but she had not wished to return. After Sabin escaped, he made it his goal to find the information necessary to aid in the deciphering of Sorova's Scripture, and obtain the mysteries of the dark arcane locked within. What seemed to be quite prevalent in his father's writings were specific symbols which Sorova found referred to the resting God.

Personality: Much like his mother was, cold, calm and calculating in every aspect. Sabin is a solitary individual, and prefers it that way until the need arises. Everything to him is either necessary or unnecessary, though time seems to be a unrelative factor to him. For Sabin, power is useless unless controlled, control is pointless without position, and so forth. This makes him appear very self-involved, and he is on the whole. Yet if he finds that an alliance (with nearly any faction) is useful, he will do so until it loses such use. Sabin has goals, and he is determined to achieve them, and won't hesitate to remove something that gets in the way. However, he will not engage in a situation that he feels will not benefit him enough, sometimes dropping a goal completely based on one factor. Sabin is a molder of things that he perceives are not useful, into a valuable resource.

Abilities: Sabin has a near-mastery in the understanding of Necromancy, but he is quite limited on specific spells, and is forced to discover and craft some of his own. Through his related studies he also has a working knowledge of medicine, alchemy, science, and epidemiology. He is a great clothier as well, he's quite handy with a sewing needle, though he uses it more often on cuts then cloth. Undoubtedly as well he has learned embalming from his mother, he's a little weak at grave-digging though. Sabin also is slightly attuned for feeling the presence of life-force, and can perceive ghosts.

Clothing / Gear: Sabin's robe enhances his dark spells, as well as giving him a moderate resistance to magical damage unless it's white magic, also beneath his robe are in-woven bones for a slight armor. He carries Sorova's Scripture which he reads quite often, along with a few heavier texts. One pocket holds his needle, few small spools of thread, and a few mana crystals. Another pocket has some particularly grisly ingredients: knuckle-bones, a few sockets, large nails, ink, and eyes in a sack. Clipped to the belt on his waist is a small iron hammer, a hand shovel, engraving tool, a quill, and leather gloves.

Group: You could say he's an adventurer, but his greatest adventure would be in a library. When he's tight on cash he temps in medical positions and morticianry.
Name: ​​Aryanna Undanerie



Mage/Blade Wielder

She is about 5'5", and fair skinned. She looks younger than she actually is, a trait she inherited from her grandmother.

View attachment 10420

Biography: Aryanna was born in the outskirts of Cionive amid much singing and rejoicing, but she was not from a very wealthy family. She became acutely aware of the lust typical of Sirens at the prime age of 14, and thanks to her maturing much quicker than her other peers, she used her looks to coax money from rich men she came in contact with while working as a songstress to a wealthy mistress. When the mistress found out about her deeds, Aryanna was forced to lead a fugitive's life for about a year. She left most of the money she had taken with her family, but took a good amount with her. She finally turned to the government for help and, through some trials and tribulations, earned the title of Adventurer at the age of 17. As quick as her maturing was, it seemed to slow down when she hit 18, as her grandmother Vivien had done. Grateful for this trait, as it would help her continue her method of earning money, she set off to the mainland with no specific purpose. She enjoyed the luxuries the title of Adventurer brought her, as she could save up on lodging and supplies, and continued exploiting money off foolish, drunk, rich men that she happened to encounter. Aryanna wandered around Messenia like this for a few years, occasionally doing her job as Adventurer and fighting at the Cionive government's command. She honed magic skills while traveling in Elias (white magic from an actually good-natured elf who was willing to share some knowledge) and Fortuna (elemental/combat magic from an old Iali), and her swordsmanship when she stayed at Zeinn (insisting that those stubborn males teach her how to fight) for a short while. She is quick at getting around to the various nations in Messenia thanks to the many connections she keeps during her journey. She has yet to explore the Western- and Eastern-most parts of Messenia such as Rabanna and Horgrove, although she wishes to do so soon.

Personality: Like most Sirens, Aryanna is a bit of a cunning girl, often making choices based on her own benefit rather than other people's. She is good natured for the most part, and gets along with people very well, which is how she gets by when traveling so much. She has rather big ears, but tight lips, meaning that she pays close attention to rumors and gossip but feigns ignorance until the moment they become necessary. She has no qualms about using other people's secrets or history as weapons against them, but if she really cares for someone, she will stand loyal to them no matter what. She is very bright and cheery, although sometimes overly easy-going and carefree. She's somewhat of a free spirit, and very open with her sexuality. She retains the grace and elegance she had as a songstress and often uses them to her advantage.

Abilities: She is ambidextrous and able to wield two swords at once, which is her preferred method of fighting, but she can attach her two swords at the hilt to make a double bladed staff, which she uses when there are fewer opponents to fight. She is a skilled cook, and can identify most plants as edible or poisonous. She excels at singing, and plays the flute when she happens to come across one. She is adept at healing spells, though she has a knack for elemental spells, especially water manipulation. Healing drains her rather quickly, however, so she prefers using healing herbs than actual magic. She is knowledgeable in the area of medicine and herbs. She is very agile and flexible.

Clothing / Gear: As she travels around most of the time, she does not carry much clothing around. Instead, she procures clothing from merchants at a very cheap price using her usual tricks, and sells them at a high price when departing, taking with her only basic necessities. Usually, she is dressed in a simple white wool dress. She prefers to not stand out, but her pride doesn't let her dress in plain colors, which is why she usually dons a heavy purple velvet cloak with a furred hood to cover her head with. On cooler seasons, she wears a green satin cloak. At her hips, she carries two holsters for her custom swords, as well as a belt bag in which she carries her money and rare herbs. She has various hidden pockets in her dress and cloaks in which she keeps other basic necessities, which include a magic text and a cook book.

Group: Shard of Lust/Adventurer.


Name: ​Laurelia Rowena Graendelid



White Mage/Priestess

She is about 5'7", rather small for her race and age. She is very lean, but possesses muscles in the right places.

View attachment 10421

Biography: Laurelia was born into the long standing family of the Graendelid priests, and is therefore very devout to the God of Messenia. She was raised with all the training necessary for her to become a High Priestess, which included prayers and knowledge of white magic. She became a Priestess at age 15, typical of the Graendelid women, and achieved the status of High Priestess at age 18. She has lead a pristine life, innocent and completely immersed in her religion, as she resided in the palace as part of the royal court in the heart of Elias. However, this perfect life was shattered when one young Councilor of the court accused Laurelia of seducing him. Due to the unlikeliness of the scenario, the accusation was not taken seriously, but the court needed to appear to do something about the rumors. Laurelia was promptly dismissed from the palace cathedral and sent to the second biggest cathedral in Elias as Priestess, but she never fully recovered from the shock that she had received from the accusation. Once she left, Laurelia soon found that life outside the palace was very different, and not all people lived in luxury and comfort. Disease, poverty, despair. Young at heart despite her age of 18, she was devastated by what she saw and turned to the only thing that she knew how to do: she prayed. For a whole year, she prayed and helped the people with healing magic and by providing food, but she realized that it would not be enough. Having lost faith in the Palace and its court, Laurelia decided to leave Elias and find out how the other nations dealt with their subjects.

She is very naive and innocent, although she is starting to understand how the world works little by little. She is hard to anger and shy at first, but she is not afraid to speak her mind on pressing matters, as she was used to having a voice in the palace. She is very proud of her Graendelid ancestry, as well as the fact she is an Elf in the first place. She is very devout in her religion, but knows better than to force people to share her beliefs. She is well educated, but a bit slow in understanding practical things. She is much too easily trusting, although she is trying hard to fix that part of her. She has a rather fuzzy sense of money, but is surprisingly good at managing finances. She abhors violence, though she understands that it is necessary to survive.

Laurelia is not at all learned in combat skills. She is, however, a skilled healer and can use most forms of healing magic. She is also skilled at the lyre, which she uses in religious ceremonies. She draws energy from nearby life forms in order to sustain her magic, though she tries to use her own energy before resorting to those methods. As Priestess, she is adept at fighting against Dark creatures. As an Elf, however, she has very quick reflexes and is very agile, so she is in no way a weak prey.

Clothing / Gear:
Laurelia wears a variety of clothes, but she is most often seen wearing complex dresses that she dons simply because she is used to such things. They are only things that she brought along from Elias. The many layers on the dresses are enough to keep her warm in winter, but on particularly cold days, she wears a burgundy velvet cloak with gold lining, a gift from her mother before Laurelia left the palace. On rare occasions, she wears white robes bearing the mark of a Priestess: a golden seven pointed star upon a bright red rose. Knowing the dangers that come with being a Priestess, she only wears these robes when she is holding a ceremony, or when she happens across a cathedral or church in the city she finds herself at. She travels with her companion Muninn, a black stallion she received for her 16th birthday.

Group: Guardian/Adventurer

[MENTION=3892]MerchantOfTheUndead[/MENTION] Accepted, start posting whenever you like.

[MENTION=3865]Lily of the Valley[/MENTION] Accepted, start posting whenever you like.
[MENTION=3892]MerchantOfTheUndead[/MENTION] If you want to, I noticed and I was a bit confused on rather letting him see or not. xD If you want to post and then let Qa'naro come in somehow, that's fine.
(Got to figure out how to do that @ method...) When I saw that Qa'naro was a Guardian, most particularly a leader, I knew I had to get my character in there. I have some plans to get Sabin sided with the Guardians if possible. And then *SPOILER* either get him kicked out and hunted, or in a "We don't want to be allied with you, but at the moment we don't have much choice." It's just fun to let peace-keeping organizations know his agenda. xD If this isn't what you want in your storyline though, let me know and I can find something else for him to stick his nose in...perhaps awake some unspeakable horror trapped for a thousand years or whatever.

I'd hoped his catty ears would pick up explosions in the distance on the road, the reckless charging of a minotaur, or a huge axe being slammed into a tree outside where he was haha
[MENTION=3892]MerchantOfTheUndead[/MENTION] Oh, for the @ thing, it's just @ and then the persons name, it automatically tags them. I just figured that out recently too! Well anyway, I say I'm up for that idea! It's a great idea and it definitely fits your character really well, and that's something that every role play should take account for. As for the second idea you suggested.. I love that idea as well. xD
[MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] (thanks for the tip! so noob I am) I would SQUEE with delight, but I might alert the zombies I've got shoved in my closet. Glad you like the ideas! Only problem I see is I don't know very much about the Guardians, but since Qa'naro will undoubtedly have to explain it to Sabin it should work out fine. Can't wait to see your vision of their HQ! Giant fortress or underground mudhole hmmm
[MENTION=3892]MerchantOfTheUndead[/MENTION] There, I made a small post with Qa'naro, so Sabin and him can get acquainted with each other soon. (: But yeah, I didn't want to put much detail in the story line for all the juicy stuff will come in posts in the future. So the headquarters, ranks, weapons, enemies etc. will be soon to come. Oh, if you have any ideas for it or suggestions, go right ahead, this role play is about freedom. Goes for anyone, really.
@Liztopher Wow you're fast O_O let the acquaintancing begin!

Ah I see, so you want this RP to evolve based on input rather risk it being restrained based on previously set boundaries, very nice. The only idea that comes to mind is that some of the more secret Guardians and Hunters could be high-up international diplomatic leaders/kings or officials government that cross paths very often, which influences all of their actions as subverted espionage and veiled insults!

Also, I edited the character sheet on Sabin with an image that I heavily edited! Also I edited this post three times =P just when I think it's fine I forget something I wanted to say!
Sorry If I reply a little slow guys! It's possible I have a lingering writers block, and it takes me an hour or two to think through it and set my mood before I actually start writing. So it's grueling to find the time and energy to sit my arse down for that long! :push:

and on another note, I seem to have grown accustomed to the word "arse" over the past few days.:huh:

Oh my goodness, I finally produced a lovely post and my "token expired" the one time I forget to use the copy&paste method.

Sadfaces everywhere! >:\
Name: Caiside

Age: 17

Race: Elf

Class: Rogue

Appearance: Tall and slender with shiny black curls and icy blue eyes. ((sorry, had a pic but it wont let me post links -.-))

Biography: For seven, blissful years, Caiside was happy. She was the sun in the darkest of times, lighting up other peoples worlds, radiating joy and hope. She was naive and innocent, not a threat, not a nuisance to any of those around her. People adored her love of life and the pieces of delight she pressed into hearts.

Yet, when that night came, her laughter, her smiles, and her warmth faded away, dying along with the brutal, bloody massacre of her parents. With a father who carried the guilt of a gambling problem, although he still loved his family with his whole being, came the consequences of being unable to pay the price he owed. A heavy sum of money, that he did not pay with the price of his and his wife's life.

Caiside had no choice but to watch the murder in silence, tears streaming down her cheeks as knives stabbed, feet kicked, fists punched, mouths laughed. Horrible, terrible words were spoken in a taunting manner, insulting those that cared for and raised Caiside. She squeezed her eyes shut, holding back tears and screams, her whole body trembling as her parents cried out for help, pleading for their murderer's to stop, making promises that they would never be able to keep. And, after hours of shrieks with no help to come, no one there except Caiside, a seven year old paralyzed with fear, there was silence.

Those who had raped, pillaged, and killed, had left, laughing at their deed and the bloody mess they left on the floor. And, leaving one alive. One who had hid from their sight under the orders of her mother, watching in terror as their bodies were ripped apart, slowly and painfully, scarlet spilling on the floor around them. That one crept out from her hiding place, choking on the sobs she had held in for so long, clawing at her chest in pain as she repeated mama, papa, mama, papa over and over again until she was dizzy from the effort. Then, she sang, her mouth forming sound for the last time, a mournful, sad melody with words of the Celtic and Latin languages mixed with the glorious english.

And, for eight long years, Caiside vanished from Elias, travelling, training, learning the languages of others, never speaking a word. She mastered skills of stealth and agility, her heart cold and emotionless, unable to feel anything, the melody of death forever imprinted in her mind. Then, when she returned to her kingdom, she was a changed woman, one of silence, one of shadows.

Personality: Although no words pass her lips, Caiside is just as arrogant as most other elves. She keeps to herself most of the time, and easily points out flaws in others that she does not have, though never says a syllable. She does not care too much for people, and is rather harsh towards them with hard facial expressions she has mastered. Caiside finds love as silly and foolish and does not try to make friends, and instead sticks with making enemies or being alone. And, although unfriendly towards everyone else, she has a soft spot for animals and adopted a rather large black dog she cares for.

Abilities: During those eight years of training, Caiside had mastered the art of the bow and arrow, and the skills of dual daggers. Preferring long-ranged combat over hand to hand, she has precise aim and can swiftly take out foes with a quick, fluid flick of the wrist. Her abilities in magic, although, are next to none, and the only magic she has been able to use has been a slight tint of dark magic at the point of her bow, which very rarely occurs.

Clothing/Gear: As a woman who despises dresses and other feminine clothing, Caiside sticks with her thick, wool shirts with sleeves that dance slightly past her wrists and sturdy black pants made of bull hide and held up with a belt of snakeskin. Her boots reach to her knees, and laced together with silver string, with steel protecting her toes and thick soles able to withstand the worst of weather. To top it off, she wears a long, black, cloak trimmed with faux fur and silves lining and made up of the finest of black velvet. At all times, she carries her bow, made up of the wood of a lone pine tree, a sheath of arrows, the arrows made of the finest silver with, sharp, pointed iron ends and the sheath made up of the finest of black leather, and, finally, two daggers, the blade a sharp, curved, gleaming piece of iron, and the handle made up out of the wood of the maple.

Group: N/A
[MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] After re-reading my post, as well as your response, I think I need to apologize xD I went far too quickly in that situation...almost left Qa'naro out of it...I'll go more slowly next time!
[MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] Accepted, you may start posting whenever you like. If you need help on what is happening at the moment, let me know, I'll summarize.

[MENTION=3892]MerchantOfTheUndead[/MENTION] That's quite alright.

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