(Original Plot) In Depth Post Apocalyptic.


New Member
I am looking for an immediate one on one partner to role play with and a long term thread open to the public. I would like a literate one on one partner that will role play on the forum but will also communicate over skype. Please PM me if you want to do the one on one and post on this thread if you'd like to join the larger thread.

The fallout of World War III tore the world apart with nuclear waste and radiation. More than half of the population was wiped off the face of the earth, but the strength of man did not fail and they began to rebuild. Syndicate, an organization based on military and scientific research, built Starkhaven as a sanctuary from the harsh landscape and mutated horrors. Starkhaven grew from a small survivor colony to a large city with currency, jobs and security. About three centuries have passed since the reconstruction of civilization and Starkhaven remains the largest city in the Syndicate; with the immense population growth the Syndicate built smaller colonies outside of Starkhaven. There are very few colonies that are not controlled by Syndicate. As of a few months ago, smaller, Syndicate and independent colonies were found burned to the ground with no survivors. Syndicate has announced that the Brotherhood, an anti-Syndicate group, is to blame for the destroyed settlements.

The role play begins in Starkhaven. There are several different districts in the city and traveling between districts is heavily regulated for the sake of population control. Each district (except district Zero) has housing quarters, business sector and military base.

District Zero: Syndicate personal only, most civilians do not know District Zero exists.

District One: Syndicate military training facility and military housing. Military recruiting is rigorous and the Syndicate is very exclusive in who they allow to work for them.

District Two: Financial District, Starkhaven University (Most civilians that go to the University study agricultural development, architecture and most sciences. Students live at the university, they don’t have to pay tuition or work for food and when they graduate they are automatically placed into the job they majored in.) And upper-class housing (Most upper-class families home school their children and work at the University or in the Financial District.).

District Three: Agricultural “farms” and factories (Because of the immense soil radiation all food is grown indoors and genetically modified to fit the needs of the growing population), middle class housing and Orion Educational Facility (elementary and high school. High achieving students are sent to the University).

District Four: Production factories (Produce common household goods), low income housing and three public schools (two elementary schools and one high school. If students are found to be academically gifted they are sent to Orion). There is a moderate/heavy crime rate in District four.

Outer District: Sweat shops, mining quarries and the slums. Many civilians in the outer district are homeless and the crime rate in the outer district is very high. Outer district civilians often travel to district four, and Outer District Youth attend school in District four if they choose.

There are members of the Brotherhood living in the city, if you wish to be a part of the organization PM me. I intend for the role play to begin in the outer and fourth district (although it might head in a completely different direction). If you would like to be part of the Syndicate tell me which faction and I will PM you with secret information. (Those factions being: Military [You can be in the general policing force or an important admiral, it’s up to you.] Scientist, politician, and undercover syndicate agent [undercover agents search the city for Brotherhood spies and general illegal activity])


Your Name/Alias: What do we call you?

Character Name: Any type of name is acceptable, there is no norm for children’s name since Starkhaven is incredibly culturally and racially diverse.

Character Age: The Minimum age is sixteen.

District: Which district does your character live in?

Faction: Civilian (Please mention if they work or go to school) Syndicate (and division) or Brotherhood?

Play by/Appearance: You are welcome to use a play-by, please do not re-use other people’s play-bys. If you decide not to use a play by a short description will be fine.

Personality: I think you understand what to do here.

Background: Orphans are not uncommon in Starkhaven, especially in the slums. The lower you are in the districts the less stable home life is. Characters who come from outer and fourth district are more likely to have tragic backstories that are affiliated with gang and drug activity (Nothing too gruesome, trying to keep it PG-13)

Other: Anything else to add?

I'll post my app as soon as I finish (:

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