Original Dragon-Blooded


New Member
I know it's somewhere in the manuals, but I forgot where and which one it was, How many Dragon-Blooded were there originally? I know somewhere it says the precise number of males and females that were originally exalted. Not just for curiosity's sake either, I'm pretty sure in that same book, still can't remember which one it was though, it goes on to say about how the Solars were initially frustrated in trying to set up training time in between all the sessions that the Dragon-Blooded were having to try and make babies and I want to send a friend that line, but I can't find it. >< Been driving me nuts, especially since that is one of the bits that I've had the pleasure of giggling over from time to time.

*Needs giggles*

If anyone can help it will be muchly appreciated. ^_^
Which interestingly means that rigth now there are only a few more of them than when they where completely new.
I always figured the total number of the Dragon-Blooded to be around 20,000--half in the Blessed Isle and the other half in the rest. The relatively low number might be due to their (now abandoned) insistence on breeding with only each other and the high lethality rate of the Dragon-Blooded existence.
well that and their tendencies to a) live in big cities, making the great cotation hit them hard b) many of them trying and failling to help the sick making even more of them die and c) as most are soldiers a bigger precentage of them died battling the fair folk, compared to mortals

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