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Multiple Settings Original and Fandom search, Advanced lit to lazy lit (Active and Updated 10/2/24)

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Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I recently had a change in jobs and now not only is my mental health on the uptick, so is my free time. I do miss the salary, but sanity is nice too yah?

There's a little bit for everyone here, some I play male as the man some I play female as the main, I always prefer side pairings or doubling to keep things fresh. I have a lot of world building ideas as that's my main shtick. That being said I am open to prompts, other ideas, etc. I can bust out Novella but I like a few paragraphs unless I am in a good mood and I'll bust out a biggie. I am not super into proof reading, so I do make mistakes now and then and I won't bug you about any mistakes you make unless I can't understand something. That being said, unless it's a dialogue moment between two characters, I typically go no less than 3 paragraphs.
I do enjoy dialogue between characters though and will drop it to 1 so there can be more time for genuine conversations, which I love and miss.
28, female, 15 years of experience, mxf preferred but I like mxm too. I'm cool with long term or short term and I write only in third person.
I can post multiple times of day depending on how often I get replies from you.
I would really prefer at least every other day, but anything longer than a week can make it hard for me to stay interested. That being said, I won't drop anything for that unless it really sucks.

I am ghost friendly so I will accept multiple partners for the same roleplay until stated otherwise in the thread NOT in a post. I take Ghosting as leaving the conversation, if you're still there and haven't responded for a while I will bump it until you've left.
I don't mind ghosting because, well, shit happens, and I am awkward saying I am bored of an RP too. Feel free to hit me back up and pretend nothing happened if a different rp caught your eye. I have admittedly had this post for several years, as I have died off and on from work related issues, but I always come back and yes, bugging me for replies does help me a lot actually. I changed jobs exactly because I want more time to enjoy life again and these be one of those things I love.
You can message here or PM me, I don't rp on discord and I only go through PM for roleplays.

Also, feel free to pitch your own ideas at me. The worst that can happen is I say no, yeah?

Fandom (More unlisted, even if listed though I may not be in the mood for that particular fandom. Sometimes i get tired of doubling)

Pokemon- Big fan of the games and exploring the world.
(The OC I usually use is a male Dragon Tamer that starts off in Unova and travels to each region, ending in Alola so depending on which region we pick is how advanced of a trainer he is. If I pick a female character, it's a whatever I feel like moment.
Any pairings I'd want would be with Guzma. I'm admittedly really rusty with the games so I'd be more down with an OCXOC paiting.
I Have not played any switch games)

Dynasty Warriors 3-9-(CRAVING) I would love anyone immensely just to nerd out about this game, but I would also love a good story involving this game it's my childhood man. (I would prefer to play a female OC but I can play literally all the characters I would probably choose Jia Chong, Zhao Yun or Xu Shu)
(I do have plot ideas though just saying)

Record of Ragnarok- Buddha, Sasaki, Jack.

K Project- Mikoto Suoh 🥰

One Piece- I'm really only looking for Marco right now

(Feel free to ask if a fandom not listed is something I'd do I have more just not going to list them all)


Dogs at Peace- (Currently not available)

You play an honorably discharged Marine (Or Airforce/Military whatever you prefer) that adopted a service dog to help with his PTSD and injuries sustained while at war.
One day the dog stops eating, doesn't seem to want to do anything but lie there so he takes the dog to the vet.
There he meets my character, the veterinarian that cares less for humans and just animals. He's quite rude about it but he does a damn good job, even offers advice but it feels more like ridicule as the dog is merely growing depressed to reflect the owner's disposition from a stubborn refusal to believe a dog can make you feel better. He seems like a total ass but when he sees how the vet acts with the dog, he can tell he's really not that much of an asshole.
So, he follows his advice, somehow, they end up meeting once more when the vet is shopping for his own pets.
(Can be MxF but it's primarily MxM, mostly relies on character interaction/backstory than anything. Slice of life mush)

Academy for War-

High in the Mountains sits an academy larger than the average city, inside it are professors teaching the next generation. Dragon Riders, Sorcerer's, Beast Tamers, Warriors, Shifters, even some creatures such as vampires comes to this prestigious school. They all come in weak and leave strong, back to their homelands, back to their Kingdoms, and usually into war. The lands have been ravaged for years and have sent their young to this neutral zone to return stronger than ever before. Mistrust bleeds between the classes, the warriors think the sorcerer's nothing but vile tricksters, the Beast Tamers think the Warriors nothing but savages. They return home and that disdain spreads into the endless bloodshed.
A never-ending circle of pain and suffering.
You're sent in to discover the secrets of the school, but will you be able to survive the student body, let alone the powerful professors to find the truth? Or will you find unlikely allies to help you in your goals?
(Heavy Character Development/Multi characters, World Building, mxf, long term)

Radioactive Hazard- (Craving)

The government started using power cells generated from non-radioactive material they found in the ocean, however one day one of the many power plants they'd created exploded. Out of know where humanoid monsters came from the explosion and started attacking.
People injured by these monsters started showing symptoms within days before turning into mindless beasts that only seem to want to kill humans.
It wasn't long before cities fell, and the world was infected. Eventually, humans with strange enhancements to their bodies started appearing. The government dubbed them half transformed but not all of them completely changed, so instead of killing them they put them to work in highly monitored labor.
Doctors mysteriously don't know what the disease is if it is one, rumor has it one does but he's hunted by the government as a suspect in what caused the explosion. People have dubbed the world outside the safe zones The Ruins, because 6 years later that's what it looks like. Ruins of what they once had.
There are Rebel groups that think the government caused the outbreak fighting for their own freedom and to find the truth of it all.
Arina only cares to find her husband, but along the way she finds you instead and suddenly she finds herself helping the world instead of herself, for once.
Will the secret come out? Is there a cure? Can Arina come to terms with the fact her husband could only be dead? What will you do? Who will you be in this dying world? A survivor, a rebel, a government dog?

(Heavy World Building, MxF, heavy side characters/multi characters, apocalypse romance, not your typical zombies)

A Crown of Feathers and Scales-

To the North and East, you have the Dragon's, to the South and West you have the Phoenix's. Two apex species that may have once lived in peace and harmony if not for the humans that rode them. War split the land of Ragna in two for generations, the reason lost to time. But the people are tired, the lands are ravaged, and this generation has decided to push past the strife and try for peace.
You are the second Prince to the Dragon Kingdom; you and your most trusted men are in charge of escorting the First-Born Princess to the Capitol to wed your eldest brother and he will ascend the throne when their father passes away.
But can it be done? Two months travel through the scarred lands and into the Dragon Kingdom of Rhaekor all while dealing with the Princess, her entourage and her plucky feathered companion? All while dodging assassination attempts, bandits, monsters and the truth of the world?
And finally.... will you allow the woman you love to marry your brother, once you know what will become of her?
(Heavy World Building, Multi characters, slow burn, long term, fantasy, mxf, Action Adventure, major plot twist)

Winter is Here- (NOT GOT OR HOTD)

The war with the north has come to a close. Two Kingdom's battling for territory, supremacy, it all came to an end because of one man. The King's banished son returned, his father abed, no heirs to take his Kingdom and a war encroaching on their winter wonderland. He pardons his son, gives him the army and his throne and within a few years the war has flipped in their favor. Now your Kingdom is in danger of coming to its end. Yet the enemy suggests peace and your father takes it, because truly if he does not what other recourse is there? Surrender.
The Ice Wolf of Hahya rides south to the heart of your Kingdom to discuss a peace treaty, the only condition? Your whole family must attend, even the women and children. You, your siblings, your mother.
Why? Naught a single soul to know.
(Heavy World Building, heavy multi-characters, slow burn, long term, fantasy, mxf only, action, adventure. Think Under the Oak tree/Beauty and the Beast. Side pairing, magic.
You can have full control of the names and style of your home Kingdom, however if you do not wish to do that, I do have names ready for you. You will be in charge of your Princess and siblings, I will take care of your parents for the sake of you having something to play off of before the two meets unless you want to play them otherwise. The first meeting sets the tone for the remainder of the roleplay)

Time heals all wounds- (Craving)
You're a warrior like any other, strong and skilled in the art you specialize in. Typically, you always go in it alone, a lone wolf and an army of one until you're not anymore. You finally come across an enemy that can do more than provide a challenge, you'd have died if not for the Healer that prevented your untimely death.
All she asks is that you take her with you for at least a little while in return for saving your life. What could it hurt?

(World Building. MxF, long term, fantasy, action, adventure, romance, subplot galore, think Frieren/Jobless Reincarnation backdrop/magic theme)

It was all just a game- (Craving)
Magic is leaving the world, and no one can understand why. Your Empire has been known to have some of the most powerful sorcerers to exist working loyally for your family until one day their magic grew weaker and weaker until it left them completely. No one can understand why, only that what made their Empire flourish was leaving them dangerously fast.
The Emperor puts his first-born son in charge of finding the cause, rumor has it a witch that works as a herbologist on the borders still has her powers and has not weakened like the rest of the lands magic. He is sent there to question her and hopefully get her assistance in finding out the cause and cure of what is stealing the magic away from skilled sorcerers.

(Adventure, mxf looking for m, world building, fantasy, mid-term, action, side characters and semi-slow burn)

Retirement- (Craving)
45 seems like a reasonable age to retire from the business of death and sin. An infamous assassin has decided to throw in the towel for good and go off grid. Moving to a small town in the middle of nowhere, buying a cabin and starting over seemed like a good way to put it all behind him. The transition is weird at first, but the monotony of life and the sweet woman at the local bookstore is making it all the better. He knows it's likely strange hanging around a girl roughly 15, maybe 20 years younger than himself, but she brought a peace to his life he never thought he'd have.
It sucks his old life is coning back to haunt him, but it's a good thing he's the best there is.

(Slice of Life, fluffy, action, blood, horror, drugs, etc. AssassinXCivilian. Willing to play either role, fem preference. If I'm already playing multiple of one role I'll start denying to do more.)

Please feel free to pitch any original ideas my way as well!

Basic pairings I like with no ideas for:
(I am primarily looking to play female leads with these btw)
Trying to think of interesting Isekai ideas after watching/reading some Overlord and Jobless Reincarnation.
Phoenix Rider x Dragon Rider
Investigator x Mob Boss/Yakuza
Animal shifter x human/cop
Spy x Spy
Werewolf x Witch
Librarian x Warrior/knight**
Pirate x Princess/prince
Cursed human x witch
Princess/queen x Prince/king**
Sorcerer x barbarian**
Nerd x Bully
School of sorcery professor x student
vampire x human
Healer x Warrior**
Enemies to lovers
Betrothed at birth
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Hello! I am interested in Record of Ragnarok. Have you read the manga, by any chance?
Unfortunately likely not I'm pretty rusty on the series and movies all around these days
ahh fair enough. I'm pretty new to the fandom as well, so accuracy/a deep dive into every single canon/facet of the lore isnt what I'd be looking for, moreso just playing around in that universe if not some other ending to First Class with the canons (it's the only one I've seen and beach divorce was justified, I'd dump my boyfriend if he used the Nuremberg defense too)
Hey there! I have a few things here that I'm quite interested in! Its been a while, so i might be a tad bit rusty but ive got a craving!!

Personally, I do like these plot points / pairings

Winter is here

Librarian x Warrior/knight
Pirate x Princess/prince
Cursed human x witch
Nerd x Bully
School of sorcery professor x student
vampire x human
Healer x Warrior

Im also down to possibly look into doing Crowns of Feather and Scales!
Hey there! I have a few things here that I'm quite interested in! Its been a while, so i might be a tad bit rusty but ive got a craving!!

Personally, I do like these plot points / pairings

Winter is here

Librarian x Warrior/knight
Pirate x Princess/prince
Cursed human x witch
Nerd x Bully
School of sorcery professor x student
vampire x human
Healer x Warrior

Im also down to possibly look into doing Crowns of Feather and Scales!

Well my dear all of those are available as I don't have any of them going right now, so if you'd like to message me when you've decided which one you want to do that'd be dope.
I don't think I have any preferences for which one we do and the pairings I have yet to work out any personal ideas for so those we can do together.
I would really be interested in fullfilling that 'Retirement-' craving
Even have a pretty much ready to use M character for that.
Didn't know if you accept DM's so i thought i just tell you like this
Sure dude sounds good.
I only rp in messages so it's good

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