Black Market Witch
(It's a long read . . . I'm sorry.)
Basically, supernatural highschool.
Nearly one thousand years ago, a war started between the humans and all manner of supernatural creatures. No one can recall who started the attack. And no one really knows why. But for some reason, the creatures we call "monsters" rose up against the human race. I guess they were sick of being ignored, sick of being treated like lesser beings, sick of being hated for no reason other than their otherworldly nature.
As said before, a war broke out, though I suppose we can't really call it a war. Though humans had their weapons, guns, tanks and the like, the opposition had powers and abilities that modern science just couldn't mimic. For years, the human race was picked off until what was left of the UN agreed to surrender earth to the creatures. Humanity had lost.
Over the next couple centuries, earth's lands had been divided amongst the supernatural races, each turning their piece into their own kingdoms. The small percentage of humans left were allowed to keep and live in small villages scattered across the world.
For a time, things were peaceful. But soon, certain races were dissatisfied with what they had. Kingdoms wanted to expand and no one wanted to give up any land. Tensions began getting high.
Not wanting to have another war on their hands, Oberon, king of the elves, suggested a school where students of all races could study. A place that would accept all into its walls. And so Oriens Aeternitas was built in hopes of teaching the future generations to get along.
However, things are bound to happen if you allow anyone in.


Basically, supernatural highschool.
Nearly one thousand years ago, a war started between the humans and all manner of supernatural creatures. No one can recall who started the attack. And no one really knows why. But for some reason, the creatures we call "monsters" rose up against the human race. I guess they were sick of being ignored, sick of being treated like lesser beings, sick of being hated for no reason other than their otherworldly nature.
As said before, a war broke out, though I suppose we can't really call it a war. Though humans had their weapons, guns, tanks and the like, the opposition had powers and abilities that modern science just couldn't mimic. For years, the human race was picked off until what was left of the UN agreed to surrender earth to the creatures. Humanity had lost.
Over the next couple centuries, earth's lands had been divided amongst the supernatural races, each turning their piece into their own kingdoms. The small percentage of humans left were allowed to keep and live in small villages scattered across the world.
For a time, things were peaceful. But soon, certain races were dissatisfied with what they had. Kingdoms wanted to expand and no one wanted to give up any land. Tensions began getting high.
Not wanting to have another war on their hands, Oberon, king of the elves, suggested a school where students of all races could study. A place that would accept all into its walls. And so Oriens Aeternitas was built in hopes of teaching the future generations to get along.
However, things are bound to happen if you allow anyone in.
Kingdom Name: Feerique
Lands: North America and most of South America
Currency: Lief (pronounced leaf)
Ruled By: The Croixetrosa (Cross for short)
- King Oberon (elf)
- Queen Gaiea (elemental)
- Crown Princess Blaire (elf/elemental)
- 2nd Princess Rosalind (elf/elemental)
One of the largest kingdoms on Earth, the fae kingdom contains many of the races commonly associated with the fantasy genre, such as fairies, dwarves and the ruling class of elves. Having both light and dark fae, the fae kingdom is considered one of the most neutral in its policies and beliefs. There is a bit of hostility between them and the undead due to an incident where 2nd princess Rose was kidnapped when she was younger.
Shared Characteristics:
- Heightened Senses
- Longevity
- Slow aging once one hits adulthood
- Slightly higher affinity for general magic for some races (fairies, elves, etc) but this doesn't mean they have stronger magic. It just means it is a little easier for them to learn magic, not necessarily use it.
Included Races:
- Light and dark elves
- Fairies
- Sirens
- Mermaids
- Gnomes
- Giants
- Dwarves
- Etc
More Information Here
- King Oberon (elf)
Kingdom Name: Seelenos
Lands: Europe, Middle East, central Asia
Currency: Juwels (pronounced jewels)
Ruled By: The Von Friedhofs
- "King Ludwig" (noblesse)
- "Queen Genevieve" (noblesse)
- Crown Prince Lucain (noblesse)
The undead kingdom, as the name suggests, covers for nearly all forms of undead life. This makes it another very large kingdom, comparable enough to the fae. Having lived on Earth, they are no longer weak to sunlight or need to consume flesh or blood to survive. However, blood is often consumed in secret, becoming more of a drug than anything else. It is sometimes sold on the black market or in certain night clubs in the undead and demon kingdoms.
Vampires come in 2 types: noblesse and verdorben.
- Noblesse are vampires that were born that way. During childhood, they are very much like normal children, aging as such and possessing no vampiric abilities. Puberty is signalled by the appearance of their powers. Once they hit adulthood, their aging slows down. The noblesse often think themselves better than verdorben.
- Verdorben were those that were turned into vampires. They stop aging when they are turned and exhibit their abilities only after their first feeding.
Shared Characteristics:
- Longevity
- Heightened Senses (though weaker than fae)
- Increased Strength and Agility (though weaker than beastmen)
- Limited Healing and Regenerative Abilities (weaker than shapeshifters)
- Lack of Mana - As it is a trait of living beings, the undead do not have the capability to produce mana. Instead, if they wish to use magic, they must take mana from outside sources. The most notable is through consumption of the fresh blood of a living being but that is illegal.
Included Races:
- Vampires (noblesse and verdorben)
- Zombies
- Lichs
- Ghouls
- Etc
More Information Here
- "King Ludwig" (noblesse)
Kingdom Name: Bahal
Lands: Southern Africa and Australia
Currency: Sarafu (pronounced sah-rah-foo)
Ruled By: N/A (feel free to apply for the position of royalty but I only want those who will be at least relatively committed)
The physically strongest kingdom, beastmen are renown for their physical prowess. Made up of a variety of different races, they share one general trait. They are able to borrow their power from their animal counterpart.
Nusu and Breeding:
Nusu are half-breed beastmen. A product of a beastman and a non-beastman. The nusu still possess generally stronger physical attributes but is considerably weaker than a pure blood beastman. The nusu also still possess the ability to turn into a bestial form but cannot turn into a fully humanoid form, often still retaining traits from their animal counterpart. (Think nekomimis and monster girls.)
When beastmen of different animals mate, the offspring adopts the animal counterpart of only one of the parents. No freaky hybrids.
The Trinity:
Among the beastmen, there are 3 particular tribes that are held in high regard, known as the Trinity: dragons, unicorns and phoenixes. Each race posesses abilities beyond that of common beastmen, the most notable being a higher affinity for magic than other beastmen.
- Dragons are revered for their immense strength. And are usually fire users.
- Unicorns/alicorns for their wisdom and thus a higher ability to learn magic.
- And phoenixes for the resilience/partial immortality. Also, generally fire users.
These tribes are usually close knit and isolated as to not muddy the blood line too much and risk extinction. Often more times than not, half breeds are looked down upon by the purebloods.Also, due to this desire, it's rare, though not unheard of, for a member of the Trinity tribes to wander outside their village and live amongst others.
Shared Characteristics:
- Increased Physical Abilities (often depending on the type of animal they take after)
- Heightened Senses (again, depends on the animal)
- The Ability to Morph Into Animal or Beastly Form
- Beastmen lack the ability to use most magic, despite being able to produce mana. However, exceptions are made for those of the Trinity and transformation magics.
- Flaws of Their Nature - Beastmen often take after their animal counterpart extremely and is prone to the same behavioral quirks. Like a cat beastmen may harbor a fear of dogs or a dog beastman who has an impulse to chase squirrels.
Included Races:
- Were-anything
- Selkies
- Kitsune
- Nusu
- Tanuki
- Harpies
- Dragons
- Unicorns
- Phoenixes
- Etc
More Information Here
- Dragons are revered for their immense strength. And are usually fire users.
Kingdom Name: Pangowahan
Lands: Northern Africa and Southern and Eastern Asia
Currency: Okane (oh-kah-nay)
Ruled By: N/A (feel free to apply for the position but I only want those who will be at least relatively committed)
Shapeshifters are similar to the beastmen in their transformative abilities, however they differ in the fact that while beastmen are limited to 2 forms, the shapeshifters are not. While they lack the strength of the beastmen, they make up for it with the flexibility of their transformations. Though shapeshifters generally stick to a single branch or specialization of transformations.
Shared Characteristics:
- Transformations (typically mastering in one of branches of shapeshifting)
- Increased healing and regenerative abilities. A few can even regenerate lost limbs within a certain time limit.
Included Races:
- Humanoid Shifters (who turn into other people)
- Beast Shifters (who turn into animals)
- Nonliving Shifters (who turn into objects)
More Information Here
- Transformations (typically mastering in one of branches of shapeshifting)
Kingdom Name: Terra
Lands: Southern South America
Currency: Moeda (mo-eh-dah)
Ruled By: La Terre
Elemental magic is not uncommon among the other races. Just about anyone can learn it. In fact, it's everywhere. So what's so special about the elemental race?
Elementals are very much in tune with their element. Enough so that some argue that they are forces of nature themselves. This high affinity for their element allows them to pull off high level elemental skills more easily than with other races. Even though their physical abilities are the same as humans, their mastery of their element makes them a formidable foe.
Shared Characteristics:
- High affinity for elemental magic of their element
- High production of mana
- Elemental Affinity - Due to their close connection with their element, elementals can do things like sense when their element is nearby, heal when submerged in their element (level of purity of the element decides effectiveness of healing), are resistant to attacks of the same element and turn into their element with enough training.
Included Races:
- Elementals
- Sylphs (wind)
- Undines (water)
- Nymphs
- Salamanders (fire)
- Yukionna (ice)
- Etc
More Information Here
- High affinity for elemental magic of their element
Kingdom Name: Eden
Lands: None
Currency: None
Ruled By: None
Having not participated in the War of Reckonings, the angels have no land on Earth. Not that they mind anyway, generally satisfied with thei heavenly kingdom.They are generally seen as a benevolent group of beings that love all life.
Shared Characteristics:
- High affinity for holy magic
- Wings ( though wings differ from angel to angel, typically all angels have some form of wings)
- Ethereal Beings - Though they may look and feel real, angels don't have the same sort of physical body other races have. Instead, they are a mass of energy, or souls as most like to think, condensed into a physical form. When they die, there is no corpse. Their bodies instead dissipate into light particles and disappear.
- Weakness to dark magic and curses.
More Information Here
- High affinity for holy magic
Kingdom Name: Noch
Lands: Northern Asia
Currency: Bones and teeth (not literally)
Ruled By: (feel free to make family for this guy)
- Emperor Barbelos Hades (demon)
Demons not only have their Hellish kingdom but also northern Asia as well. Demons are often confused for undead as both have a weakness for holy magic, but demons do not have a weakness for silver and may not possess all the physical capabilities of a vampire.
Coming in all shapes and sizes, demons are often considered the mutts of the supernatural world. Their powers and magic vary but generally they are unable to weild light or holy magic.
Originally ruled by Lucifer, a revolution 300 or so years ago switched the reign of power when Barbelos, the new ruler of the demons, killed Lucifer. Lucifer had no children but Barbelos may.
Note: Lucifer is dead with no family whatsoever.
Shared Characteristics:
- Weakness to light and holy magic
More Information Here
- Emperor Barbelos Hades (demon)
Kingdom Name: None
Lands: None
Currency: None
Ruled By: None
Ever since the supernatural had taken over, humans had become an extreme minority and second class citizens on their own planet. For centuries, they were sold as slaves, pets for the wealthy or food sources for vampires, until around 100 years ago when each kingdom signed a treaty allowing humans their rights back, called the Sanctuary Principle. Now they live in various small camps and cities scattered around the world.
What Makes a Human:
A human is defined as a pure-blooded descent of human lineage,dating back at least 3 generations, whose genetic material has not willingly been altered, effected or manipulated by outside forces deemed unnatural and/or unnecessary to the development, growth, survival and/or everyday comfort of the being.
The Walpurgis, also known as the traitor families, are 3 bloodlines who had aided the supernatural during the War of Reckonings and the only humans that were not only allowed to keep their lands and property but also gained a substantial fortune as a reward for their help. However, due to their betrayel, it's said that they were cursed by the surviving humans to have their bloodlines wiped out by evil and madness.
Before the War of Reckonings, the Walpurgis families were the only 3 major families of witches and continue to be so in the present day, each family well known for a particular field. It is most likely due to their lineage of persecution and death at the hands of fellow men that pushed them to shift sides. This also explains why members of the Walpurgis family generally produce more mana than outsiders.
The Walpurgis Families:
- The Amakuras, famed for their strong bond with spirits, have given birth to countless mediums and oracles, though the blood has run weak with time as well as their foresight. Still, they are one of the leading specialists in supernatural creatures, more specifically, the ferals. Some have even been known to be able to tame the beasts.
- The Lecardes , famed for their magic weapons and enchantments, they are currently known for being the largest and best supply for all sorts of weapons, magic and otherwise. Though 8 years ago, their entire town was wiped out by the youngest, and possible only, living descendent. Still, it seems that for some reason, the company is still kept running by a mysterious head. (No Lecarde Sign Ups)
- The Godspells, famed for their potions and poisons, they fit the image of the stereotypical witch the most. Their potions are famous though being as exclusive as they are, they don't mass produce them. The later generations are very protective of their recipes.
Black Hunters:
The Black Hunters is an underground organization of humans who resent the supernatural and dream of someday reclaiming the earth as their own. Though most are aware of them, they are a fairly underground group. No one knows how big they are or where they are. Not that anyone would care anyway since the organization is usually quiet and doesn't do anything. However, they have been getting more bold and violent lately.
Shared Characteristics:
- Weak Mana Production (with exception of those of the Walpurgis families)
- Very Squishy
More Information Here, Here, Here, and Here
- The Amakuras, famed for their strong bond with spirits, have given birth to countless mediums and oracles, though the blood has run weak with time as well as their foresight. Still, they are one of the leading specialists in supernatural creatures, more specifically, the ferals. Some have even been known to be able to tame the beasts.
Ferals are the beasts or "monsters" of the Oriens world. But don't say monsters because that's considered a derogatory term.
More Information Here
School Motto: "Enim Novis Initiis Novum Futura"
School Colors: Royal Blue, Gold and Black
School Mascot: The Unibear, a grizzly bear with a single jagged horn portruding from its forehead (Schools and sports teams need to make up animals for mascots sometimes to avoid offending Beastmen and Shapeshifters)
Amnesty Policy: Oriens offers full amnesty for any students who've done wrong in the past but want to repent. The school overlooks any crimes they've done in the past but should they repeat their crimes on school grounds, they will be punished.
Uniforms can be customized to suit the students' needs or preferences as long as they follow the dress code. Two of my characters have customized uniforms if you want an idea of what you can get away with.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e25934f_BoysSummerUniform.png.1635fce94c9b1202b2a533b5f159bdb8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e25934f_BoysSummerUniform.png.1635fce94c9b1202b2a533b5f159bdb8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e277a6e_GirlsSpringUniform(Reboot).png.602565e706dad4b3394c958d957ae4cc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e277a6e_GirlsSpringUniform(Reboot).png.602565e706dad4b3394c958d957ae4cc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Though this is a school rp, we won't be putting too much focus on classes, or at least noncombat oriented ones. Classes, other than combat courses, will mostly be used to establish important lore for story arcs and such.
General Education Classes:
General education classes are typically decided by grade level (elementary, middle, high and college) and aptitude scores. Students may test out of their age level classes but cannot skip grade levels unless they exhibit extreme academic achievement.
(Keep a note that these classes won't really be taught on screen, except for history. If you want to reference them or mention them as part of the setting, go ahead but unless someone really wants (and I mean REALLY wants) to have a math class, I don't think we're actually going to rp one out.)
- Math
- English (Antonio Redgrave)
- History (Tatiana Chelovek)
- Science (Alexandra Edgar)
- Languages
- Crafting (Gorthog Skullgrinder)
- Etc
Combat Classes:
To sign up for a combat class, you need to be high school grade level or higher (essentially 14 or older). All those younger will take regular physical education. Each class is a collection of students of varying age (approved ages), skill and experience. Should a student wish for higher level training, they must seek out private lessons with a teacher or tutor. They may also seek help from other students that aren't tutors but those won't really be actual classes or lessons, more like sparring practice.
- Unarmed Combat - teaching the basics of hand to hand combat
- Swordsmanship (Alejandro Santino) - swords
- Archery - bows and arrows
- Marksmanship - guns
- Dueling (Tatiana Chelovek)- Basically, regular sparring matches for students that are not limited in techniques. Also learn the basics of facing off against opponents.
Magic and Abilities Classes:
Like with combat classes, you need to be at least 14 to take magic or ability classes. All those younger just get more extracurricular classes, like art or something. And also like the combat classes, each one is a random collection of students of varying age and skill level.
- Magic (Alexandra Edgar)
- Alchemy (Alexandra Edgar)
- Shapeshifting - for beastmen and shapeshifters (this class will not be rped on screen)
Other Staff:
- Head of Infirmary - ??? (he does exist)
- Math
- Uniforms must be worn to all lecture-style classes.
- Uniforms may be modified as long as they retain school colors and do not distract or hinder the students in any way.
- No weapons in the classroom unless pertaining to the lesson. Members of the student council and student disciplinary committee are allowed to carry weapons as long as it is for the sole purpose of their duty and the weapon itself is non-lethal.
- Please wear shoes. You have no idea what goes on on these floors.
- No hair or skin products in the classroom.
- No compact mirrors in the classroom.
- Accessories worn should not have a combined weight surpassing 5 lbs. Also, no refractory or shiny surfaces exceeding 3 square inches on a single accessory.
- Students are allowed to wear what they please during practical lessons, as long as there is a hint of modesty to the attire. Basically, no boobs, butts or pickles, you know what I mean. However, some teachers require a stricter dress code and are allowed to tell you to change if they deem your outfit inappropriate.
- Uniforms must be worn to all lecture-style classes.
- No spitting in public places. That is gross.
- The bathroom is the only bathroom. Use it.
- No harassment or bullying is tolerated in Oriens.
- No peeping or stealing.
- No feeding off of the students.
- No spitting in public places. That is gross.
- Pets any larger than 3 feet in height, width or length must be kept in the stables/kennels.
- All pets must be up to date on their shots. Unless inorganic in nature.
- Students are not pets and cannot be kept in the stables. That is slavery. Slavery is frowned upon.
- All pets must be approved by the student council or student disciplinary committee prior to being brought on campus.
- Dragons are people.
- The actions of the pet are the responsibility of the pet owner.
- Oriens is not responsible for the death or running away of any pet.
- Pets any larger than 3 feet in height, width or length must be kept in the stables/kennels.
- One cannot kick an assigned roommate out unless they've violated the rules of a serious degree. If you have a problem, then move.
- Students are allowed to decorate and modify their room to their liking, but any construction must be approved by the student council first.
- No skylights unless you live on the top floor.
- Girls may not share a room with boys and vice versa.
- One cannot kick an assigned roommate out unless they've violated the rules of a serious degree. If you have a problem, then move.
- All spars must be monitored by a member of the staff or held in the training rooms in Mars Hall. All conflicts on school grounds not monitored or in the designated areas will be considered fights and will be stopped. Both sides will be reprimanded for fighting with punishments dealt relative to the situation.
- During a spar, the referee's judgement is final.
- Official spars in the amphitheater must be scheduled beforehand.
- All spars must be monitored by a member of the staff or held in the training rooms in Mars Hall. All conflicts on school grounds not monitored or in the designated areas will be considered fights and will be stopped. Both sides will be reprimanded for fighting with punishments dealt relative to the situation.
- On school nights, students must be in their rooms by 11PM. Any students out of the north wing after hours will be given detention.
- On school nights, quiet time starts at 10PM in the north wing. Any students making excessive racket will be given 3 warnings before detentions are issued.
- On weekends and holidays, curfew and quiet time are extended to 1AM.
- On school nights, students must be in their rooms by 11PM. Any students out of the north wing after hours will be given detention.
- No humans are to be harmed, in accordance with the Sanctuary Principle.
- Elementary students cannot participate in combat electives. Middle school students ma only participate in the basic self defense courses.
- Students wishing to be part of the student council or student disciplinary committee must be of high school age or higher.
- No humans are to be harmed, in accordance with the Sanctuary Principle.
Just a general map of the school grounds.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e23c340_AcademyFrontView.png.7757c7a0f6d641863a3eff857e0365ac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e23c340_AcademyFrontView.png.7757c7a0f6d641863a3eff857e0365ac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c610c6ab3_AcademyMap1.png.01871f03346f64e3d8a889f9f0e09455.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c610c6ab3_AcademyMap1.png.01871f03346f64e3d8a889f9f0e09455.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Classrooms are located on the first and second floors only. There are 2 types of classrooms.
- Lecture Halls - Lecture halls are used for classes that do not require the student to do strenuous activities, such as the gen ed courses and theory type combat and ability classes (Classes where you only discuss about how to fight and don't practice). The typical lecture hall can hold up to 250 students at once.
- Studio Classrooms - Studios are used for practical lessons in combat and abilities. The walls are reinforced to resist damage under even extreme circumstances. Each comes with a closet of mock weapons. A class is typically 30 students.
- Lecture Halls - Lecture halls are used for classes that do not require the student to do strenuous activities, such as the gen ed courses and theory type combat and ability classes (Classes where you only discuss about how to fight and don't practice). The typical lecture hall can hold up to 250 students at once.
- The Amphitheater - An outdoor stage used for public sparring matches and tournaments. Usually, matches must be scheduled at least a week in advance, but when there is nothing scheduled, people tend to use it as they please.
- Mars Hall - A gym for students and staff. It contains weight rooms, machines, small studios and even a pool. The walls of the locker rooms have been enchanted to prevent the makings of peepholes and paint the word "Pervert" on the foreheads of all who try.
- Nike Stadium - A stadium for sport's games and practices. Under the bleachers has become a rather popular place to go when ditching classes.
- The Amphitheater - An outdoor stage used for public sparring matches and tournaments. Usually, matches must be scheduled at least a week in advance, but when there is nothing scheduled, people tend to use it as they please.
- Minerva Library - It's a library located on the roof of the main school building. What else is there to say?
- Training Rooms - Rooms in Mars Hall specifically to practice combat and abilities in. From the dummy room to practice hand to hand combat to the firing range for marksmanship.
- Minerva Library - It's a library located on the roof of the main school building. What else is there to say?
Places to eat.
- Dining Hall - buffet style dining hall
- Elf Cup - a cafe located by the school gardens
- The Drunken Gnome - an on-campus bar for those 20 and older
- Vending Machines - They're everywhere.
- Dining Hall - buffet style dining hall
- Sports clubs train in Mars Hall or Nike Stadium or even outside.
- Cultural clubs are welcome to claim any classroom not in use after 3 PM.
- The student council and disciplinary squad have specific adjacent rooms on the 3rd floor.
- Sports clubs train in Mars Hall or Nike Stadium or even outside.
- The school is about an hour's drive away from the Pacific Coast. Though it's a cliff so I don't know what you plan to do with it.
- There is a lake and waterfall about an hour's walk from the edge of the woods behind the school.
- The school is about an hour's drive away from the Pacific Coast. Though it's a cliff so I don't know what you plan to do with it.
- Ceres Greenhouse - A greenhouse located in the Prosperina Gardens; houses a variety of exotic plants and flowers, including common to uncommon medicinal herbs; no rare plants though
- Prosperina Gardens - A large garden with many different flowers: roses, lilies, tulips, etc; There is a gazebo in a ring of rose bushes in the garden. An urban legend is that if you carve your initials and the initials of your crush on the right column during midnight on the full moon, your love will come true.
- Adelmar - A big Fae city about a 30 minute walk from Oriens; plenty of shopping, restaurants, theaters, clubs, etc
- Infirmary - It's an infirmary. What else do you need to know?
- Garages - For students and staff to keep vehicles in; underground
- Artemis Building - A stable of sorts, basically a building for keeping pets too large for the dorms
- Ceres Greenhouse - A greenhouse located in the Prosperina Gardens; houses a variety of exotic plants and flowers, including common to uncommon medicinal herbs; no rare plants though
During the first Oriens Academy, the usual lull of everyday life was interrupted by the appearance of Mel, a serial killer known as the Princess of Lucifer, and her two servants. Well, to be honest, the fuss wasn't really due to their actions but by those of an angel, Bunny.
Bunny gathered people, telling them of Mel's crimes and that she would do the same here, while plotting her death. Most were tricked by her words and a group, including Rose and Azure, was actually planning on killing the girl, despite the Sanctuary Principle and Amnesty Law of the school. They faced off against Mel's gang multiple times until the truth of Bunny's nature came to light. Still, that didn't stop Bunny, using her fanclub to lure Vash into the woods and launch another attack on Mel. The fight ended with Riff dying and Mel chasing Bunny, determined to slaughter the angel. However, 3 cloaked figures beat her to the punch, unknown to just about everyone.
Currently, Bunny is considered missing, having left no corpse, and there are vicious rumors surrounding Mel, saying she mutilates small animals. Riff's ashes are in an urn in Mel's room as she waits for a chance to bring him home.


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