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Fantasy Oriens Academy [Reboot] Sign Up (Open Again)


Name: Alexander Orpheus

Age: 19

Role: Student

Status: Third Year

Rooming: Happy to room with whoever

Race: Bahal/Beastmen - Unicorn


6'4" in height.


Personality: Alexander tends to be quite a quiet individual and keeps to himself a lot. That being said, he can be quite sociable if you take the time to talk to him. Alexander is a pessimist and also tends to judge people very easily. Once you have offended him it is rather hard to get him to forgive you. He can be very stubborn.

Magic*: - Able to heal wounds, as he gets older and hones his power he will be able to heal deeper wounds with more ease.

Abilities*: - Ability to shift into a beastial form much like a were-animal.

- Enhanced strength and stamina (As much as a horse, even when in humanoid form)

- Ingesting unicorn blood will cure most illness and injury. The higher the amount ingested the more effective it will be. Some even claim that eating the heart of a unicorn will grant immortality. This is probably not true.

Equipment: - A rapier

- Also carries around some bottles of his blood in case he needs to heal someone and can't do it with magic alone.

Background: (Optional, but if you're planning on keeping it a secret and then turning it into some sort of plot in the rp, then you must run it by me first so I can make sure it is canon with this universe.)

Other: (Anything else you want to say? Any clubs? Likes? Dislikes? Etc?)

Name: Marianne Douglass

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: Second Year

Rooming: Happy to room with whoever

Race: Terra/Elemental - Undine



5'6" in height.

Personality: (Optional, but do not put "Meet ___" or "Developmental" or the like. Also, anyone who wishes to make a teacher will be asked for a personality or what type of teacher they wish to play.)

Magic*: - None. (Her powers are natural abilities caused by her Elemental nature)

Abilities*: - Advanced Hydrokinesis:

  • Can shape and control water
  • Can hear and breathe underwater as a normal humanoid would in air
  • Can create constructs out of "hard water", eg. Weapons, walls, etc.
  • Can turn her body into a watery form

- Water Form:

  • Enhanced Hydrokinesis
  • Impervious to physical harm
  • Can draw surrounding water into her body to grow bigger
  • Can move instantaneously through water
  • Susceptible to freezing or evaporating
  • Difficult to maintain humanoid shape
  • The more water incorporated the harder it is to retain conscious control

Equipment: (Weapons, armor, etc. This list should include anything your character may have brought with him or has since the beginning. If possible, I would also like you to edit this section should you acquire anything during the duration of the rp.)

Background: (Optional, but if you're planning on keeping it a secret and then turning it into some sort of plot in the rp, then you must run it by me first so I can make sure it is canon with this universe.)

Other: (Anything else you want to say? Any clubs? Likes? Dislikes? Etc?)


: Mortimer

Species: Juvenile Water Leaper


Abilities: - Amphibious

- Can glide short distances


By signing up for this roleplay, I, RiddleWrappedEnigma, have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.
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I'm new to the site, but I hope you'll have me.

Name: Antonio Redgrave

Age: 48

Role: Teacher, English (Can fill in other roles if necessary)

Status: About a week

Rooming: Single Room seems appropriate

Race: No kingdom - Human

Appearance: An older man, Redgrave's features are hardened under a growing layer of creases from a constantly furrowed brow. His chin is hidden behind a short beard, and a receding layer of gray hair crowns his head. The paladin dresses in ceremonial garb preserved from antiquity: a long black habit and white collar are his trademark wear. Though much info on the past was lost, this outfit was preserved as traditional wear for his sect. Beneath his clothing, his body has a fair amount of bulky muscle, marred by the occasional battle scar, though these are well-hidden by his clothes. The visible indicators of his physique are a thick, sinewy neck and rough, calloused hands. On his belt hangs a shiny crucifix about fifteen inches in length.

Personality: Antonio is actually a very kind person. He's constantly smiling, and always has a bit of sage advice. Whether it's lending an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on, his first instinct is naturally to help others. Normally, he's also rather easygoing, and . However, this is coupled with a very strong sense of justice. Antonio is bound by oath to defend the weak, and won't hesitate to put himself in harm's way for the sake of an innocent person.

Antonio's dream is to someday see an era where humans can stand on their own, and live in peace.

Magic*: N/A

Abilities*: Through a combination of rigorous training and numerous battles during his life as a paladin, Antonio's body is finely honed for combat; his martial skills reach the human limit. Combined with his holy arms, he's a match for even ruthless demons and sadistic undead.

On the other side of the coin, Antonio's faith has strengthened and tempered his spirit. He is highly resistant to influences on his mind, and seems to exude an air of goodness.

Equipment: Antonio's primary tool is a very old artifact, at first appearing to be an ornate crucifix. However, it is imbued with incredibly strong holy power, and is capable of shifting into four different forms: a stout longsword, a sturdy hammer, a powerful halberd, and a fearsome chain whip. Having been passed down since time immemorial, it's spilled the blood of countless evil beings, and its very presence causes discomfort in demons and the undead. These beings, when struck by the weapon, are burned by a white, holy flame, and the weapon's touch can dispel dark magic and enchantments. Likewise, it cannot be tampered with by outside forces.

Background: One thousand years ago, when humanity descended into a war for its survival, the Catholic Church saw the full extent of its enemies forces. With the demons of Hell on its doorstep, the 266th Pope declared the Tenth Crusade. This time, the enemy was not Allah, but Hell itself. Thus, the greatest artifacts were withdrawn, and ordinary priests brandished a sword with their scripture as they took on a new role as Paladins.

Humanity lost despite its best efforts. However, it never lost hope. Like a lantern in the darkness, the remnants of the church remained, gathering its forces. The remaining paladins were no longer an army but a sect of knights errant. Though humanity was oppressed, beaten, and even reduced to livestock, a few strong individual lingered, protecting the innocent from those that might do evil.

Antonio was one such individual. After being saved from a ravenous group of undead as a child, he realized that the only way to ensure humanity's survival was for them to take it back into their own hands. Thus he began training under the paladin that rescued him. It was no easy task, but against impossible odds, he survived, and became adept at fighting the monsters ravaging human ghettos. Now well seasoned, he's set his sights on a certain powder keg. Redgrave is hoping for the best but preparing for the worst with the school; if Oriens is successful, it could prove to be a stepping stone in humanity regaining its sovereignty. However, it also bears the chance of imploding, sparking an international incident and leading to a great loss of life. With this in mind, he has gained a role as teacher.

By signing up for this roleplay, I Fluffer have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.
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@Fluffer Accepted, however I just need you to specify which kingdom he identifies with. Basically, where is he a citizen or was born. Also, I just wanted to let you know, religion isn't as big as it was when humans ruled the world. They still exist but are generally seen as schools of faith rather than some unconditional truth. I'll try to post something about religions in the textbook/lore tab when I can to hopefully better paint a picture of what I mean.
I figured he wouldn't really identify as being a part of any demihuman kingdom, regardless of where he was born. Humanity doesn't really have a homeland in this setting.
They don't have their own homeland, but they are still counted as part of a kingdom, for the purposes of census, taxes, laws, etc. So they are counted as part of one of the other kingdoms, typically depending on where they were born or filed citizenship for. There are certain exceptions though, such as if your birth was never registered or you're part of a nomadic tribe. Would Antonio be one of these?
Name: Gorthog Skullgrinder

Age: 50

Role: Shop Teacher

Status: 22 years

Rooming: N/A

Race: N/A-Ogre



Personality: Gorthog is seen by most as a proud craftsman and an even-tempered and patient teacher. Some students, however, find Gorthog's uncompromising standards and patronizing attitude frustrating to deal with.

Magic: Some skill with charms and enchanting, though his skills are more inclined towards repairing or stripping away enchantments than weaving them.


  • True Omnivore: As an ogre, Gorthog can chew and digest virtually anything, regardless of material or composition.
  • Master Craftsman: Gorthog has spent his entire life studying and expanding on a wide variety of construction techniques in a great number of fields. As such, he can design, build, modify, and disassemble even the most complex of items with practiced ease.
  • Like an Ox: Stemming from his racial heritage and a lifetime of good, honest work, Gorthog has strength to spare, an ironclad work ethic, and seemingly inexhaustible reserves of stamina. If he sets his mind to something it will happen, come hell or high water.


Ceremonial Ent-Bone Warclub:
It's a stick.


Growing up in the orcish shantytowns of the great north would be a rough life for anyone. Gorthog had it better than most, being of strong stock and fairly perceptive and clever for his ilk. He found his calling as a carpenter and joiner at an early age, making things by hand being the rule rather than the exception. Throughout his early life, he occupied himself primarily with the study of building construction, helping to raise new housing and repair old, experimenting with different joining and bracing techniques in his spare time.

Gorthog also devoted himself to becoming literate, and scavenged what books he could on the art and science of construction. He designed new and improved structural frameworks that could stand up to even the rowdiest of orcish brawls, walls that retained heat more efficiently, and new ways to create stable multi-story housing with the barest of materials. That's not to say he wasn't well-rounded, of course; Gorthog developed something of a reputation as a craftsman, and was often called upon to repair or create anything from crude, sturdy hunting equipment to delicate instruments. He met each challenge with gusto, and as the years wore on he grew into a self-taught master craftsman.

Eventually, some official in the government caught wind of Gothmog's skill, and a public works committee contracted him to design a form of sanitation facility requiring minimal space. Gothmog had little knowledge of drafting, so the work was slow-going, but in the end he met or exceeded all criteria set for the facility, and was awarded a position and tenure at Oriens for his achievements. There, he has been a leading figure in their Industrial Arts program for a number of years. In his time at Oriens, he has branched out into other avenues of craftsmanship, from metalworking to bookbinding, and continues to polish his skills even today.

Name: Cassandra Zaman

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: Nobody is entirely sure how long Cassandra has been at Oriens, but it's generally agreed she's been there some time.

Rooming: None

Race: Bahal-Lamia


Personality: Cassandra is spunky, cheerful, and more than a little bit nosy. People tend to find her remarkably easy to talk to. Oddly for a photographer and journalist, she herself is notoriously camera-shy.

Magic: None


  • Beastman Strength: As a beastman, Cassandra possesses the strength and toughness of twenty or so men.
  • Technological Enhancements: Multiple spy devices embedded in Cassandra's body can send and receive intelligence, primarily makes use of a Codec which allows her to communicate with her handlers. Communication is heavily encrypted, effectively uncrackable, instantaneous, telepathic, and sent received on an undetectable frequency- in short, it's undetectable and no, one cannot "listen in".
  • Psychic Camouflage: Many Lamia are, like a number of their reptilian cousins, natural ambush predators. Physically speaking, one would think their size would make them unsuitable for such tasks, but a subset of Lamia have a curious adaptation: They have, as a race, developed a form of innate psychic camouflage that makes them effectively invisible to any and all extrasensory abilities, such as cognition, remote viewing, telepathy, or even basic instinctual awareness of one's surroundings, with a side effect of making them virtually impossible to "read", as it were. As an extension of this, a Lamia can also use this ability to become unnoticable,interfering with the subjects sensory perception and causing the subject's mind to stop registering the Lamia's existence entirely.
  • Psychoportation: An evolution of Cassandra's innate psionic powers, she takes advantage of the uncertainty principle to create space-bending "shortcuts". Combined with her natural camouflage, it makes Cassandra obnoxiously hard to keep track of.
  • Basic Training: Cassandra is a capable unarmed combatant and marksman. She is also skilled in all forms of tradecraft, surveillance, and stealth.
  • Connected: Cassandra is well-connected with the student body of Oriens and as such has a wide variety of informants and witnesses to inform her of events at and around the school.


  • Civilian-Grade Stun Baton: A stungun for the modern age, with settings for incapacitating anything from elves to the hardiest of beastmen! Remember to check your settings before use.
  • Camera Bag: A sturdy, lightweight bag that carries all of Cassandra's everyday journalistic equipment: Camera, lenses, flash, tripod, chloroform, pens and paper, rohypnol, recorder, backup camera, wire, laser microphone, RFID tags, etc.


An aspiring would-be journalist from the kingdom of Bahal, Cassandra is an orphan half-breed, both parents dead of illness. She was raised in an orphanage, a loving place run by a woman who, in another time, could have very well been considered a saint. Though she was homeschooled for most of her years, Cassandra found that she easily passed the entrance exam, and soon entered into Oriens. She quickly rose to a led position on the much-neglected school newspaper, for which she is both reporter and editor.

Of course, the truth goes a little deeper than that. Yes, she is a half-breed, but her parents didn't die of an illness; they were murdered in their home by their own neighbors, who could not bear to see one of their kind take a human as his bride. True, she was raised in an orphanage, but Cassandra's orphanage was a training ground for child soldiers, their games and lessons disguised exercises in how to make war. She joined an organization of anti-government insurgents at an early age, and was quickly assigned to infiltrate Oriens- for it was, among other things, the school where the tyrant-children were kept. She performs her duties with gusto, hunting down every secret in Oriens under the guise of a journalist and relaying them back to her superiors.

Other: Lead reporter and editor of the school newspaper; within the journalism club, her word is law.

By signing up for this roleplay, I, Shypre, have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.
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Annabethe "Stryder" X Coulson






Since she started secondary school. She is in Year 12 now, and graduating when the year concludes.


Preferably a single room. Just incase.




As A Human
- Her human state she likes to call natural. her beauty excels. Her boddy is very fit and has curves in all the right places. She prefers a tomboy look of combat boots and flanel's to a dress or skirt and flats. She is 5'8" in height when human. Toned and all, never afraid to show her body. When in this form her eyes can flash yellow, at will or on unknown instinct/subconsciousness.


Transforming On "No Moon" Days - It's a state between, and accesible at any time, not on full moon days though. She stays same height but grows a considerable amount of more hair, though most of it is -fine-, her features become darker like her hair colour for example, and of course there are the noticeable werewolf changes. Her eyes stay blue, but they are much more lit up and electric. She would always be wearing clothes if she changed into this form.


Transforming On A Full Moon - Possible at all times, and extra gressive on full moons. She looks Much like her father though her face is a little wider, same as her neck fur, and her features much more feminine, reaching his unruly height when standing tall at the same time he is. That would be about two tall-ish eleven year olds. Her hands/paws could be the size of a well-sized newborn, her feet even larger and her sharp claws more like talons with their size. Her teeth are straight and white and sharp as hell. Her eyes colour changes from electric to a golden yellow here. She doesn't need to wear clothes in this form, nothing shows. Her fur is a dark black like her fathers, but with a white pattern; streals over her ears, between her eyes, over her back and along her tail. She got that from her mother, who is a light brown colour. Just staying within the midddle of her body over her back down to the tip of her tail.



Melanie is very optimistic young woman, always with an ambition to do her best. One way or another. She has a natural youthfulness so most trust her, and her motherly instincts help. She is genrally happy and always honest about what she is. Not though, about what she says to others. Melanie is quite mischeivous, and always up for anything, dare's too if you are feeling lucky. The girl is one to say it how it is and use sarcasm to an extent. She has a natural charm and tolerance for others, always weaving in and out of everyones business. But you could guess that's because her father is a teacher. Melanie likes making other people happy and making other people laugh. Her sly moves never surprise others, at least not after her years in the school. Pretty much a badass chick she will take anyone on wether or not they ask for it. Just don't mess with her and you won't have to face her bad side. Her -really- bad side.


She has basicly none. Unless you want to count her telepathy with canines as magic.


Apart from her shapeshifting ablities, Melanie has the ability to talk to any canine, or canine descendant, through the power of telepathy, not words. Dogs can't talk. She also posssess advanced healing, hearing, sight, smell and like all canines she can sense and tell emotions using chemo-signals given off by others. It's a wolf thing.


Even though she has a somewhat extended life and youthfulness, being a werewolf, she can be killed only by a silver bullet to a fatal place. Chances of survival are slim which is bad, the silver itself stings badly. She can get very out of control sometimes, especially on full moons. She could black out and that turns out very bad for herself and others. Her dad can get very, very angry. She also has a motherly sense whch could lead her wrong in situations where her emotions affect her greatly.


She has always had her Bow with her. A long bow. It is sturdy, heavy duty, made from metal and wood, and it shoots silver arrows. Yeah you heard right. She has a death wish, seriously. The spear is normal metal but the tip is completely silver, and deaddly for her (though only if impaled in a fatal place), they pack a punch when they touch her skin. When she uses these particular silver arrows (because she can still use the bow and just metal arrows) she has to wear gloves which cover her hands and fingers and reach right up to her elbows. This of course is not wearable as a fully fledged beast so she uses the bow at all, only in her human and "inbetween" states.

Melanie, also, posseses other smaller bits like heirlooms, books from her parents and the everyday necessities for a 19 year old girl in highschool.

Background: She was born in NSW, Australia, to two other werewolves named Marianna and Nathan. She grew up with quite a happy life. She excelled in both her creativity and her fighting skills too, showing the Wolfe's only child being a girl was not going to dissapoint in any way. She lived happily with her parents. And she was homeschooled unti they decided she go to school independently and find something good for herself. They sent her to Orien's Acadamy when she was to start secondary, and she's seen them on and off since.


- She is apart of the Photography club, and her room is by now littered with photos, cameras and artwork.

- Her sports range through all sorts. Teams are usually quite easy to get into if she knows the rules.

- After she graduates from highschool she will probably spend another 100 or so years on the planet due to her origin's. So far her dad is ok with just these years of her life so she can spend the rest becoming a legend like himself. Her mother encourages her to do anything she wants. But warrior is always first pick for everyone.

- If she weren't what she is, and if she can get there, she would love to be a Canine Veterinarian or a Writer, even a Painter/Artist.

- She was living in until she started highschool. Her mother and father wanted her closer and such.

- She takes liberty in not being afraid of what she is and embracing the fact that every fulll moon she turns into a viscious pack animal. It helps her control it. Acceptance is Key.

- She has a pet Australian Barn Owl named Vincent Van Gogh. Just a little something she came up with, she thinks it describes him entirely. And she usually just calls him Vincent, with full names saved for angry and stressed moments in her life.

- It's quite an odd middle name she has, isn't it?

By signing up for this roleplay, I -Scotty- have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.

Pet Skeleton:

: Vincent Van Gogh

Species: Australian Barn Owl



Abilities: None, but the advanced awareness he has of others especially Melanie. And his great smarts on hunts, and when understanding what Melanie wants him to do.


- Vincent often joins Melanie on her full moon's, to watch over her and to assist, in a way. He just needs to fly enough and fast enough that Melanie doesn't catch him mid flight, but has never happened too badly. he is often one to lead her to her prey, sic she follows him all the time.

- At school Vincent stays perched on Melanie's shoulder, of flying lightly after her. It is often though that the teachers make Melanie send him to the . In class he is still on her shoulder or on her desk comfortably.​
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Name: Maxine Sanshoo

Age: 21

Role: Student - Disciplinary Committee leader.

Rooming: Rosalind Croixetrosa

Status: 5 Years

Race: Beastmen - Dragon

Appearance: 6'6 in height.




Personality: Assertive and forward, Liking to take problems head on and tries to lead by example. Generally quick to call someone on something if it annoys, irritates, angers her for whatever reason.


  • Dragon shifting: Maxine like most other beastman, can change into a beastlike form, or partially change into a beastlike form.
  • Fire breather: Maxine can generate fire out from her body, a series of biological components makes this meaning that it has the properties of normal fire with no magical effects.
  • Fiery Resilience: Maxine's species allows her to be very resilient to fiery attacks and environments, allowing her to ignore or take less bodily harm to fire.
  • Burning Soul: Maxine has a unique link for her body and soul, seemingly harnessing the power of it directly into her body, making her internal body warmer, heating up rapidly and enhancing her fire, and increasing the power of her blows. This link shows up mostly with emotions of Anger, Rage, and Determination. She's not able to control this directly, the best control she has is to control her emotions.
  • Martial Arts: She's learned quite the variety of close combat martial arts over the years, from pins to grabs, to redirection and so fourth.


  • Goliath: Maxine's main bat. A bat specifically tailored towards her abilities, one that can withstand the blows of her swings, and the heat of her body. Making it nigh indestructible by normal means.
  • Special grade baseballs: Maxine carry's around a large sum of specially made baseballs for her to use. They are durable enough to take the hit of her blow, though they are not invincible. They can be broken, and cut. They are also designed to be slightly flammable, in case Maxine ever wants to send great balls of fire downrange.
  • The batters collection: Maxine does have a large variety of bats in storage, the majority are just for show, though there are a few that are enchanted. None of them are indestructible like Goliath though, she can burn, or melt these, or a opponent can break them.

Background: Maxine is a runt for her kind, growing up next to the giants and initally was getting named called for it, that was up until she started to harness the power of the ability she was gifted with. This resulted in her being known from one of the smallest to her kind, to one of the ones that shows promise of becoming the strongest, this whole perspective, and the whole thought that she could become great had then become her goal, to reach the top of the world, be known as the strongest so that she could feel the pride of it all, and the feeling of the onlookers seeing her high above willing to put it all in to make it.

Other: She has a sister that occasionally comes to the school, a Frog beastmen with blue hair named Artix, running a dojo out in the city and occasionally teaches classes at Orions.

Pet Skeleton:

: Eulicid

Species: Magma Salamander




  • Fire gulper: Eulicid as a member of his species has a innate ability to consume fire of many types, be it magical or not.
  • Fire spewer: Eulicid can emanate fire and heat off of his body.
  • Regenerative capabilities: Eulicid is capable of extremely high and fast regeneration, able to recreate limbs in a very short time.

Other: He's used essentially as a limiter for Maxine, to keep her ability under control and to keep her health and the health of others safe.


Name: Skyia Riis

Age: 17

Role: Student - A Maid cafe Waitress

Status: 2 Months

Rooming: Considering for rooming for someone who doesn't mind having to sacrifice a bit to compensate for her size.

Race: Beastmen - Lamia

Appearance: About 28 feet long



Personality: Sweet and gentle, caring about others and would prefer to take a more pacifist route to a situation than a more aggressive one. There to comfort and to help if possible.


  • Potential Student: Some potential for magic, namely focusing into healing magics but currently has little to no talent in it.


  • Cooking: she knows some things in cooking, not the best, but she puts a lot of heart into it.
  • Basic Medical talents: She knows how to do the most basic things when to help heal and bandage people with more traditional methods of healing.
  • Artistic Talents: She's good at drawing, not so good with models or other forms of art.
  • Archery: She's a fairly good enough shot with a bow.
  • Physical Strength: Due to the fact she's a beastmen, and a snakelike one at that, she has quite a bit of strength behind that tail of hers, capable of holding someone.


  • Just some basic supplies for school and a satchel for her to carry around and put things into.
  • She has a simple bow that she occasionally uses in practice, purely for the practice though.
  • She has a spear made by Azure, collapsible so she can keep it with her to stay safe if she needs to use it!

Background: For character reasons, I would prefer to keep this hidden until revealed in character, the major thing of note I will say is that she has a werewolf brother, and a unlikely set of parents.

Other: She loves kids, and to see people happy.


Name: Shiftious

Age: 24

Role: Groundskeeper

Status: 7 years

Rooming: N/A

Race: Shapeshifter

Appearance: 10'2 in his height.



Personality: Shy but sweet, the tall tall shapeshifter is timid, but has a small want for attention, namely for friends. But whenever encountering someone in a conversation, he tends to stutter and has a awkward aura omitting off him, generally seeming like he wants to get out of the situation. Generally when seen most of the days, he can be seen being a bit reclusive by himself not interacting with anyone.


  • Object Shapeshifting: He has learned how to turn into a huge variety of objects, be from tools to boxes, to even simple machines.
  • Cephalopod Shapeshifting: He has learned the ability to turn or partially turn into various forms of Cephalopods.
  • DIY: He's proficient with many tools when being used for whatever purposes.
  • Animal Lover: He's quite sociable around animals, namely due to the fact they don't really leave him, so he's learned how to be friendly and manage to get animals to respect and show some level of affection around him.


  • Shift's Mask: A special mask he's been given to by a old freind that is no more. It has been since then enchanted to allow some amount of expressions, namely with the eye-holes.
  • Glowey Pen of Gloweness: A small glowey pen he seems to be very fond of.
  • Octopus Plushie: A simple octopus plushie he loves very much.

Background: I wish to hide his deep history that will be revealed in character, but the major thing of note is that he turned up at the school initially a bit beat up and seeming that he's been through a lot, but seemingly determined to do his best in school he was admitted, acting a bit aloof, making a freind initially but due a unfortunate demise, he has since then closed up not wanting to talk to anyone. Once graduated, he went to go work as a groundskeeper, seeing as it is one of the things he feels he might get a slight shred of appreciation for, and has continued to work there since.

Other: Initially came from Japan, and does know how to read and speak Japanese.


Name: Victor Brenzkof

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: 2 Months.

Rooming: Jayus Bertold

Race: Human

Appearance: Height is 5'4



Personality: Observant and quiet, but is willing to take the means to get what he wants. Having a aura of inspecting people, trying to analyze them, break them down, learn how they tick. Then using that knowledge to his own personal gain. Always loving to see someone squirm and writhe in whatever form of pain, be it physical, or emotional.


  • Eagles aim: Victor has quite a amazing hit miss accuracy for being a human, Able to judge distances fairly easily at a medium to almost long range, he will be able to hit a shot relatively quickly extent in time depending on who the opponent is, range, and what he can observe.

  • Firearms Experience: Victor learned to fight his battles at a distance as his human body could not compete with that of a super, instead he learned how to use various firearms, taking great interest in handguns and most of all, long ranged rifles.

  • Biological knowledge: Victor has spent quite a large amount of time studying various biologies of various races and the extent of their powers, while it is not a full library of knowledge of everything he knows most of the commons species as well various rarer species knowing less and less the more rare they become due to a lack of information on said species.

  • Knife Training: If a time ever calls, Victor has learned to use a knife quite well in close quarters, there shouldn't be a time he would need to use it aside from some occasional times where a knife might be needed to cut a rope or if someone really keeps on getting close to him and his glove does not work.

  • Evasive Tactics: Victor fights his battles from a range, and will employ a various array strategies to stay as distant away from his foes as possible, mainly using Jayus as a wall to protect him.

  • Ammunition Crafting: Victor has learned how to create his own rounds with whatever small enchantments or ammunition types he has put into it.

  • Morse Code: He has learned how to read and send out Morse code signals.


  • Marksman's lens: A variable distance lens he holds with him that assists with longer ranged distances and spotting out various weak points in a opponents strategy. As well it has a enchantment on one of the lenses he carries for it that can identify magical usages and null out hazy and busy magical effects through it to get a better sight on target. however this particular lens is one of his shortest so it doesn't help with a longer ranged fight.
  • Indrik: A rifle he initially received, but has since then modified for his purposes, firing very heavy rounds that can damage most foes with whatever protection they decide to use. If needed as well he could potentially use the rifle firing as some form of quick but short dodging.
  • Simple Handgun: A fairly standard handgun he received, usually keeping it on him in concealment to always have a arm in hand if the situation calls for it.
  • Simple Knife: A fairly standard knife he keeps on hand in the event he needs it or if some situation calls for it in some form or another.

Background: Coming from Russia, he has had a life of growing up into a skilled marksman, learning the trade of the craft, and the sport of killing. With all the various species he has learned how to lie, how to deceive, how to perceive, how to hide, how to stay in tact, how and when to avoid traps, anything that may prove useful, and has since then moved to orions to start learning to get a official education, and see if he may potentially leave the lifestyle, as appealing as it might be for his own very personal interests.

Other: Is looking for some sort of marksmanship competition or classes. Arrived from Russia, and is able to speak and read Russian.


Name: Jayus Bertold

Age: Pre-war and then some.

Role: Guardian for Victor Brenzkof

Status: 2 Months, Arrived with Victor.

Rooming: Victor Brenzkof

Race: Elementals - Earth Elemental

Appearance: Height is variable, generally going to be bigger than anyone else to the point where he can look down on them, exception with Shiftious with his height. Weight is extremely heavy.



Personality: A aging giant that has seen many many things, including the fall of mankind again and again. Watching the times go by, he seems a bit neutral towards subjects, only picking things that continue to preserve his existence. Responding quickly to Victors statements and does attempt from time to time to offer some semblance of wisdom, possibly to save for the mistakes their ancestors have made.


  • Earth Shift: Jayus is able to move magic through the earth to mold it like clay, making structures and changing the environment to his needs. This as well extends to his body, allowing him to add in or regenerate damage he has taken with the local earth and rocks. Or simply add more onto his form to armor and increase his scale more. This does include metal, as metal is more or less refined minerals, it is just not his preference to do so but can use it if the time calls for it.
  • Cycloptic Beam: Focusing in magic into the crystal that makes up his 'eye', he can fire a concentrated amount of heat and light magic into a beam-like form incinerating a hole and potentially catching fire on objects, it is draining however and is generally used with caution.


  • Mountain Fortress: Jayus's body composition being almost entirely made of rock has made him unable to feel any sort of pain, adding onto that with the natural resistances he can take a very large amount of punishment to his body.
  • Unshakable: Due to being made almost entirely out of rocks, and with experience, he has a very large amount of poise, making it hard to knock him.
  • Marital Arts: Jayus over the years, has learned many forms of close combat, and will use whatever methods the situation calls for and that his body tailors for, using weight and strength for pins grabs or other things.
  • Elemental Breath: He lives off of magical energies, battles with mages throwing around spells only allows him to continue going on with whatever abilities he has.

  • Morse Code: He has learned how to send and detect, and understand Morse code signals.

Equipment: N/A

Background: Deep history I shall keep to myself until someone of a very old age gets into contact with him. However the most recent history is that due to a series of events, he was initially keeping a eye on the Brenzkof family, and due to some series of events that caused the death of the entire family savor for a daughter, and a son, he has since then decided to raise the two as his own, some sort of odd feeling that compelled him to do this, teaching them what to do, and what to survive in this world.

Other: He cannot feel compassion, emotions like love and happiness, anger and sadness, he cannot feel, any emotion that seems to appear in his speech is purely acted out, or with what sort of conscious is within him mind that tells him what is right and what is wrong.

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Name: Reynaldo “Regio” Riestra

Age: 19

Role: Student

Status: New arrival

Rooming: Doesn’t care

Race: Human



Standing at 6 feet 1 and weighing around 210 pounds, Regio isn’t exactly huge when compared to many a beastman but he’s still technically a human heavyweight (floor for the weight class being around 200+ pounds depending on the sport in the real world) with a cut physique and a scarred body. Combined with looking older than he is, he makes for a relatively imposing figure amongst generally humanoid students.

He’s always dressed in the PE uniform and wears a plain white tank top underneath the jacket, finding the regular uniform stuffy, uncomfortable and even pretty laughable considering the backless vest that made everyone seem like part of the help or maybe a waiter. When called out for a fight or just when he wants to feel most comfortable exercising, he’ll change into a pair of loose-fitting shorts made from a thoroughly modified pair of capoeira pants.

Though traditionally capoeiristas wear either white pants or use the colors of Brazil's flag, these are black and royal purple and had their legs cut down then given a slit on the side to further increase the range of mobility on the legs, all of it obviously and visibly stitched by hand. Think a model like this with these colors and layout, except no red lines. Strapped to the waist is a yellow rope with a pair of tassels hanging over his right leg, a sign of rank in his school, and he bandages both his feet and hands as well.


Headstrong, outspoken and with a huge chip on his shoulder, all his life Regio's been told that he’s not good enough, that his kind are little more than unwanted refugees, and he brings this to table pretty much everywhere he goes and especially into every fight he gets into. Clearly born to rumble, he’s survived some harsh times in the human refugee camps and his life is dedicated to going pro and reaching the top in the fighting circuit. He will be the best in the world, no matter what.

This shouldn’t be taken to mean that he can’t socialize or interact. He can be pretty chill and fun to be around if you can enjoy a certain degree of crassness, he’s fiercely loyal to anyone he considers a friend and he’s the furthest from a manipulative type you can find. It just so happens that there’s a few touchy subjects with him and he can be rather intense, if not outright explosive, at times.


-Capoeira de Luta: A practical subset of the brazilian art born during the original rise of Vale Tudo contests around the 1930s. Many capoeiristas took part in those early rules-free matches, but regularly found themselves outmatched by men who employed more effective styles and who were often physically inferior to add insult to injury. Soon Capoeira began to lose respect as a martial art and was seen only as a dance, good for a party and bad for the ring.

This style, which translates simply to “Fighting Capoeira”, was born by taking the art back to its martial roots, using Vale Tudo as a testing ground and learning from other styles. Though it retains key aspects such as constant motion, rhythmic footwork, avoidance, misdirection, control of position and rapid, decisive attacks, it is practiced in a much more realistic manner and strips away all forms of unnecessary showmanship or acrobatics from its fighting curriculum.

Regio is a Formado Especializado, a third degree capoeirista in the Luta style with a very high level of proficiency in the art and a recognized specialist in a given aspect, in his case striking and hand play in particular. The only ranks above his are Professores, instructors deemed capable of guiding others through the art, and Mestres, true Capoeira masters elected by other Mestres themselves, neither of which necessarily signify a better grasp of fighting ability, simply a greater dedication to furthering the art.

-Body of a champ: Fitness and martial arts go hand in hand, it has been so since the dawn of time. While still generally constrained by the human body (no stretching beyond certain points, joints that work in specific ways, no popping out bones without it hurting like hell etc) Regio's physical abilities can be readily deemed as unnatural.

Though he is unlikely to outmuscle them, he can hold his ground against all but the biggest, burliest beastmen in the strength department. His real focus, though, are his speed, agility and reflexes, all of which are in the upper echelons of the fighting world. He also possesses a seemingly bottomless well of stamina and is freakishly durable, enough to give even beastmen pause.

Furthermore, as it has been one of the lone focuses of his life, he’s able to use his body against things that should go unaffected by mere force, making his martial arts effective even against magic and the like.

-Mind of a champ: The mental is just as important as the physical, if not moreso, when it comes to fighting. Regio's mind is unbreakable, his will unsurmountable, capable of fighting through mind-altering effects such as illusions and shutting down other attempts at messing with his head.


Reynaldo's had a harsh life as part of the human refugees in South America. A destitute mass of people held in contempt by many, the camps and villages inhabited by mankind were fraught with crime as everyone tried to make a living as best they could. Though his parents were loving and tried their best, the struggles of human existence molded Regio into a crass and belligerent child, one of many young criminals in similar situations.

Fortune, however, was on his side and would give him something to strive for, a reason to be. His troubled lifestyle had helped mold him into an extremely athletic and iron-willed kid and this was noticed by Mestre Falcao, a wandering martial artist who represented the Capoeira da Luta. Fairly well known and quite respected in the area, Falcao offered to take then 12 year old Reynaldo in and help educate him and give him a better life.

With few other options, his parents agreed and Reynaldo was sent off to become a live-in pupil at Falcao’s escola, one of many in similar situations. Reynaldo grew into a better person and learned the brazilian martial art at a spectacular pace. After three years short he became a Formado, a second degree capoeirista who underwent the batizado, the baptism where he gained his nickname, bestowed upon him by his fellow students. "Regio" for royal, a play on his name having "rey", meaning king, and the speed with which he learned.

Three more years passed and Regio's skills were recognized once more, reaching his current ranking. Reynaldo felt like he had found his purpose in life in the martial arts. He wasn't content with simply become another teacher at the escola, however. Even a life of wandering looking for students wasn't adventurous enough for him. They could happen later, but for now he wanted greater things. He would enter the professional fighting circuit and demonstrate the both effectiveness of his school of Capoeira and his own worth to the entire world.

But first, he had promised both his parents and his Mestre that he would complete his education. His desire to go out and compete in the bloody gladiatorial events popular in the new world, however, had somewhat strained his relationship with the escola, which placed more value on personal development and saw fighting only as a means of defense. The obvious choice, then, was Oriens.

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@Shipopo The only issue is that the Black Hunters would never accept her into their ranks. As human supremacists, they only value and work with pure blood humans. If you can please change that, then accepted. (Please notify me when you do if you do.)

@TenaciousTinkerer All accepted.

@Zerohex Accepted.
Name: Marcus Lycon Black

Age: 15

Role: Student

Status: Just Arrived

Rooming: Roommate

Race: Beastman-Werewolf

Appearance: 5' 10"


Personality: N/A

Magic*: (Magic is the use or manipulation of outside forces and utilizes mana. Ex. Elemental manipulation.)

Abilities*: Enhanced Speed, Sight, Strength, Hearing, Shapeshifting

Equipment: N/A

Background: Marcus has lived a very structured life. Being kept in the castle walls, is not for a young werewolf. All he did was train on the obstacle course in the training room. He never had siblings, or friends over. And his dad barely ever talked to him. The only one that took time to talk and get to know Marcus was one of the teenage maids. Though she only did it because his mom paid her too. So know that he is enrolled in to the school he will try to make the best life he can.

Other: Is it alright if he is the were-beastman prince. Like the prince for the werewolf faction??

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Name: Vincent, often called Vince

Age: Claims to be in his mid-40's, while he was in fact created in the latter half of 1095 Anno Domini.

Role: Staff - Janitor

Status: As long as anyone can remember, Vince has been there, mopping the floors.

Rooming: N/A, although he's more than willing to let someone crash in the janitor's closet if need be.

Race: Eden - Angel, Power in the hierarchy



Not seen in the image is Vincent's luxurious flowing mane of hair, nor his prominent and rather bushy beard, which he grew shortly after arriving at the academy; along with his usual attire of a dull blue janitor's jumpsuit and cap.

Note: Vincent's hair is a vibrant golden blond in colour, his eyes are grey, and he stands at a respectable 1.9 metres in height.

Personality: Vincent is a peaceable and quiet man, averse to conflict outside of specific situations (e.g. if demons and their ilk are involved), and is known to do his work diligently and effectively. He also mourns the plight of humanity, and does his best to assist them whenever possible.

Magic: None


Flight: Achieving lift in the same way that bricks don't, Vincent's wings allow him to fly at a fairly respectable pace, even while carrying heavy loads. Most often used when nobody is looking to clean the rooftops and other hard-to-reach places

Immaculate Body: Lacking any 'magical' powers, Vincent compensates with his physical and martial prowess. He possesses great strength, endurance, resilience, reflexes, and all the other things that comprise a warrior. As a soldier of the Almighty, he also possesses an innate knowledge of combat, swordsmanship in particular. Given his aversion to combat in recent years, however, his expertise in hitting people with sharp objects is of little use.

Keeper of History: Vincent possesses immense knowledge of history and any documents pertaining to it and any related subjects.

Beacon of Truth and Justice: Vincent is aware when a falsehood is told to him. If he asks an individual to reveal the truth of a matter, and it pertains to actions wicked or sinful in the eyes of the Almighty, the individual will find themselves compelled to divulge the truth.


Implements of Clean(s)ing: A massive assortment of cleaning supplies stored in his cart and closet/homestead, ranging from mundane mops and buckets to absurdly potent solvents capable of dissolving flesh and other mundane substances (for those stains that fight back).

He's also known to carry a spray-bottle filled with holy water for emergencies.

Celestial Arms/Armour: A spear, arming sword, kite shield, and armour styled in the manner of an 11th Century knight; all of which are decorated with divine iconography. The implements are durable, light-weight, ward off unholy magic, and sear the flesh of demons and other truly vile beings on contact. Those with wicked intent would do best not to wield or wear them, lest they find their body turning into salt.

However, they haven't been used in quite some time, and remain sealed away in a chest within Vincent's quarters.

Heavenly Chains: Made to bind evil spirits, devils, and the like; sees little use, save for when any sort of devil in the student body gets uppity, giving Vincent an excuse to use them without repercussions.

Background: Vincent's life has been a lengthy one, consisting of many battles to uphold the sanctity of Earth, interspersed with great deals of time spent observing the beauty of mankind and their growth. It was his duty to protect them, and the Power took to this duty with jubilant glee and zeal.

When the War of Reckoning began, Vincent awaited the signal to descend and assist humanity against the devils that beset them, yet no such order came. Informed by the higher orders that this was all part of His plan, Vincent continued to wait, grieving as mankind faltered and broke.

Roughly a millennium later, he was finally called upon to serve. Vincent was to take up residence in the newly founded (at the time) Oriens academy, keep vigil, and watch for a sign from above. Some time has passed since then, and Vincent continues to await the promised sign.

Other: Vincent lives in the janitor's 'closet,' in reality a fairly sizable dwelling with all the necessary accommodations for someone with no need to eat or drink.

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Name: Kammie Soseki (Seki)

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: 2nd Year

Rooming: N/A (I don't care just put Kammie in a room)

Race: Demon

Appearance: 5'6"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65d830ee_KammieSoseki.jpg.f35e49cfd458959766da9421088b8931.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c65d830ee_KammieSoseki.jpg.f35e49cfd458959766da9421088b8931.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

School Hours) The hairpiece, excluding the glowing thing, stay as well as the necklace replacing the tie in the winter uniform design (They are within school limitations despite the image and she always wears the winter uniform despite the weather)

After-school Hours) It's an actual dress with the same color scheme

Off School Grounds) Exactly how the image looks

Personality: Easily Irritable, Outgoing, Deceptive


Shadow Reap- Using her dark magic she swings her chain scythes, slamming them into the ground, and causing an explosion of shadows

Shadow Dash- Using her dark magic she teleports forward behind her target in a cloud of shadows that follows her to an extent making it seem as if she dashed

Summon Creature- Using summoning scrolls she summons a creature to aid her in the current situation (Not very skilled therefore a work in progress skill)


Extreme Speed- Being a demon she can move at unseen speeds making it seem as if she teleports

Extreme Strength- Being a demon she has unnatural strength allowing her to use her scythes much more effective

Equipment: Dual Chain Scythes, Black Crystal, Summoning Scrolls

Background: Seki was always rebellious of her comrades while working with the hellish kingdom she comes from. She was so rebellious that after mastering her chain scythes (excluding skills to be learned in the future) and shadow magic she left the kingdom with her hellhound pup in search for a more orderly and organized place where she could choose her battles. She ended up running into this academy and realized this would be her best hope at organized peace.

Other: Highly enjoys cafés for their oddly peaceful atmosphere


: Snap

Species: Hellhound

Appearance: (Bottom left since he's still only a pup as of the current time) 18 inches tall

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Snap.jpg.d0e86d75ebd885aff2bdf9ad51d54aea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Snap.jpg.d0e86d75ebd885aff2bdf9ad51d54aea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Invisible Cloak- Being a hellhound Snap is completely invisible to all humans at all times regardless of condition.

(More will be added as Snap grows up)

Other: Snap refuses to eat anything that hasn't been approved by Seki herself and can understand anyone speaking to him. Snap is currently 5 months old.

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Name: Eugene, the Significant

Age: 32

Role: DANCE teacher

Status: Five years

Rooming: Lives off-site

Race: Human-Human

Appearance: Six foot, dark skinned, dark eyed, and muscled to the point of having a portly waist and man-boobs. Often wears extremely gaudy leotards. Not a figure that one expects to be a world class dancer.

Personality: Eugene's personality is larger than larger than life. Take the typical black gospel preacher, turn it up to twelve, remove the overt religion elements and you have it. He only has two volumes: Not speaking, and OW CHRIST. While his emotions run the gamut of sheer joy to extreme anger, finding a nuanced tone is something of an impossibility. He does not do things by halves. Finally, he does not have a concept of leaving people alone, and is more than happy to go and talk to (or yell at) someone he's never seen before.

: Eugene possesses no magical abilities, even though his dancing is often referred to as such.

Abilities*: Eugene is a world champion dancer, trained in all styles to a high degree of proficiency. He's also muscled to the point of being a tank. His fighting style has no style, no grace, but is like being hit by a train. He is also a fantastic motivational speaker, able to inspire the power of positivity in all he meets.

Equipment: Leotards. Lots and lots of leotards. And one particularly gaudy belt which he wears almost everywhere he goes.

Background: Eugene's background is not particularly notable, and there are no large deep dark secrets. Five years ago he showed up on the doorstep of the school for a job interview and wowed both the faculty and the departing teacher with his moves. From then on, he has made a place for himself as the Loudest Man at Oriens.

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Name: Del Saco

Age: Claims to be 48

Role: Counselor

Status: 7 years and 41 days

Rooming: Usually somewhere off campus.

Race: Demon - Demon


His height is 6'2" and he weighs 260 pounds.

Personality: Del Saco is a rather eager and excitable individual. This extends to even when dealing with individuals he doesn't particularly likes. Boundless and full of energy, Del Saco always seeks to make things right if they are wrong. Though despite his rather enthusiastic and upbeat attitude, he is a relatively soft spoken person, sans for a few moments.


Teleportation - Del Saco has the magical ability of teleporting without bringing notice to himself. However this is limited to behind eyesight of others.

BOO - Through vocal incantation, Del Saco causes the listener to go into a state of deep fear.


Speak of The Devil - Whenever Del Saco's name is uttered by an individual that is not him, he knows who and where that person is.

Sinners Atonement - Del Saco has an innate knowledge of sinful deeds done by others and whether they have been properly atoned for or not.

Del Saco has an unnatural amount of durability in both strength and stamina. Del Saco is a proficient fighter, who takes quite well to grappling and tossing.


A Sack of Holding

-Jars of Worms

-Voodoo Staff

-Wall Clock

Background: Del Saco's story is one that is usually told in hushed whispers in fearful tones. But no one truly knows his story like the man himself does. Obviously. But digressing from that, his is a story indeed.

When people speak of Del Saco, they attribute his place of existence and sometimes residence to the region known as the 'Bottomless Pit'. There are countless variations told on what the nature of the Bottomless Pit is and whether or not it was a region or was the Abyss or Hell. Strangely even other residents who claim to be from the area describe it differently, some saying it is a fiery pit, while others saying that is a frozen wasteland. Whatever the case, Del Saco has found himself attributed to it.

Some claim Del Saco was from before even the War of Reckoning, while others claimed that he was recent. No one seems to have a firm enough grip on history to be sure on what the case is, and Del Saco keeps the mystery intact for some reason or another. Whenever Del Saco is brought up, he is usually brought up as a gleeful figure who appears in places that are the source of vile occurrences.

However there is at least a single concrete detail about Del Saco. Seven years and forty-one days ago, at the Oriens Institute. His name was mentioned as a bully was tormenting another smaller child to steal their lunch-money. Del Saco had appeared behind the bully and proceeded to punish him for his cruel ways. The result of this was the bully being scared straight, and not committing any more infractions.

This caused a murmur among some staff officials about employing him. And so Del Saco found himself hired into Oriens as a Counselor to help the misguided children in whatever way he could.

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Name: "Trevor Crayven, and please ladies; don't hesitate to visit me later."

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: First year.

Rooming: Preferably a roommate with similar "tastes" (Personality) but doesn't mind bunking alone.

Race: Pangowahan- Human/Shape shifter (Humanoid)

Appearance: 5'9"

Trevor is a somewhat average height teenage boy. He has a slight muscular tone that he achieved from what he refers to as "me time." He had very bad vision problems as a child, even after his sense were heightened he still prefers to go for the 'nerd' look and likes to think he pulls it off very well. His eyes are said to be calming yet disarming going at a cool grey-ish blue and dirty-blonde greased hair. He has a very slicked appearance due to his anxiety and as a result is very clammy and sweaty. (Not in a supremely gross factor.) He is known to wear a dull blue beanie when not in class as well as carry around his trademark messenger bag that he had used even before his enrollment at Oriens Academy.

Personality: A rather brash and a loud and outspoken guy, only around people he likes and doesn't know. If he doesn't like you you might as well be talking to a brick wall.He takes criticism to a personal level but appreciates a helping hand. He is very friendly and very protecting of those he likes even going as far as physically hurting people that harm or upset his friends and even complete strangers. He likes people of all different backgrounds and personalities but finds himself very short-tempered when caught up in too much at once. He likes to cut up in class and be a class clown of sorts, to a certain degree. He is stubborn and known to have a temper that he had gotten from his mother and father that has led to the general consensus that he is just a mean-spirited person, because of this he finds himself in a very deep struggle with himself for him to feel accepted while at the same time liked. Often lazy and sometimes easily forgetful which leads to the annoyance of others. He likes to fight, anything that can get him to crack a few skulls he is willing to do, which has made him want to join the Disciplinary Committee but is afraid to out of fear of a certain member. He is known to have a great sense of humor and a rather dark one at that, laughing at the most offensive jokes you can think of, he is also known to be sarcastic which he uses mainly as a defense mechanism for uncomfortable situations. He is known to have small moments of perverseness which has led to many girls in the school to find him weird. His sexual orientation is still somewhat a mystery to himself as well as his classmates (As he tends to flirt with guys for laughs.) When it comes to the relationship department he is known to be quite clingy and at times jealous at perfectly normal situations, he is loyal and often sacrificial of his own needs and desires as long as it makes his partner happy even if they are manipulative.

Magic*: None that he is aware of, but would like to learn any if all possible.


Shapeshifting: Slight Shift- Due to the fact that he is only half sheshifter Travis can only shift for a very short amount of time into another humanoid being with flaws such as minimal height difference, different eye/hair color and slightly different voice (All these can be taken into extremes if he isn't focused). (He trains everyday to perfect this skill)

Imitation: He can imitate peoples voices. (He mainly uses this as a prank but has used the voice imitation to get himself out of trouble.)

A VERY limited healing factor: He can recover from injuries at a slightly faster rate and is able to take more physical punishment than someone of his kind. This has led to an increase in courage for Trevor but also has led to him being very reckless with his body as he feels he has invulnerability which leads him getting hurt more times than he should.

Senses: His senses have been boosted dramatically though the years, this allows him to pull feats he himself never thought possible (A mental struggle he would deal with all his life.). Some of these include heightened hearing, smelling, vision and reflexes. Unfortunately this has led Trevor to lose focus, physically hurt others by mistake and is prone to hurting his ears from loud noises.

Equipment: Dark grey plugs on both ears (Size 2), his IPhone 5s, His Glasses, and Kendo Sword (Just likes hitting things with it while he vents.)

He would later acquire some sort of weapon he fashioned himself during his free time (Not yet specified)

Other: Likes:


Video Games


Art (Such as Drawing and Animating)

Other people (That are as accepting as him)

Joking with people.

Cutting up in class.

Working with his hands to build stuff.


Loud noises when he is trying to relax

People who are just disrespectful



"Serious" People


Abusive people (Seriously he will throw you through a wall.)


Art Club

Science Club

Kendo Club


Disciplinary Committee (Would like to be in.)




Being Forgotten or Unwanted.

Needles to a certain degree.



Shortly after Trevor was born his father (who hadn't known neither him or his mother was a shapeshifter) abandoned him and his mother.As he grew older he was recommended into the school by his mother, who at the time taught at Oriens until her death. Trevor had took the death of his mother very harshly as he couldn't cope without the only parental figure in his life gone (an obstacle he would face for the rest of his life.) After he enrolled at Oriens he began to finally take a step in the right direction from joining many clubs to excelling in his classes as well as making a few friends along the way. He prefers not to talk about his Mother as he still hasn't gotten over her death.

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Name: Dr. Cyrus Gaines

Age: 62

Role: Teacher, Mathematics, Fitness and Health, Psychology

Status: Newcomer


Race: Feerique - Fairy/Beastman

Appearance: Dr. Gaines's true form stands at just a little under a foot in height. He has dark chocolate colored skin and long, wavy, white hair which flows down to his ankles. His appearance is humanoid, standing upright with the same amount of limbs a human has, with a pair of bright orange wings resembling those of an atlas moth. It is very youthful and androgynous, indicative of his fae origins.

Normally, however, Dr. Gaines uses a restrictive glamour magic which makes him appear more unassuming which hides his stronger fae characteristics and restricts his magical capacities. In this form, Dr. Gaines much more resembles a frog. He stands at roughly two meters tall with a round, beer-belly. He has four limbs; two arms, and two legs; which end in three, long fingers and three, long toes. Each end in a round, sticky nub which allows Dr. Gaines to stick to objects in spite of his apparently large size. His limbs are quite stocky. Though he stands upright, his limbs resemble that of a frog. He has round tympanum where his ears would be, and apparently lacks a nose. His skin is a rich, verdant green. He has a pair of round, black eyes.

Personality: Dr. Gaines is apparently one of the more jovial instructors on campus. Through his glamour magic, Dr. Gaines has the impression of a jolly, old man. He frequently jokes around with his students. For the most part, he keeps a bright and cheery atmosphere in his classrooms.

While Dr. Gaines appears less serious than his cohorts, he still tries to keep some professionalism. He sees himself as a role-model to children, and attempts not to do anything that would badly influence his students. Though he often used tobacco, Dr. Gaines refrains from doing so except within the confines of his own room or within the teacher's lounge.


While in his frog form, Dr. Gaines is incapable of actively casting any magic.

Dream Magic: A rare form of specialized brain-affecting magic which manifests only in select individuals. Dr. Gaines actually acquired Dream Magic at birth, more as much as a curse as it is a gift. Every time he falls asleep, Dr. Gaines changes from his fairy form into a more hideous, frog-like form. Initially, this was much more troublesome. As a child up to his teenage years, the frog would act on its own. Eventually, Dr. Gaines learned to control it, use the form in a sleepwalking, lucid dreaming state. While he cannot actively use dream magic asleep, the curse allows Dr. Gaines to access its full power when wide awake. This allows him to detect dreamers, influence dreams, begin dreams, and see into dreams.

Light Magic: A learned ability Dr. Gaines grew fond of using. His expert knowledge of light magic allows him to create light out of thin air, manipulate light, mold it into a solid form, turn it into a destructive beam, and even create a barrier which blocks out light.


Fairy Dust: While this ability is suppressed, Dr. Gaines while in his true form is capable of producing fairy dust which can cause objects to levitate and other objects to appear more attractive.

Frog Form: While he is asleep, Dr. Gaines acquires strength several times that of the average man. He is capable of lifting over 300 kg above his head, and running 4 km in under two minutes. He may also leap up to two miles into the air in a single jump. His reflexes are increased to that of ten times the average human, and his senses are enhanced to the point where should he focus enough, Dr. Gaines is capable of discerning the exact heart rate and blood pressure of every being with blood within a ten meter radius.

Knowledge: Dr. Gaines possesses knowledge on various subjects ranging from anatomy to language to history to arithmetic.

Equipment: A white board, some markers, an eraser, a laptop, an external hard drive.

Background: Though he is new, Dr. Gaines has no qualms revealing any bit about himself. To his class on the first day, he always gives a brief introduction. Dr. Gaines earned his doctorate in kinesiology, though he has degrees in magic, psychology, and mathematics as well. Dr. Gaines sees himself as a lover of knowledge and his history is reflective of this. Dr. Gaines spent most of his life in school, and never thought of himself as anything else but a student. Though he was never particularly gifted academically, never truly succeeding, Dr. Gaines's thirst for knowledge had him studying well into his 50's when he became a professor at the university he had primarily studied at, though he traveled to many different colleges within the elf kingdom. He had come across Oriens as a means of studying species of other nations first hand. Though he had spent most of his life studying, Dr. Gaines had also traveled and went through various lines of work offering to a wealth of experience.


Name: Babette Barbarossa

Age: 16

Role: Student

Status: New!

Rooming: Oh um... I dunno. I guess I'll meet her!

Race: Terra - Nereid



155 cm tall from top of head to balls of feet. That's five feet, and one itty bitty inch!

Personality: She's a fish, m'kay? Babette is peppy and moves around, if awkwardly, with lots of energy! She really shows off her youthful smile, almost flaunting it. Babette really loves showing people how pretty she is! It's a little hard to dance because she's got flippers and stuff, but she can do synchronized swimming like a champ! Even though she's super great on the guitar, Babette is a bit of an air head. She's prone to messing up real bad, and sometimes doesn't even know it. She's got a great heart though!

Babette also never knew her daddy. She likes to think herself independent, but doesn't actually know how to be. Lots of the guys she meets who she tends to look up to are given nicknames and referred to as "Master", or "Teacher".


Pizzicatomancy: Super special sound-based magic that Naiad kinda inherited from her mom. Mommy wasn't super good at it though, and nobody around her neighborhood really knew how to use it either. The magic uses vibrations as a medium for casting, and can only be performed using a string instrument.

Four Keys Piano: A difficult to learn, quintessential spell for any Pizzicato-wizard. Babette took years to learn this spell! In order to use it, the wizard has to first master a musical instrument- that's gonna take a whole lot of time! But after the spell is learned, it will never be easier to learn another instrument again, as long as it's a string instrument of course! By plucking on the strings of a string instrument, and then muting the sound with her palm after letting the noise ring for four counts at 80 BPM. Then, Babette can learn the entire intricacies of said string instrument. Pianos are a little weird though, because the spell has to be used on a big analog piano, but after Babette plays a grand piano, she can also play an electronic piano.

Dance With Me: The spell is initiated by playing four measures in any count then playing a pizzicato. All those who hear are afflicted with the spell. Those under the spell must move with a rhythm, and speak in tune with the music. The spell is cancelled by playing the same four measures ending with a pizzicato.

Grasping Straws: After performing a slide toward the tuning keys of a string instrument at least one octave long then plucking the same string, the string will extend from the tuning key of the string played. The string reaches outward to grasp whatever at the caster's order. An advanced form of this spell can be cast on instruments with at least three strings, where the strings wrap around each other and create a thick whip for striking.

Pluck: A weaker, and slightly counter intuitive spell of the pizzicato school. In order to cast this, the user only needs to pluck a string- any string, regardless if it is on a musical instrument or not. The part of string touched my skin is cut cleanly, splitting the string.


Swim: She can swim super duper fast!

Underwater Breathing: Babette can breathe under water. She's salt-water though, so she can't swim around in fresh water for too long, and she doesn't like chlorine. It also means she can't naturally breath on land.

Elemental Body: Though she appears fleshy, Babette's body is actually composed almost entirely of sea-water. Her skin feels solid, but has a slimy quality.


Kazoo: Not a string instrument, but still kinda fun to play. Not water proof.

Guitar: An electric guitar with a black and white strato-caster body, and steel strings. Water proof!

Nereid Rune: A rune crafted by Babette's mother. The rune itself is inscribed onto a stone, which itself is worn on a necklace. The necklace is made of some cheap nickel alloy. The rune, when worn, allows a creature normally unable to breath air capable of breathing air. However, it does not change anything of the wearer's physiology. In addition, the rune must be charged by being submerged completely in water for at least two hours every day. Should she remove the necklace while on land, after two minutes, Babette would keel over, the lack of oxygen would begin to affect her brain, and things would get really bad.

Bath Formula: A therapeutic cocktail of chemicals stored in a water soluble membrane. Though it was designed for non-aquatics to bathe in, the chemical content is just right that it works as a substitute for sea water. Every night, when Babette goes to sleep, she runs a bath, then drops the formula into it. In the morning, she drains the water and rinses herself off before heading to class.

Water Bottle: Babette's body is mostly water, so she has to constantly keep hydrated, especially on hot days or after intense exercise, or else she risks evaporating. She drinks five bottles a day at the least, along with whatever beverages she comes across.

Background: Um. What do you need ta' know?


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@TylerrCarterrr @Cockney Harpy Accepted.

Okay, as of now, I'm going to close the sign ups temporarily, since we have a lot of characters already. I may open them up again when we lose people or if we progress to a point where I think we can handle more, but for now, no more sign ups. If someone already in the rp wants to make another character, you may ask.

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