• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Oriens Academy [Reboot] Sign Up (Open Again)


Black Market Witch
SignUps are Open

Character Sheet


Age: (Students should be 22 or under)(teachers must be 23 or older)

Role: (Student? Teacher? ETC? Teachers must include what subject they wish to teach. You may create a subject not on the list but please wait for approval of subject first.)

Status: (How long have you been at Oriens?)

Rooming: Do you want a roommate or single room? You may also request a specific person if they are open to a roommate and do not already have one. There will be a list of rooming above. Room numbers are rndomized.)

Race: (Put it in the format of which kingdom you come from or identify with and then what your race is. "Kingdom-Race" Ex. Undead-Zombie or Beastmen-Werewolf)

Appearance: (If possible, please include a height.)

Personality: (Optional, but do not put "Meet ___" or "Developmental" or the like. Also, anyone who wishes to make a teacher will be asked for a personality or what type of teacher they wish to play.)

Magic*: (Magic is the use or manipulation of outside forces and utilizes mana. Ex. Elemental manipulation.)

Abilities*: (Abilities are physical or passive skills or powers that use stamina. Ex. Shapeshifting.)

Equipment: (Weapons, armor, etc. This list should include anything your character may have brought with him or has since the beginning. If possible, I would also like you to edit this section should you acquire anything during the duration of the rp.)

Background: (Optional, but if you're planning on keeping it a secret and then turning it into some sort of plot in the rp, then you must run it by me first so I can make sure it is canon with this universe.)

Other: (Anything else you want to say? Any clubs? Likes? Dislikes? Etc?)

By signing up for this roleplay, I ___ have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.

Pet Skeleton:


Species: (Keep in mind that some supernatural species are actual people and not pets like dragons and unicorns.)




*If you are unsure if your powers count as an ability or power, please message me or my mods and we'll categorize them for you.

More Information on Magic vs Abilities Here
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Name: Rosalind "Rose Cross" Croixetrosa

Age: 19

Role: Student, Student Council President

Status: 13 years

Rooming: Maxine Sanshoo

Race: Feerique - Elf/Elemental


Rose grew up rather sheltered and spoiled and it shows in her personality. Though she's fairly bright in academics, she is incredibly naive, which makes her translate the world in terms of black and white, using her childhood lessons and stories as the basis for the rules of the world as she sees it. This made her into a friendly but extremely judgmental girl, often using her initial impressions or a single piece of knowledge to define a person's entire character. She is also a bit paranoid, and can often misinterpret friendly intentions as an ulterior motive, mostly that they're trying to use her power and influence.

She is also extremely prideful, to the point of arrogance and often underestimates the abilities of others while overestimating her own. She also believes herself to be some tragic heroine. Therefore, in her mind, she is always justified, always the winner and always the best. It's due to this hubris that she is impulsive in battle, often attacking before fully analyze the battlefield or studying the opponent. It also makes her more susceptible to being manipulated as flattery does go far with her, as long as she likes you. What's worse is that if she makes a mistake, she'll never apologize or even acknowledge it, often pushing the blame onto someone else. The only times she is willing to take blame is if it makes her look good or like a martyr.

Rose isn't a bad person though. She is friendly and nice, with a strong sense of justice. If something she sees as wrong happens, she will not sit still about it. Rose is also really protective of her friends, and won't hesitate to stand up for them. A rather honest and straightforward person, Rose typically doesn't like to lie but will tell white lies to spare someone's feelings, however this only applies to people she likes.


  • Light Manipulation - Rose has the ability to create, shape and manipulate visible light. Other than the typical light attacks (lasers, etc), Rose is also able to bend light particles to make herself and others behind the effected particles to appear invisible and create light constructs, the most common being her sword Excalibur. The types of constructs she can make is limited, as they are not entirely solid. Being half elemental, her light magic is stronger than most elves but she also lacks many of the traits of elementals. Unable to turn into light or see through it, though she is able to heal when exposed to enough light, but not her own. She is able to make lights of different colors though different colors don't give it any different properties.
  • Fairy Law (Absolute Light) - A sub-power of her light manipulation magic, Rose is, in theory, capable to producing a field of absolute light, though this ability has yet to be learned. This light is more intense than her usual light and can easily blind targets that don't receive the light attack directly. If strong enough, it is potentially able to obliterate targets in its path without the use of heat.


  • Physical Abilities - Rose's physical capabilities (strength, speed, etc) are slightly above average with no real specialization in either category.
  • Enhanced Senses - As an elf, Rose does have the enhanced senses typical of her race, though they're not as strong as the pureblood of her kingdom. Still, she is capable of seeing and hearing things within 10 meters of her without the help of tools, provided there are no obstructions in the way, such as walls or too much background noise. Normally, to filter out loud everyday noises, Rose wears special ear plugs.
  • Bookworm - Despite her looks and social personality, Rose is a pretty big bookworm. She enjoys reading and learning. Due to this, she is capable of reading pretty fast while also being able to retain that knowledge. She also has an impressive memory, never forgetting anything she has read before.
  • Swordsmanship - Rose is learning basic swordsmanship, though it's nothing to boast about. She has a clear grip on basic techniques but her fighting style is too straightforward.
  • Marksmanship - Rose is fairly good at firing handguns. However she only ever practices with her own which doesn't have that much of a recoil, so she isn't very good with heavier powered guns.


  • Excalibur - Named after the legendary sword of King Arthur, Excalibur is Rose's most used light construct, a long sword made of intense pure light. Being made of light, it is easily affected by Rose's magic, allowing her to do things such as make it invisible or change its shape and size. Not a solid blade, it cuts using the heat given off by its light.
  • Fail-Not - Named after another Arthurian weapon, Fail-Not is a handgun designed to fire off concentrated bursts of Rose's light. It has two settings. The first fires the light in a straight laser. The second compresses the light into a pellet-like ammunition that sort of explodes into bursts of light when fired. It is typically kept in a holster strapped to her right thigh, hidden under her skirt. (The gun was designed and manufactured by the Lecarde family and has the Lecarde black lily symbol on the side.)


As expected of the princess of the elf kingdom, Rose grew up in a blessed childhood. She had a wonderful family, a kingdom that loved her, wealth, a royal title, everything she could wish for. Everyone spoiled her and she loved all the attention and kindness she was receiving from them.

The only bad thing that happened to her occurred when she was 13. The young princess was kidnapped by vampire slave traders, intent on receiving a large ransom for her return. She was held captive for 5 days as her parents tried to gather the money. Occasionally, she was hit but the men treated her well enough.

On the 6th day, the traders were sick of waiting and decided it'd be better to just sell her at the next underground market. Not wanting to be a slave, Rose began crying. Her tears stirred up the pity in the humans that the traders had also idea to help her escape. The plan worked and Rose was able to run from the vampires but at the cost of the humans who helped her.

From that day one, she became focused on helping humans, from sending supplies to villages to assisting those at the academy who gain grief from the other supernatural races.


  • Her birthday is March 13th, Jewel Day.
  • Rose is bisexual.
  • Her favorite band is NQBS (Incubus), an undead and demon boy band. Her favorite member is Nikolas.
  • Rose is righthanded.
  • She hates dogs and especially slobber. She's more of a cat person.

Rose is 5'10".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2a83e0_RoseReferenceSheet.png.9821cee6fa84cb0a800f087cb989e406.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2a83e0_RoseReferenceSheet.png.9821cee6fa84cb0a800f087cb989e406.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Melidianna "Mel" Lecarde

Age: 15

Role: Student

Status: 3 months

Rooming: Single Room

Race: Seelenos - Human


Mel is not the easiest person to get along with. As she's sarcastic, blunt and easy to anger. She also has no regard for the well-being or safety of those she doesn't like, which is pretty much everyone. This coupled with her violent nature and curiousity may sometimes make her appear sadistic, however, that really isn't the case. She doesn't enjoy hurting others but rather is just used to it, to the point where her initial solution to any problem is to just kill it.

But though she is all this, she is also kind, selfless and extremely forgiving, able to look past nearly everything with a simple (proper) apology. These conflicting parts of her make her a bit difficult to understand as her actions could stem from either side of her personality. (Ex. Mel giving you a nickname could mean she likes you or she hates you.) And it's not that those close to her have it any easier as being her friend still makes you a target for her hostility. All you can really do is hope for the best.

It isn't easy to become close to her either as Mel has many traits and attributes she despises. There is a certain balance you need to strike. She hates those too arrogant and those modest. Etc.

Though she appears quite confident in herself and her abilities, she has a rather low opinion of herself. And not having the best experience with people in her life, she is rather distrusting of people, always putting on a strong face as to not allow any showing of weakness.


  • Evocation - (Also called summoning or conjuration) Mel is able to call forth and send back anything she can envision in her mind. She mostly uses this for changing outfits though. In battle, she typically uses her summoning in two ways, either summoning weapons or the objects and spells associated with tarot cards, though there are more uses for her magic. Each class of tarot cards tends to have a general theme to it, with the minor arcana increasing with power as the numbers do. Look below for more detail.
    Swords - "Offense" With most of them based off of executions, they summon weapons or objects related to the execution they are based off of.
    Pentacles - "Defense". These cards summon magic circles that form solid constructs to act as shields or footholds.
    Staves - "Restraint" These cards summon different types of restraints, mostly thorny vines or barbed wire.
    Cups - "Buffer" These cards summon a supply of pure magic that take the forms of ghost-like entities. Used alone, they increase Mel's speed, and used with other cards, it produces other effects. Used with pentacles adds a gravitational pull to the circle, so you can stand upside down. With Swords, it increases the power/number. With Staves, it increases the area of influence.
    Major Arcana - These cards summon demons and can produce a variety of effects.
    The weakness of her summoning is that it takes time and concentration to get an exact image in her mind. Should she lose focus when doing a summon, she could get the wrong thing or the right thing but not all of it. Of course, the latter isn't too bad at times either.
  • Telekinesis - Mel is shown to have minor telekinetic magic when she uses her summons.


  • Sanguis - Mel's blood holds a great deal of mana in the form of vitality or life force that she cannot herself use. Instead, it can be used to heal others or even as a potent fertilizer. It is most effective on those of "evil" background such as demons and vampires (sometimes even able to give them a bit of a power boost) who can find it a bit addictive, and does nothing to those of "holy" origins like angels.
    Drinking Mel's blood also produces a side effect. Consuming it makes one temporarily more susceptible to her commands, with the level of obedience correlated to how much they drank.
    Mel is also able to crystallize her blood to prevent people from taking it by force. The effect is still there but it becomes near impossible to digest. She cannot control the shape of the blood so it usually just spikes out in random directions.
  • Physical Abilities - Mel has considerable strength in her legs, from years of running and climbing, allowing her to run faster, jump higher and kick harder than most humans. She isn't as strong as some of the supernatural races but she is capable of running 40 meters in 3.8 seconds and jumping up to 2.5 meters in the air without any assistance. In addition to this, she is very skilled in acrobatics and climbing, allowing her to make use of her surroundings to elude those faster than her.
  • Martial Arts - Mel is quite skilled in hand to hand combat and martial arts, often saying that it is no different from dancing. However, as she has had no formal master, her fighting style is not akin to one but is a mixture of bits and pieces she's seen on her travels. She is more fond of styles like capoeira and taekwondo, which utilize more kicking.
  • Predatory Instinct - When Mel marks someone as "prey", aka someone she just really hates, she gains something of a 6th sense. Instinctively able to sense when they are nearby and in what general direction they are in. This instinct of hers also leaks out during close combat, sometimes compelling her to move before she sees a strike by sensing killing intent. The more she hates you, the more she'll be able to "see" you.
  • Music - Mel is very gifted in music, blessed with a sensitive ear for picking tones and notes as well as a perfect sense of rhythm. She can't read or write music though, so sheet music is more often than not, pure gibberish to her. However, she is able to recreate melodies as long as she remembers what notes make what sounds. She has a clear, slightly husky singing voice, can play piano and violin, and is a great dancer.
  • Weaponry - Being part of the Lecarde family, it is understandable that Mel would have a way with crafting and fixing weapons. She is most familiar with weapons made by her family but has a very general knowledge of other standard ones as well. She doesn't have the skill to actually design and forge her own unique weapons, but instead uses the blueprints and instructions left behind by her family and tweaks small details to make them her own. Due to this, she has basic knowledge of how to use most weapons but still prefers her martial arts.


  • Grimoire Key - A set of enchanted tarot cards that help Mel with her evocation magic. Each card has a specific image inscripted into it with magic. When the card makes physical contact with her head, the image is sent into her mind, allowing her to skip the time she usually would've needed to use to focus the image.
  • Black Vow - The "King of Swords" card, Black Vow is a pure black demonic rapier. Durable and sharp, it's a decent sword in itself, but it's true power comes from its ability to drink blood and unleash dark attacks from the power absorbed from that blood. It's a temperamental blade though and only serves those who can give it tasty blood.


The early years of Mel's life are unknown as she refuses to talk about it. So is the reason she started killing. But along the way, she had become known as the Princess of Lucifer, supposed child of the Devil and a serial killer that plagued various kingdoms for years with her seemingly indiscriminate and excessively violent murders. Spoonfeeding a man acid. Having a man raped and beat to death. Burning down a church of people, children and elderly included. Etc.

When she came to hear of Oriens though, she wished to attend, to clear her record and gain a fresh start. If it was this place, this princess, she would finally be safe. But she didn't get that. Instead, an angel revealed her crimes to any who listened and rallied a group of people, including Rose, the princess who supposedly swore to help humans, to kill her. Mel fought back, as she had always done, and she survived but at the loss of her first and dearest friend, Riff.

Now Mel decided to stay, despite the general public hating her now, mainly due to Vash and how she wants a better life for him.


  • Mel is slightly near-sighted which makes seeing into the distance and a few other things hard for her. She has glasses she wears in class though.
  • Mel is absolutely terrible in all things art. Should she try to draw or sculpt anything, the end result is almost always something completely different and even unrecognizable, horrific at times. It is unclear if this is due to her eyesight, lack of talent or if she actually sees the world like this. This lack of skill also crosses over into things like sewing, decorating and sometimes even fashion (She often has Vash approve of her outfits before going out).
  • Despite how athletic Mel may seem, she is actually rather bad in most sports. Mainly due to there being a need for a certain level of aim and Mel not possessing it. She can snap a guy's arm but basketball is too difficult for her.
  • Mel is straight.
  • Mel hates cats with a passion. She prefers dogs.

Mel is 5'4", but 5'7" in heels. And yes, Mel has no pupils.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2af99d_MelReferenceSheet.png.8f4fc25b7609a43917059c3b6aaa5bcb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2af99d_MelReferenceSheet.png.8f4fc25b7609a43917059c3b6aaa5bcb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Vash Lilicka

Age: 16

Role: Student

Status: 3 months

Rooming: Up to rooming with someone

Race: Noch - Demon (previously human)


On the surface, Vash appears immature, loud, cocky and a bit slow in the head. And he is all these things. A happy-go-lucky guy, he can always look past the bad things in life with a smile and a snack. Childish and a goof, he rarely seems to take things seriously and can get rather silly. He also gets confused easily and is quick to jump to conclusions, mostly stemming from his delusions and lack to read the mood. Despite his easygoing attitude, he is surprisingly stuborn and judgemental, often sticking to an idea of a person once he's formed one. He cannot forgive perverts.

Yet underneath it all, Vash is pretty mature. He knows his limitations well, and is more accepting of the idea that some things just can't be changed. He's also more accepting of people's pasts and natures as long as they haven't sexually assaulted someone before. He's still incredibly impulsive, especially when he thinks he's protecting a friend. He also doesn't bother himself with extravagant wishes, his lifelong goal being to just never go hungry again.

Vash is very much a glutton, stemming from his past where food was scarce. He's almost always eating and can get insecure about his figure, although he has an incredibly high metabolism and practically burns food as he eats it.


  • Metal and Magnetic Field Manipulation - Vash is able to create and manipulate magnetic fields,allowing him to move magnetic metals around and mess with things such as compasses. Most people assume the trick to deal with his magic is to use nonmagnetic metals, but he is able able to shape and manipulate all metals. Given, doing this requires more concentration and skill than to just use magnetic fields.


  • Physical Abilities - As a human, Vash was stronger than most of those in his village. Now as a demon, his strength was enhanced to match that of the average beastman's.
  • Detailed Sight - His eyesight is also rather keen, though not in the traditional sense. Rather than being able to see far in the distance, he is also able to detect small details from up close rather easily, such as distinguishing a counterfeit when he's seen the original before.
  • Iron Stomach - Through years of eating not so savory things, Vash's stomach has become nearly invincible. He's able to eat slightly spoiled food and is immune to most poisons if ingested.
  • Art - Vash's rather clumsy-looking hands are actually more skilled than they let on. He's an excellent artist, specializing in sculpting and drawing. He can also paint, but as he likes to have fun with paint, none of his canvases are noteworthy,mainly the blotted finger paintings of a boy who's never really grown up.
  • Demonic Form - In his demonic form, Vash possesses wings where his arms used to be. The metallic feathers of these wings are able to extend and move around like large snakes. He is also capable of shooting out large metal feathers. However, using his wings to fight makes him unable to fly. When flying, he either uses the swords around him to fight or the metal in his surroundings.


  • Vulcan - Vulcan is a pair of large red-colored gauntlets, with 3 small holes in a large metal piece placed over the knuckles and back of the hand. The center hole fires explosive shotgun rounds, fed by a revolving chamber around the wrist. The two side holes fire small spikes connected to thin but strong chains fed by a reel higher up his arm. But of these are mean tot augment the force of his punches, either by putting more power behind his own moves or bringing a target closer.


Vash's past is currently known to only him and Mel. But he was a human boy growing up in Noch until Mel burned his village down in their church. He's been following her ever since.


  • His birthday is May 11th, National Eat What You Want Day.
  • Vash should never be let inside a kitchen or allowed to prepare food. EVER!
  • His weekly snack allowance is easily in the hundreds.
  • He's afraid of spiders.
  • He has a terrible sense of direction and drives compasses crazy.

Vash is only 5'6".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2b5cd7_VashReference.png.38473de1afdb7514b1ae85ba54295e1f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2b5cd7_VashReference.png.38473de1afdb7514b1ae85ba54295e1f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Titania Chelovek

Age: 98

Role: History Teacher/Librarian/Dueling Teacher

Status: 1 month

Rooming: Teachers live in single apartments.

Race: Noch - Faerie/Human


Tatiana is typically seen as a cold, business-type person. Organized and professional, she is rarely seen losing her cool or getting overly emotional. She has a stern and sharp personality, one that does not tolerate mischief or recklessly getting into dangerous situations. However, she isn't indiscriminate in her beliefs and will often consider the situation before getting angry at the person.

Intelligent and very perceptive, Tatiana is a good judge of someone's abilities and can often tell when she's being lied to. She is quite blunt with her criticisms, not bothering to spare feelings when she's trying to help someone.

Yet as cold as she may appear, Tatiana values her friends and loved ones very much and is protective of anyone left in her care. With a strong sense of duty, she takes her missions and jobs very seriously and isn't fond of failure in herself or others, though she is often harder on herself than amateurs.


  • Telekinesis - Tatiana has mastered telekinetic magic which allows her to do various things such as barriers, weather manipulation and flight, etc. Her telekinesis though is a mix of magic, psychic power and her fairy dust.
  • Spatial Sense - Using telekinesis, Tatiana is able to create the effect of a radar, able to sense her surroundings.


  • Telekinesis - Tatiana is a master level telekinetic psychic which allows her to do various things such as barriers, weather manipulation and flight, etc. Her telekinesis though is a mix of magic, psychic power and her fairy dust.
  • Spatial Sense - Using telekinesis, Tatiana is able to create the effect of a radar, able to sense her surroundings.
  • Great Mental Strength - Tatiana has trained her mind over the years to be a near impenetrable fortress. This not only increases the power of her magic but also leaves her near immune to attacks that affect the mind, such as telepathy and illusions.
  • Fairy Dust - Tatiana can naturally produce fair dust, a golden sparkling powder that can allow people to fly or objects to move, often producing mischievous results if not controlled properly. Fairy dust also has the effect of glamour, often making things it's sprinkled on appear better than it is without actually changing the appearance. Typically fairy dust is produced by the wings and a small organ placed in between the shoulder blades. However, as Tatiana had her wings stolen from her as a teenager, she can only produce minute amounts of it at a time.
  • Heightened Senses


  • Koroleva - A riding crop that Tatiana uses as a wand of sorts to channel her magic through. There is nothing special about it.


She came to work in Oriens a month ago and doesn't talk too much of her history. Though she isn't against sharing, just no one asked. There are some parts she will keep secret though.


  • She is really good at sewing.

Tatiana is 5'8".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2bc5f7_TatianaReference.png.842b11501a76afbd796c0f15de06188e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e2bc5f7_TatianaReference.png.842b11501a76afbd796c0f15de06188e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Laika

Owner: Mel

Species: Clay "Dog" Golem


(I'll have a picture as soon as I get my new tablet.)

Though Mel says he is a dog, Laika does not look it at all. Standing at 3 feet tall and measuring 4 feet long, Laika resembles some lost gray dinosaur of sorts. He has a large roundish head and connects directly with his neck and no semblance of a chin. There are no eyes but several scar-like marks run all along his body all the way to his spiked tail. His mouth is wide, stretching to both sides of his head and is filled with numerous small jagged teeth. His legs are wide and his feet are clubby and on his head are a pair of feather-like antennae.


  • Durable and fairly strong
  • Chomp-Chomp - Very strong bite
  • Tail Whip - Exactly like it sounds


  • Mel made him out of clay and it's very much apparent.



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Might make a few minor alterations later, I'll let you know if anything changes.


: "My name is Adrian O'conners, but thats only on paper, you can call me whatever you'd like."

Age: 20

Role: Student

Status: 3 weeks

Rooming: I'd like a roommate, it doesn't matter who.

Race: Pangowahon-Beast shifter

Appearance: Adrian is a tall youth standing at 6'1 with a long and somewhat lanky body type and despite his somewhat lazy attitude he has a toned physique with lean muscles and an oddly graceful bearing. His skin is lightly tanned with a golden hue that doesn't seem to darken, lighten or burn from exposure to the sun and there are several distinguishing marks, tattoos and scars scattered about almost at random: these include the tattoo of a cobra on his neck and a swimming crocodile on the upper part his left arm. He also has multiple scars dating all the way back to his childhood and more recent wounds received less than a year ago: two of the most prominent of his scars include a five year old knife-wound curving upwards from the top of his right hip to the upper left quadrant of his abdomen and three year old talon slash stretching from the center of his collar bone to the top of his left shoulder.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.42438b238e61d6060c82f5fdaed6a611.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.42438b238e61d6060c82f5fdaed6a611.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adrian typically dresses in a punk or gothic style, preferring the darker end of the color spectrum but he isn't too strict on keeping up with appearances, willing to adapt in new situations. However he does insist on always keep his piercings in and he usually keeps a pair of leather half-finger gloves on to hide the croc scales that surface when he becomes angry or upset.

Personality: Somewhat scattered around the edges Adrian is typically a laid back and easygoing individual content to sit back and watch from the sidelines: he's observant and easily distracted by the tiniest detail in his surroundings, and prone to the strong urge to investigate everything he sees. Adrian struggles with self expression and often has a hard time finding the right words to say others, so he sometimes chooses to bite his tongue instead of saying what he wants which may make him seem shy or reclusive. Occasionally he takes on a more forthright attitude, especially when stressed or angered and during this time he becomes more adamant in his behaviour, less tolerant of slacking and more expectant of his own abilities. Adrian has a fondness of the arts and enjoys doing photography and drawing and sculpting, but occasionaly he also paints or writes. He has a tendency to seek out the warmest or highest place in his environment and take naps and drowse in the sunlight.

Magic*: N/A

Abilities*: Adrian has the ability to assume the form or qualities of any animal in the reptile or avian (there is a relation between reptiles and birds) families, and as well as taking on their physical shape he also receives their instincts as well, although they may conflict and resist the control of his conscious mind. Shifting into an animal is typically a conscious decision, but it may also be triggered by certain situations such adrenaline spikes or sudden, strong shifts in emotion. These 'Trigger Shifts' are less easily controlled and are usually tied to the animal(s) Adrian feels closest to, or 'tuned' into. Being tuned into an animal occurs when some (or in rare cases all) of its instincts are present outside of its shifted form and often it feels like a separate presence altogether. In some cases effects also include changes in personality and alterations in physical appearance.

*let me know if this conflicts with cannon lore*

Equipment: Adrian prefers not to fight using weapons but in hand-to-hand combat and with animal aspects such as claws, however he is trained and highly capable with a bo staff and keeps one for practice and dueling.

Background: (wip)



- Sun basking, warm surfaces and places.

- Water sports, swimming and boating.

- Sweet and bitter foods.

- Reading, action/romance and sci-fi or fantasy literature.

- Horror/thriller and Sci-fi or fantasy movies.

- Finding thermals and currents in the air as a bird.

- Sketching


- Green Apple flavored candy.

- Storms (Controlling instincts becomes a problem).

- Sudden loud sounds or abrupt changes in surroundings.

- Slapstick Comedy.

- People in suits.


- Storms and other bad weather.

- Predators (depending of what form he's tuned in with).

- Open spaces (may be exceptions as a bird).

- Being stepped on.


- Listening to music.

- Photography.

- Falconing (former).

- Martial Arts.

Habits, Quirks & Other

Predatory Behaviour: a subconscious tendency to watch, analyze and observe things of interest from a hidden position, typically while remaining still as possible and collect information on individuals such as their habits, usual behavior, voice and scent; stems mainly from his strong connection to the crocodile animal but also related to birds of prey.

Binge Eating: a cycle of eating large amounts of foods in a short time then eating nothing or very little for several hours to several days, stems from his connection with snakes.

Basking: a regular routine of dozing off in the sun for short or long periods of time; usually occurs at the start of the day and coincides with binge eating; common reptilian behaviour.

  • Adrian is bilingual and can speak english, Mandarin and Latin.
  • His favourite forms are the green tree monitor, nile crocodile, reticulated python, black mamba, Philippines eagle, osprey, condor, barn owll and swallow.
  • He is most connected to the saltwater crocodile, but it is also the hardest form for him to control.
  • Trigger shifts usually leave him trapped in that form for a while.
  • He hates the idea of being stepped on, especially when stranded from a trigger, and will often seek out a friend or someone nearby to see if they can lend him a shoulder or something away from the ground... he doesn't actually admit it but shoulder riding is fun to do anyways.
  • his favorouite foods are fruits, he loves green grapes and kiwi most of all.
  • Adrian is Demi-Pansexual with no regards to gender, identity or race.

Uniform: Adrian doesn't put too much thought into his uniform preferring comfort over style but he typically finds himself wearing a short sleeved or sleeveless black or white shirt, pants and occasionally the vest with a red tie. He is adament about keeping his piercings and doesn't bother trying to cover up his tattoos.

Pet Skeleton:

: Zeditha

Species: Blue tree monitor



Abilities: Telepathic Projection (can project thoughts/images/emotions to others at will)

Other: She is easily insulted but can typically be won over or appeased with praise or offerings of food and attention.

Name: "Oh hey! I'm Corbin Drakinson, most people just call me drake but you don't have to. Anyways its nice to meet you...?"

Age: 19

Role: Student

Status: 1 years

Rooming: "You know I asked for a roommate when I first got here but I don't think the request got through and the only other person to come through that door ran out before I had a chance to say hello, he was human... you don't think I scared him away do you?"

Race: Bahal- Dragon/Human Nusu


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8352d4bc4f4b8707404f109e62c8bcd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87633" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.8352d4bc4f4b8707404f109e62c8bcd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Exactly as above) Corbin is a tall creature standing at 6'7 with a lithe, almost lizard-like physique and a lean but muscled body that is covered with scales of black and red, the former of which are so tiny as to be barely visable while the latter are thick overlapping plates. The drakes head is narrow and triangular in shape with a pointed snout filled with sharp curving fangs, a forked red and white tongue, slit nostrils and reptilian orange-yellow eyes. The back of his jaw is lined with several small spikes and on his head is a pair of horns above long ears and the row of large of spines between the horns runs down to the tip of his long prehensile tail. Even in his humaniod form Corbins limbs are shaped in a way that this drake can resort to traveling on all fours if he needs to pick up speed or climb particularly difficult terrain--he's alot faster than most running this way-- provided his dressings at the time don't restrict this type of movement.


Animated and friendly Corbin has little to no reservations when it comes to hanging around others and greatly enjoys the companionship of friends, family and strangers alike. He's outgoing in most social situations; the type of person to try and diffuse any awkward tension or take the first step in team building exercises, although he's also always a little shy or meek when it comes to meeting important people and especially awkward when romantic relationships are involved. Corbin is a romantic and tries to be original where he can and also taking inspiration from books, music and movies; he has an extreme love for all things media, especially music and movies, hoarding giant stacks of all genres and formats and many students have made him their source for rentals and downloads.

At school Corbin is a decent student receiving good grades (especially in math) and typically staying out of trouble, however he also has a short attention span for topics he doesn't take personal interest in and has a habit of drifting off or falling asleep at his desk which has earned him several detentions in the past from teachers who took it as an insult. He makes it a goal not to judge others on their appearence or history but rather tries to focuse on his personal interactions with an indivual and is often quick to 'forgive and forget' wrongdoings. Corbin currently is not participating in any clubs although the desire is there but he does occasionally does lend a hand with costumes and makup for the drama groups and will assist in placing difficult to reach or heavy decorations for anyone that asks, once or twice the drake's also helped students wishing to improve their fighting skills by acting as a feral in dragon form.


Fire: Corbin has learned how to manipulate his fire once out of his body, but it is a relativly new skill for him so it doesn't come easy.


Fire: a descendant of a great line of fire dragons Corbin is immune to any harmfull effects of fire or heat, in fact soaking in flames improves his health and the speed of which he heals from injuries. He can also breath fire and control the flame produced at will: if his fire is mixed with an outside source he gains control over that as well with unpredictable results if that source is from or already controlled by someone else.

Cold Resistance: a walking furnace Corbin's temperature is already noticeably above average and can be increased or decreased with a bit of concentration; this gives him the advantage of being immune to almost all cold magics and free from the worries of having to dress for the weather.

Alternate Form: while as a Nusu Corbin lacks a truly human form, he is still capable of transforming into a full dragon and may do so by choice or when triggered by anger or defense.

Dragon form size:

Hight (at head): 3.3m

Hight (at shoulder and hips) 1.8m, 1.9m

Length (Without tail [snout to rump] and with tail [snout tip to tail tip]): 5m, 15m

Wingspan (wing tip to wing tip): 12m

Flight: having wings in both forms allows Corbin to fly at will, something at which he has grown to be extremely good at.

Strength: Despite being the smallest beastman in his family Corbin displays an incredible capacity of physical strength and can lift something several times his mass if required.

Senses: his sight, hearing, taste and smell are all highly heightened due to the predetory nature of being a dragon, however his sense of touch/feeling is not quite as developed, especially in full dragon form. *Comparison of how things feel is similar to your fingernails, although sometimes it can be more or less sensitive depending on the type or thickness of the scales.*

Equipment: Corbin has a full set of armor that is enchanted to adjust to fit both forms and a large, double bladed war axe he sometimes trains with for short range melee combat.

Background: Corbin, or rather Cordelieon as he is known to his family is the fourth offspring of Noramoar and Kade; a beastman and human couple part of the wealthy and prestigious Drakinson household and widely considered by the family to be most successful pairing to take part of the 'origins project' since it's start long before the war. The project itself was created by Miraudeth Drakinson (Corbins many times great grandmother) and designed to lessen and remove the bounderies between the Beastmans dragon and 'human' form until the resemblance to the latter was lost. Miraudeth believed that by reducing the presence of the human form the dragon half would grow more dominant and increase in power until it would eventually allow the Drakinsons to rise above the other families, though no concrete evidence for this as truth was ever produced. Corbin is vastly considered to be the most perfected result of Miraudeths design; a feat accomplished through the selective pairings between Drakinson Nusus and the occasional other race, and would have been challenged in this aspect only by his younger sister Gwindileth except that she suffers from a permanent ailment to her lungs. Corbin was allowed to enroll into Oriens only because his family was curious as to how he would compare to the other beastmen in his classess, occasionally even sending an older sibling to 'check in' and report his progress.



- Fire/heat and anything that produces warmth.

- Music: especially rock, dubstep and pop genres.

- Video games.

- Sour candy.

- Horror/thriller and action/romance movies.

- Superheroes.

- Flying


- Broccoli and asparagus are his most hated foods.

- He doesn't like vegetables but can tolerate them if they've been cooked.

- Most country music.

- Dragon Stereotypes.

- unripened fruit


- Not being able to touch the floor when swimming or being wieghted down by his wings and drowning.

- Scaring people away on accident.


- Listening to music.

- Mixing music.

- Collecting records, cassets and retro movies.

- Making videos, participating in plays and acting groups.

- Costume and outfit designing.

- Doing the face paint and makeup of people with actual skin.

Habits, Quirks and Other

Hoarding: although the dragon claims otherwise anyone to ever peek into his room or bag will realize that Corbin is a... collecter or things, of any things: he's got stacks of birthday cards, movies, records and books, piles of school supplies and replacement parts for things he doesn't even need or own, troves of candy, limited addition games and collecters editions; hidden treasure cashes of questionable worth and as the collection continues to grow somehow knows the location of every object in the room.

Tail: an expressive part of his body Corbins tail is used for more than just picking up or holding onto things: it flicks, lashes, thrashes, curls, wags and waves in mainly subconscious reactions to his mood, emotions and environment.

Eyes: reptilian like in nature Corbins eyes are slitted and have have a glow that becomes apparent in the dark or dimly lit settings due to an advanced form of tapetum lucidum; the same thing responsible for producing the eyeshine in the eyes of cats and dogs.

Smoke: its not uncommon to see whispers of white rising from his nostrils when Corbins fallen asleep at his desk or gotten lost in a good song; it's something that just happens when he's relaxed. Grey smoke occurs when he's angry, nervous or depressed or in an overall foul mood, but it's when the smoke turns black that somethings gone bad, that type of thing only happens when he's lost he's truly lost control of either his composure or his form; such a thing rarely happens and it takes something truly devastating to trigger such a reaction.

  • Corbin is omnisexual with no preference to gender, identity or race.
  • He'll try eating anything thats not a vegatable at least once.
  • He eats alot and also hoards food.
  • He can carry a maximum of two people on his back in full dragon form.
  • His favorite colors are yellow, purple, red and green.
  • He sings along with songs and the vibrations in his chest when he hums can be felt throughout his body.
  • He has a bass voice and sings bass and low bass.
  • He is 1 of 5 siblings, 3 of which are his elders.
  • Corbin wants to learn metal crafting and engineering.
  • His theme song is Demi Lovato's Confident.

Uniform: Corbin likes to experiment with clothing but most of the time his uniform just consists of a sleeveless black shirt, pants or shorts and one of the many ties in his collection; his favorite of which is covered in smily emojis. He also enjoys wearing collars and chains on his neck and arms but on formal occasions he might opt to remove them and wear the vest or jacket instead.

Pet Skeleton:

: Wolven "Wolf"

Species: Direwolf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.a12062a685490afcf47bbfa2c6af352f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88085" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.a12062a685490afcf47bbfa2c6af352f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: Wolven isn't your average wolf pup, no even as a baby he's still a direwolf and in comparison he's growing stronger, more intelligent and much larger in size than your regular canine companion day by day. However due to his rapidly increasing size he's also requiring more food and eventually will need new housing in the kennels.

Other: He's absurdly friendly and loves to play with students and teachers alike, however he's also very perceptive of the moods of others and sensing when something's amiss.

By signing up for this roleplay, I @Abyss have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.



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  • Name: Kylier Bane

    Age: 18

    Role: Student

    Status: 1 year

    Rooming: If someone wants to room with her, I do not mind, otherwise solo

    Race: Demon-Demon

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Kylier.jpg.3e3d70f0420c2e9398b6d09462eecb77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Kylier.jpg.3e3d70f0420c2e9398b6d09462eecb77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Personality: Kylier is a mature one for her age who takes delight in seeing others suffer, either though casual situation or pranks. She does have a serious side, but is reserved in showing it, usually keeping her composure under common circumstances. Should something unusual happen, she would make a point to observe it, and direct peoples attention to the happenstance, and considers it amusing. She does however have a softer side, but would not been seen showing it off in public, especially around friends. Most of the time however, she will likely come off as having a stuck up personality, as she pokes at other people for the little things

    Magic: Illusion Family-Tree Type Magic: Capable of mental trickery and perception. Distorts reality, such as hiding herself/others/objects by Illusions or Hallucinations.

    Abilities: Conversive Manipulator: Kylier is very good at straight up lying, being coy, and deceptive about pretty much anything, without showing signs of her falsehood. She can use magic to back this up.


    Swords: She is profound in using swords as a primary weapon

    Knives: She is capable of fighting with this as a fallback

    She's also incredibly agile and limber, somewhere below ninja-like.

    Equipment: (Weapons, armor, etc)


    Kylier uses a Katana as her standard weapon when she isn't trying to be flashy in any real regard.

    Kylier possesses a few daggers she can use for combat or otherwise.

    She also has a BBgun for the purposes of messing with Azure.

    Rave Staff: She had Azure make a special sort of unusual weapon against the unusually tough. It is essentially giant tuning fork that is as tall as she is, used as a weapon in a staff like manner. It is dual pronged on one side, with the other being a single prong, that flares out slightly half way, and returns to gradually returns to normal thickness by its end. It can act as a quarterstaff due to its similar shape, but also is incredibly effective on armored foes, due to the intense vibrations that it can cause because of its sheer size. It's design prevent the vibrations from overly affecting the handler. It is able to act as a substitute lightning rod as well, magical or physical. It's rather noisy as a weapon, and very good at repelling strikes, due to its vibration manner.

    While it isn't exactly capable of shooting out sound waves, its high pitched waves can easily cause mass disruptions on others, potentially dazing people, or otherwise annoying the hell out of them, and ruin their concentration. It is capable of shattering windows no thicker than 3cm in width, glass like substances such as Ice, brittle surfaces and materials, and the thinner, weaker armors.

    View attachment 75212

    Kylier's doesn't really use armor of any real sort besides knee guards, and what she believes to be stylish gauntlets. It's not that she can not use armor at all, but feels that there is no real need for it, beyond this much, and typically only uses it as a non-standard casual clothing when things may get a little rough by her standards.

    Background: Within the Bane family, Kylier was a jewel. She had grown to meet, and in some cases exceed her parents expectations. She may have not of had the happiest family, as things tended to fall short on their family, and problems were common within the family. Regardless Kylier remained well treated and loved by her parents despite their fowl attitudes. One day she and her family had noticed an accident that had transpired in a rather remote area where no one was around, and within the accident sight a human family dead. The parents were dead and the child there, was hardly spared from injuries as well, albeit suffered far less wounds than his parents. Regardless, it was clear that if he was left alone with his awful shape, he would certainly die. It was thanks to her kindness that she persuaded to have the child adopted into her family, and although their last name was known from his deceased father's possessions, there was no trace of the child's first name on him or his mother. Regardless, he insisted that his name was Azure, and helped him in keeping them from changing his name. Until being sent off to Orien Academy, had grown up along side a human, and has become fond of how plain, ordinary, and different they are compared to a normal demon.

    Other: She finds anything outside of her race interesting, and fun to mess with and observe how they are different

    By signing up for this roleplay, I, Advent Azure, have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.



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Name: Scarlet Wilson

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: A year

Rooming: I don't care who I room with.

Race: Pangowahon-Beast Shifter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e666198_images(7).jpg.f79984588d0b67a533b72ffc3684b3d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e666198_images(7).jpg.f79984588d0b67a533b72ffc3684b3d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eye Color:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images.jpg.889ec5003bd06ff822a3a93c8aff1135.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/images.jpg.889ec5003bd06ff822a3a93c8aff1135.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e62917a_images(3).jpg.bc3d3f2d309c2e81d5ceb9f59e768fce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87586" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e62917a_images(3).jpg.bc3d3f2d309c2e81d5ceb9f59e768fce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 5'9

Personality: Kinda crazy and mischievous, but also nice. Loyal to the bone, unless you lose her respect or are doing something she is against. Keeps a distance between her and everyone else, but you wouldn't know it to look at her, because she is such a social butterfly. Is almost always cheerful and happy, but sometimes she has fits of anger and violence. Can also be serious and level-headed when it is called for. Tries to never talk about her past, always avoiding the question or changing the topic when it comes up. Rarely shows her weak side, and almost no one knows that to this day she still blames herself for her mom and 'Uncle' Toram's deaths.

Abilities: Can shift into any Feline animal or a Fox, but she prefers the form of a Black House Cat. Can turn parts of her body into those of an animal.

Equipment: A double scythe and a pair of Katanas (the ones in her Appearance Picture) that the Blakely's gave her as a going away present

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e6695b9_images(5).jpg.969b40b14e45ae231de8e359f2e5bc82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="87595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5e6695b9_images(5).jpg.969b40b14e45ae231de8e359f2e5bc82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: Her father, Psy, was murdered while her mother, Mary, was 5 months pregnant with her. It caused her mother to become depressed, and weak. Because of that, Her mother died during childbirth. Daggora went to live with her dad's best friend, a Vampire named Toram. Toram used what he knew from her parents as well as other Shapeshifters that he was friends with to teach her how to control her abilities. At the age of 7, some racist Vampires hated Toram for housing her, so they burned their house to the ground, with Toram still inside it. Scarlet only survived by clawing one of the Vampires across the face before climbing a tree, turning into a black house cat (the only full shift she could do painlessly at the time), and jumping from tree to tree until she reached the edge of the forest they lived in, where she climbed down and turned back into a human. She then lived on the streets of a nearby village and survived by stealing food and other things to survive, quickly building a wall around her so as to not get attached to people, only for them to leave her and/or betray her. She taught herself how to control her abilities, until one day, at the age of 15 she was found and adopted by Alice and Joseph Blakley, members of the local werewolf pack. She lived with them and they help her master her abilities. They also taught her how to fight up until her 16th birthday, when they sent her here.


~Is an extremely skilled fighter with bladed weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

~Prefers to be in animal form around her friends and those that she trusts

~Plays Viola and Guitar

~Likes Pranks

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Name: Naomi Marie La Terre

Age: 17

Role: Student

Status: Brand New

Rooming: Roomate (They told me her name was Vize Marner? She sounds cool enough and her last name is like my middle name!)

Race: Terra- Undine/Siren

Appearance: At 5'9, with fishy features and scaly skin the silvery-blue of a fish, it's not easy to ignore Naomi's heritage. Her finned appendages don't help either.


Personality: Naomi is formal with strangers, and might seem closed off at first. But those who get to know her quickly learn that she has a mischievous streak, and is not above a good prank or two, or even the occassional minor crime. As she adjusts to life away from her stuffy relatives, this side is likely to appear more and more. Not one to take learning seriously, she has a bit of reputation as a trouble maker, but her grades are still rather impeccable, and she's a quick learner. (I learn by osmosis, basically, so studying is a waste. Get it?? Osmosis! Because- cuz I'm made of water!!)

Magic*: Water manipulation (But I can't turn into water like a full Undine, which is no fun)

Ocean Mirage (I can create illusions like mom, but they only work with salty water as a medium, and unless you're under my Hypnotic Song, you know it's not real. Yea, half-breed perks!)

Abilities*: Hypnotic Song (A full Siren can hypnotize anyone, but I'm only effective on people who are attracted to women)

Saline Based Healing (I get cool healing powers like my elemental dad, but they only work in salt water, since I'm a halfie)

Equipment: When in combat situations, Naomi wields an Atalatl, an Spear Thrower, which is also useful as a short blunt weapon. This weapon also doubles as a sort of staff/wand outside of combat situations, and she uses it for a variety of mundane purposes, such as grabbing things she's too lazy to get up and pick up herself.

She also carries a harpoon gun, although she hates using it.



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Naomi isn't first in line to take over Terra (She technically lies behind Queen Gaiea until she comes of age), but being the Crown Princess means a lot of work. Spending most of her youth between classes and tutors, Naomi picked up the slightest rebellious streak in her youth. She was known to "accidentally" stain her assigments with squid ink, or make silly boys and girls on land do her homework. Still, she can be the perfect little princess when it counts, and is actually known throughout Terra for her excellent manners. She's actually at Oriens by choice, as she wants to see what else is in the world before she's shuffled into sitting on a throne and being suck in a castle for the rest of her life.


  • Naomi loves to sing (even if it tends to have poor consequences) and hates it when people boss her around.
  • She likes soft beaches and cool ocean water, and prefers the night, when the air is as cold as the ocean where she once lived.
  • Whenever she is allowed, Naomi will edit her uniform to accommodate a skirt, and she keeps a sort of magical water tank wrapped around her waist to supply her gills with water. She also doesn't wear shoes, as her finned feet won't fit into any human shoes.
  • She's not too fond of her cousin, Princess Rosalind of Feerique, but she'd never let anyone know. Around the princess, she reverts to her own Princess Persona, all formalities and manners, playing along with the princess's "center of the world" personality, but as soon as Rose leaves the room, she's her own rebellious self.

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Calvin Helter Armstrong

Age: 18

Role: Student

Status: Tertiary, third year

Rooming: With a roommate, to be revealed.

Race: Undead-Lich

Appearance: Standing relatively shortly at 5'10'', Calvin strikes an unimposing figure. Though he rarely reveals it, most of his bones are lined with arcane script. The script means nothing, but they induce light dizziness in the viewer through memetic enchantment.

Personality: Calvin is self-assured, cheerful, and violently opinionated. For a variety of reasons, Calvin believes in social justice, specifically the conquering of the oppressors by the downtrodden. Due to his status as a skeleton and, thus, an ethnic minority, Calvin feels he can relate, and throws himself into the progressive stack with unrelenting fervor. When boiled up into a fighting mood, Calvin is arrogant and cocksure. When at rest, Calvin is a carefree and playful individual. At all times, Calvin refuses to accept that someone might possibly have authority they deserve and power they can back up.

Magic: Thanks to a series of popular body modifications he's made to his skull and jawbone, Calvin can direct magic in the form of extraordinarily loud supersonic waves starting at around 190 dB, projected in a cone about three meters in diameter, with a corresponding amount of kinetic force in air displacement. Lacking eardrums, Calvin is immune to the detrimental effects of this. Thanks to a series of magical body modifications done to his entire skeleton, Calvin's bones are abnormally strong and durable. This grants him strength and endurance beyond even that of his Lich brethren.

Abilities: Because of the unique properties of his lichdom, Calvin is technically a set of 206 individual organisms, each of them capable of operating and moving on their own. Calvin's bones can disassemble, reassemble, and fly of their own volition, and can do so at startling speeds. Indeed, one of Calvin's favorite moves is to fully separate his body and batter the opponent with a storm of concrete-hard calcium and protein. Without an inner ear, Calvin can do all the flips and rolls he wants without getting dizzy.

Calvin's status as an animate skeleton are also extraordinarily helpful. Without veins, Calvin never gets tired, and without organs, Calvin never has to worry about getting sick. Without a cushion of skin and hair, Calvin's bones are uncomfortably sharp and can cause small bleeding wounds where they strike.

Equipment: Calvin has nothing but an ornately-designed Zippo lighter that belonged to his father and a pack of cigarettes. Though he can't actually feel the effects of nicotine, Calvin enjoys smoking regardless.

Background: Calvin was born as a sort of experiment by the famous Necrobritish professor of post-mortem philosophy Steven Armstrong. Steven, himself a rarity among his people as a Lich with actual, living flesh, was interested in seeing how complex one could make any individual Lich. With extreme care and precision, Steven Armstrong wove 206 souls into a full human skeleton. Each soul took up residence a single bone, and after a long period of recovery and internal turmoil, Calvin arose. Now a complex amalgam of souls and minds merged into one, Calvin immediately set to doing precisely nothing at all. With the knowledge of 206 other people, Calvin could do anything he wanted, but couldn't put any of his knowledge to its full use. Indeed, each of the souls within him were dumb as a sack of hammers and almost incapable of remembering their prior lives. Steven Armstrong was particularly unimpressed with Calvin's general lack of expertise, and used his extensive connections to enroll Calvin in the finest private institutions money can buy. Throughout Calvin's life, Steven Armstrong abused numerous loopholes in child protective laws to experiment on Calvin without his consent. This has resulted in a number of physical changes to his makeup, some more drastic than others. When Calvin was enrolled in Oriens, he finally got a chance to stay away from his father, and took to living on campus with spectacular fervor. Currently, Calvin is willing to pledge himself to any cause that seems to favor the "oppressed" over those he believes in power. Whether this is a cry for attention or a strange consensus from his component souls is unknown.

Other: Calvin is an experienced gymnast, but was barred from joining the gymnastics club after a number of disqualifications for cheating.

By signing up for this roleplay, I, Skippy "Snowdog" Granola, have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.
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Name: Christine "Reformer" Hyland

Age: 14, appears 11

Role: Student - Disciplinary Committee Member

Status: 2nd year

Rooming: Open to Anything/Anyone

Race: Pangowahan - Shapeshifter (humanoid)

Appearance: *NOTE* - Appearance is not her *actual* form, as it is long forgotten. She also often has cat ears, depending on her mood.



  • Reformation: Changes an object in contact with her from one form to another. Clothing is considered part of her body. The magic only changes the object's form - once complete, the effects are "permanent". Cannot affect the sentient. Once cast, the magic acts like an enchantment, not a spell.


  • Shift: Changes her body into any humanoid form she desires.
  • Perfect Shift: Changes her body into a perfect recreation of another person's, adopting their physical traits and abilities perfectly. Limited usage.
  • Steroid Rush: Increases physical capabilities of her current form. The concentration required for use reduces Perfect Shift's perfection.
  • Eidetic Memory: Never forgets a face - except her own.
  • Harsh Discipline: Martial arts training used to defuse fights or take out unruly students. Sponsored by the Disciplinary Committee.


Disciplinary Committee Standard Issue: as a member of the disciplinary committee, Christine has a few equipment perks to assist in disciplinary actions. Her clothing is resistant to elemental magic and will not be destroyed by it (applies to all shifted forms, to prevent naked hijinks). There are some physical resistant pads that are available, but Christine doesn't like to wear them. A telescoping steel rod hangs at her side, useful for parrying bladed weapons. And of course, what disciplinary committee member could go without the armband marking them as being a member?


The most well-known fact about Christine is that she doesn't know what she looks like. She knows she is female, and she knows her age. However, despite her eidetic memory, she doesn't know what she looks like anymore, and therefore uses whatever form she likes. What isn't so well-known is that this is because at some point in her life she gave up on figuring out what she should look like after long transformations and instead decided to be who she wanted to be. Not only does this result in confusing her friends, but it makes it nigh impossible for her to get a valid passport.

Christine's parents are the ones to blame for her perfect shifting ability. From the day she first learned to shapeshift she was drilled for hours and hours on end in how to notice every fine detail of another's body, even through clothing, armor, and other obstructions, and recreate it with her own. One night, after a particularly strenuous training session, her family sat down to watch The Incredible Hulk. The then-immature Christine decided to try her abilities on a movie character and found that by focusing on muscles instead of perfect duplication she could greatly increase her strength - that is, after accidentally leveling her house.

Shortly thereafter, Christine was enrolled in Oriens Academy as a way for them to be free of the responsibility of raising her. She'd already gained enough training to reliably manage a Perfect Shift or three a day, but not gotten it down to second nature, which would allow it to be done at will. At Oriens, she was quickly scouted for her ability to easily overpower troublemakers using their own strength and a bit of her own. Her first year was otherwise rather uneventful, except those times at band camp, but that's better left to another story.

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Name: Kazuki Edamura

Age: 15

Role: student

Status: it's his first year here

Rooming: roomate

Race: Elemental-Nymph

Appearance: 5'2

Personality: outgoing, trustworthy, smart, kind

Magic*: Plant Manipulation- Users can manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. Plant Growth: The user can influence and accelerate the growth of plants, causing them to mature with supernatural speed, grow to unusual size, and produce in abundance.

Abilities*: none

Equipment: none

Background: lived in a small peaceful village with other nymphs until it was destroyed one day, killing his family.

Other: likes: the outdoors, reading, taking short naps. dislikes: mean people, fire

By signing up for this roleplay, I Ldybug123___ have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players.

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@Ldybug123 Um . . . There's no name. Also, elementals only have affinity with 1 element and I consider earth and plants to be different so you need to decide between the 2. Also, sorry but I'm against plant creation. Unless you mean plant growth?


Michael Clarke

Male || 17 || Half-Elf || Heterosexual || Roommate Pending || Student Council Member || Student || 2nd Year || Feerique || 6'1"


Michael is a man fixated on becoming something bigger than what he was born to be. Wealth and glory were his main goals for most of his life. This grab for recognition had it's consequences however. Sometimes, Micheal would never know if he put someone in harms way, since he never tries to pay attention. From a destructive trait, this grew into a positive one. Realizing how absurd it was, he only pays attention to this goal half as much as others.

Michael possesses other traits however. To most people, he's usually a nice person. If you be nice to him however. If not, his brash, aggressive, and cynical nature surfaces. Traits that he usually does a good job at concealing. To acquaintances and friends, Michael would be shown as a charismatic, flirty individual with a sharp sense of humor while also having a no-nonsense attitude.


Michael was born into a wealthy and took advantage of this at a young age. A known cheat, if something doesn't go his way, he makes a way to get what he wants. From sneaking into private property to just meet specific people and stealing things that he rightfully lost in various bets, it was surprising how Michael hasn't been thrown in prison or juvy. In fact, the only reason that he's not facing punishment for these minor crimes is simply because of his parents. Being well connected, they have a way in convincing marshals to overlook various acts he's done.

Michael has grown to be quite efficient at hand-to-hand combat and minor spells for sneaking. With hands developed for scaling buildings and feet for dashing from enemies, Michael turned into an agile person as well. Though these bad habits were abruptly stopped with he was forced to join Oriens Academy as a way of discipline.

At first, Michael had a huge distaste for the Academy, though he eventually got over it. He felt pretty happy with his first year achievements, the main one? He didn't cheat at a board game.

Capabilities and Equipment


  • Basic elemental magic
  • Disguise generation
  • Ice construct creation (unreliable)


  • Enhanced strength
  • Enhanced speed
  • Enhanced awareness
  • Enhanced reflexes
  • De-accelerated aging


  • Light short-sword
  • Lockpicks



By signing up for this roleplay, I Pyosimros have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.

Julien Moreau

Age: 19

Role: Student

Status: First year

Rooming: I'd like to have a roommate.

Race: Bahal-Kitsune


5'11. I prefer to write out appearances than to use pictures, so a basic image is included in the spoiler.

Julien is a young man of a very slim build and average height. He has a very delicate look to him. Even the way he walks seems delicate and vulnerable. He has very red, soft hair and deep blue eyes. When not at school, he tends to wear a bright orange suit. His facial features match the rest of his body, with very delicate intricacies to his face. He has a soft jawline, a small nose, and thin red eyebrows.

Personality: Very sly and witty. Tends to be over manipulative to a major fault. He likes to twist his outwardly personality to be most beneficial for whoever he is talking to. However, those who know him the best know that he is extremely insecure, and his perceived confidence is a facade.


Slight Manipulation Magic

  • Julien's manipulative nature goes beyond simple wordplay. Though most Beastmen struggle to harness magic, Julien's found a way to push his mana out into a way he finds constructive.
  • On matters not set in someone's heart, Julien can use magic to convince them one way or the other.
  • Those who are already set on an idea or a morality are not influenced by Julien's magic.
  • Julien can not make someone do something they would not do without his influence. He can not make someone change their mind from something they are set on.
  • However, Julien can offer a push for someone on the fence about a decision or action.


Fox Shapeshift

  • Shapeshifts into a fox.


  • Briefcase
  • Two iron daggers

Background: From a poor family, but renowned among beastmen for his ability to use magic. He also pushed himself forward in social standing through manipulation.

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Name:Matt Asada


Role: student

Status: first year

Rooming: open to any Roommate

Race: Beastmen-Dragon


dragon form:

Personality: Matt is quiet,adoptable,honest,intelligent,and clumsy

Magic*: None

Abilities*: Matt can form wings and fly.Matt also shoots a projectile out his mouth,but instead of fire he shoots lightning

Equipment: Matt only has a pair of nunchucks

Background: (Optional, but if you're planning on keeping it a secret and then turning it into some sort of plot in the rp, then you must run it by me first so I can make sure it is canon with this universe.)

Other: Matt would love to be in the photagraphy club if there is one

By signing up for this roleplay, I WoodenZebra have read, understood and comply with the roleplay rules for players. And any strikes or warnings given for rulebreaking cannot be waived with reasons like "I didn't know I had to read them" or any similar statements.

Pet Skeleton:


Species: Ferret


Abilities:Benji can become intangeable and can make Matt intangable also but when they are touching(As in he can faze through things)

Other:Benji is usually found in Matt's hood
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Alejandro Santino

Age: Technically 30 years old, actually more than 1,000.

Role: Teacher- Swordsmanship

Status: Teacher, of four years

Rooming: N/A

Race: Elemental- Unorthodox Elemental

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/crystal-golem_bf-concept_by_jdc.jpg.63ed63c67b0c3466b53c983f4877718a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/crystal-golem_bf-concept_by_jdc.jpg.63ed63c67b0c3466b53c983f4877718a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Alejandro is about six feet and three inches tall. Alejandro is comprised of supernaturally durable Chrysoberyl.

Personality: Alejandro places an inordinate amount of trust in his students, and attempts to find the best in everyone he works with. With boundless optimism and an absurd amount of patience, it is truly difficult to shake off Alejandro if he thinks you can do better. Alejandro is almost entirely ignorant of his storied past, but can occasionally draw up some information of little use.

Magic: Alejandro is not well-versed in using magic of any kind. However, he is capable of using his race's own inborn magical powers to generate and control chrysoberyl.

Abilities: Alejandro is an accomplished swordsman, with a knack for powerful strokes and dangerous thrusting moves. His natural composition makes him immensely resistant to most sharp weapons, but relatively susceptible to heavy force. His consciousness is directly connected to the current largest section of continuous crystal. At the moment, this is his chest and abdomen portions. As his main body is reduced in size, his intelligence and self-awareness decreases directly proportionately. Theoretically, if reduced to a splinter, Alejandro will be be reduced to a vegetative state.

Equipment: Alejandro does not have any special equipment, beyond the business-casual outfits he wears to class and his teacher ID.

Background, Deep Past
Alejandro's history goes back to as far as The War of Reckoning, but his current life only goes back a handful of decades. As far as Alejandro understands, he was one of the millions of magical creatures created during the great magical awakening that lead to The War of Reckoning. For some unknown reason, Elementals of nearly every element and mineral were created, and Alejandro was one of them. Like millions of his brothers and countrymen, Alejandro was set upon the humans in massive waves, little more than fodder to drain enemy armaments in preparation for the celebrities and war heroes to slaughter the beleagured soldiers and the civilians they were guarding with reckless abandon. Alejandro was destroyed hundreds of times over, his body reduced to splinters by overwhelming force. However, due to his unusual properties, Alejandro never truly died. It took an ill-fated attack on what used to be known as the natal Air Force Base to put Alejandro down for what seemed to be forever. As he and his fellow Elementals charged into what seemed to be a poorly-defended human base, he was caught in a devious trap-- the humans were bombing their own bases after evacuating! Reduced to little more than mineral powder trapped under rubble, Alejandro was abandoned and forgotten by his creators. It is unknown if Alejandro was left brain-dead from his miniscule size, or if he merely went catatonic as a result from his being buried alive. Whatever the reason, Alejandro remained dormant.

Background, Recent Past
Centuries later, Alejandro's remains were uncovered by a team of Elemental archaeologists digging up artifacts from The War of Reckoning. For weeks, Alejandro's remains were stored in a plastic bag alongside rubble samples taken from the air base's tarmac. Then, by pure chance, a fragment of Alejandro's previous form brushed up against the miniscule shard that held Alejandro's mind. With a dull flash, Alejandro reformed into a marginally larger shard of chrysoberyl. Seeing this unusual occurence, the attending cataloguer began experimentally adding further shards of chrysoberyl to Alejandro's shard. Alejandro grew and grew until he was large enough to begin producing his own material, and began thinking and speaking shortly thereafter.

The newly-awakened Alejandro had lost all memory of his experiences. Not a shred of ancient history could be gleaned from his addled state. In a sense, Alejandro was a new man. As a show of good faith, Alejandro was given free passage back to the nearest city, where he was adopted by a community of deeply interested museum curators. As a living historical artifact (one of many in the Elemental community) of moderate worth, Alejandro was raised as well as the museum could afford.

Like all Elemental "children", Alejandro was given a full suite of classes in combat. For some reason, Alejandro enjoyed his swordsmanship lessons the most, and handily excelled at it. In time, Alejandro gained quite a reputation among his fellow students as a fierce fighter, and developed a strong portfolio for his college career. Thanks in part to the constant cooperation of the scientific community, Alejandro earned a degree in high school education, focusing primarily in self defense and physical education.

Background, Present
Whether due to his status as an archaeological oddity or as a strong swordsman, Alejandro was approached by the faculty of Oriens for a position as a teacher. Alejandro cheerfully accepted, and spent several years working pleasantly. Without a doubt, Alejandro Santino has cemented himself as a powerful and popular teacher.

Other: Alejandro has run up against his fellow teachers on multiple occasions for his unorthodox teaching methods.

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