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Oriens Academy [Phoenix Game]

Stormy was cleaning with the little helpers and she looked up not stopping but she looked at Alexandra and said

" Well in the village I grew up in they were clay pot makers and we always held this festival to see who could make the best clay statue and I would always win "

And Stormy looked back to what she was doing then she glanced at Lightning working along side her and she smiled
"A village with no shape shifters? Must have been remote." She comments. The two pyramid dolls sweeping along side working together with quite a bit of efficiency in how they moved. "Guessing you have the natural talent for it then? Should look into trying to join the art class when you can." She comments.

"Think when I was growing up in school, I had somethin like that, though it was a competition for the most interesting unique looking summoned creature. Me, I just built my own, didn't win, damn summoned phoenix's always win, oh suure, a fancy light show, and i'm just sitting here busting my rear trying to create a walking red brick that punches things. Then again Mine's a nice seat that likes to carry me around, so I have that going for me~"
Stormy nodded and said

" Maybe "

And she looked at her stopping then she said

" It was a human village, I was raised by humans that's why I cant control my power "

Stormy sighed and Lightning flew onto her shoulder to rest

Azure went down before it even started, and already was rendered unable to do most anything and was forced down. He didn't expect anyone else to come in between the two however. This somehow felt bad however, what was supposed to be something between Azure and Mel... despite how badly it was going, was no longer there.

"..... Stone..."

Seeing the others here gave him reason to force himself to calm down, he felt himself settling down somewhat to a manageable state at the very least, he'd put on his gauntlets Stone offered if he wasn't partially downed as he was. He only took them off to try to hit Mel because it was personal, but that time had passed, and didn't want others to take notice of his marked hand. Azure got thrown back onto the ground as she pushed him away landing onto his back.


He lifted himself up, still on the ground to look back at Mel, only to be surprised to see what he thought was.......


His anger subsided at this point, and didn't say anything as she spoke out more before leaving...

"... thanks... for the advice..."

-... I guess... I really am always surrounded by people... somehow...-

A shiver shot up Azure's spine as an unexpected touch to his hand came from Naval as she held onto his, and instinctively flinched and clenched his own hand to hold back onto hers. Part of why he wears so much clothing, is not only hide the affect of the curse's current progression, but as a form of wall towards others. Even when that said wall was down, it was out of hostility or desperation. Touching his bare hand, felt embarrassing, and like a breach in himself... but he was among friends here..... and thus was ok......... right? He wasn't sure if this was comparatively more than Skyia giving him a full bear hug, if he remembered right... and something about... a dream... but... he couldn't remember, trying to think of that made his head hurt... but wasn't sure why. He looked at Naval a bit speechless for a moment from on the ground still.

"... uh... I guess... I am...... er... I mean, on the floor..."

-Well..... so much for finding a place to sleep... since she's trying to treat me to something nice, this has been another terrible Valentines Day so far... for the 11th time...-

Finding a substitute place to sleep while hopelessly locked out of him room probably would of been a dull adventure anyway... he didn't want to be that one guy who is constantly needing help from Rose over every little thing... even if it was her job..... he could endure.

"Well..... alright Naval..."
Naval looked toward Stone for approval as if she was her mother. Shooing them away, Naval tugged on Azure to walk him down the hall. For some odd reason she still held Azure's hand , her little friend staring at him with dented eyes. Slowly it moved toward the edge of her shoulder , trying to get a better look at Azure.

"Oh right...today is that day isn't it. Well er hm."

Naval stopped in her tracks, ruffling in her skirt pocket to grab a bag of cookies that Stone had given her earlier. Handing it to Azure she gave a wide smile.

"Happy valentines day."

@Advent Azure


Stone still standing she looked over her shoulder to watch the girl walk away. Grabbing her bag she threw it over her shoulder, picking up Aro and placing him back on his shoulder. Following after her , she thought about the comment she told Azure. -Always surrounded by people- Stone was not that type of person nor did she ever try to be. All she saw was an argument being placed and possibly a fight.

"You there, may I ask what went on back there."

Azure put on his left gauntlet and took the right one in his left hand, then got up in response to Naval trying to take him down the hall. He wanted to cover his hand with his other guantlet, but Naval still seemed like she wanted to hold his hand, and put the guantlet in his cloak's pocket.

"Oh... Ya... I Guess that is still going on today..."

Azure was a little surprised to see her offer a gift to him. She looked real happy to do so too.

"Oh, thank you Naval."

It was a pleasant treat. He doesn't usually eat these sort of things but it's a gift, and he heard they were pretty good. He took it with his free hand, and with dexterity, opened it with the one hand, and took a cookie out while holding onto the bag to eat one. It was pretty alright.

"They're good, but uh... I don't have anything on me to give you.. I'm sorry..."
Great. This ***** again. When Stone asked her side, Mel near broke out laughing. Oh God, this was too rich. This ******** was actually trying to act like some righteous prick?

Mel turned to face her, putting on an obviously fake expression of surprise. "Oh? Well gee, I don't know. Why don't you tell me? You seemed to have all the answers back there. Don't you remember? I provoked him. I started yelling lies in his face. I started that whole thing." Her voice dripped with so much sarcasm one could probably see it if it were possible.

Her mask broke and she glared at Stone, practically oozing malice toward the mermaid. "Don't pretend to be some fair judge when you've proven just the opposite not even 2 minutes earlier. Fake as plastic, power-high, ****** up ******* like you, I hate to my very core. You should go back to our thrones of **** and keep pretending you're here for the people."

And with that, Mel ran off, but this time, she pulled a card from the pouch on her belt. The 5 of cups. Kissing it, a golden magic circle appeared beneath her feet, resembling a clock, its hands advancing rapidly. Mel herself began to glow faintly and within the blink of an eye, she was gone with no trace left behind.

. . .

Perhaps it was due to her current speed or the anger of that encounter clouding her mind, but for whatever reason, Mel wasn't paying enough attention to her path. And while zooming down a hallway, she tripped over something orange. The force sent her flying ahead, though luckily, she was able to turn herself so that she at least looked somewhat composed as she slammed into a wall.

Nailed it. Sort of. Damn, her shoulder hurt.

Getting up, Mel began rubbing her shoulder as she tried to see what she had tripped over. It was a lamia, and a rather long one. "Sorry," she said. "Wasn't paying attention. You okay?"


As Rose waited for Lerrus, she noticed a familiar head of red and orange hair. "Maxine! Over here!" she shouted, waving her arm to make sure the dragon noticed her. She then turned to Lerrus. "If you really want to know about the school, you might want to meet her as well. Well, even if you don't, it's probably best if you know her. She can verse you with a lot more of the rules and regulations than I can. Plus, knowing that she's head of the discipline committee tends to deter students from breaking any of the major rules. Not always but it keeps most of them behaved."
Stone sighed as she pulled out a bag of cookies and began to devour them. "Fair judge...folly. I do not see myself as a judge nor as anyone to give out divine punishment." She looked over toward Aro before she shook her head. "Children these days, Aro we have to locate her room number. I can't just let this go." Aro grunted as he tilted his head. "No not the fight her assumptions of me. From an eye's view it looked like she was provoking him, but as if I had the time to unravel the misunderstandings between them. Clearly the man was in a pickle, I just decided to step in." Walking down the hall she head for the council room to find the girls room location. Aro grunted again as he patted Stone's cheek. "No I will not resort to violence, if she won't open her door then I'll just force it open. Look at me Aro, do I look like I'm here for people. I'm only here to help Rose, nothing more nothing less." Stone made her way into the council room, going toward the files that were on the table.

Naval chuckled as she shooed him away. "Don't worry about it, your here so that's all I need right." Naval let go of his hand so she could pet Rover. Smiling she watched it groan and tilt its head every which way. "Have you eatin yet...like not junk food, actually food."
"Well... alright then, if you really don't mind..."

Azure looked at his freed hand, and put it in the cloak pocket to put his other gauntlet.

"... Well no I haven't yet... there was some sort of food fight thing that went on to completely ruin the cafeteria..."
Alexandra lifted her head up at that comment. "A shapeshifter being raised by humans? Kinda a odd thing to happen these days heh" Twirling her finger around in the air a few small glowing orbs circled around her finger. Crackling slightly with energy sustaining them.

"Does explain a lot though, well I suppose there's gonna need to be a lot to work with you. If possible id suggest finding someone who is a shapeshifter around here to give you a few tips. Think I saw one actually, tall fellow, wears a mask all the time and a black outfit. Looked like a shapeshifter by the fact he was turning into a shovel I think when I was meeting up with staff the other day? Anyway, moving on."

Going back into her seat she lying back into her chair, letting it hang a bit. "Any particular magic you know Stormy? Or are looking forward to learning in here?" She asked, taking her attention away from her papers, looking over to the girl in her relaxed position.

@Wild Born


Skyia slithered out of her room, heading off to head to the showers with her clothing in hand, rounding the corners when suddenly she felt a bit of a pain on a portion of her tail. With a small yelp she looked over to what caused the pain. Seeing a girl smack herself against the wall. A little hard, but seemed to recover a little? She couldn't really tell but she felt somewhat bad for letting her tail hang out so far again causing her to trip.

"I uh, No no i'm fine, its my fault, my tail was hanging out too far again, Need to pull my body closer otherwise people trip over it a lot eheh. . . Are you alright?" Skyia asked genuinely, tilting her head slightly to the side, pulling her long tail together into a large coil, rubbing the point that Mel tripped over. "You hit the wall a little hard." She said pointing to her shoulder with a seemingly worried expression on her face.

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Stormy looked at her and said

" Well being raised by humans they dont know magic but I am looking forward to stay at such a prestigious academy to learn the up most important ways of magical life "

And she packed up her bags and said

" Where might I find that shapeshifter it would be quite useful or maybe a shapeshifting class thatnwould be even better ? "
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Mel stood there, staring at the lamia for a bit. What did she say? Was Mel hearing correctly? Did the lamia somehow hit her head or maybe Mel tripped on her head? It was unlikely but her hair was orange as well . . . Wait, the girl said it was her tail. So she did hear right. The snake was asking her if she was alright. And Mel didn't have to get attacked first. Well, this was a first.

This was the first time someone had asked if she was alright since Riff. Well, Vash sometimes said it but typically he had this strange idea that she was somehow invincible. Something about heroes of justice being healed by the might of righteousness or some other ****.

Mel tried her best to find, well, anything. An hint of ill intent or deception in the lamia's face, body language or words. What was her angle? What did she gain from this? But everything seemed genuine. Sincere. It confused Mel immensely. "I . . . I'm fine," she managed to say. "I've been through worse."

As Skyia apologized, Mel scanned the length of her tail. Was it even possible to keep it close to her body? "Don't worry about it. I imagine it'd be hard for you to move around though iff you kept our tail close. It's not like you could help it."
Lerrus noticed the girl was ticklish from Beel poking at them, but said nothing. It would be knowing things like these that future leverage, cruel as that sounds. Or just make a good surprise later.

He was about to open his mouth when another girl appeared. A double whammy? This was getting better by the second.

He showed his glowing, (not literally) smiling handsome face to the both of them, pulling out the most of his incubus half of him, which he remembered he never told the school he was. Or the school would think he was raping the dreams of their students. Which wasn't true, it was all when both were awake and entirely consensual.

"Well how about you lovely ladies show me a guided tour of the school? Aside from my personal wanderings, I don't know where much is at all."

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"He seems to lurk around all over the place, could probably catch him tomorrow, didn't see him wandering around today." She said before slowly going back to her papers.

"I think you can check the offices if you want to look around for a shapeshifter's class. There might be one around here, there should be if students want to refine their talents."


Skyia nodded hearing she was fine. "Alright then." She said then looking down to her own tail after Mel's comment. "A little yea, but I don't really want to be a inconvenience to others." Swiftly bringing her head back up to the girl. "So I just try my best not to disturb others, bit of a walking hazard, even have the colors for a warning Heheh." she said smiling at her own comment.

Skyia gave a little sigh before pulling her body up straight. "My names Skyia by the way." She said with a bit of a smile. "I think I saw you over earlier, you were the one in the fortress right?" she said curious of the girl a bit. "The one made up of stacked tables?"


Maxine didn't appear really attracted or effected by Lerrus's charm, honestly it seemed to have completely flew over her head as she heard his comment. "Ah Giving him a tour around? Shouldn't be too hard to show him around eh Rose?"

Looking over to Lerrus, she spoke again. "You get a map of the school? Its handy to keep one of those around just in case your suddenly lost, I remember myself getting a bit lost when wandering about trying to find my class heheh." Euclid curiously looked over towards Lerrus, tilting its head slightly as it clung onto Maxine's left shoulder, giving a lower murr.
"Yes," Rose said in response to Maxine. "He's reasonably new so asked if I could tell him about the school." She brought her focus back to Lerrus while holding her hand up toward the dragon shifter. "Lerrus Vastrel, meet Maxine Sanshoo, head of the student disciplinary committee. She's the one who finds rule breakers and punishes them. Well, her and her team."

As Lerrus asked for a tour, Rose felt an odd feeling come over her. It was strange but not completely unfamiliar. If she had to compare it to something, it was like the head clearing rush she got when she went to that one concert a while back. Except she'd say she was calmer this time around rather than excited. But the thump was still there in her chest. A thump?

Wait . . . what were the talking about? "Sure, a tour sounds like a good idea. It's not like I had anthing planned today anyway. We could show you the major places you'd need to know. But getting a map is a good idea as well. Most likely, you're not going to memorize the entire floor plan in one go."

"Maybe we should show him the council and committee offices first?" she said, looking to Maxine for her opinion. "If he ever finds trouble, he should probably know where to find us."


"Mel," she replied. Her face was straight, unsure of how to respond to the lamia's smile. Mel felt rather . . . uncomfortable. This is wierd. This is ******* wierd.

"Uh . . . yeah . . . " She looked Skyia over for a bit, trying to figure out if she had met this girl int he food fight earlier. Did she kick this girl off the castle earlier? she asked, only to mentally hit herself in the face once she remembered the brightly colored snake. "You were with Vash for a bit at the end, weren't you?" She really should've known. Even if she wouldn't have been able to distinguish faces without her glasses, not many people in the school was painted such a vibrant orange.

"How do you know him?" What had compelled Vash to run to this girl's side? To protect her? Was he off friend-pimping himself off to random people? Though she had to admit, if he did with Skyia, he at least chose a seemingly decent one.
Skyia nodded when Mel asked that she was with Vash. "Ah iv'e only really talked to him once, not for very long as well. But he's really nice! He just jumped down to check on me before suddenly the food sun rose into the air and kinda blasted everyone eheh." She said with a smile. "He seemed rather focused on fighting otherwise which is fine! I just didn't really know what to do." Skyia said with a bit of a nod.

Looking over to a wall mounted clock, Skyia perked up. "Hey um, Mel, uhh, I need to get going, its getting a bit late, don't want to stay up too long eheh, have something I'm planning to do tomorrow and all that. . ." she looked over to mell, and gave a nod, with a cheery little smile. "Ill catch you another time, Sorry for having to leave so quickly, but uh, have a nice Valentines!" She said before slithering off towards the showers to clean herself off.

Afterwards when returning to her room, would swoop by Azure's room, leaving a box taped to his door, with a message that its from Skyia, just a simple little box of chocolate she wanted to give him, but couldn't find him afterwards. Other than that she went back to her room to rest for the rest of the day.
Thursday, March 13th
~~~~~11:00 AM~~~~~

"After the War of Reckoning, the living conditions of humans degraded so much that they might as well have been equal to that of wild animals. Not since the dawn of mankind did they have to live so crudely. Holing up in caves and holes. Foraging and hunting for food. Constantly fearing the 'predators' that they knew were lurking not only in the shadows but now broad daylight as well."

In the front of the classroom, a dark-haired fae paced back and forth in front of the students. Her heels clacked softly against the stone floor as her violet eyes scanned the room, looking for any students not paying attention or fooling around. Spotting a boy falling asleep in the first row, she walked over to him without stopping her lecture. Then taking her riding crop, she slapped it against the desk, right by his ear. The boy woke with a jump, screaming. He received a stern look from Tatiana as she walked off, continuing the lesson.

The room was filled with students eagerly awaiting the end of class. History was rarely a favorite subject and perhaps even more so since today was just a half-day for classes. How idiotic. To allow the students to skip class just because it was some girl's birthday. How lax this school was.

After doing another once around, Tatiana returned to her desk, leaning back onto its edge while addressing the class.

"However, that managed to change in the year 812. Who can tell me what happened to change it?"


To be honest, Rose wasn't really paying attention to class. And normally, she'd be appalled at herself for doing so, but today was sort of an exception. After all, it was her birthday. She was allowed to be excited, right? After all, her father went all out for her or Blaire's birthdays. A big party. Class cancellations. Heck, even fireworks if her mother hadn't kept reminding him of how unsafe it was. Rose still had no idea how her father managed to survive before her mother came along. But back to business, she was really excited for today, letting herself drift off a bit to imagine what her present would be.

Luckily though, she didn't drift too far. The sound of leather against wood made her snap out of it. And looking at the boy's reddening face, she was glad it wasn't her. Her eyes snapped to the front just as Tatiana asked the class a question. A rather easy one. Everyone should know the answer to that.
Azure had been taking his time to pay attention as much as he could, after all, his future still relies on getting through this... but... beating on trees in the same spot in the same exact way... with arms and legs, he was feeling kinda sore, between nightly outdoor trainings, and sleeping outside, since he currently can't enter his room. He always thought that he'd never be ever unarmed considering how many knives he would of had with him, but after his encounter with Mel... He thought he should at least try to be proficient while unarmed. But his efforts are wearing on him slowly. The only real noticeable fatigue was around his eyes, not sleep deprived, but worn. He flinched quite a lot in his seat seeing the teacher use her domination..... er... riding crop. He had been fighting off nodding off into sleep a bit due to his fatigue, but the teacher's... 'attention enhancer' combined with the guy's scream... well... helped to bring him up to full focus as it spurred up some old times...

-... I..... I don't want to that happen to me... I should... answer the question she asked...-

He was trying his hardest to pay attention still, and was sure that he would be able to answer the question the way she wanted it. Azure raised his hand to get the teacher's attention, composing himself as much as his body would allow in his current state.

"I know the answer, the change that year was the Sanctuary Principle. It happened because Humanity as a race dropped to the tens of thousands, a group of Humans, led by Nathaniel Hafford, went to talk to the elfin king, who was Tidus. Thanks to his efforts and persuasion, that led to where we are today."
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Lerrus was relaxing, though not asleep unlike the other boy who had received a verbal whooping, in his seat, idly listening. It was history, something that interested him in no sense whatsoever.

His mind was more occupied thinking about yesterday, where he was led around by Maxine and Rose around the school, shown the various parts of it. While Maxine had zero concept of attraction seemingly, Rose at times seemed to blush from him, which had given him a lever he felt. Plus he would one day surprise tickle her or something of the like.

Beel was on his desk snoozing quietly. He found himself quite fond of the little flying golem, handy with various chores and in general as a small pet. Lerrus watched Rose who also struggled to pay attention. Usually considered blasphemous, it was no surprise since her father was going all out with a party for her. Well this could be very fun, or very messy. Probably both...
"Answer just the question next time," Tatiana said, frowning at Azure's appearance. The boy seemed exhausted, probably from staying up too late. She said it once and she'd say it again. This school was too lax. There was a curfew for a reason. The boy may have been lucky this time, but if he hoped to do well in this class, he'd show up more alert.

"But that is correct. After the passing of the Sanctuary Principle, humans were able to set up permanent residences, not having to fear the other kingdoms preying on them. However, it was not unmet with opposition. The vampire and demon kingdoms were most vocal about the law's passing. 'Why should the stand aside for these humans?' 'Won't this make them arrogant?' These were only some of the thoughts shared on the subject."

"They believed that by offering protection to the humans, it'd be the same as bowing down to them. After all, there were no laws to protect the other kingdoms in the same manner." At this point, Tatiana closed her eyes and exhaled a sigh, remembering something she'd rather not "However, the humans didn't have any special powers, with a few exceptions. And they didn't have kingdoms. To complain about equality when you obviously have the upper hand. Such an arrogant thing to do, no?"

There was a pause before the fae opened her eyes again. "Can anyone tell me how Tidus managed to convince them to pass the law?"
-... I guess I've overdone it again by trying to make sure I explained everything properly. Did she frown at me though? Did she feel the exhaustion on me or something...? Maybe I can make that up with more short right answers.-

Azure was a bit annoyed that he got the stink eye from her from something that wasn't exactly his fault. Sure had already putting a solution into motion..... but...

"I can answer that, he convinced the opposing Vampire and Demon Kingdoms by arguing that bringing the human race to extinction would make them no better than the humans before the war, and that vampires no longer needed to feed off of Humans in order to survive, and that without the law, they would hunt and eat them to extinction anyway."
"Perhaps you'd like to give someone else a chance to answer, Mister Bane?" Tatiana pushed herself off her desk and began to pace once more.

"However, that is correct. The vampires and demons may hate humans, however their hatred could not even begin to compare to the level of their pride. To be compared to humans were considered great insults. Enough so that they were able to push aside their personal issues and agree to the passing of the Sanctuary Principle. And once that was passed, humans were finally confident enough to settle down."

"However, I think we all know that a simple law isn't enough to stop true villains. Over the years, even with the Sanctuary Principle in effect, humans have still fallen prey to their neighbors, though albeit in a comparably smaller number of incidents. There are people who enjoy hunting or feeding from them. There are those who sell captured humans off in underground black markets."

"Now who can-"
The half-fae stopped mid-sentence. It was becoming rather obvious that none of the students here really wanted to be there. She could spot a few daydreaming. One even seemed close to the brink of falling asleep. She let out a sigh before looking to the clock. Class was going to be over in 10 minutes but to continue teaching a group who didn't seem to want to learn would be wasted effort on her part.

"Okay, that is all for today. We'll end things early. But don't move from your seats yet. There is an announcement you all need to hear about the trip next week." Tatiana stepped back, allowing for someone else to step forward and explain the details of the field trip.
Alexandra appeared from seemingly thin air with a smile on her face. "Well then, as Ms Chelovek said, there is a field trip that we were planning, and we have some waivers we need you all to fill out." With a wave of her hands she moves her hands down, pulling out a thick stack of papers, showing them to the class. "Its a trip down south to some old ruins, both with some historical signifigance, and some magical signifigance, so we are planning this trip to explore around and see what we can find." She says with a bit of a nod.

"Any questions you have should be on the paper, and if not, just come to me or Ms Chelovek, but those of you interested, come up and grab a paper!" she said with a bit of a smile. "The trip is about a week from now, so make sure to be prepared on the day, we will be leaving early in the morning, so make sure to keep that in mind."
After Alexandra said her bit, Tatiana dismissed the class. Everyone began packing their things and walking down from the desks. Some came to grab a waiver. Others went straight out the door. The fae noticed Rose picking up a waiver and looking it over before heading to the door. And as the final students made their way to the front a loud noise came from the hall, making Ana jump. The woman made her way to the door, eyes widening at what she was seeing.

It looked like fireworks. Bright flashes of light and flame flew throughout the halls, blooming into a rainbow of fading flowers. "What in God's name is going on here?" Fortunately, as recklessly as the fireworks seemed to be flying about, none of them seemed to even touch any of the students. They must've been magically controlled, programmed to not touch anyone. And that was good since, judging by the sounds of the students, the castle seemed to be full of them.

Still, that didn't answer why they were there which was the most important question right now. Was this the work of some prank or someone dangerous? Was this -

Ana saw a particularly large burst of light swerve between people heading straight for Rose when it exploded in front of the girl. As the flash disappeared, large sparkling letters stood in front of the princess, reading, "Happy Birthday My Cute Daughter. Love, Daddy." Rose seemed to be a bit embarrassed but smiled widely at the sentiment. Students closest to her began wishing her happy birthdays, saying that they were looking forward to a big party later.

Ana stood there, eyes narrowed and brow wrinkled. What. The. Hell. Even if it was for a birthday greeting, this was an unnecessarily flashy display. And what if one of those things managed to hit any of the students? Even if it was magically controlled, something like this was too dangerous to expose to the students? Or anyone. Who in the world thought it was okay to fire off explosives within such a short distance of people? Dear Lord. This place was going to give her gray hair. "This place is too lax."

@Yumi Flameheart Sorry for the wait. You may post now.
Azure was a little interested in the school trip, after all, it would be the first trip out of school he would be on... Although something about that doesn't sound right... He didn't press on that issue though.

"I guess it sounds fun..."

Azure made his way to the front and got himself a copy of the waiver when all of a sudden lights, flames and noises came surging! It startled Azure and turned around wondering what could possibly be going on... the end result... was rather unexpected... but... Rose's father sent her this...? Was it thoughtful that he did this without regard to others... and that he values his own kin more than other people... or... well... this certainly was flashy... and felt like it was unnessisarily over the top... but I guess that's what... caring..... families..... Azure stopped continuing his thought, trying to avoid feeling down about that


-Gah... I don't have a present on hand... er...-

Azure thought a bit about some of the things that he's made that would be suitable for someone..... actually normal, and he had one idea of something that he could gift her at some point. At least for now, he could go over to wish her a happy birthday, at least as close as he could get with all the students around him.

"Happy Birthday Rose"

His words were probably lost in the crowd, overall being unheard. He never really had much presence when people weren't focusing on him, let alone knowing that he was actually doing anything at all.

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