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Fantasy Orias- IC Zone

Sear's gaze was caught by the appearance of Elara, she stiffened slightly as Elara made her way over to the bar. But she tried to return her focus to Scelus with her old smile in place, "It's fine Scelus, we all have inner battles, I could tell in your eyes you changed."

She patted him on the shoulder kindly, before returning her attention to Elara. She tried hard not to stalk toward her, tried really hard.

"Do you require my attention Elara, or is my bars water that good?" Sear leaned against the bar where Elara now was, memories flashed through her mind. Elara knew too much of her past, too much.

And she could do nothing about it. Except for simmer, a bit literally as her body temperature was already rising.
"your water is just that good is suppose, " she states sipping at it lightly taking her time. "But your hostility is nothing I meant to engage with hun, " she looked to Sear with smile simply try to be as friendly as she could yet she did not mistake Sear power. She seemed to be tense as she sat at the bar.
"Sorry," Sear sighed out, sitting down next to her, "I'm just not used to someone knowing about..me." She paused a thoughtful look crossing her face, pain sketching over her features for a second there before-

"If you tell anyone what you know.." She growled out, the gesture was more animallike than she would have preferred.

"But really, why are you here, the Resort has a pressing update or something?"

Just as Scelus had feared, Sear learned from him just as much as he learned from her in that little game of theirs disguised as a dance, if not more. What truly impressed him was how understanding she was. Perhaps he could be a little more open with her than the usual. But not right now; at the moment, she was busy with another figure and he was suffering a rather annoying headache from all the switching inside his mind. He sat back at the corner next to William and ordered a glass of water, too embarrassed of having abandoned the man there to start up a subject right away.

Gas mask Gas mask
"Not really but I figured that with my second in charge of things while I'm gone I would come and pay a visit."
Elara said as she looks to Sear her eyes staring for answers.
"I have nothing to gain by telling anyone of your past and that would in turn have them question mine as well. Honestly hun take a moment to think before you act it will help you in the long run." She said before call the bartender for their strongest liquor. Her gaze seeming haunted now.
"I suppose you're right," She sighed, suddenly showing how tired she actually was, her shoulders sagged and her smile fell, "A Screeching Angel for me as well," She called after the bartender, not trusting the earlier glass she had abandoned.

The bartender came back with the two drinks, placing them before the two beings. "I'm used to it being used as blackmail against me at this point, so that's what I assume you'd do with it. But I guess you have other things to worry about."

"Your drinks are on me for my immediate hostility towards you, Elara."

Elara was never overtly unkind to her, but it didn't mean she could trust her either. Elara knew about her past only because of a mission that the two of them went on in Clera, Sear's home country.

Elara was now a living reminder of that past when all others were long dead.
Elara seemed taking a back that Sear let her guard down enough to show how tired she was, it wasn't like her to ever do that around anyone. Yet she was okay with it.
"Thank you, but honestly you should let others bite first sometimes you can snap their necks off in some cases. Though I understand the hostility when it comes to the past. That's one of the resons I am here." She states taking a swig of her drink.
"But hey drinking to someone who has passed seemed better then dealing with it properly." It was the anniversary of when Alex had put her as his second in command. She wasn't handling it well as normal.
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Pain stretched her features tautly, "The anniversary for him I remember isn't until two weeks from now." There was only one being they both mourned after, Alex, Sear's first and only mate. And Elara's old superior.

"But, I often drink on such nights of remembrance as well," She recognized there must have been some event that marked this day to remind Elara of him. "I'm not sure I know how to deal with it properly either," She chuckled in that tired sad way, that spoke of the 200 years she's mourned his loss and, the 200 years she's let her hatred fester.

"Out of the immortals I've known.." He was the one who cared. She didn't have to speak the words to know Elara understood them as well, Alex had a way of leaving his marks.

The thought of marks had her hand grazing her arm, at the remembrance of the tattoos that swirled over her mortal scars, hidden by her long sleeves. A gift, to help with the nightmares, as Alex had once explained.
"He did didn't he" A sad smile graced her lips as she reminisced about the father like bond she had with Alex. He would always be there to help or just be a friend. She downed the rest of her drink and called again for another drink. "Another Screeching Angel."
Even with it being 200 years Elara would never take this date or the his death date well. He was the closest thing to family and the only connection she had to him was Sear. Someone who was highly suspicious and untrusting of herself that there would probably never be a way for Sear to trusr her.
"He was the only one to ever care about the forgotten" She said, she was one of those forgotten in her own past but yet Alex had took her in.
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"That was his truest trait, when I was nothing but vermin he took me in, I assume he did something similar for you." Elara would know what she meant by vermin, maybe not exactly, but she knew Sear was a slave at the time. When she became an immortal her body healed to be fully functioning again, but there was still a jagged scar covered in swirls that wrapped around her right leg.

She downed her drink and also asked for another, though more by gesturing with her glass than words. A lump now rested in her throat from the memories that swirled in her mind, she had changed so much from the young woman Alex had known, she wondered if she was now the kind of being he would have sneered at. She would never really know.

"So this is why you came then, to share the sorrows? I suppose I should be honored." Her voice was lower than before, talking into her glass more than she should have.

She looked over to where Scelus and William now sat down the way, she knew she probably shouldn't have abandoned potential recruits that quickly, but now she felt too weak to go back to them. She would recover soon, plaster on her smile and return to them. The thought made her stomach turn.

But she was Sear, not Tera, and Sear was strong.
"Be honored if you want to I don't care. I came to stay away from my second in command" Elara sipped at her drink she actually never drank until she had meet Sear. Considering there was no bars in the Barriern Realms she found it intresting to drink yet she needed a lot more then any mortal to be intoxicated. Elara took notice to Sear's glanced to the men.
"New recruits?" She asked.

Scelus noticed himself and William being called upon by that visitor. Judging by how much she was talking to Sear the two probably had shared some of their past but he wasn't sure what else to think about her. With the rush of recklessness provided by the alcohol and his dark side all but gone, he timidly gestured to Sear, asking if he should head back to her.
"Potentially, they still technically need to be approved by Mask and Shame. But I'm confident they'll be approved." She replied to Elara, then noticing Scelus's gesture and shrugged to him.

"Your call," She tried to tell him, but he was far enough down he may not have heard her, and she had no idea if he could read lips.

She looked back to Elara for a moment, "I can relate to coming to the Mortal Realm to escape, have you met some of the other Elites? Some are crazier than me, and that says a lot." She gave a crooked grin, bringing her strength back to her.

She didn't mention any more detail and took to drinking her Screeching Angel, her gaze now watching them both to see if the male would approach. She would have to adjust her behavior accordingly if he did, Elara knew about her and the shadows that haunted, Scelus didn't and she planned to keep it that way.
“So Scelus, where are you from?” William doesn’t know much about making friends with others. He purposely secluded himself from the rest of them in his cabin but he felt it was about time he spoke to others.

Scelus saw Sear shrug and say something he could only assume to have a similar meaning to "If you want to". Being burdened with that decision was exactly what he didn't want. Could she be testing him in some way? What was he going to talk to them when he got there, anyway? He'd probably be interrupting a conversation with his presence... Thankfully for him, William came up with a question. Scelus nodded to Sear as if to suggest "Go on, I'll wait" and turned back to the immortal besides him to say:
"I'm a Thielor; that's one of the chiropteran clans." He purposely hid his place of origin, not comfortable with revealing it just yet. He much preferred to find out more about William: "What about you? My life was probably very uninteresting compared to your own. I can only imagine how life was like before the world ended."
"They should be able to pass." Elara said drinking the rest of her drink. "You though are putting another mask on" she commented noticing that Sear's body language changed again.
"I feel I should be alarmed you know me so well, but.." Her mind flashed to their mission, how wrecked she had been as she stood among the worst of her shadows, "I suppose you'd know what was real about me and what wasn't, hm?"

She sighed, "Yes, I'm putting on my mask, I need to. Though.." She saw Scelus's make his gesture and relaxed a bit in the shoulders once more, "Maybe not so soon, yet."

Her fluctuations were partially an act as well, it was easier to swallow lies when they were laced with reality, she had plenty of control over her emotions. As Sear, she acted out her emotions as often as she needed to.

She used to think it was herself without a leash, she knew better now.

When someone becomes a Turnee, they are given the choice to change their name. Many regular soldiers kept them, but most of the Elites wore new names.
William paused and took a moment to take in all that had happened before. “ I was a warrior. At first it was for my family. Then it was for my Country. Then...to save my species. It was the most destructive war ever fought by my kind.

At first it was just guns and bombs, tanks and planes. Like any war. Every county fought to the death this time. There were no more allies.

The final battle was on my own soil. My family dead my will broken... on my knees I stared up at the already orange sky from the fire. With embers rising from the sky defying the ash falling like snow. Dancing through what was left of the air. To my left I saw missles rising and the sky thick with black and orange clouds glew like heaven had fallen but it was only the bombs pre exloding”
William stared off into the back of the bar as if it were a mountain side “a building” he continued...

“a building that broke the skyline began to fall towards me, taking two others with it I began to run to the side in hope to avoid it and stumbled upon a hatch made out of the strongest material I had ever felt. So I climbed within its depths to avoid the danger. The symbol which had been the rallying call of my life was made in gold upon the floor. United States Army. I still can’t remember what it means. Yet it feels good to think of none the less.” William finished taking a large gulp of his soda.

"What a story." Scelus replied. He had been supplied with the water and drank it sparingly between his turns at the conversation. "And to think that an entire race like your own walked the earth who knows how long ago... An entire world of history, culture, and technology, all gone in an instant." At this point he had already realized William must have very few recollections of his actual past life, so it wasn't worth to insist on the question. Instead, he simply said: "I think I understand you a little better now. Once a soldier, always a soldier, right? And for the United States Army, no less! I'm not sure what it means, but it does sound ominous."
"You shouldn't be I can normally read others Sear. Don't be so worried all the time." She called for another drink as she turned to her. "If you are this paranoid all the time how can you trust anyone, let alone learn to trust someone?" Her tone had become questioning her locking to Sear waiting for answers.
"Learn to trust someone?" She laughed in a sad tone, "My trust is something that no one has earned from me in a long time, Elara."

Her family had betrayed her, and she's never had a friend that she trusted to not kill her when her guard was dropped. It's not that she hasn't learned to care for some, she would defend those who need her. Spoken even without words at the fact that the other doors upstairs led to bedrooms meant for refugees, and people trying to just hide away.

She trusted more in that beings will stay as long as it served them to, and leave when their need ceased. She never blamed them for that, it was how nature worked for her.

"Being paranoid is what keeps an Elite alive, there are plenty vying to be apart of the select 10."

The position of 10 was the one that rotated the most, because of their closeness in power to the lower ranks. Only the current 10, Sunagi, has kept his position for any reputable length of time for a 10.
"I thought that you wanted to not be apart of his army and that my Resort gave you the another option." She states picking up her glass and sipping it. "You have another option yet you fall to the hands of the asshole we both hate for vaild reason or do you want to keep that mask on as well?"
Elara Knew she was a differnet person when at her bar, on the hunt and when Alex had spent his time with her.
She snarled a purely animalistic trait. Aside affects to being attached so thoroughly with the world's energies, the beings from the Barren Realms tended to take on personality traits, not in the usual arsenal of a regular mortal. They tended to be amplified.

"Trust me, I want to gut him for what he did to Alex, but it doesn't change that he made me into an Elite and I still have to act like one," She sighed, "If this is going to work, we have to make sure it remains hidden. Meaning, I still have to act the way I've always been."

She gave a sly grin, "I have to wear this mask till he's lying dead at my feet, get it?"

"So, what do you think about Ms. Sear?" Scelus added softly. "Do you think she liked us? If I'm to be honest, I'm a bit worried she's just letting me in out of pity."
What are you talking about? They need you. She said so. Stop being such a crybaby!
Scelus' heels started to bump into his bench to the sound of the next music; his doubts ended up making him a tad agitated for what was supposed to be a relaxing talk.

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