Ordinary people with extraordinary abilities {help needed}

As far as my humble opinion goes, I like most, if not all name suggestions that where given. On top of my head, I would suggest 'Emona'. It kinda sounds pretty to me, it's old rome name of Slovenia's capital - Ljubljana.

Oh, and you simply have to name a town Leherin, it sounds good if you don't know what it means, and if you do (like me) you can laugh your ass off if anyone someone writes something like '...and he kept going fowards, entering Leherin for the very first time'. Gosh, I couldn't resist this one :D
Latin is also a good language to extract names from :3

Maybe Sonce (I'm not sure how well the pronounciation in English sounds to you)... It means sun in my language. I'll try to think of anything useful ^^;
I don't know... I'm still lurking around here in hopes it gets started one happy day....
Medieval-esque time period would be pretty cool ^^

Escaping prison is an easy one for that though. Abnormal powers in the age of witch hunting? And the motivation for escape is simple too, they're about to be burned at the stake, or tortured to death.

Who wants to stick around for that?

I'm totally in ^^
I had a feeling everyone would pick witchcraft as a reason to be in jail ;D

I hope some people think of something unique, but if everyone was convicted of being a witch it would mean they have something in common.

Awesome, i'll be waiting for your character sheet if you decide to join.
Well, witchcraft is a pretty broad category. In that day and age, making tea could almost make you a witch ^^'

Anyone could've spotted someone's powers at some point, and one person's word was enough to convict a witch

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