

Senior Member


Clan/Birth place and Current Residence:


Sexuality and Gender:

Aura Color and Aura Personality:

Weaponry, if any:


Appearance: Picture is optional, at least 3 sentences describing how they look is required.

Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc-

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc-

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword-

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword-

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc-

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons-

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related-

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When I finally find the time this will become my character sheet.


Name: Fane Jumal

Nicknames: None

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence: Phoenix Cove Clan. No current residence as he is a roaming mercenary.

Age: 25

Sexuality and Gender: Male/Gay

Personality: Kind and caring towards those of good. Stern and cold towards those of evil.


Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- Average

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- Below Average

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- Good

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- Below Average

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc- Poor

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- Poor

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related- Perfect

White Demon Aura: White is common within Merc’s, travellers and free-roamers, this allows the user to use healing capabilities healing injuries on themselves and on others, it also projects powerful beams and has the ability to use “Aura Coating” or “Aura Armor” which coats their whole body or a limb with theaura adding a large amount of strength into their hits and abilities.



Aura Yoroi

Aura Field

General Aura Manipulation

Aura Healing

Flowing/Magmatic Aura: The Aura seems to be literally pouring out of the person. Found in those who are truly selfless and caring for others. Normally seen in true heroes. Allows the user to have even greater control of their aura, on par with even that of the Femelor's Orange Aura users.

Biography: Fane was born the year the Explorer's Guild was founded, so a lot was happening. His birth didn't get much attention besides from his immediate family. Although born into a clan in which he was well off, Fane has gone on somewhat of a pilgrimage. Once he finally learned to fight and use his demon aura proficiently, he became a mercenary. He made sure to take jobs he could easily handle. However, most of the jobs became very difficult in unexpected ways. He completed most jobs alone and these were rescue missions. These occurrences gave him quite a good name throughout Asura.

As the years went by and history formed around him, Fane made sure to pay attention to as much as possible. He saw the possible corruption of becoming an exorcist up to being a shogun. This disgusted him as he only wanted to help everyone who deserved it and not himself. Obviously he had to have some money to survive as hunting only provided so much. Fane finally decided to stay a mercenary as the 20th year of the Era of Dawn/War rolled over. However, that does not mean in the now 22nd year he could not be persuaded to change his ways.
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character sheet

Jeng Dunbine

Nicknames: Aura battler Dunbine

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence:

White Phoenix Dominion:Ash Clan

Current residence: None

Age: 26

Sex: M

Personality: Cheerful, flamboyant, confident, and carefree would be the four adjectives that describe him most. Jeng really doesn't care too much about the greater politics of the lands nor has any allegiances. All the world is his home as he travels around drinking in the local cultures. His only real concern would be those who threaten him and his way of life. Those who have crossed him know him for his mixing of martial arts with aura techniques to bring on the hurt.

Appearance: He's got brown skin and a muscular but terribly bulky build. He wears his hair in a semi braided ponytail fashion. Clothes wise he opts for comfortable shoes and a reasonably fashionable yet loose clothing that doesn't get in the way of his unarmed fighting.


Born to the Ash clan in the White Pheonix Dominion he had a fairly normal upbringing. But the thing that stood out the most was his desire for exploration and adventure that grew into a deep seated wanderlust that would cause him to leave his homeland as a wandering tournament fighter. Who uses his winnings to continue his journeying with occasional stops at fighting tournaments.


  • Hand-To-Hand Combat: excellent
  • Small Melee Combat: below average
  • Medium Melee Combat: above average
  • Large Melee Combat: poor
  • Rating Ranged Combat: good
  • Improvised Combat: average
  • Aura/Magical Combat: perfect

Aura Color and Aura Personality:

White and flowing



Aura manipulation

Aura coating

Aura yoroi

Aura field
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Name: Kurisu Berus

Nicknames: "Alm" "K."

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence: Born into the Black Feather Empire and currently resides there.

Age: 31

Sexuality and Gender: Male, Hetero, however, he doesn't see himself in a relationship ever.

Aura Color and Aura Personality: Purple Aura with a Flaring Aura Personality.

Aura Abilities: Aura Beam

Aura Release

Aura Dome

Aura Field

General Aura Manipulation

Weaponry, if any: Carries a longsword with him in a sheath at his hip.

Personality: An intelligent and calculating person, who takes every possible detail into account before moving forward. A stickler for rules at times, however, he is willing to work around them if it is necessary. May seem outwardly cold and mean, however, he has the best interest of most people he works with at heart.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13f291cd_SolfJ.Kimblee.jpg.14ab901994e3d26f9b41295995194626.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13f291cd_SolfJ.Kimblee.jpg.14ab901994e3d26f9b41295995194626.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A tall man, standing at 6 feet 4 inches, with long black hair, which is normally held in a ponytail behind him. He has a fit build, and is often seen wearing a white coat, with what appears to be a black suit underneath. Also seen wearing some sort of hat at times, most likely to block the sun out of his eyes.

Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- Good

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- Poor

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- Excellent

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- Very Poor

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc- Excellent

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- Very Poor

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related- Perfect

Biography: Born into a military family in the Black Feather Empire, and was thus born and raised there. He received a high-standards education. He often found himself dozing off and thinking about the heroics his parents did every single day in the military. Once he reached left schooling, he joined the military. Through both his intelligence and Aura Proficiency, which he had gained all throughout his life, he eventually rose through the ranks, and even joined the Exorcist Special Forces for a brief period of time. After being dropped down to Exorcist Lord for unknown reasons, Kurisu was tasked with something of immeasurable importance. He needed to assemble a team of people and hybrids to go on an expedition to either close off the Demon World permanently, or, destroy the Demon Tsutsimo, who was assumed to be the Demon Leader.



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Name: Kira Shirogane

Nicknames: The Bloody Beggar

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence: Born in the FAR north. Currently resides in the Black Feather Empire

Age: 19

Sexuality and Gender: Male. Hetero. Is mistaken for a girl at times

Aura Color and Aura Personality: White and Solid Aura

Weaponry, if any: Retractable Claws, horns

Personality: Kira is a loner and always has been. Taken in by the Black Feather Empire after his mother died birthing him, he was immediately labeled as a monster for being a Demon Hybrid. His is cold, calculating, and at the same time, a berserker. He trusts very few people in this world, and is susceptible to random acts of rage

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-47.jpeg.809cbf36991149413967483d4fa956f0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/images-47.jpeg.809cbf36991149413967483d4fa956f0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kira is somewhat short, and very skinny. He has long scarlet hair, and black eyes. He wears a white shirt with a tan coat/cloak, and baggy navy pants with black boots. He also has retractable claws, and when he goes half demon, he has red skin, white hair, and horns.

Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- Excellent

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- Above Average

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- Average

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- Average

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc-Above Average

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- Average

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related- Perfect

White Demon Aura: White is common within Merc’s, travellers and free-roamers, this allows the user to use healing capabilities healing injuries on themselves and on others, it also projects powerful beams and has the ability to use “Aura Coating” or “Aura Armor” which coats their whole body or a limb with the aura adding a large amount of strength into their hits and abilities.


Kira was born on the outskirts of the White Dragonsbane Empire's borders to a dying woman of the Shirogane clan. After he was born, he was found by patrolling guards who brought him into the city, to the church. Although the exorcist could easily tell that he was a half breed, he took him in and raised him as if he was his own son. Growing up, kira played on the streets, getting into fights very regularly. He was trained to use his Demon Aura VERY early on, which showed his expertise when he joined the military at age 16. At 17, he left the army and became a free roamer and mercenary. Recently he has taken a job in the Black Feather Empire.



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Name: Marco van der Nacht

Nickname : Marco the Sakura Hair - Dark Slayer of the Gelb

Clan/Birthplace and Current Residence : Born in the White Phoenix Dominion to the Phoenix Cove Clan. Currently resides in the Black Feather Empire.

Age: 25

Sexuality and Gender: Heterosexual Male

Aura Color and Aura Personality: Yellow, Flowing personality.

Weaponry(if any): Katana

Personality: Marco is an intelligent, caring person. He is generally a less uptight, more carefree person than most.He seems to be very nice, but can be somewhat aggressive in rare occasions.However, he is a very selfless individual, who fights for people in their time of need, sometimes even for those who dislike him. He doesn't seem to hate anyone, even those who do bad to him.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/akashi.seijuurou.full.1393745.jpg.6bcb33ca91009024b35d90b54b80e210.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/akashi.seijuurou.full.1393745.jpg.6bcb33ca91009024b35d90b54b80e210.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marco is a generally average-height man, at 5'11. He has short/medium length red hair, with a slender build. He often wears a white and light blue jacket with a shirt under, as seen in the picture above. He also has black jeans. He has strange eyes, being red eyes, similar to the color of his hair. He has a katana, sheathed and holstered on his back.

Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc-: Good

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc-: Average

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword-: Excellent

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- : Varies from Below Average to Above Average, depends on situation.

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc-: Poor

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons-: Average

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related-: Perfect

Biography: Marco was born to parents in the White Phoenix Dominion. As he was born to a family in a smaller land, he grew up with an only average education, and was expected to be a great fighter. However, he surprised even his parents, being a very peaceful, caring individual. He had unlocked his Demon Aura, and people realised his true potential....and realised that he could become a hero, by slaying the Demons with the power of the Kami.

However, people did not enjoy the fact he was so peaceful, and wanted him to use his abilities to even kill human beings. He had refused, and even ran away, to the Black Feather Empire at age 18. He had joined the Humans in the fight for the World, and ranked up, eventually becoming an Exorcist Lord, as he is today.



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Name - Hak Fujii

A famed Exocerist of the Black Feather Empire, it is rumored that a single strike from his spear feels like a lightning strike to the opponent. Combined with such skill, speed, and power at which he maneuvers makes him look like a blue blur; for this Hak earned the nickname "Blue Beast".

Nicknames - Blue Beast

Clan/Birth Place and Current Residence

Clan - Intenu

Birthplace - Unknown

Hometown - Kinton Dominion

Current Residence - Black Feather Empire

Age - 19

Sexuality and Gender

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Gender - Male

Aura Color and Aura Personality

Aura Color - Blue

Aura Personality - Flaring Aura


- Customized Spear:

Hak has designed and built himself a customized spear, made purely of titanium. A dark blue color to match his fashioned attire, the spear is Hak's height, at a staggering 6'0 length. The tip of the spear is an oddly curved, yet large, piece of pure, metal titanium. The entire spear weighs 40 lbs (18 kg).

Primarily using this in battle, Hak came to a situation where he channeled all of his aura into his spear. Since he has blue aura, Hak was able to permanently seal, save his reserves, all of his aura inside of his staff. The staff is now unbreakable, and can repel almost all aura-based attacks.


With a condescending sense of dry humor, Hak is a typically lax person who doesn't like doing work. However, when put to work, he does not complain. Hak shows a tremendous amount of dedication and determination to a job or mission. When he sets his mind to it, a lazy, young man who likes to sleep all day and eat food can be a ferocious fighter.


Hak is a tall, slender man with a slightly tanned skin tone. He has short, dark hair that flows down the side of his face. Usually an initial frown on his face, Hak doesn't smile casually. Hak also tends to have his spear in his hand since no sheath or sash is large enough to carry it in.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/vlcsnap-2014-10-08-20h26m45s29.png.500b31c9467a1960c6724181f03e9b9b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39248" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/vlcsnap-2014-10-08-20h26m45s29.png.500b31c9467a1960c6724181f03e9b9b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(In the picture above, Hak is demonstrating a determined glare at an enemy; he's carrying his spear on his back.)


Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- Average

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, Knives, etc- Above Average

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword, etc- Good

Rating Large Melee Combat: War Hammers, Battle Axe, Great Sword, etc- Perfect

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc- Poor

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons, etc- Above Average

Aura/Magical Combat: Anything Aura Related, etc- Below Average


Hak was an orphan that was adopted by Intenu Clan leader. Occasionally, he and his adoptive father made business trips to the Black Feather Empire. Hak became good child-hood friends with the royal family children. He became especially good friends with Kira Shirogane. Soon, his trips became more frequent until it was rare not to see him hanging around the Black Feather Empire.

Hak has always had impressive fighting abilities, however he never truly honed his potential. At a young age, he was personally asked by a previous Shogun to stay at the Black Feather Empire to serve as an Exocerist. Hak, with no interest in working, rudely declined. A few years later, Hak was forced into a humorous situation where he had no choice but to accept being an Exocerist.

Ever since becoming an Exocerist, Hak has honed his potential to the maximum. Presently, he's regarded as one of the five famed Exocerists of the Black Feather Kingdom. He earned a famed reputation of being able to take down a Class-8 Demon that once threatened the Empire.



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Name: Finx Waka

Nicknames: The Mafia Clown

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence: Born within the Waka Clan, currently at Mafia Base

Age: 18

Sexuality and Gender: Male, Heterosexual

Aura Color and Aura Personality: Inverted Aura, Sage Aura (Evolved Green Aura)

Aura Dome

Aura Field

Aura Beam

Aura Release

General Aura Manipulation

Weaponry, if any: A small curved ebony dagger

Personality: As expected, Finx has extremely high intelligence & Bravery making him a very strategic, simulated fighter often remembering each movement of an opponent and becoming able to learn that specific movement or create a way to counter it, this making him a formidable foe. Finx often doesn’t care for those outside of his Organization, mostly always lacking any moral standing within normal society. Finx has a rather sick humor towards everything, often making a joke out of the death of anyone or anything, this including his insanity is what gave him the name “The Mafia Clown”, When taking pain he expresses it with crazy laughter and boasting remarks or perhaps a joke. His favourite Nursery Rhyme “There was an old woman, Her name it was Peg; Her head was of wood and She wore a cork leg. The neighbours all pitch’d Her into the water, Her leg was drowned first, And her head followed after.” It is also become known after his first appearance that Finx has a deep love for Nursery Rhymes that often have things to do with despair, death & decay.



Also wears several Aura infused Jewerly, this being his mask & purple ring.

Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc -


Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc-


Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword-


Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword-


Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc-


Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons-


Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related-


Biography: All that is known about Finx's background is that he was practically born into the Mafia, due to some trade that went down between foreigners or perhaps enemies and Finx was the trade, what was in exchange for this trade is still unknown. Although multiple persons including the Don himself have asked Finx of his childhood (As the Don didn't notice Finx at all until he turned the age 15) Finx refused the Don's request to tell his childhood to him, this angered the Don, what happened after the Don expressed his anger is still unknown, all that is known is both of them are still alive, leaving the mystery of who won or why hey let each other live. Finx is known as the Mafia Clown due to his general appearance of that a Clown or Jester and often orientates his move set behind it.
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Name: Lysia Katsora

Nicknames: none

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence:

Clan- Elk-kind Clan

Birth place- Black Feathers Empire

Current Residence- she travels a lot but currently resides in White Dragons Empire

Age: She refuse to tell anyone :P

Sexuality and Gender: Heterosexual Female

Aura Color and Aura Personality: Yellow aura and Flowing/Magmatic Aura

Weaponry, if any: Silver Daggers

Personality: She's very carefree most of the time and helpful to others, even those who dislike her. She's caring, kind and very friendly. She prefer to place blessing on those who fight demons rather than killing the demon, but if she have to then she'll do, no objections.



She's very short for her age [4'9], people even mistake her for a child, and most of them underestimate her because of it. She has unusual dark violet hair and violet eyes, many thinks that she dyed her hair. She usually wears a long white sleeved ruffled blouse and a black deep v neck sleeveless dress over the blouse. When travelling, she wears a white coat.


Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- [AVERAGE]

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- [EXCELLENT]

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- [POOR]

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- [VERY POOR]

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc- [GOOD]

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- [bELOW AVERAGE]

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related- [PERFECT]

Biography: She was born and abandoned in the Black Feathers Empire, but she was adopted by a couple in Elk-kind Clan. She had discover her aura at a young age and once she was confident with her aura, she started traveling to different placed. The first place she went was her birth place, Black Feathers Empire and start helping people who needs her help.
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Approved if the character is 18+. Also, about how tall is the character? This isn't a deciding factor or anything, I'm just curious.
Name: Velskud Inkaruka

Nicknames: “ Black Knight “

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence: Born within the Inkaruka Clan, Currently resides in the White Dragonstooth Empire.

Age: 17 (Youngest being 16, oldest 22.)

Sexuality and Gender: Male

Aura Color and Aura Personality: White

Weaponry, if any: Odachi


Personality: Velskud is cold, dismissive, and cynical. He mostly keeps to himself and takes every opportunity to mock people. It was later discovered that his cold exterior belied his kind nature.


Without Sword: With Sword:


Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- [ABOVE AVERAGE]

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- [POOR]

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- [PERFECT]

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword- [GOOD]

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc- [VERY POOR]

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons- [AVERAGE]

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related- [GOOD]

Biography: Not much is known about Velskud, all that is known of him is he lives in a town within the White Dragonstooth Empire Territory, he was born in his Clans Village and often takes it as his job to protect the town he currently lives in, his life is known to be very complex, different and of course tragic although none of these things are yet known as Velskud yet has to tell them.

Karou Waka


Sutorongu, Mafia.

Clan/Birth place and Current Residence:

Born within the Waka Clan Village, currently resides in the White Dragons Empire



Sexuality and Gender:

Male, Heterosexual

Aura Color and Aura Personality:

Violet (Purple Aura Evolved), Inverted

Aura Abilities ~

-Aura Dome

-Aura Field

-Aura Release

-Aura Beam

-General Aura Manipulation

Weaponry, if any:

A long sword, he calls it Kubaku

Personality: As a former well-known Samurai Exorcist of the White Dragons Empire, Karou is naturally serious, taking no situation lightly and often acts very mature, although he is constantly serious, he has a wide knowledge of sarcasm, often knowing how to tell apart a lie & truth naturally knowing a bad liar. Karou has always been the type to lead the crowd, often having the gift of being able to rally others to his side and always have support in all situations whether it be combat or diplomatic.


Rating System




Rating Hand-To-Hand Combat: Bare Hands, Gauntlets, etc- [GOOD]

Rating Small Melee Combat: Daggers, knives, etc- [ABOVE AVERAGE]

Rating Medium Melee Combat: Hammers, Hand-Axe, Sword- [EXELLENT]

Rating Large Melee Combat: WarHammers, BattleAxe, GreatSword-[EXCELLENT]

Rating Ranged Combat: Throwing Knives, Bombs, Bow, etc-[VERY POOR]

Improvised Combat: Broom, Broken Glass, Other Improvised Weapons-[ VERY POOR]

Aura/Magical Combat: anything Aura related-[PERFECT]

Biography: Much like his rumored brother Finx, not much is known about Karou besides the fact he was practically born and raised in the White Dragons Empire and at the age of 17, joined the Mafia. It is also rumored that Karou was apart of the ‘famed mafia story’ of the Waka Clans’ infiltration and downfall, as the elders were killed as is later found on in the 2nd Arc. It is known that Karou & Finx have once met each other before their departure at birth, when Finx was only 9 and currently gone through 4 years of training was rumored to be put up against Karou in a duel, Finx somehow won this fight, how is still unknown, was Karou allowing Finx destroy him? Or was Finx actually able to beat his older brother. Currently Karou works deep within the Mafia and is currently awaiting Finx yet again, in the White Dragons Empire in a nearby town. Karou earned his nickname for often experimenting his curses on others testing out his limits with Violet Aura, and over time gave him the name Professor. Mafia.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c162e5e83_KarouWaka.jpg.5aeccb0707aa9c8f715ee150de5b6b84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c162e5e83_KarouWaka.jpg.5aeccb0707aa9c8f715ee150de5b6b84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Natevess said:
How would your character have a flaring aura personality?
Very well known for studying my Violet aura and testing it on others, reputation increased.
Unless your character is kind of cocky or self-righteous he wouldn't have that aura. And it says nothing about either of those in your sheet.
Natevess said:
Unless your character is kind of cocky or self-righteous he wouldn't have that aura. And it says nothing about either of those in your sheet.
smokey/wispy aura personality would be better. Mafia after all.

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