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Fantasy Orasura

"Great..." Kurisu said, pondering his next move. Walking around in public with a bunch of criminals in public wasn't exactly a great decision on his part, so he quickly ushered the group into an alleyway, somewhere on the edge of town, "This is a capital city, so almost everything here is heavily fortified.. We could try our way in through the sewer system..." Kurisu looked rather... disgusted at the notion, but it was the only thing he could think of, "U-unless you guys have any better suggestions??" After waiting for several minutes, Kurisu simply lowers his head, "Fine, fine... we just need to find a way into them..."
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Marco tries to think of a different way to get through the city, but realises there is none. He nods in agreement, and says "We should probably try to find the main sewer exit to the outside of the city, as it is probably the least guarded. Who wants to be the guard of garbage...?". Marco has a face of disgust, but he still agrees to go through with this plan.
"That could work if we managed to actually LEAVE the city to get to it. There are guards all around the entrances and we're wanted people. We'd need to find a way in WITHOUT leaving the city. If I'm not mistaken, there should be some kind of water-filtration plant around here. If we can get through there we would have our own little private passageway anywhere in the city." Kurisu replies. There wasn't much that could actually go wrong with the plan, unless they somehow got caught...
Kira folds his arms and says "Well its not gonna be that easy. Most of this region of Asura barely has any clean water, so the plant is very heavily guarded against people who wish to steal even a cup of the stuff. We'd need a diversion though. I'd say send Marco, but hes not really an offensive fighter. We can't leave those three save maybe the one you restrained with the pot, and we can't send in you, Hak, or I for obvious reasons"
"Well. It's settled then. Kira, Hak, and Finx will stay up top, preferably in hiding, and myself, Marco, and the other two Mafia Men will go into the sewers..." Kurisu said, gesturing to each member of the group, "Actually... I just had an epiphany. Since we have 3 Mafia Members with us, we can simply have them show us into the castle, us disguised as new recruits.."


Several hours later, Finx, Korou, the other guy, Marco, and Kurisu are walking inside the castle, hauling a small cart holding "cargo" on it, also known as Hak and Kira. Eventually, the group found the way into the storage area for the Castle, which was ironically unguarded. After unloading everybody, Kurisu speaks in a hushed tone, "Now we need to find a way to get close to the Don without causing suspicion... Any ideas?"
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"Well, I have a few," I finally said after a long silence.

After making sure that we were alone, I pushed off the top of the barrel and practically burst out. It was really cramped in there.

"First off," I nod at Finx, "... This guy would know where the Don'd be."

"And," I cut off any opportunities to reply, "We


to take control of this castle. Even if we beat the Don, which there's no sure chance of, we have no way of escaping unscathed. Taking over the castle will be a smart move on our part."

Everyone was bound to heed my advice. I was well-known for my battle tactics as a general of the Black Feather Empire. I knew how to win a war, and they knew it.

I grinned after I finished speaking and leaned back against a pillar of the wall. I closed my eyes as I could only imagine that the Don knew we were already coming for him, foreseeing his fate. With such a large palace, and over a thousand Mafia men, there was only so many ways to take control of the castle. And I knew how to do it. The others would have to trust me, in which case I'd have to trust them equally.

I walked over to Finx and spoke in his ear,

"Go where you need to..."

After a long pause, I quickly added, "You don't need to return."
Kira, with his superhuman hearing, heard what Hak was saying to Finx, and for once, agreed. Finx deserved a little reward for getting us into the castle safely. "Well" Kira says in a wide grin "We'll need to take out all the grunts. And who's better at crowd control than myself? Besides, I'd honestly like to sharpen these claws a bit" he says as he releases and quickly retracts his inch long claws
Finx smirks at the words of Hak, and also knowing the thoughts of Kira, at that moment Finx takes a moment to motion his head towards Kira glancing at him for a moment or two before walking off "I must be on my way for now, I have other things to attend to" after this, his grin stretching wider and more sinister.

Finx over the time seemed to remain quite after obtaining the box, even after Kira showed there were no deck of cards in the box, Finx seemed to have kept it on his person all the way through to the DragonTooth Empire.
Kira grins, seeing Finx walk away with the box, seeming to have some kind of idea about what Finx was going to do with the box.
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I picked my ear, noticing Kira's sly smirk. He was never not up to something; he usually plotted ahead. Planning ahead isn't my thing. I like to take my time to enjoy my activities. Besides, I plan best when I think on my feet; I'm better than anyone I know at that.

"Well..." I stretched my arms out. Being such a tiny barrel for what seemed like hours really cramped my joints... And other... Unmentionable places-

I scratched my head as I stood up straight, cracking my back. I wonder how lazy I seemed to everyone else, taking my sweet time while our mission would only get harder by the minute at this point. I knew that it absolutely pissed Kurisu off to no ends, as I had demonstrated many times in past experiences with him. Figures he'd still be angry that I just watched and laughed as he was mistaken for a highly wanted criminal and chased all throughout Black Feather by the entire royal army.

I yawned as I finally started walking out.

"I'm off to capture the Main Hall of the castle. I assume the other five of you can capture the rest of the first floor," I said completely casually, waving them off.

On my way into the rest of the castle, I saw the routes we took, and the guard posts. I knew there wasn't any guards directly outside of the door that I was headed for.

Once I walked through the door, where no guards were, as I anticipated, I immediately turned left. I knew this castle in and out, since I had been here to train some squads a couple years back, when it wasn't overrun by the Mafia. I headed towards the Main Hall that should be filled with Mafia men. The doors should be guarded by at least two Mafia men.

I peered around a corner, looking at the Main Hall's doors. A single Mafia men guarded this entrance. There was a total of five entrances, I figured this one would be the least guarded since it was the innermost passageway, where most guards were, so guards at the entrance weren't needed. Thankfully I have managed to get here without anyone seeing me, with ease I'll add.

I started making a small noise by tapping my spear against the wall, trying to get the guard's attention. As anticipated, he bit the bait, and came on over. By that time I was up on the ceiling, hanging onto a wooden pole. Thanks to knowing this castle inside and out, I figured I'd be able to use these poles to my advantage, which is how I came over here unnoticed.

I aimed my spear at the back of the guard's neck when he came close enough to investigate. I quickly thrust my spear at the back of his neck, which instantaneously knocked him out. I softly landed on the ground and caught him before his unconscious body hit the ground. I dragged him into a corner and stripped him of his attire, disguising myself as a guard. Thankfully this guard had a helmet, which would be great to mask my identity since I had a bounty over my head in this city. I grabbed the unconscious guard's body and shoved him up on a beam. Being hit from my spear in such a fragile location would definitely knock him out for at least three hours if he was unattended to. And in three hours I would've taken over this castle and completed the mission.

I casually walked across the main hall, and looked for a general. Shortly before this, in order to make sneaking around the castle easier, I wrapped bandages around my spear so it looked like a regular pole used for cleaning.

I walked up to a general and said,

"The Don's in a really bad mood, he really needs me to announce this," I told the Mafia general.

"Well you can tell me and I'll announce it," the general detested.

"No. This is extremely important news, and he specifically assigned me to deliver it..." I said.

"Well... I mean you could to it, not like I want to. It


is a pain. But, like I said, he's in a really bad mood. So unless you want to answer to him..." I sneered.

"Oh... Well... Go right ahead," the general lead me to the control room of the main hall, which had a speaker and several switches.

After walking in, I locked the door behind us and tripped the general. I jumped on top of him and gagged him with his own arm sash. I pressed my fingers against his neck until he stopped breathing. He was either dead or unconscious. I had better take over the hall before anyone knew he was missing.

"Ahem. Testing... Testing..." I tapped the announcement button. All of the guards stopped talking and listened.

"The Don has issued a lockdown of the Main Hall. Everyone please stay where you are, this is only for a census check." I said sternly.

"We have reason to believe that one of you is a traitor. And we will find out who it is, even if it takes all night."

"Whoever it is better step forward, and until we find him, you're all going to be punished."

I quickly slammed my fist down on the lockdown button, shutting down all the doors. This room was surprisingly big enough to hold over 500 men. I suppose I could stuff the thousand men that was in the Main Hall in here if I needed to.

"I'll be taking five of you at a time in the announcement room. Would all the generals present at this time please come up to the announcement room?" I said cautiously.

I quickly stripped off the guard clothing.

As five generals came in, clearly annoyed that this was all happening, I unwrapped my spear and sliced them all on their stomach, knocking them back instantly. Once they all got up on their feet, poised for a fight. I struck them all on their stomach with my spear, knocking the wind out of them, then, spinning my spear in the air, I struck them all on their kneecaps, forcing them to their knees. After demonstrating the clear difference in strength, I forced one of them to the wall.

"We have a winner." I edged my spear towards his neck.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c18285607_Screenshotfrom2014-10-1513_32_57.png.0f667d3018a0202492b3c11097ed4fb5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41953" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c18285607_Screenshotfrom2014-10-1513_32_57.png.0f667d3018a0202492b3c11097ed4fb5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I ran my spear straight through this general, leaving four remaining.

"This will be you if you all don't do what I say. And trust me. If you disobey me in any way, I will rewrite the book of torture itself, this I promise you." I say, forcing my spear against a general's neck, cutting him in the process.

Their fear of me was tremendous. In order to make them even more scared, I added,

"I am the Blue Beast."

I burned with a ferocious blue essence, my eyes seething with the look of a demon.

"Now then... This Main Hall is mine, got it?" I smirked.

It was time to retake the Main Hall of Dragon Tooth.



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Kira, aimlessly, and casually wandering through the castle, tearing out the throats of anyone who saw him with blinding speed and fury, suddenly heard the intercom, instantly noticing that it was Hak's voice. He then decided to rush his way to the main hall, killing any guards in his way before they could even scream in pain, but not before politely demanding directions. When he got to one of the four iron doors leading the Main Hall, he looked at it, smirking. He then suddenly manifested his aura into not full armor, but gauntlets, with which he grabbed the middle of the door, shredded the metal, jumped in, and quickly moved it back into place, sloppily, yet there was no way a normal human would be able to get through it. He looked at Hak and the generals, smirking "Got bored. Thought I'd help you out" he said as all the blood on him was soaked into his skin
I hoisted one of the generals up on his feet and shove him against the wall, binding his hand against his back as the other generals cowered on the floor in fear.

"Crowd control. Can you do that for me? Round 'em all up. I'll join you once I tie up some loose ends here. Quite literally, might I add," I cracked my knuckles, grinning as the faces of the Mafia generals shrunk in petrification.

I knew that Kira already had a plan formulated in his mind, and possibly a plan in various other-case scenarios. He was the type to plan ahead, and he was quite good at it.

Then, turning my attention to the guard, I forced him against the wall, even harder.

"W-what do you want from us?!" He finally sputtered out.

"I want you to fight for me. Or your life," I sneered. "Oh, and just to make sure that you don't betray me, I'll be linking you to my spear via your aura. So try anything funny and I'll make sure that your aura is mine." I grinned.

I forced each of them to pour their aura out and link it to my spear. With four invisible aura connections to my spear, I could practically control them.

Forcing them down to the court yard, expecting to see Kira causing a ruckus. I shouted,


With that single word, I saw very concerned Mafia generals fighting their own men. While partially in pain, they were fighting for their lives. I'd throw them aside once they've cleared a good hundred guards or so. As for me, I twirled my spear around and whipped up a large gust as I struck all of the Mafia men around me, taking them out.

I wasn't moving at an decent pace yet, but it was a comfortable rate. I could probably take over the entire hall without a scratch at this pace. Unfortunately I didn't exactly have time on my side. I had to move. I had wasted almost 15 minutes here. I needed to get moving.

Then I looked up to see how Kira was doing...
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Kira chuckled and donned his aura, but only at the very tips of his claws, knowing he wouldn't need to expend energy like that when doing what he does best. He shouted "YEAAAAAH" as he plunged into a huge mass of guards in the courtyard. Though being predominantly a defensive fighter, Kira was traveling at blinding speeds circling around the crowd, slowly but surely cutting through each and every one of them, closing in on them, making is turn radius smaller and smaller until he let one guard remain. He picked him up by the throat and said "Where's your leader eh?" he said mockingly as he strokes the mans temple lightly with the claw of his index finger, producing a small cut. This traumatized the man to the point of fainting, so Kira tore out his sphincter and shoved it in his mouth. He looked up to the window and gave a thumbs up to Hak showing that there were none left in his area.
While the two psycho- erm, warriors, were fighting, Kurisu had been slowly charging his aura in that cellar, so much so that he practically was glowing.. He was going to make this quick and efficient.
I could only watch Kira with my eyes half open. My stature as a high general of the Black Feather Empire didn't exactly live up to its status by my behavior. I started picking my ear by the time Kira was done. Before this minute was over, I would have every guard on the ground. The only problem would be where to put them.

By this time, multiple dozens of men were already surround me, a few of them already charging at me. But these were Mafia men, not ordinary guards. They knew how to use their aura. I saw a few of them charging their aura, aiming their blasts at me. I didn't have one minute before they fires.

"All right," I bonked a mafia man who was charging with a sword at me to the ground with my spear, "... Let's get this show on the road," I said, twirling my spear, taking out the half-dozen men in front of me.

No more words came out of my mouth. I couldn't force any more words out of my mouth. The demon of the blue beast started shaking inside of me. It's been locked away from the world for three years. The blue demon shook the temple of my body. It swung left. My spear swung left. A group of probably one hundred mafia men were blown away from the impact of my spear's potential power. It spun in a circle. I spun in a circle, dancing on the floor skillfully guiding my spear from one direction to the next. The demon inside of me started dancing the ritual of its awakening. A fight was coming, and my instincts were getting ready. Three hundred mafia men were knocked out by my feet. The stronger of the crowd came forth. About fifty men or so, with deadly attacks, surrounded by a group of one hundred. The three hundred that I had already taken out were still not dead. In mere seconds, I danced along the heads of the Mafia members of the larger crowd that lived. I stepped on one head, dug my spear into another head. I used that to javelin myself onto another of the Mafia men's head. After repeatedly jumping on the heads of the mafia men that still stood, I launched myself up. A chill was sent through my spine. My heart almost stopped. The demon had gone cold. I'd have to use all of my base speed to finish this. I twirled my spear in the air as I reached the highest point of my jump, nine feet above the heads of the men.

Aura beams were fired. In a split second, I considered dodging them, but that didn't seem like me. That seemed like something Kira would do, since he was incredibly fast. Instead I dispelled them by twirling my spear. Aura exploded from my spear, making it incredibly light to carry, but twice as strong. My eyes seethed with the blue of a demon. My spear gutted the Mafia man with blue eyes as I landed. It would all end in a few seconds. I couldn't get my spear out of the man's body in time to take out more guards. Instead I used my spear as a pole and swung around it, kicking all of the soldiers around me. It wasn't enough to knock them out, but by them I'd pulled my spear out. It sliced them all with my spear as I spun in a full circle. I turned into a tornado of blue, I took each and every last one out.

I shrugged at Kira, as he could only look on at how fast I took them out. Probably wasn't a minute, but somewhere under five minutes.

"Let's go. The hairs on the back of my neck just stood up. Kurisu must be on his way here. Not like I don't like the guy. I just find him... Well- Disgusting!" I said with a smile.

With that, I jumped out of the Main Hall and disappeared off somewhere within the castle.
Kira laughs soaking up the blood of the freshly killed men around the two of them. He yawns and says " Fair enough. Maybe we should find the Mafioso himself." He considers this for a moment and eventually says "Nah. I've got a few ideas......unless you have somewhere in mind"
I stared back at Kira, just before leaving.

"Go with your ideas. But go on them alone," I said.

I hesitated before adding, because Kira and I usually did jobs that we couldn't handle together.

"I have places to be. You can trust I'll be there when I'm needed most," I grinned.

With those last words, I disappeared in to hidden corners of the castle that probably weren't discovered by the Mafia. I decided to clear out a strategy room for them, and I knew it'd be lightly guarded because there was no use for it. Luckily for me, it wasn't heavily guarded. Before screams for help could be carried out, I had bonked the initial guards on their heads, their bodies dropping to the floor soon after. I slicked through the rest of the small group of guards, and shoved them in an corner where they couldn't be easily seen. If Kira passed by here, he'd know that I'd have been through here, since I'm the only person that leaves prey alive and stuffs them into a small space when I'm done.

After that, I used a small hidden corridor that the generals showed me lead to the balcony from the strategy room. I closed the hidden door behind me after I entered and leap out onto the balcony. There I overlooked the city of Dragon Tooth, staring down at a few thousand Mafia men, making sure to stay out of sight.
Kira, noticed that Hak left in a bit of a hurry, but shrugged it off, chuckling. Hak must have something important on his mind, he thought as he started strolling through the corridors, picking off guards stealthily. Eventually somehow making his way to the upper levels of the castle, he found a sort of attic like room, dark and quiet, so he decided to take a nap.
As Kurisu finished charging his aura, he simply walked out of the room, his glowing aura burning the doorway around him. He found himself in a room full of servants and soldiers, and he pushed his hands downward, shouting "Curse of Gravity". With that, everybody in the room other than him was forced to the ground, and they were stuck there by the intense force. As he walked out he was confronted by a remaining party of 5 soldiers. One made an advance, which Kurisu quickly rejected with a swift blow to the face, knocking him out cold. Two more made their advances. Kurisu countered one slash by grabbing the hilt of his opponent's blade and wrenching it from his hands, and proceeding to insert the weapon into its owner's own stomach. He then spun and quickly drew his own sword, smashing the hilt against another soldier's head, then turning and slashing another's head off. He turned to the remaining soldier and kicked him in the kneecap, sending him plummeting to the ground, incapacitated. With that, Kurisu set off to the 2nd floor, finding himself outside the throne room, which had also been cleared.

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