• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern OPERATION MAVERICK


That's Rough, Buddy



I absolutely love creating characters so please have fun making yours! You should have a solid character with the potential to grow throughout this RP. Your characters should have realistic personality with many layers and of course no Mary Sues. You can make a maximum of two characters but that doesn't mean that I'll accept them both. I will be accepting characters based on quality and substance at a deadline TBA.


Please only post CSs here. All questions, comments, and concerns should be in the OCC thread.

Realistic pictures or drawings ONLY so NO ANIME

Things you must know

For ages, Hounds must be 23+, Inspectors must be 22+, and Malefactors must be 18+.

Your character was chosen to participate in a very important mission so give them a reason why they were chosen, don't make them perfect at everything but give them a defining skill that made them so valuable to the government. Put this under skills in the CS.

NO TWO OF THE SAME POWERS PLEASE I have a list of powers you can choose from and if you have another idea PM me explaining what the power is and its limits.

Mavericks were either born from one or two Maverick parents OR had the Ryker virus and were cured with the Sinora vaccine giving them their powers.

The Sinora vaccine became available to the public again in the year 2079, but it is very expensive and usually requires a long process to acquire the vaccine, even then the government does not give it out very often.

Your Malefactors are criminals who were arrested by the MCB, but were offered freedom if they completed the task of finding the PS manufacturer.

Inspectors supervise Hounds and are basically their boss so this team will be lead by Inspectors.

I will be accepting 9 or 12 characters (including my own) and they will be divided into teams of three, with an inspector in charge of a Malefactor and a Hound. They will have to work together to unravel the manufacturer behind PS while also working with the other teams.

If your character has a noticeable, destructive power as a child, they can be taken to a special facility for Maverick children to be trained to become Hounds if they show that they can control their powers. If they fail to control their powers, they must stay at that facility.

My character, Lynell Hayek, is the recruiter for Operation Maverick so make sure to include how and why they were recruited in the Bio

This takes place in Columbia, which is basically futuristic Washington DC. Also all 50 states are still there.

When the RP starts, Malefactors would have already been released from prison for a week but they have to wear a tracking bracelet which looks like a watch so they will be arrested if they leave the city or go to a suspicious location.



June 27

PM me if you need an extension

Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - moral alignments

You can either use this code or another one that is neat and clean.

Code base from

[centerblock=90][border=2px solid #FFFFFF][bg=#45484B]

[bg=#8C2318][h][font=courier new][color=white]CHARACTER NAME[/color][/font][/h]

[center][img=[realistic picture link]][/center]

[accordion=200%|bcenter]{slide=[bg=#8C2318][font=courier new][color=white]BASIC[/color][/font][/bg]}[justify][font=times new roman][color=black][b]NAME[/b]
first and last (middle is optional)
Malefactors: 18+
Hounds: 23+
Inspectors: 22+
Inspector, Hound, or Malefactor
for Hounds and Malefactors only. Briefly describe your power as well. What does it do? What can't it do? How does your character feel about it? Talk about how your character learned how to use their power and how they felt when they were first learning to use it.
{slide=[bg=#8C2318][font=courier new][color=white]PHYSICAL RECORDS[/color][/font][/bg]}[font=times new roman][b]WEIGHT[/b]
in pounds
in inches and feet
describe the color, texture, and length
[b]SKIN TONE[/b]
scars, tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, etc
What does a typical outfit of theirs look like? Why do they dress the way they do?
{slide=[bg=#8C2318][font=courier new][color=white]PSYCHOLOGICAL RECORDS[/color][/font][/bg]}[font=times new roman][b]PERSONALITY[/b]
Write 2 paragraphs explaining their strengths and weaknesses
example: chaotic good, see link
habits they perform often
what terrifies them? phobias?
what makes them strive to keep on living
What do they want to accomplish in life?
3+ (do not include anything about their powers as a skill) explain each

{slide=[bg=#8C2318][font=courier new][color=white]PERSONAL RECORDS[/color][/font][/bg]}[font=times new roman][b]ORIGIN[/b]
where are they originally from?
For malefactors, what were they charged with? What crimes have they committed?
2+ paragraphs of their history
[b] THEME SONG [/b]
[/justify][/border][/centerblock][/bg][centerblock=90][border=2px solid #FFFFFF][justify][/justify][/border][/centerblock]


no slide

in pounds


in inches and feet


describe the color, texture, and length








scars, tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, etc


What does a typical outfit of theirs look like? Why do they dress the way they do?


Write 2 paragraphs explaining their strengths and weaknesses


example: chaotic good


habits they perform often


what terrifies them? phobias?


what makes them strive to keep on living


What do they want to accomplish in life?






3+ (do not include anything about their powers as a skill) explanation for each


where are they originally from?




For malefactors, what were they charged with? What crimes have they committed?


2+ paragraphs of their history



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Lynell Hayek



Lynell Bianca Hayek










Lead Inspector of Operation Maverick




137 lbs




Silky and thick black curls that end at her shoulders






Tall, curvy, and muscular arms.


She has her ears pierced and a
tattoo of a compass on her right wrist.


Unlike her fellow Inspectors, Lynell refuses to wear pant suits or heels on the job. She wears soft sweaters, collared shirts, and the occasional dress with tights paired with a brown or black leather jacket. She dresses for comfort and mobility while still looking stylish. She almost always wears combat boots or oxford. She may dress for comfort but she never wears her hair up. Her makeup is minimal and simple.


Lynell may seem like a sweet, naive girl at first but she has seen the worst in both humans and Mavericks and knows how ugly society is. She is a natural leader, always willing to take charge, and caring about the people she works with. She puts on a strong face and never shows her weaknesses to others keeping a tough facade fit to keep a team together. Lynell hates disappointing people she cares about and refuses to let herself fail at anything making her a perfectionist. She is incredibly intelligent and a master at mission planning using logic and strategy. She despises improvising missions and needs a plan in mind or she will refuse to continue. She has strong beliefs and is incredibly stubborn and feisty and will always do what she thinks is right. She is driven, fierce, and takes charge when faced with a problem. She believes in equality between the two species and is not afraid to speak against racism against Mavericks, she was also very close to her parents' Hounds as a child. Her enthusiasm is endless and she enjoys every moment she can of life. She is charming and friendly to others even if they want nothing to do with her, she strives on being liked. She makes it her job to resolve disputes between team members and acts as a mediator.

Lynell is very dedicated to her job and is willing to almost anything for the greater good. She makes strong bonds with others and serves them with undying loyalty and care. She is apathetic to what others think of her and she continues to lead despite those who call her "bossy" or "demanding". Even though Lynell is against the mandatory life sentence, she was not too thrilled when Banks informed her that she would have to work with Malefactors, wary of their intentions and powers. She is not afraid to be blunt and brutally honest.


Neutral good


She drinks tea every morning


Failure terrifies her and she is willing to do anything to avoid it. She also dreads dying without doing something meaning with her life. She hates the dark.


Justice for all who deserve it.

Pleasing her father.

Her parents' legacy motivates her to be the best Inspector she can be.


She wants to become a legendary Inspector by finding the PS manufacturer.


Classic literature

80s films

Indie music

Cold days


Being in charge


Staying up late




Boring meetings


Problems that seem unsolvable

Being told what to do or not having any control




Intelligence - Lynell is a logical thinker and can recognize patterns with relative ease making her a skilled detective. She is both book and street smart and uses her intelligence when planning missions.

Leadership - Lynell knows how to lead a group of people and is very good at it. She takes charge and listens to her team to ensure the best way to approach a problem. She cares about the well being of her team and makes her duty to solve their problems.

People - Lynell is a people person and pleaser. She's very charming, friendly and really understands how to communicate with people.


Columbia, USA


Opal Hayek - Mother

Theodore Hayek - Father


Lynell was born to two of the best inspectors in the Columbia precinct so she spent most of her time at one of her parents' desk, drawing or doing her homework. Even though they worked a lot, Opal and Ted always found time for Lynell and encouraged her to strive to the best she could be and of course she was fascinated by the MCB and wanted to be an Inspector just like her parents. Lynell had a happy childhood, she was brilliant in school, had a few close friends and loving parents who could provide for her needs. When she graduated high school, the next step of her life was more than obvious, she headed to the Inspector Academy.

At the Academy she was met with the reputation of the Hayeks looming over her and she upheld it. She was a natural problem solver and used every bit of knowledge her parents taught her. Her mental skills were fantastic but when it came to physical she just couldn't grasp it. Lynell never played any sports in school and couldn't understand how to use her body in a fight. After every lost fight she grew frustrated and convinced herself that she would never be able to get herself into shape. She considered transferring to the intelligence department of the MCB, but felt the weight of her parent's expectations so she stayed at the academy determined to succeed. Lynell was starting her fourth year of training and she had improved her body and was even getting some muscle. One night, her father called her crying and barely managed to tell her that her mother was in critical condition at the hospital. She had been severely injured by a Malefactor who could manipulate blood. Lynell left to the city but by the time she got to the hospital, her mother had died.

Lynell graduated and was assigned to work in Columbia as an Inspector. Her Hound was a man named Joel who could teleport and he was nice enough. They were together for a few months until Lynell received a call from Anthony Banks saying that he had a job for her. Soon enough, Lynell started working directly under Banks coordinating special cases and other projects. She no longer had a Hound but was in charge of multiple Inspectors and their Hounds for special missions. Banks assigned her to lead Operation Maverick and recruit members in 2115.


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Remy Lemieux



Remy Everett Lemieux










Malefactor, former Hound


Pain Manipulation - Remy can sense emotional, mental, and physical pain, suffering, and agony of others. He can manipulate physical pain of others, increasing or decreasing it, but he can not manipulate his own pain even though he wishes he can. He can only cause or take away the sensation of pain so he can not kill or heal anyone. He does not need to make physical contact to cause pain but he can cause more pain and use less energy when he is making physical contact. He can not affect more than five people at a time without seriously hurting himself.

When he first developed this power, Remy hated it and lived in constant fear of hurting people. He had to learn how to control his emotions to control his power and learn how to have complete focus on a target. When he started his training as a Hound, he became more accepting of his ability and tried to embrace it for his job by focusing on the ability to take away pain. Remy's mind is often cluttered since he knows when someone is in emotional or physical pain.






straight, light brown, and fluffy






He is slim with a small frame and little muscle.




Just like his picture, Remy dresses in button down collared shirts, sometimes with a vest, a leather jacket, dark pants, dress shoes, and a fedora. He goes for what he has dubbed "casual classy" so he can seem professional while not having to wear a suit.


As a child, Remy was loud and outspoken but as he grew older as a Maverick, he became shy and quiet, trying to make himself small and unnoticeable. Remy doesn't talk much and interjects with a word or two in conversations. He is stoic, serious, and just wants to get the job done and move on. He has very strong beliefs about the government and the discrimination Mavericks face and would get into a fight for them. He despises being considered as a Malefactor and holds a lot of anger towards Sheppard. Remy is very angry for what happened to him and feels cheated so he will become furious whenever that subject is brought up. He is impulsive and prefers to improvise on the spot. He also has a hot temper and when he gets angry he is very expressive about it. He still holds into the possibility that he will be proved innocent and get his life back making him an optimist.

When he opens up to someone, he becomes more warmer, comfortable, and will even make jokes. He trusts very few people but has an undying loyalty towards them. He is clever and still has the deductive skills of a detective. He comes off as cold and doesn't smile much and has trouble communicating with his team mates. The future terrifies him, what will happen if the team fails and he has to return to prison. He wants his life back and he is willing to do anything for it. He cares very much about his friends and would always fight for them. He is very brave and is prepared to go into a dangerous situation for the greater good. He can be ruthless at times when it comes to his power and when he is really mad he will unleash excruciating pain.


Chaotic neutral


He has a slight French accent

He goes on daily walks and is very glad that he can start this habit again.

He meditates every day


Returning to prison is his worst fear.

Never being proved innocent is a close second.

Hurting someone he cares about by accident with his power


He needs to earn his freedom and avoid prison.

He wants his job back and regain his reputation.


He wants Sheppard to be brought to justice.

He wants his job and a clean reputation.

He wants to earn his freedom.

He wants to end corruption in the MCB





Fresh air



Romantic comedies

French pop



Late nights

Being referred to as a Malefactor




Large crowds


Deduction - Even though he spent little time on the force, he managed to show extraordinary detective skills solving many cases in the precinct and arresting several Malefactors. He also graduated at the top of his class in the Hound Academy so solving mysteries became a second nature to him.

Marksmanship - Remy has been trained to shot the MCB issued pistol as well as other weapons and is a very good shot. He much more prefers using a gun than hand to hand combat or using his power. He will have to deal with not being able to use a gun as a Malefactor.

Art - Remy always enjoyed drawing as a kid but his drawing skills really flourished when he spent time in the Maverick facility where he had little to do in his spare time. Then again when he spent time in prison, he would draw to keep his mind off of his grim reality. Art is an escape for Remy and he happens to be really talented at it.


Bordeaux, France


Mallory Lemieux - Mother

Pierre Lemieux - Father

Curtis Lemieux - Older brother


Remy was born into a middle class living in urban Bodeaux. His parents had stable jobs and were able to support Remy and his brother Curtis who was three years older than him. Pierre and Mallory did not like Mavericks, they saw them as unnatural and dangerous and tried to teach their children just that but Remy never listened. He had many friends and was well liked by everyone, and Remy liked everyone back. He would even defend the Maverick students from the few kids who still harassed them. When he was ten, a family was taken from his neighborhood because of the children had the Ryker virus and they needed to be quarantined. The disease control wouldn't let anyone leave the neighborhood for days until they were sure that no one else was infected. A week went by and Remy was still waiting to be cleared of the virus when he passed out. He insisted that he was fine when he came to but a fever was rising and the nausea was setting in. Remy was extracted by the disease control and taken to a hospital. The Lemieuxs had to decide to either let their son die or turn him into a Maverick. They knew that their life would be filled with guilt if they let Remy die so they filed the application to the US government marked with URGENT and payed the fee for the Sinora vaccine and even more money to rush the application process. Remy was accepted five days later and was treated. It only took a week for him to fully recover and he was cleared to leave the hospital. The money for the vaccine seriously strained their savings account so they sold their apartment and Pierre once again got transferred to Boston.

Remy's parents didn't let him go to school when they moved to Boston, in fear of his powers unexpectedly manifesting during school and hurting someone. Remy spent days at home with his mother doing the best that she could to teach him. His parents treated him differently as well, not worst but differently, they talked less to him but were more concerned about him and protective, not because they were worried about his safety but the safety of others. Five months passed and Remy still was not showing signs of having any powers, his parents thought that it was a miracle. One Saturday morning, Remy and Curtis were outside when a couple of Curtis's neighborhood school friends were passing by. Curtis never talked about Remy so the boys were confused and asked why Curtis never said anything about his brother and why Remy didn't go to school. Curtis told his friends to leave and that he would talk to them later but they didn't budge and keep on pestering Remy with questions. Remy started freaking out because he knew what he was and what the world thought of people like him so he started tearing up and yelled at the boys to go away. The boys' chattering voices were replaced with agonizing screams, they fell to the ground while Curtis just stared at Remy in horror. The pain stopped when Remy fainted from using too much of his power. He woke up in his bed with a Inspector and his hound in his room talking to his parents. They insisted on taking Remy to a special facility for Maverick children in order for him to learn how to control his powers while not harming anyone. His parents let the two detectives take him away.

Remy spent eight years at the facility, practicing his English, learning how to use his powers, continuing basic schooling and especially being trained to become a Hound. He had no contact with other Mavericks, only with instructors and the occasional Inspector. Remy was grateful for the solitude in a way because he couldn't hurt anyone, but he was also incredibly lonely. His family couldn't visit and he was in a strange new country. When he turned 18, he passed his evaluation and was admitted into the Hound academy. He found out that his family moved back to France when he left the facility. He took a flight to see them but when he arrived they hardly recognize him since it ha been 8 years. The whole reunion was awkward and his parents didn't want to hear about his power or his future job as a Hound, except for Curtis who expressed his pride when their parents weren't around. When Remy returned to the USA, he moved into an apartment in Columbia near the Academy and dedicated all of his energy to becoming a Hound. He graduated at the top of his class and had a job waiting for him at the Columbia precinct. His Inspector was an older woman named Rosa Jimenez who had been on the force for twenty years. Together they solved many crimes and Rosa served as a mentor to Remy.

The head Inspector of the Columbia precinct was Hugo Sheppard, he had a remarkable reputation and was well respected. For some reason, Rosa acted differently around him and showed no admiration unlike the rest of her coworkers. Remy asked her about this but she avoided the question with a series of lies. It wasn't until one night when Remy understood why. He was 26 when Rosa called him in the middle of the night, she was whispering with a shaky voice and told him about how she had been investigating Sheppard for three years for being a dirty cop and she had finally managed to track him down to a meeting with a Malefactor. She asked for him to come alone so that he could subdue Sheppard then they could call for back up. Rosa never explained why he had to wait to call for back up but he went anyways trusting her plan. Remy arrived at a worn down abandoned building and heard a single gun shot. He ran inside to find Rosa on the floor bleeding out. Sheppard stood over her with a gun in a gloved hand and two Malefactors behind him. Then everything happened so fast, Remy can only remember it as a blur of confusion. One of the Malefactors could manipulate electricity so she electrocuted him before he could hurt them, Sheppard placed the gun in Remy's hand, gave the gloves to the other Malefactor and told them to leave. Remy laid paralyzed as Sheppard called for back up and gave the performance of a lifetime crying to the dispatch that he was being attacked by a dangerous Hound and that he used his gun to shoot Inspector Jimenez. Once Remy could move again, he pained Sheppard out of rage, not thinking about any consequences only about Rosa laying dead on the ground. He was restrained by the police when they arrived and arrested. He was then tried for murder and abuse of his position as a Hound and found guilty. Everyone believed Sheppard's word over hiw own. He was sent to a Malefactor prison right alongside Malefactors he put away when he was a Hound. Two years after his arrest, Lynell Hayek came to visit him. She explained that he was needed for Operation Maverick and if the task force were to succeed, he would earn his freedom, a clean record, and his job. Lynell personally chose to recruit Remy because she had tried to get the Columbia precinct to investigate further to prove his innocence. Remy accepted and was released the next day.



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Ronan Beckett


Goes by Ronan, or racist slang










Fire manipulation. He has the ability to conjur fire, and control it however he chooses. Mostly he will create blasts, or a small flame in his hand when needed. But he knows other ways he can use his power, but wouldn't be wise.







Brown, think and has a fluff to it.






Thin, but athletic


left ear is torn from a time when a rasict woman released her dog into him in his earlier hound days.


He typically dresses in black clothing, and grey. He will typically wear a black jacket, under that will be a grey tshirt, jeans, and black and white tenni shoes, or black boots. He will wears black baseball cap ocassionally. He dresses in such because he doesn't want to draw more attention to himself than their already is.



So the good about him. He's very sarcastic, which some inspectors don't like, even though it's one of his

main traits. He doesn't deny what he is, and he has learned to combat the racism he receives in his work environment. He is also very kind, and protective of his daughter, who is 10 years old, and nobody really knows about. But before he was a Hound, he was much softer, and light-hearted. But the job has made him cold-hearted, and sardonic. His softer personality is still around when around his daughter. He's the opposite of his normal personality when around her.

Now the bad. He's very sardonic, taking his sarcaem a little to far, and dark. The reason behind that is because he had flashbacks, which occurr commonly. Mostly they are of the worst events in his life, like his wife's death, or his time being sick. He's also very stubborn, he likes for his opinion to be heard, and will make sure it does. He can also get very dark, and violent in moments of rage, tossing stuff from his desk, or if fighting throwing fireballs. His rage is a key to his fuel, and he's almost always mad, or upset. He's also very cynical, and calculated. Making him a deadly foe, and a deadly guy in general.


Chaotic Netural


Will slide stuff off his desk, or partners desk when upset.


Afraid of heights, and of needles.


His daughter.


Even though Mavericks have free rights, he wants to rasciem to stop, and for Mavricks to control society in a peaceful way. He wants to also be a good father, even though he's not around a lot, and lives with her aunt.


His kid, sometimes his job, letting go of anger, solving cases, and burgers.


Needles, heights, thinking about his past, racism, and getting angry.


Extremely intellegent, he has always been smarter than average his whole life. Crime analyst, he can pick out details most people won't see in crime scenes. Deception, being a Maverick you've gotta learn to trick people into thinking what you want them to think.


New York (not sure if still around)


Cassie- Daughter

Tess- Wife- deceased

Karen- Sister


Ronan was born in upstate New York, to a family of 3. His sister Karen, was 3 when he was born, and brother was 7. They grew up during the time where anti Mavericks were very popular. But at age 10, Ronan, his brother, were digonased with Ryker. It took days for the Goverment to allow medicine to ship to them, and in during those few days felt like hell. Nightmares, fever, muscle spasms. But the medicine finally came, they were able to save Ronan, but his brother died the day before the medicine arrived. Not able to cope with his death, his parents divorced, his mom taking him and Karen. Relizing Ronan would soon become a Maverick, his mother bought him a apartment when he was 18, so that the public couldn't harasse his sister and mom. When he moved in, his neighbor was a young college girl. She was beautiful, it was love in first sight. They began to date, and eventually moved in with each other. But one thing he loved about her, was that she didn't care he was a Maverick, he was still human. When Ronan applied to be a Hound, their daughter, Cassie was born. He adored her, always playing with her when he got home, no matter how bad his day was. But one day when he was 26, he turned on the news after he put Cassie down for bed, that his wife's workplace was terrorized by a rouge Maverick. That broke him. For the first time in his life, he cried that night, knowing he wouldn't be able to see Tess anymore. How would he tell Cassie? When he told Cassie, he wrapped his arms around her, and told her, "I love you Cass, mommy loves you to, even though she isn't here." Since his job had him get home at late hours, he would leave Cassie at his sisters, until he had time to see her. Sometimes not for days, dealing with work, and grieving made it hard for him. But every time he sees her, she always makes him feel better.


Theme Song: Money and Fame- NEEDTOBREATHE

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"If only, If only, If only.." - Koa



Makoa Kalani












Force Field Manipulation and Creation -- Koa has the ability to create and shape a protective force field. They appear as a clear, shimmery, glass-like substance that can withstand to most anything for a certain amount of time until Koa no longer has the energy to keep it up or it fails under too much pressure. She can conjure them in domes up to fifteen feet wide, or even 2x2 slivers that are mobile like shields. They are related to Koa's energy and emotion, if she is too weak in any aspect, the force fields become increasingly fragile, breaking under less and less pressure, until the point where Koa can not summon them at all. If she keeps up a force field for too long also, Koa is at risk of injury, fainting, or even a coma.






Dark brown, (almost black looking, but it isn't black) very wavy and messy but not exactly curly. A few inches past her breasts.






Athletic, fit


Light freckles on her cheeks and nose, a few beauty marks on her shoulders and various scars over her body, the most prominent being a burn mark all up her left arm. It's not exactly
ugly, but it is rather noticeable.


Very loose and comfortable -- oversized sweaters, t-shirts with logos on them, sweatshirts. Her appearance is usually a little bit unkempt and uncared for, but when she puts effort into appearance, for say, going out with her friends, Koa suddenly becomes extremely stylish, with jeans, pretty tank-tops, shiny earrings and brightly colored lipstick.


Quiet, content, and
diligent, Koa is a rather stoic, yet shy person upon first meeting. She handles everything with a sense of grace and delicacy, taking into account every outcome, risk, and probability before she makes a move. Koa is quietly protective - she holds an instinctive motherly feeling towards all and wants to see people happy, but at the same time, protects herself from her own emotions for the benefit of someone else.

But while Koa may hide from her own emotions, she can empathize like no other, and if you ever are in need of someone to pour your feeling onto, Koa is the girl. She will listen to your every thought, offer a gentle solution or just a shoulder to cry on. Her own shyness never gets in the way of helping someone else feel better, but you'll need to grab her by the shoulders and shake her long and hard if you ever want her to relay any personal information.

Koa is not sensitive, nor does she get angered easily. But when people wrong her, Koa tries hard to forgive. She gives too many second chances before finally cutting them out of her life, and that's when Koa finally breaks. When she's given all she has to give and finally realizes she has to let go.

But through it all, Koa could be considered a kind soul. One who at times could be considered older then her years, and sometimes younger.


Neutral Good


Runs her hand through her hair when stressed or upset

When she's feeling overly emotional or about to burst, Koa will refuse to speak until she feels sufficiently calm. While not talking, she might hide away to go write some song lyrics or the like.

Does yoga regularly


Never seeing her family again

Being betrayed/
abandoned by those she trusts

Being burned to death (thus, a more minor fear of fire)


To see those she cares about be happy and at peace

Maybe be happy and at peace herself.


Makoa only wants to be left alone with those she loves and cares about.

Perhaps to find a soulmate.

Dying before feeling accomplished in some way

To see Mavericks become equals with humans








Feeling loved



Sour foods


Feeling afraid

People who are angry for no reason






Athleticism -- Koa is an extremely athletic and able-bodied lady, she is rather well muscled and is an avid swimmer, soccer player, and does yoga on a daily basis. She keeps in great shape.

Empathy -- Koa is incredible at reading, understanding, and empathizing with people. She may not be the best people pleaser in crowds or groups, but Koa knows what people need to hear and when they need to hear it.

Intelligence -- Koa is a quietly intelligent woman - she is a great annalist and strategist and has a keen eye for things people miss, and is able to take those things into account and use them to her advantage.

Music -- Koa is an incredibly gifted musician. She plays piano, guitar, ukulele, as well as sings and writes songs. Her lyric journal is her most prized possession.


Hawaii, US


Kalea Kalani, Mother

Hani Kalani, Father (deceased)

Akela Kalani, Sister (19)

Kai Kalani, Brother (17)

Leia Kalani, Sister (5)


Makoa was born into an incredibly loving family in a small town in Hawaii. Her father was a Maverick, but her mother was human. His powers were a well kept secret, especially from their children. Makoa was the oldest, and acted like it. She cared for her siblings like a second mother, something they both loved and detested her for, but Akela and Kai were her greatest friends. Makoa was considered to be rather anti-social, the only people she really connected too being her family, and thus Koa held them closest to her like no daughter ever did.

Out of the three children, Koa was the only one that developed powers, something her parents were rather grateful for. They showed through when Koa was ten years old, an fairly large-scale earthquake ripping through her home. She'd been playing with Kai and Akela at the time inside the house, when a shelf had begun to tip over because of the quaking. Koa remembers gathering her siblings up in her arms and holding them tightly, and a protective barrier had formed over them as the shelf fell.

When her parents came home, they told her and her siblings everything. Her father had the ability to heal, and he taught Koa how to control her powers, and Kai and Akela regarded their sister as a magical celebrity, begging her to make the protective barrier again, begging her to show off. They were sworn to secrecy by her parents, but Koa didn't like keeping secrets. It weighed down on her and her siblings tremendously, and her newfound powers, although did not hold destructive capabilities, scared her. And now knowing that she was the very race that people despised, hunted, and treated mercilessly, Koa walked around her village in fear, always.

So Koa lived like that for many years, becoming distant and quiet and unsure of herself, more so then she had ever been. Not often could her siblings make her smile, in fact, she hardly smiled at all.

When Koa was seventeen, her parents revealed they were pregnant with their fourth child. They were all incredibly excited, and when their baby sister was born, she was doted on like no other family member because she was so much younger then all the other siblings. Unfortunately, just a few months after Leia had been born, there was a car pileup not far from her home. It had been a horrible mess, and unknown to her family at the time, her father had been in it. He came out unscathed, and being the good man he was, began to attempt to heal the injured from the wreckage. When police arrived on the scene, they thought him to be a threat, and he was shot and killed.

It destroyed their family. Kai was devastated, he'd been closest to their father out of all the siblings. Her mother hardly spoke, wracked with grief. Koa did not know what to think -- she busied herself with the care of their newborn sister, and refused to feel anything.

When the policeman showed up at their door, Koa got scared. She held her baby sister tight with Akela and Kai by her side as the policeman spoke, but of what she could not remember. She was just so afraid, that they were going to send her to the same fate her father suffered. That her whole family would dissipate with just one trigger pulled. In her fear, a force field enveloped her and her baby sister, and in that moment she gave it all away. She thrust Leia into Akela's arms and she
lunged. Because she didn't want him to touch her family, she didn't want her to rip them apart, but in turn, it was Koa who caused the undoing.

Because she was eighteen then, Koa was given a choice. Prison, or becoming a Hound. To work for those who had ripped her family apart was something Koa would have rather died then do, but she couldn't leave her family behind, if she'd ever have the chance to be with them again she'd take it. Five years. She could do it, she could do it. Anything. Anything at all. She didn't want to go to prison, she didn't want to rot.

Fresh out of the Hound training, but one of their top graduates, Makoa was recruited for strong control over her useful abilities, and her ability to understand and empathize with many of her fellow classmates. Koa came out with many friends, many people she'd come to understand, but nothing could fill the void of the family members she held so dearly and was forced to leave behind.





Makoa (and Koa) are both boys names, and her parents had been planning for a boy as soon as her mother had gotten pregnant, but they had grown too accustomed to the name by the time they found out Koa was a girl. Makoa means energetic and hardworking, and Koa means fierce, and is also a type of tree. Unfortunately for Koa, she is not fierce or energetic, but perhaps hardworking.

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Abilities: Substance Mimicry

Age: 23 years old

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: To him, love is love, it doesn't matter with who or with what, as long as you have love, you have happiness, so I guess pansexual.

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 175 lbs.

Hair: Black, wavy and fairly long. It's usually up in the messiest and manliest of man-buns.

Eyes: Dark brown

Skin Tone: Tanned

Build: Lean and slightly muscular.

Identifiable Characteristics: Titanium septum piercing, gauges made out of quartz.

Clothing Style: He has a more relaxed clothing style. Ripped up jeans, khaki shorts, t-shirts with various references on it, hoodies, etc.

Notable Relationships:

  • Janice Seminatore - Mother (Alive)
  • Alan Seminatore - Father (Unknown)
  • Kathrine Seminatore - Sister (Alive)







  • Jacob can transform whole body or certain parts of his body into any naturally occurring earthen or liquid material, soil, stone, wood, metal, clay, water, ice, and other metals that may be in a liquid state at certain temperatures. However, he is unable to become certain liquids like acids and anything that is man made, thus not occurring naturally in nature.
  • When in a liquid form he can get into previously inaccessible areas such as: underneath a door, through barred windows or cell doors, or through any non-liquid resistant materials. While in any solid form, like stone, or crystal, he'll be very resistant to damage and be stronger and bulkier depending on the material he becomes. He gains whatever property that the material he mimics has, such as resistance to heat, damage, acids, etc.

Main Applications

  • Dermal Armor:

    Natural Weaponry
  • Pain Suppression

[*]Enhanced Durability

[*]Enhanced Endurance

[*]Enhanced Strength

[*]Self -Liquification.


[*]Near Intangibility

[*]Aquatic Adaptation

[*]Amorphous Physiology


  • Material's properties: Since he basically becomes what ever naturally occurring elements he retains their original properties. So if he turned into, let's just say, mud, for instance, someone or something could cause him to dry out and crumble into dry dirt. If he's water, he can be frozen, if he's certain types of metal he can melt or even rust, etc.
  • Evaporation: If he's a liquid, like water, he can be partially evaporated, like missing an arm or a leg, or half of his face. If the happens, he needs to completely replace those parts with the original material before shifting back into his normal human form, otherwise he's permanently lose what ever part got destroyed. If he is fully evaporated he will die, like no coming back ever, just straight up dead.
  • Body part loss: In every form he takes, parts of his body can be broken off of his body or straight up destroyed. If this were to happen, he'd need to completely replace the lost part before changing back into his human form, or it will be lost forever.
  • Time Restrictions: He cannot stay in a single form for more than 12 hours or risk being stuck in that form permanently.


Birth Date: June 21,1993

City of Birth: Buffalo, NY

Criminal Record: Larceny, Grand Larceny, Assault, Attempted Murder, Destruction of Government and Private Property.

General Background: WIP

Theme: [media]



Despite his past and his previous actions, Jacob is a very calm and mellow person. He prefers to just forget about what happened in the past, because hey whatever happened, happened, there's nothing you can do to change it so you might as well focus on the present. He likes to just go with the flow and let life just take it's course. Not one to start conflicts, he sees himself as a pacifist, but in his line of work there's no real way to not end up hurting someone, so he just accepts it as it is.He doesn't like to voice his opinions much, and would rather hear about how other people feel about something than actually talk about how he feels. He enjoys helping others with their issues and talking them though troubled times. That's pretty much the only time you'll hear him speak. Unless of course it's about something he has a really, really strong opinion on, like don't even get him started on why he thinks SAO is garbage.

He's not a fan of being touched by other people, so an unexpected hug or even placing your hand on his shoulder could cause him to freeze up and not know how to respond. He believes that as long as your trying your absolute hardest, you're doing great. Also, he's not a big fan of loud,obnoxious, or pushy people. Can be seen quoting classic rock songs, comic books, video games, and movies. He will give everyone as many chances as it takes for someone to be a better person no matter what you did. Even if you stab him in the back, literally, he'll be fine with you because, hey, shit happens, and everyone has their reasons. He'll try his hardest to make the angriest, hate filled, spiteful person into a respectful or chill dude.

Moral Alignment: True Neutral

Quirks: Often cracks various parts of his body at random times.

Fears: Fucking bees! Screw those Satan bugs!

Motivation: To make up for his past transgressions.

Goals: To make up for his past transgressions.

Likes: Video games, classic rock, movies, comic books, cooking.

Dislikes: BEES, FUCKING BEES!, Loud and obnoxious people, assholes, vegans, Amish people.


Calming: He has a strange disposition about him that is very calming and soothing. He finds it easy to calm people down and resolve conflicts with words instead of fists.

Charisma: He has a strange charm about him that inspires devotion and allows him to talk his way through many problems.

Chef: He has learned all he could from his father before he turned to crime. He can make great tasting food out of the most basic ingredients. He specializes in Italian cuisine

Manipulative: Although he's not proud of it, he has learned many ways to get people to do things for him or tell him things they wouldn't normally tell anyone else.

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Kazimir Sewick


"If you're looking to 'reform' me, you'll find yourself disappointed, darling. The fact that you believed me to be someone other than who I am only shows how much you don't know me. It's time you realized that some things just can't be changed."


Kazimir Sewick












Air Manipulation

Once he discovered his ability, Kaz has been pretty dedicated to exploring it. He's very versatile with what he can do, ranging from heavy wind manipulation to more subtle uses such as making people out of breath. He rather likes his power and uses it very often, especially as it leaves little evidence when committing crimes. A little push into the water after cutting off the air supply, he must have tripped and drowned, right? However, while he can whip up a gale easily, he can't create a storm or even clouds. He doesn't tend to use it overtly and can't hold air for long periods of time. It tends to go out of control if he doesn't focus on it completely.


170 lbs


6'2" (188 cm)


Somewhat short hair with a bit of wave to it that - with a little gel - curls away from his face. It comes in various shades of brown






Fairly solid, athletic


He has a tongue piercing and multiple scars from fights he's been in


He dresses in tailored clothing of a generally formal style. He very rarely wears casual clothes except for exercise. He doesn't lack in suits and very expensive accessories.


As a malefactor, he can be best described as ruthless, sometimes verging on brutality (though he's not a sadist thank you very much). While not completely uncaring, he's not one to help others without some sort of personal gain. Though he may not go out of his way to help others, he's very courteous, especially to women. It amuses him, that he's cultivated a reputation of being 'nice' simply by having a modicum of politeness. He'll take advantage of any opportunity given and doesn't particularly mind working with others.

He doesn't have any notable loyalty to other malefactors and would sell them out in a heartbeat if it suited his purposes. He does have quite a lot of patience though and is quite protective over what he considers to be his. When he talks to people, he tends to be manipulative, sometimes subconsciously and most definitely sarcastically. He's unrepentant about his criminal activities and rarely, if ever, apologizes.


neutral evil


uses nicknames or endearments

good at mimicking voices

doesn't believe in the afterlife


He's afraid of the ocean and will only go swimming if he can see the bottom


He's looking for someone - basically revenge
(see history)


To have enough power that he's practically untouchable and never be helpless



heights - especially precarious places

pretending to be 'normal'

tidiness and organization

high-quality goods


small children

incompetency and stupidity

indecisive people

being helpless or weak



first aid - he's gotten hurt enough times that he knows how to patch himself up. He also had persuaded a doctor to teach him as there wouldn't always be a doctor around to help him

hacking - with how big technology has gotten and how many things it's used in, it would be detrimental to not learn how to hack

dancing - he had a lot of contacts as well as an persona with the more high-class crowd and learned how to dance for it, not to mention great exercise

pen spinning - being a criminal comes with more paperwork than one might expect and he's got to do something to pass the time


Chicago, Illinois


Aleksander Sewick - father [deceased]

Gabriela Sewick nee Soren - mother [deceased]

Mirabel Sewick - younger sister [deceased]


trafficking Sinora vaccine (obviously not everything but this is the only charge on his record)


  • his family is fairly poor & he resorts to minor crime to make money
  • his mother falls ill
  • starts more serious crime to pay hospital bills
  • meets someone who's sick and catches virus
  • father illegally obtains vaccine
  • discovers his power and kills his first person
  • his mother dies

    -time skip-

  • father and sister kidnapped
  • begins seriously accumulating power and interrogating criminals
  • killings catch the attention of the MCB
  • father and sister turn up dead - poisoned
  • find out through records that his mother also died of poisoning
  • bodies show symptoms of mutation
  • connects poisonings to psuedo-Sinora rumors
  • gets involved with Sinora trafficking to find more info
  • client rats him out to the MCB
  • manages to hide his other criminal activities
  • sentenced to life in prison
  • approached for the task force b/c of his experience

Kaz was born in a rather poor neighborhood in Chicago. His parents had moved to the US in order to escape an outbreak of the Ryker virus. They had immigrated into the country illegally and as such were forced to juggle multiple jobs in order to support the family. It was at a young age that he began to partake in criminal activities to supplement their income. It started small, mainly pickpocketing and shoplifting. However, his mother soon came down with an illness and had to be transported to the hospital. He knew that his family couldn't afford to pay the hospital bills and expanded into selling drugs and weapons. His father knew something was going on when the money turned up and the bills were always paid on time but said nothing as they desperately needed the monet, especially so now that his sister was getting older and his mother couldn't work anymore.

Involving himself with criminals didn't come without risks however, and he came into contact with a man who was sick with the virus. Kaz spent the next week in bed with fever and his father, knowing the symptoms the Ryker virus, managed to procure the vaccine by impersonating a doctor. He took the dose meant for another patient and used it on Kaz. He didn't discover his ability until nearly a month later when he summoned heavy winds in a fit of anger. After exploring his power, he became more and more entrenched in his criminal activities, even creating a false identity as the heir to a rich family from overseas. His newfound ability also led to more danger in his illegal activites and he was forced to kill someone for the first time. He found that he rather liked it. Not too long later, his mother succumbed to her sickness and died in the hospital.

Years later, he went out to 'take care of' a small gang and when he arrived home, both his father and his sister had disappeared. He went on the warpath trying to find where they were and in his anger, killed more than a few people extracting information. It was then that he gained the attention of the MCB as a serial killer. His search turned up multiple aliases but no real names and he found the bodies of his father and sister in the river a few days later, poisoned. Though he couldn't find out who was responsible, he vowed revenge. Suspicious of the deaths, he looked back over the hospital records and discovered that his mother had also died of poisoning. All the bodies showed signs of some sort of alteration similar to the effects of the Sinora vaccine though much more gruesome. There had been other bodies that also appeared which also showed similar signs. There had recently been rumors of a psudo-Sinora vaccine which was the only plausible explanation for the condition of the bodies.

He decided to fight fire with fire and began trafficking the vaccine to see if he could discover anymore information on the psudo-Sinora. He had only begun trafficking for a few months before a client ratted him out to the MCB. He caught wind of the MCB in the area and began the process of burying his illegal activities. He was too late to cover all of it though and was arrested by the MCB for trafficking the vaccine. However, as far as the MCB were aware, the serial killer in the area hadn't been caught yet and they were still in the process of looking for him. Even without the murder charges, he was still sentenced to life in prison. He laid low, trying not to stir up trouble as if might uncover some of his previous crimes that the MCB hadn't connected to him. After nearly a year, he was approached for the task force looking into the PS and he agreed instantly when asked to join.
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Aerona Pandora Afíno

Aerona Feminine form of Welsh unisex Aeron, meaning "carnage, slaughter."

Pandora Means "all gifts", derived from a combination of Greek παν (pan) "all" and δωρον (doron) "gift." Refers to the woman who released evil and chaos upon the world due to her curiosity.

Afíno αφήνω. Greek translation of "abandoned."




Azrael Refers to the angel of death.










Invisibility Aerona is able to become completely unseen to all. When her body goes invisible, so does everything she comes into contact with (with limitations). In regards to turning other things invisible, the largest object is a car. However, she can still interact with the world around her when invisible, thus she can be heard, smelled, and touched. The longest she can stay invisible for is up to about eight to ten minutes. Anything beyond ten minutes is asking for unconsciousness and, possibly, death.




With an hourglass body shape and slim structure, she's rather attractive to the general population. Despite her femininity, Rona packs enough muscle to be able to take down a man almost twice her size.


Fair with a light, sunkissed tan


126 lbs.




Originally a light blonde, Aerona's vibrant red hair frames her features perfectly, spanning all the way down to her mid-back when not put up. It's a fair combination between straight and lightly wavy.


Chocolate brown


Aerona is usually seen wearing tank tops and jeans, or she'll wear clothing in the punk genre.
[Ex.1] [Ex.2] [Ex.3]




‣ Full body tattoos.






‣ A series of punk-like piercings in her

https://66.media.tumblr.com/6ca5fd144ecde8bbdc8bf4e449c47753/tumblr_o64h0vUaWL1vqxu2co1_500.jpgleft ear

https://66.media.tumblr.com/6ca5fd144ecde8bbdc8bf4e449c47753/tumblr_o64h0vUaWL1vqxu2co1_500.jpg and

http://66.media.tumblr.com/73302736cb8be673af0c8f919552dc2e/tumblr_nkx9kk7dks1u1gq49o1_540.jpgright ear


https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2HWc2kStZ4Q/hqdefault.jpgCanine bites

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2HWc2kStZ4Q/hqdefault.jpg. The top two are studs and the bottom two are rings.

‣ A


https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e9/35/26/e93526848851e2836ac75ad2a09bf1d7.jpg underneath her right eye.

‣ A

https://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1wwmlfixG1r54yhwo1_500.jpgskull tongue piercing


‣ A simple, black

https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6488026/il_340x270.296628578.jpgnostril stud

https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/6488026/il_340x270.296628578.jpg piercing.

‣ A black, hooked

http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcq1dnE7gK1qai20qo1_500.jpgseptum ring



‣ A


http://tinyurl.com/jympz7n traveling over her right eye.

‣ A stab wound in her left side.

‣ A surgical scar running down her right arm.

‣ Rough rub-mark-like scars on her wrists and the sides of her hands. Caused by dislocating her thumbs and escaping from zip-tie handcuffs.

‣ Two burns caused by taser guns. One on her back and one on the back of her right calf.

‣ Six bullet wounds. Two in her left thigh, one in her left shoulder, one in her left bicep, and two in her abdominal area.

‣ Various other small scars from over the years.


‣ She's missing her right leg from the knee down. Replaced by a

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f4/49/e5/f449e506c0d5e41cee328c0263425b81.jpgtitanium prosthetic


‣ All of her teeth have been sharpened, and her canines—both upper and lower—have been sharpened to fine points, resembling deadly fangs or animalistic canines.



One of the first things people will notice about Aerona is that there's
definitely something... off about her. When she first meets someone, the other may feel as though they're being heavily evaluated by the girl. She will gaze at the other much like a predator assessing its prey, which may make the other uncomfortable and uneasy. Rona may also seem insane to the general population, finding an interest in sadistic and masochistic activities. She's rather apathetic towards others, feeling no shame or regret in hurting others whether it be physically or emotionally/psychologically.

Despite her insanity and apathy, Rona isn't stupid. The way she thinks may betray the idea that she's just completely stupid and "not all there," but, in reality, Aerona just has an odd way of thinking. She's fairly knowledgeable in the subjects of technology, math, science, and engineering. The red-head has an extremely innovative mind and enjoys taking things apart, learning how they work, and attempting to recreate those things. Or perhaps she'll use her new knowledge to create a more efficient tool. She loves building and creating, so, more often than not, you'll find her tinkering with

Aerona doesn't have very good social skills. She suffers from antisocial personality disorder, so she can be rather irritable, impulsive, aggressive and hostile, and asocial. She doesn't like being told what to do and controlled and thus has a high disregard for authority. There aren't really any people in her life that she could consider "friends," nor are there any people whom she can consider "family," whether that be by blood or bond. Thus, she isn't close to anyone and never really has been. At this point, she doesn't know what the term "friend" entails or defines as; everyone is simply a target to be taken out.


Being taken onto the task force has given her the ability to get out of prison and bring harm to others again.


She wants to bring pain to all. There's no justifiable reason for this sadism.


Chaotic Evil


‣ Tends to mumble and talk to herself when thinking.

‣ Tends to fidget with things when nervous.

‣ Likes to mess with her tongue piercing.

‣ Still has a Russian accent.

‣ Knows American Sign Language.


| Atychiphobia | Cleithrophobia | Ecophobia | Philophobia


‣ Drinking alcohol

‣ Inflicting pain upon others

‣ Building/creating things

‣ Parkour

‣ Getting what she wants


‣ Authorities

‣ Being told what to do

‣ Large crowds

‣ Being proven wrong

‣ People trying to change her


Parkour The activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing. Rona's small body mass along with her strength and agility allows her to easily traverse through varying terrains.

Technology/Engineering Aerona is knowledgeable in terms of understanding how things—both technological and mechanical—work.

Stealth She can carefully make her way through various places without being caught or seen, though it's not always a guarantee that she'll make it all the way through her mission without being caught. Fortunately, her ability to become invisible aids in her stealthiness.

Combat Rona can take care of herself. She has enough body muscle to be able to fight others in hand-to-hand combat, but she's also able to wield a wide variety of weapons, ranging from pocket knives to pistols and rifles to crossbows to explosives.

Lockpicking The art of unlocking a lock by manipulating the components of the lock device without the original key. Aerona is skilled in opening various containers, doors, and other components that can't be opened due to a lock.



Solntsevo, Moscow, Russia

Солнцево, Москва, Россия



Vera Afíno Mother Maverick Deceased

Stanislav Afíno Father Maverick Deceased


Despite her Greek name, Aerona was born in Solntsevo, Moscow in Russia to two members of the Solntsevskaya Brotherhood, a famous criminal group known for their large amount of Maverick members. Her mother and father, Vera and Stanislav Afíno (both Mavericks), committed numerous crimes ranging from murder to drug and human trafficking to forgery to thievery to arson. Most of it stuck with the young child, and she began to take an interest in her parents' criminal background. Rona began her journey by harming animals by kicking them and holding them upside. This soon escalated to hitting them with sticks then cutting them with knives she stole from the kitchen. Before she knew it, the four-year-old was taking animals into an abandoned shed and mutilating their bodies to the point where they were unrecognizable. Her parents never found this out.

Soon after her fifth birthday, the Afíno family fled to the United States of America in an attempt to escape Russian authorities. One of the Solntsevskaya Brotherhood's crimes backfired terribly, leading the authorities straight to their hideout and killing and arresting dozens of their members. Her parents were one of the few who escaped and were unidentifiable, so they fled with their daughter. The Afíno's lived in Aspen, Colorado for the next year.

But Rona's fascination with creating things and inflicting pain upon other organisms had blossomed into something terrible. About a year after moving to the U.S.A., Aerona murdered her parents in the middle of the night. She shot her mother four times and stabbed her thirty-two times and then shot her father three times and stabbed him thirty-nine times. Before her mother went down, however, Vera retaliated by stabbing her daughter in the side, hoping to halt her. It didn't work, though. After she had finished mutilating their bodies beyond recognition, she stole everything of value from them, doused the entire place in gasoline, then set it alight. All evidence was burned with the house, and this was just the beginning of a life of crime for the young child.

The Afíno child began her journey around the U.S. and committed dozens of crimes. She stole from families, killed dozens of people, created deadly bombs from scraps she found, forged paperwork to receive money, and fought against the authorities. She felt no remorse for the many deaths she was committing and, before long, she was caught by authorities. She was eleven when the authorities found her after she had set off a bomb and blew up a line of cars on a street, the casualties and injuries skyrocketing. She attempted to run and turn invisible, but they attempted to hinder her by shooting her with taser guns. The two that made contact only slowed her down, but she didn't stop. Rona turned and shot at the officers and they shot back, inflicting six bullet wounds on her body. She went down and they arrested her, sent her to a hospital, then sent her to a Maverick facility for the entirety of her remaining childhood. However, Rona had injured many children in the facility, and after she had caused the deaths of two of the children, she was sentenced to life in prison at the age of fourteen.

Four years later, she was approached by the authorities. She could join a team working to eradicate some criminal that she hardly cared to hear the name of. What interested her was leaving prison. Sure, she had to be monitored 24/7 and wouldn't be trusted at all, but she had the chance to be around
people again. She could kill more people. She could create more mass destruction. She could spread more chaos.

Of course, her team won't know this...




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Conor Jaye Gray


C.J., by his parents




Male, he/him






Telekinesis- User can move inorganic matter with his mind. He can use Telekinesis to lift things up to 30,000 tons in weight. There are multiple applications of this ability (see Mechanics thread).

Conor always carries a quarter with him, to use as a weapon via Telekinetic Bullet Projection.

Conor loves his ability. Not only does it give him power, he thinks its just fun to have, and useful above all.


175 lbs.




Conor's black hair is kept at a medium-long length (see picture). It always up in the front. It's pretty smooth and soft for its look.








Piercings on both earlobes. Black studs.


Conor, when not working, wears dark-faded jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black trench coat. He wears his trench coat because it hides how strong he is, merely hiding his arm mass. When he's working, which is usually all the time, he wears a black-button up, black blazer, and, you guessed it, black slacks.


Conor's uprising played an important role in his personality's development. When growing up, he had to learn to live in hiding, to keep secrets, and to keep quiet. It's what makes him seem enigmatic. As a result, he retaliates to personal questions very harshly.

Conor's parents had a natural affinity with knowing what to say. This passed onto Conor. He's a "people-person." He knows what to say to people to convince them or manipulate them.

Even though Conor's wealth and power give off the appearance that he might over-exert his powers, it's the opposite. He's a humble, over-watching figure. Even though he is young, many people have respect for the young drug lord. When you get behind the scenes, Conor is definitely morally-gray with his decisions. Even though he knows the difference between right and wrong, he doesn't care for the collateral damage.

Conor's strong background caused him to have a phobia for being vulnerable, failure, and being an "open book." He wants to stay, at least mostly unknown. But he knows he can't do that, and he's facing his fear every day for it.


Chaotic Neutral


Running his fingers together when he focuses

Tilting his head slightly when he understands something.


Being vulnerable, and being an open book. He doesn't want anyone to know personal information about him.


Being successful

Making an impact

His goals


Make Mavericks the majority of the world population

End Maverick Opposition


-The color black

-Having his powers

-Knowing things that he shouldn't

-Being alone



-People who show off

-Overly-enthusiastic people

-Attention seekers


-Not having a purpose


Lying- Conor can lie
extremely well, no matter in any situation. He's mastered facial expressions, body language, and the words to lie effectively.

Uncanny Calmness- Conor can stay calm in even the most stressful situations.

Talking- Conor knows what to say when talking to someone.




Josephine Martinez-Gray (Missing)

George Martinez-Gray (Deceased)


Drug Trafficking, Drug Abuse, Homicide


Conor was born as an only child into a rich Argentinean family. His dad was a drug lord, constantly on the run. Eventually they settled in California, changing their last names, even though his dad continued making money from drugs.

Conor's parents were both Mavericks: his dad gifted with a "Midas' Touch," and his mother with Persuasion. Together, they built their empire. Conor was born with Telekinesis, and was trained in using it in his youth. He was home-schooled, and was definitely
way above average, in terms of intellect. When Conor was 13, the Maverick Control Department caught wind of their real identities, and made plans to raid their beach-side mansion. When the day came, the Hounds and Inspectors attacked suddenly. Conor was frightened, and used his abilities on an impulse. He made a whole section of the mansion rip off, and crushed the intruders violently. However, this was not without consequences. In his fear, he killed his father. After the storm calmed, his mom started preparing him to take over the family's business. When he finally came of age, she vanished.

Conor runs his family's drug empire effectively. He's made many connections in the world with big people, such as politicians or mobsters. Behind the scenes, he uses his money to fund many pro-Maverick causes, most made by him.

However, no one can hide forever. The saying "fighting fire with fire" describes his capture. A particularly skilled Hound and Inspector managed to infiltrate his mansion and capture him. He's been in prison for almost a year. He's mostly stayed on the down-low, making a small but loyal group of "friends." And now, he's reluctantly waiting for a briefing..

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Julian Kingsman




Julian Calvin Kigsman










Object Storage - Julian has the capability to store almost anything he touches within a small pocket sized dimension within his own body upon touching the object in question. This object can truly be anything, whether it be a man made object or a natural elements, so long as it isn't organic or a living organism, he is able to store it within his body and keep it there, the properties of this Room inside him allowing him to keep the object in the exact same condition it was when it first entered his body. He can also of course release the object at any time out of any part of his body he chooses, just like how he can absorb any object through any part of his body.

However, the room within him is truly endless or at least, its limits have never been discovered, but Julian's limits have. Holding an object within his ROOM is a task which requires focus, and more and more focus is required as the object grows in size and volume, taking more of his concentration to hold in, which obviously puts a strain on his mind. To reiterate, he cannot absorb any kind of living organism, including Humans, Animals or anything which could possibly be alive by any means, discluding anything which is solely robotic, which he can absorb.



175 lbs


71 inches


Dark Brown, Wavy, Soft


Light Pale Green


Fair, Slightly Tanned


Muscular, Slightly Lanky


Gauges in ears, Scar on his Right Forearm.


Various assortments of casual clothing such as scarves, leather jackets and more formal looking black jeans and converse.



Julian is sort of a wistful soul. Always seeming to not be completely there with a look askance to the scene or person who's trying to direct his attention to them in addition to a light, non-threatening and peaceful attitude with a dash of apathy and lethargy enough to make him seem almost lifelessly medicated at times. Yet most use this feature he puts out about him as a reason to believe he is stupid or truly predictably soulless, and that his lack of attention or supposed underestimation associated with the more logical and confident would give his enemies or just regular people a chance to prove him wrong. However, he is in fact very observant, he just chooses not to speak much whatsoever, and prefers in fact to reside in the shadows, watching from a distance and following orders as he is commanded because he actually has a prominent social anxiety which makes him nervous around most people and uncertain of how to interact. He does whatever he can to do his job as he is told, and for this reason he tends to be very loyal to his employers, in this case that would be the government responsible for assembling the team and soliciting his services as a Hound and a Maverick.

Besides being quite Apathetic or Aimless in appearance, Julian is actually quite kind. He only wishes to uphold the code that he has been given to protect people around him from getting hurt, and he does this out of mostly a sense of satisfaction that there is order in the world and that the rules he abides by on behalf of the government help make the world a better place, but also slightly because this peace is something which is calming and soothing in addition, its something which represents the lives and prospering happiness of the citizens of his country which he protects, and occasionally he is genuinely happy to see them in such a state. This allows him to actually have a few invisible soft spots almost no one would expect from him, but are actually quite prevalent, such as a weakness for the Elderly or Children, or people who are wrongfully treated, which he genuinely feels distress for. Of course though because of a very neutral and passive persona he takes on and prefers to act with, his kindness is not really expressed very literally, and comes through mostly through his actions, mainly because he also does not speak very much either.


Lawful Neutral


Cracking his Knuckles when He's Nervous, Whistling when he has Malicious Intent or just a Secret


Being Burned to Death, Watching People Die in Front of Him


Having Fun and The Fear of Death


To Have Fun while Being Alive and to Have no Regrets


+ Cats

+ The Dark

+ Thunderstorms

+ Coffee Shops

+ Crackling Fires


- Snakes

- Fire

- The Heat

- Deserts

- Pain


+ Marksmen (Average) - he has experience dealing with and firing some small hand guns, so he is skilled enough to know how to use one

+ Cook (Exceptional) - from childhood he learned how to cook with his mother, and still does occasionally with her, knowing how to cook traditional German dishes and bake a little.

+ Medical Aid (Average) - some skills he learned from his mother like how to sew a wound or disinfect one with rubbing alcohol.



Essex, New York (If That's Still Around)


- Lillian Kigsman (Mother)

- George Kigsman (Father) (Deceased)


Julian was born to a small rural family in Essex, New York. During his childhood he always was a little bit isolated from his friends, no matter how hard he tried nor how sweet he was even though he was seriously socially inept and awkward when talking with people, no matter how much he tried to hide how he had a very unruly ability which was very unnerving to people once they found out, the truth always dangerously lingered underneath the fabricated surface.

What with discovering his sexuality and going through all the drama which came along with being a teenager, he was under a lot of strife. But even when he felt like an outcast, and had all of those problems his mother was always his life raft in a way that made him feel safe and secure. She helped guide him through the years he spent being afraid to be himself and quickly knocked down all his walls. She of course knew about his abilities, and soon found out about his sexuality, and no matter what kind of curve ball she knew, she would try her hardest to be supporting, and love him in any way she could, being a Maverick herself she knew how it felt to be different.

Even though her husband died when Julian was very young, she supported him and herself, and managed the best she could. Her hard work and persistence inspired Julian to be proud of himself and use what he had been given through genetics to make a change. So after he finished High School he voluntarily went away to a Private Training Facility for Mavericks so he could learn how to properly use his abilities and formally train so he could make a difference using his gifts. By the age of 23 he was formally trained for five consecutive years, and following that he was formally approached by a Recruiter by the name of Lyell, who recruited him as he was already within the System and had impressive records concerning his courses at the Facility, especially concerning how his power allowed him to be seriously effective against opponents who don't use their bare fists in addition someone who was a walking Bomb Squad, he was considered very promising, and he willingly agreed to join as he was very excited to fulfill his dream.




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WIP Inspector... who secretly hate Mavericks

Carl Holland


no slide
no slide



154 pounds




Short dark brown, curly and soft


Jade green


Slightly tanned


Fit and lean


Surgical scar on stomach


Informal look, suit jacket and a shirt or a t-shirt with tie and vest.



Carl used to be called the Perfect Man. He was kind and gentle to everyone, a lover who took a great care of his fiance. But after the accident, Carl turned into something else- a wounded beast. He became cold and keep his distances to people, including his family and friends. He became ruthless, his hatred of Mavericks running deep into his bone and starting to increasingly become pro-human.

Despite so, he is a grounded person. He could still keep control of his emotion and his hatred, not losing control every time he saw a Malefactor on the loose or a stupid Hound who won't listen to his command. He'd still listen to the people around him, including the Mavericks one- especially in the field. No matter how much he hates it, they are the only one he got out there. Carl also became more dedicated to his job and finishing a mission, a serious person who doesn't want to hear jokes during a mission.

In the field, he is capable of leading the team with a cool head and calming loud voice. He is also courageous, even thought people said that he looked more like a suicidal man.


Chaotic Good


Hold a lighter and roll the shield up constantly, spinning his cigarette with his thumb and index finger, listening to Alice's voicemail and reading her emails over and over again.


Death, losing someone he dearly loves or cares about.


Keeping the least on the Mavericks, stopping them from taking another life/wreaking havoc



Somehow, keep the Mavericks away from normal humans.


Cigarette, Pro-Human, Harper Flynn, Inspector Lynell Hayek, Animals


Mavericks, Anti-Human, Malefactors, Annoying people who are trying to befriend him, Government


Amazing Memory

Carl, somehow, is able to remember almost everything that he has ever read, see, and listen. He also remembers name and numbers, people's face and their appearance. Places, those that he visited before and those that he only saw on television. An amazing gift that Carl saw as a curse, as he could never forget about the accident and sees it again in his nightmares in great detail- thinking "What i could've done to save her, to stop it?"

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Carl is capable of learning everything quickly with that amazing memory of his, but he could never master it in an instant. So even if he could fire a gun, he couldn't reach the marksman skill without professional training.


Carl, despite his appearance and his personality now, is a great cook. He could make an amazing dinner out of anything that's currently in the fridge.





Joseph Holland and Maria Holland - Parents - Alive

Alice Grace - Fiance - Deceased


Carl met Alice when he was still in training to become a part of the MCB. Their meeting was one out a romance movie, so cheesy and cliched that they keep it a secret from everyone to keep themselves from becoming teased to death. Carl believes that Alice was his soulmate, and proposed on Alice's birthday. She said yes, and Carl's world became more wonderful and more colorful that ever. He worked in the MCB- busy with his job he rarely gets the chance to see Alice. But he called her every time he could, listening to the sound of her voice always calm him down.

One day, they finally got the chance to go on a date. A special date, where they would go to look for the wedding gown and the groom suit for the wedding. That's when the attack happened, a Maverick on the loose- a Malefactor- with the power of controlling the earth. He leveled the entire block in a fit of anger... And Carl woke up in the hospital. He was supposed to be dead, but the doctors managed to save him. They couldn't save Alice. In fact, her body was not even found intact. They never let him see the body, too gruesome they said- But Carl knew that they are worried about his mental health. They feared that he would take his own life if he ever saw her body- Carl wondered why do they know that that's exactly what he will do.

The day she died is the day he died too, returning to life in the hand of doctors he turned himself as a weapon dedicated to make sure that the animals that took the love of his life on a leash- in a cage- or better, eradicate all of them from the face of the earth. But of course, that's impossible... or is it?

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Harry Tute



Harry Tute












Armour formation - Harry can form "armour" that moves with him, created from inorganic, typically earthen materials such as metal, crystal, dirt, and concrete. He can create up to his own body weight in armour, until he has to start bearing some of the load himself, which will tire him far faster than normal.


in pounds




Brown, straight, short






Stocky and strong


A few small scars on his legs, arms, and back, from fights.


Harry tends to dress in tank tops with combat trousers or cutoffs, and boots on his feet. He does this for practicality, as his armour forms around his body quite snugly, meaning clothes are often torn and roughed up if they aren't tough or thin. More casually, he'll wear jeans and a T-shirt, because his fashion sense isn't particularly strong and it's a reasonable setup.


Harry often comes across as fairly confident, and most would agree he's a decent and fairly happy guy. Sadly, this isn't the truth, at least on the inside. Beneath a bright exterior, he is hiding a deep-set depression, with the happy persona put on to distract others from his true feelings. This leads to him having a great sense of compassion, as he doesn't want others to feel the pain he does beneath the surface. He will always try to help others, but when seriously pushed, he can break down, his core showing true, and he will lose most of his power outside of just forming a weak shell around himself, barely able to move it.

He is often also seen as reasonably calm and quiet due to his depression, meaning that he's not often a prominent person unless he's really trying.


Neutral Good


~ Chews his lip

~ Bites his fingernails


Others seeing his weakness


Helping others


Take down as many malefactors as he can, and find a way to get past his depression.


+ Sleep

+ Kind people

+ Rain

+ Cold weather

+ Coffee


- Hot weather

- Mist and fog

- People who indiscriminately mavericks

- Too much work

- Chaos


~ Hand-to-hand combat: sometimes there isn't much available material to form his armour so he has to fight the old-fashioned way

~ Pistols: same reason

~ Tactical combat: Harry's good at using his environment to his advantage, on top of his power.




None known


Harry was born to a pretty shit family in a rougher borough on London. His parents weren't abusive, but they took poor care of him, and eventually just shoved him into a children's home and abandoned him completely, cutting of all ties. This was luckily before Harry really understood it, so it had only a minor effect on his psychology.

What really made him what he is today is the dumping ground he was sent to. It was poorly run, meaning that there was a hell of a lot of bullying between the children housed there. This meant that, in order to survive, Harry couldn't show his weaknesses and was forced to internalise negative feelings, and show outwards that none of it affected him. This left him depressed on the inside, yet seemingly vibrant and thick-skinned on the outside.

This couldn't last forever of course, and when his stress came to a head, and he began to have a breakdown, the very earth at his feet rushing to form around him, and he panicked because he thought he was being buried, though he realised soon that he could control it and move around despite it.

He was soon picked up by the MCB, and trained to use his power against criminals such as malefactors, as well as other combat techniques for when his power was unusable. He was chosen for the team because he could easily seem normal, then suddenly become an absolute powerhouse, in the right environment.


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