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Realistic or Modern OPERATION MAVERICK - Relationships


That's Rough, Buddy

Remy - (they won't interact too much since I don't want to RP with myself a lot) She whole heartily believes that Remy was wrongfully convicted and wants to see him released. She would treat him differently from the other 3 Malefactors because she knows that he isn't a criminal. She would be vigilant of him, his power, and his rage.

Ronan - Lynell would encourage him to let go of his rage and put his energy towards the mission. She would be aware of his ties to his daughter and try not to put his life in danger. His sarcasm would irritate her at inappropriate times. She would want him to be less cold and open up to others.

Makoa - Lynell would try to be good friends with her since she is the only other woman on the team that doesn't scare her. She would admire her kindness and respect her for always being there. She would gravitate towards her and unconsciously vent to her because of her open nature.

Kaz - Lynell would make sure that he knows that he won't be able to manipulate or pull any shit with her. She would see him as a valuable asset to the team and force herself to be patient with him. She would see his politeness as a rouse and nothing more. As much as she would hate to admit it, she would find Kaz intriguing and maybe even enjoy their interactions.

Rona - Lynell would have to keep a very close on her in particular. She would try to interact with Rona in hopes that there's some sort of good lying within her. She would pity her for being so young. If she decides that Rona is an evil sadist and nothing more, she will treat her like a weapon.

Conor - Lynell would see right through his charm and use his skills as a liar to the mission's advantage. She would appreciate his humble personality .

Julian - Lynell would trust Julian and find him well to work with. She would love to be friends with such a kind soul and reach out to this quiet guy. She would return his loyalty and always have his back.

Carl - Lynell sees him as her right hand man and confines in him for everything related to the mission. She would encourage him to let go of his hatred towards Mavericks and grow frustrated with his close mindedness. Despite this, she would respect his abilities as a leader and trust in him to make the right decision in the end.

Harry - Lynell would see him as a kind person and return his compassion. She would like his happy company but if she ever knew his true feelings she would reach out to him.
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Lynell- Ronan likes her outgoingness about the Maverick cause. But is annoyed that she pushes him to let go of his rage and grief, even though deep down inside he knows she's right.

Remy- Ronan sees a younger him in Remy, even though he wasn't as mad as him at his age. He respects his power, careful not to provoke him in anyway even though he's not entirely sure how his power works.

Koa- Ronan finds her ability useful, and respects her ability. But he does find her to soft, and to kind for him to be around. He can't stand those kind of people.

Kazimir- Ronan's only problem with him is that he's a criminal. His sarcastic, yet cold personality suits him fine, since it's basically his. His manipulativeness is normal for malefactors, so he's used to that side.

Rona- Ronan finds her odd, and tries to not pay attention to her. Her creep stare, blazing red hair, and being so young makes the two not have much in common.

Conor- Ronan respects the man in some ways. He respects the mans morals, but with him being a malefactor his respect diminishes. Same as Remy, he respects the mans power, always cautious of him.

Julian- Ronan finds him annoying, since they are both hounds, and Julian being polar opposite, and younger than him. He can't stand aimlessness, and carefree people, seeing them as useless.

Carl-Ronan sees them almost as the same, but constantly bump heads, and argues mostly with him. Since both of their loved ones died, he can relate to him on that aspect, but nothing else. His hatred for Mavericks causes them to disagree often.

Harry- Ronan finds him weak-minded, seeing how he hides his true emotions. Not understanding depression is a key factor of why he doesn't like him, and finds him a emotional roller coaster.
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Lynell: Makoa quietly respects Lynell, and her intelligence and leadership skills, and if she wasn't their mission leader and if she had the confidence to approach her, Makoa feels Lynell would be a good friend.

Remy: Looks sad and like he needs someone to talk too, or a good hug. Makoa feels bad for him because he seems like a nice guy, and wouldn't mind getting to know him.

Ronan: A little bit unnerving, a little bit childish in his anger. Makoa isn't quite sure how to feel about him but she's not sure she'll be fond of his presence.

Kazimir: She gets a bad, bad feeling from him. Uncaring, unkind. Makoa is on edge around him.

Aerona: Strange. Observant. Intriguing. A bit terrifying. Makoa wonders if there's any good in her.

Conor: Makoa can sense something's off about him. He doesn't seem to have much regard for his surroundings, which worries her.

Julian: Seems like a cute, nice kid. A dreamer. Makoa finds herself slightly attracted to him and his wistfulness.

Carl: Determined, vengeful. She's wary of him. He's holding a secret Makoa doesn't really want to find out.

Harry: Seems happy. Seems like a mask. Makoa wonders why he feels the need to hide so blatantly, and would enjoy getting to know and understand him.
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Kazimir Sewick

Lynell - Kaz doesn't really mind working with her. If she succeeds, it will only benefit him. However, he does hold some respect for how determined and capable she is.

Remy - Kaz is pretty interested in his ability as it would be amazingly useful. He knows though that Remy wouldn't join him so doesn't put very much effort in befriending him.

Ronan - Kaz loves the sarcasm and how cynical he is and finds it fairly amusing. Otherwise, he's mainly neutral towards him.

Makoa - He views Koa's kindness as a sort of weakness and as such holds her in contempt. He'll work with her but he won't really like it.

Aerona - Kaz somewhat respects her skills but is put off by all the tattoos. And the craziness. He doesn't really like how open she is with her sadism.

Conor - He finds Conor rather odd but doesn't really pay very much attention to him at the moment.

Julian - He doesn't like Julian due to his loyalty to the government. It is amusing to watch him though because of his seemingly listless nature.

Carl - Kaz likes his ruthlessness but is somewhat wary of his pro-human tendencies, especially since he can't afford to do anything to Carl.

Harry - Kaz has dealt with depressed people before and vaguely pities him. It's not very hard for him to see beyond the mask but generally humors him and acts as though he doesn't notice.

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Julian's Feelings On The Team

Lynell Hayak - Julian considers her a good leader and a well prepared one at that. He enjoys her skills and natural confidence, appreciating how she pulls together the team she has assembled and highly respects her for it. He is actually almost the most open and talkative around her, as he trusts her and has known her the most and longest out of anyone.

Carl Holland - Julian feels a sense of almost pity for Carl. He sees and knows some rumors surrounding the man's past and understands that hi seriousness is something which he uses as a defense mechanism and a mask to hide how injured and bitter he feels about the past and loss, and considers him a prime example of someone wronged by one of his kind, and how instances like him result in worse and worse treatment of Mavericks.

Ronan Beckett - he understands that Ronan feels a great deal of animosity towards him, and because of this he is still understanding, knowing that Ronan is a cold man with not a lot of reason besides life simply slowly turning him that way. He understands this and still wishes only to make peace and good conversation with Ronan, even though this is unlikely most times.

Makoa Kalani - he sees a lot of himself in her, and because of that can easily connect with her as she is kind and motherly, and he is also sweet, aimless and not necessarily angered or very passionate. Even though she is not truly sweet and gentle, her kindness and inspiration is very accommodating, and he genuinely enjoys being her team mate, harboring completely platonic feelings for her however.

Harry Tute - he enjoys Harry's well meaning confidence and compassion for others very much, and secretly admires how he can so easily be bright and energetic. He does not truly see many flaws with him as he is not very perceptive beyond the barrier he hides, nor is a very good judge of character, but figures by logical reasoning that everyone has their weak points and bad days, and the fact that Harry often overcomes this or tries his hardest to is truly inspiring to Julian as well.

Remy Lemieux - another example of a more reserved and quiet character, Julian can find a lot of common ground in how both do not talk very much, but however Remy's cold nature, yet not necessarily brash or negative attitude makes him keep his distance, making it slightly difficult for them to really bond beyond simple business and good teamwork, as they would not have many obstacles or personal issues to overcome. However, he is slightly uncomfortable with his temper, as he does not like big shows of expression or emotion, and wishes for Remy to only calm down. However, he sees him as more misunderstood, so he occasionally tries to reach out to him.

Kazimir Sewick - Julian feels a lot of mistrust towards him. This is mostly because he always sees Kazimir as a person always out for personal gain, mainly because, due to his reserved nature, he is not sociable enough for his charm to have much affect on him. He feels like Kazimir is a very weak link, and does not know how to feel about him, so he keeps his distance away from him at all times, yet his eyes almost always focused.

Rona Afino - another character whose personality makes Julian wary, Rona makes Julian feel slightly uneasy at all times, yet due to his own mask of perfect apathy, he never allows this to become apparent, and due to his listless nature it always appears as if he's simply stupid enough to allow her to assess him and find out his weaknesses, when he is always watching her, from the corner of his eye, as her sadistic tendencies and criminal record admittedly make him feel uncomfortable, not like she would really extend an olive branch, so they tend to be distant.

Conor Gray - another example of charm failing to work on him, Julian finds Conor's people personality at first to be endearing, but slowly finds that his advances are almost always forced or coordinated, and figures that the motions he makes towards him and outright gestures of friendliness or outright attempts at bonding are way too apparent to not be hiding something more sinister. He dislikes him for this reason, and also keeps his distance, but admittedly still finds his actions around others to be amusing and well sharpened as skills.

Conor's Relationships

Lynell: Conor obviously dislikes Lynell strongly, being an inspector. But Conor understands her reasons, though he may not tolerate them. And, given her position, Conor would enjoy watching her be reduced to nothing.

Remy: Remy's quiet and cold nature lets Conor sympathize with him, at least a bit. Conor would, however, not trust him, since he was a former Hound. He also admires his ability, but thinks it could be of more use if someone with a different.. style had it.

Ronan: Conor never understood what drives Mavericks to become Hounds. He thinks Ronan is foolish for becoming one. On the other hand, Conor dislikes his sarcasm, and waves off the opinions he so often expresses (without showing it, of course).

Makoa: Conor usually doesn't like kind people, but there's something different about Koa. She seems empathetic enough.. And Conor would make an effort to seem nicer in front of her.

Kazmir: Conor feels like he and Kazmir could definitely be a good pair on missions. But Conor would avoid him during ANY high stakes mission. They could maybe even be friends, if Kaz was a bit more... selfless. In short, Conor could work well with Kaz, but does not trust him at all. Conor sees right through the manipulation. You get used to it after you spend your life doing the same.

Aerona: Unique. Conor finds amusement in Aerona's sadism, doing things that Conor wouldn't do in the open. However, Conor sees her as a glass cannon; open to manipulation and control. But Conor knows that with all insane people, there's something under. He'd like to see her inner feelings released. Because of her sadistic and insane nature, Conor finds it humorous to interact with her verbally. But he feels like him and Rona would be the ultimate pair for missions.

Julian: Conor is envious towards Julian's peaceful nature, though he sees some parallels in their personalities. Preferring to stay (mostly) quiet and watchful. However, Conor despises Hounds, and would like to see Julian rebel in some way. On a side note, Conor finds Julian's ability quite useless, and the concept to be pretty funny.

Carl: Conor and Carl's views on Mavericks and Humans are so different that Conor can't stand hating him with a passion. Even though he doesn't show it, Conor would like nothing more than to kill Carl and everything he stands for slowly and painfully.

Harry: Conor finds Harry to be so normal that he isn't. Just a happy, regular guy? Conor doesn't think so, and he'd really like to find out what's under that shell of his. And, of course, Conor's feeling for Hounds still stands with Harry: They're stupid people for joining the MCB, and deserve better.

Lynell -
Harry will probably like her, and respect that she doesn't show weakness, just like he does his best to. He'll like that she's so caring as well, though her perfectionism might worry him if it goes too far. He'll see her enthusiasm as fantastic, and will be glad that she can step above arguments between the others to solve them. Her loyalty is probably the thing that Harry respects best, and would agree with the dislike of a life sentence and not being keen on working with Malefactors. Her brutal honesty might not be what he usually goes for but he'll mostly understand it when it's necessary.

Remy - Harry will probably feel bad for the poor guy, being so shy, but think it's a shame that he's not so keen on goofing off every now and then, though he'll agree with his beliefs on Mavericks. When he realises that the guy is a Malefactor, he'll trust him less, but might be willing to listen to his story, and it's a coin flip if he believes it or not.

Ronan - Harry won't really mind his sarcasm, but he'd prefer it not being so dark or cynical, and he would hate that the man is fueled by rage, something which he sees as the wrong way to live.

Koa - Harry will appreciate her diligence and that she's content with how things are, though he'd try and make her less shy as she is at first. The care she takes with everything is something which Harry can very much respect, even if it's not something that he would always do.

He would be very glad for her caring nature, and given enough time, he might even open up to her if he knew her well enough.

Kazimir - Harry will despise his cruelty, and see right past his facade of politeness, knowing that he only does it for his own benefit. Most likely he would not notice his manipulative nature, but if he did he would always be on the lookout when interacting with him.

Rona - Harry will likely feel quite uncomfortable around her, noticing her looking at him in her cold, calculating way, and will worry that she's working out who he really is. He will do his best to avoid her.

As he works her out, seeing how sadistic and awful a person she is, he will begin to despise her for being so awful, probably asking for her to be kicked from the team, even demanding for it. If such still fails, he might even set her up to prove what she really is and that she should never have been on the team.

Conor - Harry won't generally trust him, being a Malefactor, and will hate his disregard for collateral damage, especially with people involved. If he eventually learns his fears though, about how he hides within himself, he might understand him more and just try to help.

Julian - Harry won't really know what to think about Julian at first. He'd maybe try to understand him but just find him to be barely present, even if that isn't the case. Were he to get to know him, Harry will like that he does his best to help people and make the world a better place.

Carl - If he realises how much he hates Mavericks, Harry will dislike the man, if the coldness doesn't make that happen already. He might respect the man, however, especially for how he acts in the field, though if there comes a moral decision that Carl makes in what Harry sees as the wrong way, then he'll lose a lot of that respect, and probably wouldn't follow his orders trying to stop him.

Aerona's Thoughts

Lynell Hayek @sunshineintoveins Lynell would have to keep a very close on her in particular. She would try to interact with Rona in hopes that there's some sort of good lying within her. She would pity her for being so young. If she decides that Rona is an evil sadist and nothing more, she will treat her like a weapon.

Because of Lynell's high position of power as an Inspector and being the main MCB person, Aerona would observe her almost every moment that they're together. She can immediately and easily see through the Inspector's façade and see the weaknesses and fears hidden underneath. She'll find the Inspector intriguing because of her "hope" for the young Maverick and find their relationship rather amusing, albeit annoying, as the woman attempts to search for the nonexistent humane side of Rona.

Carl Holland @too much idea Aerona would realize quickly that the Inspector greatly dislikes Mavericks and would find entertainment in that fact. She'd probably try to intentionally annoy him in hopes of making him act out and react angrily, which would only make the red-head giggle in enjoyment. She'll know when to stop, though, because her goal is to not die.
Ronan Beckett @ReverseWells Ronan finds her odd, and tries to not pay attention to her. Her creep stare, blazing red hair, and being so young makes the two not have much in common.

Despite the two not having much in common in terms of perspective and age, Rona will find him interesting and entertaining to mess with. His cynical and sarcastic nature would amuse her, and she'd probably do anything to make him irritated with her just to see his reaction. She'll enjoy his sarcastic comments the most, though.

Makoa Kalani @CloudyBlueDay Strange. Observant. Intriguing. A bit terrifying. Makoa wonders if there's any good in her.

The hound would definitely be interesting in Aerona's eyes. She'd be confused and wonder how the Hound could be so kind and friendly towards others, though she'd probably think of her to be stupid, or something along those lines, for having hope in humanity.

Julian Kingsman @Elision of Ecritures another character whose personality makes Julian wary, Rona makes Julian feel slightly uneasy at all times, yet due to his own mask of perfect apathy, he never allows this to become apparent, and due to his listless nature it always appears as if he's simply stupid enough to allow her to assess him and find out his weaknesses, when he is always watching her, from the corner of his eye, as her sadistic tendencies and criminal record admittedly make him feel uncomfortable, not like she would really extend an olive branch, so they tend to be distant.

After a bit of time (not long at all), she'd notice him watching her and keeping an eye on her. It doesn't bother her at all. He wouldn't be the first. Julian wouldn't be too interesting to Aerona, so she'd probably just leave him alone for the most part.

Harry Tute @The J Harry will likely feel quite uncomfortable around her, noticing her looking at him in her cold, calculating way, and will worry that she's working out who he really is. He will do his best to avoid her.

As he works her out, seeing how sadistic and awful a person she is, he will begin to despise her for being so awful, probably asking for her to be kicked from the team, even demanding for it. If such still fails, he might even set her up to prove what she really is and that she should never have been on the team.

Rona wouldn't care about the male's pleas to kick her off. She'd know that she's a valuable asset to the team, and it'd be very difficult to get her off the team with her skills. The Malefactor would also notice the male's supposed "happiness" and, after some time, be able to see the darkness inside commonly referred to as depression. Her humane side would sympathize with the man, but she doesn't really have a humane side. So Rona would either ignore the depression or perhaps find out why it's planted in him just to irritate him.

Remy Lenieux @sunshineintoveins Because of his hot temper, Aerona would probably intentionally try to set him off in hopes to see his anger at play. Mostly just for amusement. Otherwise, he's not of much interest to her.

Kazimir Sewick @raspberryrose Kaz somewhat respects her skills but is put off by all the tattoos. And the craziness. He doesn't really like how open she is with her sadism.

Kazimir doesn't seem like he'd be able to offer any intriguing qualities that would make Aerona curious, so she'd probably leave him alone for the most part, honestly.

Conor Gray @Guydaguy Unique. Conor finds amusement in Aerona's sadism, doing things that Conor wouldn't do in the open. However, Conor sees her as a glass cannon; open to manipulation and control. But Conor knows that with all insane people, there's something under. He'd like to see her inner feelings released. Because of her sadistic and insane nature, Conor finds it humorous to interact with her verbally. But he feels like him and Rona would be the ultimate pair for missions.

She's probably just play along with his games. In a sense, she'd consider him her closest "friend," though it wouldn't necessarily be a friend. I suppose "accomplice" would be a better fitting description. She'd agree that they'd be a fun and interesting pair for missions.

Carl Holland

In General:

  • Mavericks: Bad, he sees them as freak/God's horrible mistake. He despises Malefactors
  • Humans: Generally nice to all human, except those who are supportive of Mavericks

Lynell -
Carl respected her as her boss, even from before the accident happens. He really appreciates her presence, as she patiently stand by his side and still trust him with important matters. Lynell is the only person Carl believes in, the only person he is loyal to.

- As a person, Carl sees Remy as a bird of feather. He respected his quick wit and deduction skill. Carl understand about his trouble communicating with his teammates, but as long as he knows what to do when Inspectors gave him the order Carl doesn't really think much about it

Ronan - Carl read his files, he quickly understand that he's a broken man just like him. If only the situation is different, Carl thought that they might be friend instead of arguing a whole lot. Carl, actually, doesn't mind his sarcasm. Sometimes, in fact, Carl even smiled at his sacrastic comment. Carl always keep his guards up around the guy, sees him as a dangerous faulty gun that might blow off in your hand at any time.

Makoa - Her personality reminds Carl of his fiance, so much that he decided to keep his distance from her.

Kazimir - Carl hates his ruthlessness and brutality, and frustated whenever he started talking with the obvious goal of manipulating him into doing whatever he wants him to do and how he never really apologizes for any mistake that he did. Like all Malefactors placed in his team, Carl keep a very close watch on him.

Rona - If asked to describe her in one word, Carl would answer 'dangerous'. He sees that this kind of person, this kind of Mavericks is the one that should not be let alive and one of the main reason why Carl thinks the mandatory death sentence proposed by the PSH is necessary.

Conor - Carl is fond of his humbleness, something that he really appreciates especially with that background of his. Like all Malefactors placed in his team, Carl keep a very close watch on him.

Julian - One of a handful Mavericks Carl doesn't mind eating a lunch together with. He enjoy his kindness and generally quiet personality

Harry - Calm, confident, and looks really happy but Carl sees throught that little illusion of his. But he won't say anything or help him out, not unless he started trying seriously

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