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Fantasy Operation Last Judgement (Military portal fantasy war against demons)

Where should the OOC be hosted?

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ur lite fades awey
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New Year’s Day 2022. The day the world changed forever. Around the world, what could only be described as flaming portals materialised out of thin air, and from them spewed beasts of the apocalypse. Inhuman creatures of legend, monsters of the end times, demons from hell. They came forth, slaughtering everything in their path, seeking nothing but destruction.

Thousands were slain in the opening hours of this invasion, and many more in the ensuing chaos, with entire towns and cities being wiped off the map. By the time the world’s militaries responded to the intrusion, numerous national governments had already collapsed, their head of states dead from sudden and unexpected surgical strikes.

Those that had withstood the initial assault formed an emergency line of communication, and slowly but surely pushed the demonic force back to the portals where they had come from, and eventually, exterminated them completely. The battle was one that was hard-fought, with many dead and the nations they belonged to shattered. Yet it was over, and the world mourned their dead and began to rebuild from the damage that had been done.

More than that, the world now had to come to terms with the fact that they had just been attacked by an unknown force of beings who by all means were demonic in nature, from the very depths of hell itself. Of course, this revelation did not go uneventfully, either, with chaos breaking out across the world from religious groups and scientific communities. The entire world seemed to be on the very brink of collapse itself.

Then came another offensive, more portals appearing, and more of those very invaders came forth to deal another attack, and they too were pushed back and defeated. And then it happened again, and again.

By then, the nations of the world had realised that these intrusions weren’t going to stop, and thus decided that a solution had to be found. Hence, the surviving nations of Earth came together under the banner of a reformed United Nations to form the Extradimensional Response Coalition, a military force composed of the combined armies of the world to form a stalwart shield against the demonic tide.

This new force was put to the test for the first time during the fifth intrusion towards the end of 2023. Together, the forces of the world battled the invaders as one, and came out victorious once again, this time with the greatest success and minimal casualties. The ERC was deemed a success, and thus the member nations would only continue to grow stronger as they worked together to end the threat once and for all.

In 2024, following the conclusion of another major intrusion, another portal would suddenly appear without warning at the summit of Mount Tabor in Israel, this one larger than ever seen before.

As the ERC scrambled to respond and prepare to face whatever enemy might come through, they were greeted with a most unexpected sight. Instead of demons coming through, humans, elves, dwarves, and other beings that were straight out of a fantasy novel emerged in large numbers. They claimed that they were inhabitants of the world of Erodiel, and that they too were at war with the demonic forces, but their inferior technology and population meant that their world was devastated. They said that the demonic forces had almost entirely subjugated Erodiel, and that Earth was next.

The demons, however, hadn’t expected such fierce resistance from the forces of Earth, and as such it allowed the resistance on Erodiel to survive, and a chance to study the magic used by the demons. They managed to open a permanent portal to Earth by the very same methods used by their demonic adversaries, which in turn allowed the ERC a way to strike directly at demonic territory.

And thus, the forces of Earth staged a massive counter-invasion through the portal, striking at the demonic forces with superior firepower and technology, pushing deeper and deeper into their territory. However, with casualties piling up and the lines growing thin, the offensive eventually ground to a halt. The frontlines have remained stagnant for months.

But hope is not all lost. Elements of the newly-formed Direct Assault & Ground Reconnaissance (DAGR) branch of the ERC, formed of handpicked special operations personnel from around the world and veteran Erodiel native resistance members, have been tasked with forming the vanguard for a renewed offensive into demonic territory. It would be the largest offensive conducted by humanity, and with new weapons and technology ready to be deployed, it is hoped that this offensive will end the threat for good.

With the fate of two worlds and perhaps countless more hanging in the balance, total victory can be the only outcome of this operation. A final push deep into enemy territory, the likes of which have never been seen before. For us, those who stand against darkness, it shall be our decisive strike, and for our demonic enemies, it shall be their last judgement.


Created by Corrosion Corrosion , Casey Jewels Casey Jewels , and Viper Actual Viper Actual


Welcome to Operation Last Judgement, and if you've read this far, congratulations! After about a year and a half, I'm starting another group RP, with some help of course from Casey Jewels Casey Jewels and Viper Actual Viper Actual who helped me create this setting. The setting itself borrows pretty heavily from an old RP I hosted in 2023, which never left the ground.

This RP is a somewhat unconventional take on the portal fantasy/isekai genre, in that it follows a war between the forces of modern Earth and demonic invaders, with the main battlefield being a fairly typical medieval fantasy world known as Erodiel that has been shattered by said demons, who had first laid siege to the world before moving on to Earth. Unlike a more standard isekai hook in which the protagonists are either reincarnated or teleported by Truck-kun, this is more along the lines of something like Gate, with military forces moving through a portal to another world.

Here, players take on the role as a member of Task Force DAGR Team One, the most elite unit if the branch. As the unit is comprised of both those from Erodiel and international special forces, players characters can be one of either, or both (though I recommend both to balance it out a little). For Earth human characters, they can only be human (obviously) military personnel, and for Erodiel characters they can be pretty much anything within reason such as elves and orcs and whatnot, given how the resistance is pretty much made up of a rag tag bunch of survivors. By the time the story begins the portal would have been open for about a year, so your character could be familiar with Earth, or a recent arrival. You're more than welcome to form your own lore for both sides as well. Characters on both sides will also have their unique traits and abilities.

State of the World

Since the First Intrusion on New Year’s Day 2022, the governments of Earth have come together in order to form an emergency defence coalition to counter the demonic threat, and as such the militaries of the world have been more mobilised than ever before. Due to the demons being able to appear just about everywhere, a large part of the population in various countries have been relocated to the fortified cities, although many still remain in rural towns. Measures have also been put in place in the event of a sudden demonic attack, such as drills and shelters.

The ERC is headed by the most powerful nations in the world, primarily that of the United Nations Security Council who form the core leadership and military forces, although powerful non-UNSC members such as India and Japan also contribute a significant amount of military personnel and funds.

Due to most of the world being focused on countering the demonic forces, global cooperation has been its highest in history, with old enemies and geopolitical rivals putting aside their differences at least temporarily for the protection of the human race.

However, some less developed nations have also fallen completely into chaos, either due to societal collapse in the wake of the initial invasions or due to becoming overrun. Some countries that were already on the brink of collapse even before the invasions due to civil war such as Yemen or Somalia collapsed completely, now either being lawless wastelands or absorbed by neighbouring countries. North Korea in particular suffered the worst, nuking itself into oblivion after its government was completely overrun.

Despite the global cooperation, there is also infighting, due to conflicting ideals, especially the issue of what would happen were the demonic forces to be defeated for good.

The story will begin mid-2025.


Erodiel is a fairly bog-standard D&D-type mostly medieval fantasy world that has been under assault by the demonic forces for the past five years. Due to the world's level of technological advancement, the demons were able to overrun it quickly, causing whole kingdoms to collapse, while the survivors banded together to form a resistance led by the remnants of the Kingdom of Irdonia. The one advantage Erodiel has is its magical presence, which is what has allowed its inhabitants to survive this long and open the portal to Earth.

Overall, Erodiel has become a shell of itself, its nations crumbled, and some races thought to have become extinct.

Final Thoughts

This RP will be fairly narrative-heavy and slow-paced, so you can take your time with replies (though I'd prefer a reply at least once a week of course). I'm looking for a fairly small but dedicated group of 8-10 players, with two characters each. This RP will also contain (obviously) mature content due to its setting, and I aim to make it fairly realistic, though of course some breaks would have to be made for fun to be had.

I will either host the OOC here on on Discord based on popular vote (I love democracy).
interested in playing a character from earth who's been learning arts/magics from Erodiel- not sure if that's possible in the lore.
I'm interested, of course.

I plan on playing a human ex-cleric from Erodiel.
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ah, unfortunate. What about not-quite-magical stuff like Monk ki techniques and so on? I'm guessing that's off the board too?

Yup, pretty much. Magic just doesn't exist on Earth, given how it's pretty much real world Earth.
Alright, so since everyone wants the OOC to be on Discord, I've created a server. Please DM me for the invite.
If you'd like to have me, then I'll see what I can come up with.
I'm considering playing some kind of Marksman / Sniper from Earth and...I'm not sure about the fantasy character yet. Maybe a rogue or even someone with demon blood who has chosen "the side of mortals".
Thanks for showing interest. Since we've reached the limit for now, I'll be closing additional applicants. For those who aren't in the Discord yet, please join using the link by DMing me.
Alright, character sheets are now up.

ThatWhichShouldBe ThatWhichShouldBe Vox Angelis Vox Angelis Please do join the Discord for OOC.
It's scenarios like this that give me the strength to carry on. You're a real one for this. Anyways, I am also very much interested in joining if you have the space. I do have a questions up front though, if it's not too much trouble.

I'm understanding the general vibes of Erodiel; castles, villages, forts, and so on. However, what's the average technological level of the world's inhabitants? Are they purely medieval or are we talking turn of the century technology? I guess my biggest wonder is whether or not they've developed firearms yet, or perhaps an arcane equivalent.
Erodiel is largely medieval, but Erodiel characters can have Earth weapons/tech if you so desire. Pre-invasion, magic would be more advanced than tech, but I don't think magic guns specifically would be a thing. Those could start appearing once learning about Earth firearms, though.
Bronco Bronco Yup, Erodiel is pretty much your standard medieval fantasy world. Send me a DM for the Discord link if you're interested.

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