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Fandom [Open to 21+ long-term] Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!


New Member
+ Please be 21 or over. I'm 28 and an old lady now, and I really don't feel comfortable roleplaying with anybody younger than that. Sorry, that's a strict rule.

Honestly, the longer you've been on the site the better just for my comfort-level haha!

+ Personal choice, but I generally prefer to write with females.

+ Please be committed if poss!

+ I tend to really like slice-of-life, and I don't plan things strictly. If you're after action at all times then this might not be for you. I love fluff as well and drama is a must.

+ I tend to write a paragraph or two per post, so please keep that in mind. One or two sentence stuff is fine as long as I can understand what you're saying.


Plot: Bit of an odd one but I've just watched the second Beetlejuice movie and as expected, I love it! ❤️

I'd like to play Beetlejuice against an adult Lydia. Or alternatively, I'd be happy to play an equally boisterous female version of Beetlejuice against Lydia — if we'd prefer an f/f.

I'm thinking that as-per the movies, there'd be some underhanded behaviour to try and marry the mortal while also being the ghost with the most ☠️

We could include Asrid for some family drama of course, & all the strangeness and sleaziness of Beetlejuice & the supernatural world 🌎 😀

We can more-or-less do anything but I'd like something centered around that somewhat toxic relationship. I'm not totally sure on plot, but I'd be happy to somewhat go by the films in that respect.

Lydia requires something or Astrid finds herself meddling in the supernatural world, only for Beetlejuice to be the only option; and an actual not-totally-normal-romantic relationship to come from that. I'm not completely sure but I feel like we could work something out.

Send me a message if you're interested 🪲 🧃
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Hello, Opal Dragon. I saw your ad through a Google search. I haven't seen the second movie, but I love the first, have seen the cartoon and know all about the Broadway musical. I'm in my 30s, so I think we match roughly in age; also, I match your writing amount - one to two paragraphs - pretty well, though of course I can do more or less dependent on scenes. I literally just made my account, really trying to branch out to find some more RP partners who I mesh with a bit better. But, I have been writing RP for years now, since I was much younger.

If all of this seems workable and you're still looking for partners, feel free to direct message me and once I figure out how this site works (LOL totally newbie here) maybe we can work something out!
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