[Open] The Lost Jewels (SIGN UPS AND INFO/OOC)

Name: Tikka Alai

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Animal: Lizard

Normal Appearance: view attachment

Transformation Appearance: view attachment

Incantation: Evolve, Project lizard

Transformation Ring: intertwined gold and green metal in a simple twisted band

Weapon: Spear or Throwing Daggers

Special Skills/Attacks: Can climb very well and hang upside down. Her scales can help her as a built in sheild. Has sharp nails to use when all else fails.

Personality: Tough, ashamed, brave, and courageous. Will always put others before herself. She tends to stay clear of romance because she has a low self-esteem and doesn't think anyone could ever love a lizard. Doesn't consider herself important

History: When she was young she was abandoned by her mother who was afraid of her nasty and ugly lizard form. Her parents were completely normal poor folks who had no idea to do with their monster of a daughter. They first attempted to kill her but found her scales were too tough for their simple dagger. So they just left her for dead in a nearby wood where she lived the next 18 years of her life depending mainly on her stronger more durable lizard form to keep her alive. When she turned 19 she left to try to civilize herself and to this day continues to try.

Familiar/Esper: Someone can be it if they want

Theme Song: play C A B B A G E on the piano. That's the theme song<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Screenshot_2013-07-29-01-51-54.png.30ab08bede6a9cd95e0b859bbf25a37e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Screenshot_2013-07-29-01-51-54.png.30ab08bede6a9cd95e0b859bbf25a37e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_20130729_022123.JPG.5e3280f550b586e3fcc96fe316c449a8.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3980" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/IMG_20130729_022123.JPG.5e3280f550b586e3fcc96fe316c449a8.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Bah, got halfway through my character design and realized I was ripping off Spider-Man. Let's try this again. Building a defense/healer type character.


Name: Ingrid Reed

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Animal: Orb Weaver spider

Normal Appearance:


Transformation Appearance: A human-spider hybrid with featureless black eyes, the upper body of a human, and the legs of a spider. She wears chitinous black body armour and a cloak of green silk. (I'll draw this later. My tablet is broken and drawing with a mouse looks kinda stupid.)

Incantation: "Evolve, Project Arachnid."

Transformation Ring: A ring of twisted silver set with an asymmetrically-cut black onyx.

Weapon: Bolas

Special Skills/Attacks:

  • Web: she can place webs to entangle opponents and block attacks.
  • Heal: Spiderweb applied to wounds instantly stops bleeding and miraculously speeds the repair of damaged tissue.
  • Cling: Clawed spider legs allow her to climb normally impossible surfaces.

Personality: Extremely resourceful and willing to work with what's at hand, but less willing to work with other people. Has a undercurrent of egotism that shows itself as a mistrust of others and a tendency to feel guilty for things beyond her control. Still, she's an idealist at heart and would go far to stop something she perceives as unjust, even if it means losing friends.

History: Daughter of a wealthy family and a grade A student under the best private tutoring money can buy, she was working towards entering university as a biologist. Then an Esper showed up, and, as far as she can see, everything went downhill from there.

Familiar/Esper: Axis

Theme Song: World on Fire - Les Friction

Other: Evolution.


Well, there's my first RP character profile in years. Yell at me if it's not okay.

Another question: The description thing mentions Espers granting wishes. Could you expand on what that means, exactly?
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Skid Accepted. Think Kyuubie. He granted them a wis, in exchange for services.

steampugg Please read all the rules. Hint: Everything about your character is fine. Password..



I was thinking about a theme song for the rp, and I kinda like this one, Does it meet your approval?

Theme Song for this rp:

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Name: Teya Starlight

Gender: female

Assigned Magi: Mayu Ichimiya

Appearance 1: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Cute-black-hair-anime-girl.jpg.89e6c190cb374d5698cee3eb979380cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Cute-black-hair-anime-girl.jpg.89e6c190cb374d5698cee3eb979380cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> gives credit to owner.

Appearance 2:
i give credit to owner

Personality: easy-going and happy. she manages to see the good in every situation even if it seems like there isn't any good. She can make almost anyone smile. She can come off as hyper active and really silly but she can have a very mean way about her if someone ticks her off which most often happens when she is called gullible or otherwise made fun of because of her happy-go-lucky personality.

Skills: Great with a sword.

Is a lot stronger then she looks.

Quick-learner and observant

most people don't realize how observant she is because of the way she acts. 
what do i put in the assigned magi area?



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One to two paragraphs just so you can have someone able to reply to you.




Normal Appearance:

Transformation Appearance: (Must include features from your animal)

Incantation: "Evolve, Project..."Pegasos Spread your wings to the sky and beyong(Pegasus)

Transformation Ring: (What your character uses to transform. Color of the Ring must match the color of your transformation)


Special Skills/Attacks:Star shower,Golden Noose,Holy Light(Can heal only those on the brink of death),Happy Shower,Music Rondo,Flight,Pegasus Mode(Takes on the form of a pegasus

Personality:Sky doesn't like anybody literally nobody,He's a dark and secluded person and the only reason he does what he does is because he has a vendetta against all of evil cynical and sneaky Sky is not a person that you'd want to be around However below all of that lays a sweet person,but it takes a lot to break through that shell

History: (Opt.)

Familiar/Esper: (Can be played by someone else)

Theme Song: (Opt.)





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