Historical Storyteller
Four Thousand Club
Historical Storyteller
no 1 gold still equals 10 silver so you only have 50 silver yeah it's a little odd but that's because of weight or something
I still don't think the dry goods store is all too important at the moment, so if 50 silver is only enough for two potions, we're getting two potions. I'm of the opinion that we can get much more done with two vigor potions (40 silver) than with one healing potion.
We will acquire some additional money and healing potions by heading outside the cottage and looking for the lost ring. It's small, but we can probably figure it out. Perhaps a glow or a glint of light from the gold?
That'll take care of our bills, and it's a nice little errand that will make us feel accomplished until we need to head out into some actual danger.
Huh, didn't know 1 gold equals 10 silver.
In any case, just use whatever we've got to buy at least one healing potion, anything more than that is a big bonus.
Hm, you're right, maybe we should go look outside the cottage.
Don't make it take too long, we've still got a lot of people to meet.
The clock's ticking.