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Futuristic (Open RP) The Cosmic Alliance || Recruitment


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Roleplay Availability
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Join us now in the
Cosmic Alliance
GenreSci-Fi, Sandbox
Status Accepting
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  • Intro
    The galaxy is old, very old, and has seen the rise and fall of many an empire in its time. Many bitter wars have been fought and alliances forged in the name of resources or carving out pieces of territory, but as far as the galaxy is concerned, such events have always been but a brief flash in the pan at best. At best, a civilisation can hope to have an intergalactic force that rules with such power and longevity, that it may actually make for an interesting footnote somewhere before it is inevitably cut down to size like all that came before it.

    Such is the nature of the Vanished Galaxy, so-named because of mildly-concerning legends of entire empires and unstoppable armies simply…vanishing. Gone without a trace, or cut down from their prime so abruptly that anthropologists and historians are left scratching their heads over what exactly happened. The galaxy is vast after all, and huge sections of it still remain a mystery to nearly all of its inhabitants. Surely, there could be answers lurking beyond the Known Sphere, though whether it would be possible or wise for anyone to ever seek them out is often up for debate.

    But you, of course, want nothing to do with any of that. The Cosmic Alliance doesn’t appreciate people poking their noses around into dangerous areas and trains of thought after all. And who would want to squander a hard-earned opportunity to join its ever-growing ranks so easily?

    Founded approximately 200 years ago, The Cosmic Alliance is the latest attempt by more placid or, alternatively, more desperate members of the galaxy to form a federation built on peace and prosperity. Led by an enigmatic leadership simply known as ‘The Council’, its primary focus is to create an intergalactic union of planets for defensive and economic purposes. It is noteworthy in particular for taking even pre-space worlds under its wings, shielding them from the outside dangers of the galaxy and offering a gentle, guiding hand from afar until it is decided that they too, are ready to join the alliance.

    You are most likely a member of The Cosmic Alliance, or at the very least, someone who was dragged along onto this ship by someone else that is a member. Perhaps you are a fresh new recruit, eager to serve your ship on its first mission, or a hardened old officer sent to keep an eye on the new trainees. You could be someone who is merely passing through, seeking travel from one planet to another, or hoping to sell a few of your ill-gotten wares from an Elysiel junkyard before any of the snootier staff members catch wind of your activities.

    For whatever your reason, you are here, on The Observer. And that’s soon to be a twist of fate that could very well let you make your mark on Vanished history.
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Background Image from Frank Cone from Pexels

The galaxy is old, very old, and has seen the rise and fall of many an empire in its time. Many bitter wars have been fought and alliances forged in the name of resources or carving out pieces of territory, but as far as the galaxy is concerned, such events have always been but a brief flash in the pan at best. At best, a civilisation can hope to have an intergalactic force that rules with such power and longevity, that it may actually make for an interesting footnote somewhere before it is inevitably cut down to size like all that came before it.

Such is the nature of the Vanished Galaxy, so-named because of mildly-concerning legends of entire empires and unstoppable armies simply…vanishing. Gone without a trace, or cut down from their prime so abruptly that anthropologists and historians are left scratching their heads over what exactly happened. The galaxy is vast after all, and huge sections of it still remain a mystery to nearly all of its inhabitants. Surely, there could be answers lurking beyond the Known Sphere, though whether it would be possible or wise for anyone to ever seek them out is often up for debate.

But you, of course, want nothing to do with any of that. The Cosmic Alliance doesn’t appreciate people poking their noses around into dangerous areas and trains of thought after all. And who would want to squander a hard-earned opportunity to join its ever-growing ranks so easily?

Founded approximately 200 years ago, The Cosmic Alliance is the latest attempt by more placid or, alternatively, more desperate members of the galaxy to form a federation built on peace and prosperity. Led by an enigmatic leadership simply known as ‘The Council’, its primary focus is to create an intergalactic union of planets for defensive and economic purposes. It is noteworthy in particular for taking even pre-space worlds under its wings, shielding them from the outside dangers of the galaxy and offering a gentle, guiding hand from afar until it is decided that they too, are ready to join the alliance.

You are most likely a member of The Cosmic Alliance, or at the very least, someone who was dragged along onto this ship by someone else that is a member. Perhaps you are a fresh new recruit, eager to serve your ship on its first mission, or a hardened old officer sent to keep an eye on the new trainees. You could be someone who is merely passing through, seeking travel from one planet to another, or hoping to sell a few of your ill-gotten wares from an Elysiel junkyard before any of the snootier staff members catch wind of your activities.

For whatever your reason, you are here, on The Observer. And that’s soon to be a twist of fate that could very well let you make your mark on Vanished history.

Rules & Guidelines

Please note that rules may be added or modified as needed in the future.

1. Treat others with respect

This should go without saying, but please remember to respect each other throughout the roleplay and on the server, and remember that there is another human being on the other side of your screen. Hate speech and harassment of other members will not be tolerated.

2. Communicate with others

This roleplay recognises that people can get busy and that real life takes priority over the story. It's fine if you need some extra time to come up with a reply, need to take a break from things, or even quit the roleplay all together. All that we ask is that, if possible, to please communicate this clearly with other members.

3. Be mindful of the posting schedule

Our current aim is to try to post at least once a fortnight. Though players will not be kicked out of the roleplay for failing to post in this time, a period of two weeks without a post or any communication about it will have us assume that the player is on hiatus until further notice.

This means that anyone involved in interactions with them is free to skip the reply and continue onwards with the roleplay. Their characters may also be shuffled to the background as off-screen NPCs, though they are able to rejoin the roleplay at any time should the player return. We do our best to respect the characters of others when this happens and minimise any further interactions or consequences for them, but we may give them an in-story nudge off-screen if necessary.

4. Semi-Lit and Literate Friendly

We find that the length of the roleplay post is less important than the ability to interact with it and reply in an easy manner. While we prefer a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs on average, shorter lengths are fine as long as you are able to give other roleplayers some dialogue, action, etc for them to bounce off of in their response. Quality over quantity is the general rule of thumb.

5. We are an 18+ Group

This is a roleplay intended for an older audience alongside of its OOC Discord. We ask that anyone who requests to join be at least 18 years old.

6. We are a primarily LGBTQ+ Group

While anyone is welcome to the server regardless of their identity, we want to stress that there are a high number of LGBTQ+ members currently present on the server and that there is a good chance that many of our characters will likewise share such identities as part of their stories. Please only join the server if you are comfortable with this.


Asterodia Dor Ulfgaar
Mjiorian | 27 | Fluid (She/Her)

A temperamental Mjiorian of some small fame on the planet of Aevin'aar as the adopted daughter of the legendary Captain Skrul. Despite not being related to the family by blood she is additionally the current Aard Bal'dor to Dor Ulfgaar. This is a responsibility that she does not take lightly, and thus has been training for the role for a number of years. She is currently on an assignment from The Cosmic Alliance as a ship mechanic on The Observer.


Isilynor Tralamin
Sylphiel | 33 | Non-Binary (He/They)

Current favoured heir to the Tralamin Guild on Elysiel, a talented expert in cybernetic engineering, and determined to remind others of both of those facts constantly. Isilynor can usually be found in their on-ship lab or stomping around in the hallways somewhere arguing over the conditions of the ship and the fact that no one around here ever seems to have an inch of respect for them. Isilynor is probably right.


Zikvien Vizis-Tevika-Gaktiel
Zita-Gaxx (Korii) | 82 | Female-Presenting (She/Her)

A rather bluntly-spoken, introverted zita-gaxx that has recently found herself in a role as part of the security team for The Observer. Despite her species’ appearance Zikvien is considered to be something of a gentle giant among the crew, providing you don’t give her reason to have to leap to their protection.

Please note that this is just a summary of a few key aspects of the world, and more detail can be found in our
Lore Thread

About The Cosmic Alliance

The Cosmic Alliance can be split into four distinctive branches of the organisation, and an overarching, honorary ‘fifth’ branch said to focus on keeping the other four branches in harmony. The structure is derived from The Four Founders, four alien nations that banded together to form the first iteration of The Cosmic Alliance. Each nation offered itself as the experts of their respective fields, and agreed to collectively share their knowledge, technology, resources and military strength in the event of The Strix or other antagonistic factions suddenly turning their eyes towards any of them.

Though the Cosmic Alliance preaches equality amongst all its members on neutral territory, it is undeniable that the majority of its administrative personnel are still made up of aliens from the original four founders and that they enjoy the most recognition and prestige amongst its members. The branches include Diplomacy, Economics, Military, Scientific, and an overarching Administration Branch.

The Council
The Administration Branch primarily consists of a council of leaders, and the staff that work directly for them. The Council is made up of, typically, one representative per planet within the alliance, though exceptions have been made to this number for a variety of reasons. The basis for how these representatives are chosen can vary wildly, as this is dictated by the laws and customs of each planet in question. While the Cosmic Alliance is considered to be a democracy, with big decisions usually being decided by vote among its members, the council does have the authority to override this vote. They also hold the authority to vote on behalf of their planet during time-sensitive incidents, or similar scenarios where it would be logistically impossible to gather an acceptable amount of votes in the time allowed.

Please note that more information will likely be added here over time as the world and setting evolves.

General Rules & Systems of Law

Due to the variety of races and cultures within The Cosmic Alliance, the organisation for the most-part allows for individual planets to dictate the rules of their space. Though neutral territory exists and abides by the laws set by The Council, most ships, space stations, and worlds instead follow the rules of the nation that owns them within The Alliance. Cultural expectations and acceptances of different lifestyles can therefore vary wildly between locations, and while most nations within The Cosmic Alliance are at least tolerant of those unfamiliar with their ways, it is highly recommended that Alliance members brush up on local legalities before entering new territory.

Currency & Trade

The Cosmic Alliance uses a standardised form of currency known as ‘Bitz’ within its borders, and prices its wares accordingly. Bartering systems are still common amongst individuals though, and it is considered as normal to offer an equivalent resource or use of one’s skill as it would be to pay a vendor in bits. Societies within the Cosmic Alliance may still maintain their own system of currency, though the vast majority of places will accept either form and provide exchange conversions when needed.

Associates & Enemies

The Strix Empire

An overarching, constant worry lingering at the back of the Council’s mind. Despite the threat of The Strix being one of the key driving factors in forming the Cosmic Alliance in the first place, so-far the Empire has done little to draw the ire of the Alliance since its inception. Instead The Strix seem to mostly target planets outside of the protection of the Alliance, or merely observe its various actions and affairs from afar. The Cosmic Alliance considers The Strix to be a very dangerous entity, and urges its members to report any semblance of activity spotted to The Council immediately.

The Obsidian Rose

A mercenary group spanning across many planets. The Obsidian Rose is typically considered a neutral party in political affairs between other factions, though they have been known to pick sides from time to time for more personal issues and beliefs.

The Obsidian Rose offers a variety of services to anyone willing to pay the price of them, ranging from mundane delivery and escort missions to the more nefarious reputation they have for successful ship heists and tracking down high-profile targets. They have a complex relationship with The Cosmic Alliance as a result, as they have been known to rob a ship blind one day and then risk their own safety to save it the next day. This would suggest that the group does have some form of moral code among its members, but as to what exactly that code is still somewhat of a mystery to The Cosmic Alliance.

The symbol of The Obsidian Rose is a black rose, and they have been known to leave behind this flower or decorate items with its image as a mark of their presence. Sometimes the tips of the rose will be dipped in another colour which is used to represent a specific member of the group, most famous of which is the silver-tipped rose that the leader, Silverclaw, uses.

World Information


Given the diversity of species one is likely to come across in everyday life, communication can be one of the most difficult burdens to overcome. A number of organisations will settle on a ‘Universal Language’ that they expect their employees to learn, which does its best to accommodate for a variety of speech patterns but is still an ever-evolving process and has its limitations.

For those with a significant amount of units to spend and a fondness of cybernetics there are translator chips, a tiny technological marvel that is injected into the brain or closest equivalent organ at youth. The chip integrates with the sections of the brain responsible for speech and translates what the owner hears into their native tongue, providing it is one of the hundreds of languages currently available in the Universal Languages Database. Other, much less expensive varieties exist as external devices - which can do the same for their owner providing they are properly attached and regularly updated.

Omnian Language

The Omnian Language is an ongoing development by the Cosmic Alliance as their standard default with all internal affairs. The language is a manufactured one and is constantly expanding and developing based on the needs of its potential users. The Cosmic Alliance heavily encourages all of its employees to learn it to the best of their abilities, and freely offers classes and learning materials to civilians.

There are several different formats of the language being developed due to the variety of methods of communication in the galaxy, which can be distinguished by an optional suffix to describe the format of it. Such examples include Omnispeak, Omniscript, and Omnisign.

The Universal Languages Database (ULD) & ULD Devices

The pride and joy of the Sylphiel race, and a huge contributor to the success of The Cosmic Alliance. The ULD is a collection of languages gathered from hundreds of planets, and is constantly being improved on and updated every cycle. Members of The Cosmic Alliance are granted standard ULD devices when operating on behalf of the alliance, which are typically worn around the wrist or neck. Though not painful if installed properly, a ULD device typically does need to attach small nodes to the nervous system in order to function properly. Improper installation or removal may result in discomfort or minor injury, as well as tamper with the device.

Space Travel

Several forms of long-distant space travel exist across the galaxy. The method most often used by The Cosmic Alliance is the warp method to propel their ships forward at incredible speeds and navigate between star systems in a manner of hours. In an emergency, and at the cost of a huge amount of power, Cosmic Alliance ships can set their engines into overdrive and use this technology to effectively teleport to another point in the galaxy. This ability however is considered to be dangerous to engines and the destination highly unpredictable, potentially stranding the ship in a worse situation than the one it was trying to get away from. Warp Teleporting should be considered as a final, last-ditch effort to escape when all other options appear to be exhausted.


To join the roleplay, please express your interest in the Recruitment Thread, apply in the Character Thread, or simply send a private message to Lycanious for a link if you just want to check out the Discord for now.

Just want to get a feel for the roleplay, peek at the lore, or chat to the other people participating before making any decisions to join? That's fine too. The Discord is open to roleplayers and quiet lurkers alike, and there's no hard feelings if you end up deciding it's not for you.
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Hi Ly, welcome to the site!

If you’re still looking for rp partners I’d be interested in joining your Voyagers idea.
Hey there! At this stage I'm leaning towards OOC being on Discord as it's a format I'm more familiar with and I feel like it'll be easier to chatter and such, share media, etc. But I'm open to hosting something on RPN instead though if it's preferred. Do either of you have a preference?

As for Voyages, yes! I'd love to focus on this one in particular. I'm currently looking around in the hopes of gathering up a few people that are interested, so there's not too much to share or start discussing in the way of plotline and such just yet. But I do have an older 'master doc' of sorts I can polish up and post here in the meantime, if people are interested? No obligation to read any of it, especially if we're potentially changing large chunks of it, but it might at least help give a general vibe for the world and introduce a few species ideas or OCs I have planned, and such.
K yeah most people are into discord for OOC. Sooooo like Imma just lurk your thread to see if you do end up choosing discord k?

Oh welcome to RPN! BTW lol
I think Discord would be easier for communication purposes, but either method works for me.

I’d definitely be interested in reading some of the word you’ve come up with, it’s been a while since I’ve had a good read lol.
Sounds good! I guess I'll lock in using a Discord OOC for now as I'm much more comfortable with it, and then we can discuss whether we need to shuffle some things and such at a later date.

Still in the process of setting up said Discord and polishing up some of the old information I have, but I'll sent out a Discord invite to the both of you now :V

Anyone else reading this message please feel free to DM me or post here that you're interested and I'll be happy to send the invite link to you as well. Even if you just want to hang out and get a vibe for the roleplay, do a bit of world building, or just chatter to people with no pressure to actually join the writing side of things.
Yep :V Open to everyone right now. Will send you a link to the discord.
Update time: Repurposing this into a proper recruitment thread for The Cosmic Alliance, as well as finally updating the first post so that it hopefully gives anyone interested a little more context. Please feel free to post here or message me with any questions, or if you want the link to the discord.
Character sheets now open and slowly transferring over some info to the Lore thread over the next day or two, so giving this a short bump :3
Another bump, getting ready to start the IC thread soon and we're open to join at any time :V
it's been a hot minute since i've done cosmic roleplaying but i'm watching :ghost:
also okay with ooc being on discord

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