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Fantasy (OPEN) Not even Human Anymore

As Hidden settled, his mind drifting to various fantasies of him being back home. Being human, with his family, going to school. Hell, he wouldn't even mind 3 hours of chemistry a night. But, the elk's train of though was soon halted at the next station due to someone in a neighboring cell asking "Is anyone still there?" Hidden remained silent for a moment, exhausted from the daily trials Dr. Frankenstein had put him though. Yet, he felt a pang of loneliness stir within him for the centaur hadn't seen another decent being inside the confines of these walls for a little over a year. Standing and slowly shuffling over to the door, the window a bit too low for him to see out of properly, Hidden then replied "I'm here still..." he trailed off no knowing what else to say. His voice was a tad hoarse from disuse, the scientists at first thought their experimentation had caused him to become mute though he soon proved them wrong by screaming various vulgarities. But, after that, he had lost the will to speak. He was the kind of person that would live by the saying 'If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it' and with most of his thoughts being quite vile, his trap was then shut.

Adam's ears perked up slightly as he heard another, lower male voice as small smile on his face. He sighed with relief as he moved closer to the door and tried his best to keep his head up to peek outside again. He didn't like that there was still a subject here, but he was happy that he wasn't alone in the cell block. "Oh, good... Good..." Adam whispered softly, before doing his best to speak up and asking his most used phrase. "Are you alright, friend?" His eyes darted around the cell block that was visible to him, waiting for a response and hoping that the doctors were too rough on him or caused him much harm. He lost his strength to keep his face in the little window, huffing at how quick he lost his strength as he crossed his arms.

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At the reply, Hidden glanced downward at his elk like lower half. "As alright as anyone with half an elk attached to their body will every be I guess." He gave a forced, dry laugh that seemed to suck out all the humor in the room. He was about to continue on attempting to lighten up the mood when thick huffing began to come from the cell he had just been talking too. "You okay?" Hidden asked his new friend, it was obvious that they had done something to affect his health. But what might that be besides messing with their very building blocks of life?

(I apologize for the short post, really have nothing to go off of.)

The boy nodded and smiled to the door, tugging lightly at his left rabbit ear. "I am fine, just... my bones are just weaker than normal," Adam said with reassurance as he heard his voice echo off the walls of the cell block. He shook his head and he then chuckled lowly at the other boy's statement, his other ear twitched as he reply with a slightly sarcastic statement. "I'd rather be an elk than a rabbit." He pivoted his waist and tugged at the small cotton tail that wiggled lightly at his touch. "It's quite embarrassing to have half rabbit in me..."

(No worries. I am quite bad with certain rping certain situations.)

My ears perked up at the sound of conversation outside of the punishment room. I crawled across the rafters and closer to the door, hearing something about better to be an elk than a rabbit. I was puzzled at what they could be talking about and how the guards hadn't heard them yet.

(Btw don't worry about the size of your post, honestly it could range from one sentence to an essay. You're fine :3. )
"Heh, at least you don't get ridden on a daily basis." Hidden replied in a vile tone. "The bastards are going to break my spine I tell you. If they wanted a mount why not just turn me into a damned horse." The centaur's distant was quite evident due to the way his hooves stopped on the padded floor, it strong enough to make an impression and have it say. Frowning he muttered "what the..." Before using the sharp edge of his foot to dig through said padding, revealing a thin layer of cheap steel. "Oh ho what do we have here..." He grinned as it wobbled when he touched it. Yet as he was trying to find a way through it, the large lock on his door turned. The single guard, lightly armed from Hidden mainly be quite passive, gestured for him to exit, an annoyed and bored look about his face. Sighing, he followed him out before ramming him with his antlers, puncturing various vital organs. 'Luck hit...' Hidden thought before more heavily armed men were heard running towards him. Kneeling down, he quickly searched his fresh, bloody corpses for a set of keys. Finding some the elk examined them into to be in slight disappointment. It was only cleared for access to level 1 doors. Cells one low level punishment room and various other closets. Snarling, the hybrid turned and unlocked Mr. Rabbit's cell. "Names Hidden by the way, now come on!" He grabbed the unusually light boy and placed him on his back. Turning and now galloping down the hall, guards rushing him. Snorting with displeasure he used his antlers and bulldozed them down.

Finally arriving at the punishment chamber, Hidden quickly locked the door before turning to the test room behind him and tried the key in there. Nope.

(I thought something needed to be done ;3 also, I won't be able to respond all that quickly so can you guys not post like the thread will explode! Finally, why is there a mix of people RPing in 1st and 3rd...I'm so confused... >.<)
Adam grew silent as he heard the guard come back, then after a moment he heard loud sound of a thud. He feared the worst; he feared that the elk-hybrid was being taken away. He stared at the door as he back away from it once more, hearing heavier footsteps and then his door being unlock. 'Name's Hidden, by the way, now come on!" Even as he heard this, the rabbit-hybrid's heart was racing rapidly. Before he could try to run out of panic, a pair of hands grabbed him and placed him on a soft patch. He had finally realized who had him on his back, the voice looping in his head as he looked down at what he was sitting on. Adam sighed with relief again as he looped his arms around Hidden to keep himself steady. Panic was back in the rabbit boy's eyes as the two boys went into the punishment chamber, a place he dreaded. "I hate this room..." Adam's voice was quiet and small, his eyes darting around the area for another door they could escape to. "Is that the only door?"

(It was a good change. :o And I'm just used to writing in third-person.)

I was still sitting in the water inside the punishment room, since I couldn't fly or stand up I was stuck on the floor. My wings were wet and I was super cold, I was able to cross to the door "Ok, I'm sorry! Just please let us out" I said while weakly knocking the door. I could slightly here people outside, I got hopeful "Hello? Can you please let us out" I started coughing, knowing I'm not use to the cold .
The wolf hybrid watched the winged female weakly knock on the door, attempting to gather someone's attention. The water was soaking her fur, seeping down into her skin and cooling off her entire body. The cold water had calmed her down enough to make the bloodlust subside. Now all she wanted was to get out. Roxii's ears perked up and swiveled on her head; the voices outside the door weren't ones of the scientists or guards. Subjects? Had they escaped? Were they actually succeeding? It seemed to good to be true. She hoped her suspicions were correct, though. The hybrid was sick of this place. She wanted to remember what it felt like to be heated by the sunlight. That was what she wanted most...
I got tired of knocking, so I turned my head and saw a wolf like hybrid. "Hello, I'm Jennifer" I said with a forced weak smile, before I started to cough once more. My wings were cold like my legs and feet, I looked at her and hugged my knees, waiting for her to say something.

..Oh. That's difficult to determine from your post. It wasn't specific enough, I guess (in my opinion).
O.o )

The winged hybrid looked at her, and Roxii gazed back with glazed over eyes. She was tired, to say the least, and no emotion could be seen. "Roxii," she replied, not used to her voice.

I noticed the door was ajar. Escape or a trap? I lept down from the rafters into the water, quickly sprinting out the door. Even if it was a trap, it was still a chance at freedom, even if that chance was slim.
Illia heard the commotion below her as she sat. All the padding in the room was ripped apart revealing the hard concrete, unlike the other cells there was no barred windows. Her long blades slashed at the ground cutting more of the padding, annoyed by the loud noise she was picking up on. Suddenly a fog horn blew into her room and she collapsed paralyzed. The scientist dragged her out of the room, oblivious to what was happening on the first floor. She awoke roughly a hour later with her right leg aching since such a large injection was placed and since her arms had too hard of a carapace to inject into. In the pain she lashed out with the long blades shredding the room.
Hidden frowned, calling into the test lab that held someone "I'll try and get you out somehow, just hang tight!" Turning to the punishment room, the elk trotted over and pushed open the solid steel door. He bent forward and asked "If you aren't coming out then I'm assuming you want to say in this hell hole, right?" Backing away, the centaur paced back and forth, nearly throwing off his precious cargo. "Think...think..." he muttered. "How might I get this open...."
I looked back to the door and saw it was opened and another hybrid poke his head inside. I started to cry, not of cheer though, but for the very fact that I was unable to move. Pointing at my feet and then my wings i said, "I can't leave because I can't walk or fly at the moment" I started wiping my tears, trying not to look to be left back. I tried to stand up but that failed, I tried flying but my wings were still wet therefore unable to lift me. "I'm Jennifer, nice to meet you" I added with a small smile, knowing I had made a fool of myself.
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She felt the concrete understanding what was going on bellow her. Tears started forming, in the first time in years. Her claws are too weak to cut through the concrete and she knew it. Illia made a distressing noise sound almost unhuman in hopes those under her would hear through the 2 solid feet of concrete that surrounded her.
(I hope I didn't miss too much.)

Adam stayed silent for a long moment, wondering about the other voices in the room. He wondered if the subjects were alright. He kept a firm grip when Hidden paced, listening to the elk talking to himself. "Can't you just break through it?" the rabbit asked with slight curiosity, pointing hesitantly at the elk-hybrid's horns and then hooves, "With those?" Adam thought quietly once more before he glanced towards the sound of crying, both sympathetic for the crier and uncomforted by the heart-breaking sound.
I sprinted down random hallways and opened a few doors somehow. A few of the doors had multiple guards in them, so I had quite a few on my tail the whole time I was sprinting, and if it weren't for my inhuman speed I'd have gotten caught by now. I finally came to the end of a hallway, a dead end. I quickly ran to the door at the end of the hallway and rammed my shoulder into it, hoping it'd magically be an open exit. It wasn't, to say the least. It didn't budge and now my shoulder hurt tremendously.

I reluctantly looked behind me, where the guards had caught up with me finally and weren't all that happy. I turned my whole body around to face them and I took up an awful fighting stance. I didn't have time to be afraid, I just needed to at least try my hardest to escape, otherwise I'd be betraying myself. Then the door I'd tried to open before opened and I felt something sharp jab my arm. Needle. I didn't have to see it to know it. I felt my body go limp, but not before I yowled loudly at the guards. Then everything went black.
Illia glanced up at the ceiling, A single light fixture with wires going through the concrete. In the past she had destroyed many of these lights in her savage lashings. She looked over at the door hearing the guard move away do to probably whats going on downstairs. Normally, Illia wouldn't bother even trying to break open the sealed door but it was the thinnest place in her cell. She charged at slamming her shoulder against it. The carapace cracked from the impact and she hears the sound of the metal lock breaking. She pushed open the door limping in pain from her shoulder. Once outside she took a breath of air she never got to taste since she was always unconscious in these halls. Quickly she rushed down the hall to where a stairwell would be. The door opened before she got there and three guards came through and looked at her. She extended her claws and rushed into one of the guards impaling him through his bullet proof vest. "No feelings from killing another, I suppose I really have lost humanity," She said to herself aloud. She ran past the other two guards and jumped down the stairwell arriving on a scene of a unconscious cat girl and some guards. "Such a pain..." Illia danced around them killing the small number of guards. Despite her fluid movements the needle with sedatives nicked her and she felt tired among the dead bodies. She laid against the wall catching her breath and waiting for the sedatives to wear off.

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