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Fantasy (OPEN) Not even Human Anymore

We were all human once. All of us have faint memories of our old life, the life we had before we were used as some mad scientist's test subjects. Some of us try to get used to how we are now. Some have a tight grip on the past, when we were human. Either way, we aren't anything like any human alive. Each of us have been tested on with a certain animal in mind. Everyone was representing a different animal, but no two were alike. Each subject has a 7ft by 7ft cell to stay in that's made of padding to keep them from somehow creating weapons or hurting themselves. The troublemaking subjects end up in a place called the 'room'. It's a simple term that could mean different things, but if a subject hears the word 'room' they know what's going on, and it usually terrifies them. This 'room' is a 3ft 3ft small cell that is completely isolated from everyone and everything. If you end up in there, the guards shakle you as well, ensuring that you never misbehave again. Most subjects never dare oppose anything done to them again after being in the 'room', but a select few couldn't care less and will struggle as much as they can as often as they can.

We are not even human anymore.
I slowly flicked my tail back and forth in boredom. I've always loved staying up really late mainly because I've gotten used to not being able to sleep much, but tonight I was bored way more than usual. I perked my ears, hearing a distant grandfather clock chime five times. Half an hour until it was my turn to be experimented on for the day. Half an hour to figure out how to actually win against the guards, instead of just uselessly struggling. I sighed and curled up on the floor. Might as well take a nap before I was taken to the mad scientist. But I heard at least five guards walking down the hallway towards my cell already. Wait what? I still have half an hour.. The door opened slowly, as if they thought they would catch me sleeping and be able to carry me off without a fight. In their dreams. There's no way I'd go easy, if I did I would just be betraying myself.
Roxii Sicarius

The lycanthrope stared at the wall with dull, multi-coloured irises. They had lost their once vibrant liveliness that her eyes once possessed. But now they were dull and lifeless, not a trace of hope evident in her gaze. She was leaning against the wall adjacent to the doorway with her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms hugging her knees, and her chin resting on top. A black-furred tail wrapped around and covered her bare feet, keeping her warm. Black ears twitched and swiveled on her head, capturing each and every sound that resonated within the vicinity.

Multiple pairs of footsteps resonated down the hallway just outside her cell. The jingling of keys as the owner searched for the appropriate key. A door let out a dissatisfied squeak as it opened. Cocking her head to the side, she furrowed her brow in confusion. The scientists were early today. They never disobeyed the schedule. Did they have a new procedure? A new plan? A new test?

Roxii shuddered slightly. She hoped that there were no new tests. The hybrid had developed a fairly high pain tolerance, but that didn't make the tests and procedures any more enjoyable. They were tedious and irritating, the scientists always demanding some ridiculous task of the subjects.

Curling up tighter as her grip increased, she hoped that she wasn't sent into the pit again. Killing other subjects was not an event that she enjoyed.
My head whipped towards the door and I saw five different guards. I got up and into an awful fighting stance. As much as I tried to fight, I knew little about how to actually fight so everything I did was always weak and imprecise. A few guards came in to grab me to be dragged to testing, but I pushed out my claws and lashed out. They seemed to expect it though, because instantly each of the two guards ended up having a death grip on both my arms and I hadn't made a single scratch on either. They started taking me out of the cell and through hallways and, as I usually would, I began kicking and screaming with all my might, never letting up with my struggling. I saw one of the other guards holding a needle, which was probably filled with some sort of sedation. I hate needles, so as you could guess, my eyes widened and I fought even harder, but these new guards were way stronger. "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the guard with the needle quickly injected it into my arm. I felt all my strength disappear and went limp and whispered with the last of my strength. "You may have won this fight, but... I will win the war....." And everything went black.
The lycanthrope's black ears perked up and swiveled on her head at the yelling and screaming and scuffling of the other subject. She recognized the screaming to belong to hybrid that she'd seen in the halls when Roxii was headed towards either a test or the arena. She seemed to be some sort of wild cat hybrid, judging by the glimpses of her the wolf had seen. It made her heart churn; she seemed so young. Teenagers were supposed to be going to school and parties and doing stupid things like getting drunk, getting tattoos, and doing drugs. Instead, the poor child was suffering in some inhumane facility against her will, being turned into some sort of anthropoid. Roxii wondered how long the other would fight before she gave up and understood that there was no escape. Like Roxii did.

The struggling went quiet and the wolf-human knew that they had sedated her. The scientists always sedated her, which made Roxii wonder what was so special about the other hybrid. Usually when a subject proved to be too much trouble and rebelled too often, they gave up on the subject and sent them into the pits. Would the ocelot be sent into the pits one of these days? Would Roxii have to tear the poor child's life from her body? The anthropoid shook the morbid thoughts away. The wolf and ocelot may be stereotypical enemies, but being a killer was not the thing she wanted to grow up to be.

The footsteps subsided as the scientists carried away the unconscious hybrid, and the wolf wondered what they were going to do today. She wasn't able to think too long before another set of footsteps were sounding down the hall outside. They were getting louder as they grew closer to the wolf hybrid's cell. The footsteps stopped in front of Roxii's door and the jingling of keys was once again heard. Her stomach dropped; was she going to be tested on, too? Or was she going to the pits to kill the ocelot, like she had been thinking of earlier.

The door opened and two guards stepped in. One of them had iron handcuffs in their hands, and Roxii knew what to do. Not hesitating, she unwrapped her arms from around her knees and held out her wrists. The handcuffs were slapped onto her wrists, and the scientists went on either side of her and wrapped their arms under the wolf's arms. She was pulled to her feet by the two guards and they all three left the cell. One guard was in front of her and the other behind her as they walked down the hallway towards wherever she was being lead.

The facility was unusually quiet as she followed the guards, and she was trying to use deductive reasoning to determine where she was headed. If they made a left at the end of the hallway, then she'd most likely go be tested on. If they turned right, then she was headed towards the arena. The end of the hallway arrived and they turned right. Towards the arena. Roxii kept her composure as she matched the scientists' brisk walk.

A maze of hallways later, the wolf hybrid and the two guards arrived in the holding room that Roxii was normally kept in as they retrieved her opponent and got them ready. They closed the door behind her after she entered, and she gazed around the familiar room. She had spent about three quarters of her time here, and that terrified her. Still, she observed the all-too-familiar room. It was all white—white floor, white ceiling, white walls, white doors. The only things that stood out against the white surroundings were the silver door knobs, grey screws and nails, the colorful array of meats, fruits and vegetables on a buffet table at the wall adjacent to the entrance, and the claw marks all over the doors.

The claw marks were mostly Roxii's, back when she was first becoming a pit fighter. She had clawed at the doors and walls, desperately trying to find a way out and to persuade the guards and scientists to let her out and let her go. That never happened though. So one day she just gave up and accepted her fate.

The wolf shakily made her way to the buffet table. Not having any utensils, plates, or bowls at her disposal, she picked up a steak and tore into it with her canines. About halfway through the meat, she picked up an orange and peeled it with her claws, biting into it and letting the citrus juices infiltrate her mouth and satisfying her taste buds. She gorged herself on anything she could get, knowing fairly well that she needed this to stay strong to live through the arena. Once she was finished, she grabbed a water bottle and tipped it up, drinking the entire bottle in about twenty seconds. Water spilled out around her mouth and trailed down her face and onto the floor. She didn't care, though; they always cleaned up afterwards.

Once she was ready, she stood at the other door that led to the arena. There were high-tech bars running across it and once the scientists were ready for a pit fight, they would unlock the door from their safety room and watch as the hybrids tore each other apart. Roxii sat down in front of the barred door, waiting for the arena to be opened up to her.
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I opened my eyes and recognized the purely white room. I tried to sit up in the medical chair, but felt restricted by the heavy duty belts strapping my limbs down. I looked over and saw the mad scientist holding a needle. Needles. My heart nearly stopped and I tried to break the belts strapping me down with my claws, but they couldn't reach. I screamed as he jabbed it into my arm and my blood practically felt like it was boiling.
The click and hiss of the locks being undone resonated throughout the room. Roxii stood up as the bars slid across and retracted into the walls. The door popped open with another hiss, and the hybrid pushed it fully open and stepped out. The arena was a large cylinder, about fifty feet in diameter, with a slick, white floor. The walls were completely white as well, rising up about twenty feet. Bright lights circled around the top of the arena, illuminating the entire area. On the other side of the pit was another barred door that was already opened.

The other door was pushed open a bit and a young male hybrid stepped out. The look of confusion and curiosity was evident in his facial features; he wasn't sure where he was. He fully revealed himself and the door shut loudly behind him, locking shut. The door behind the wolf hybrid locked shut as well, trapping the two hybrids in the pit.

The boy was probably about twelve or thirteen, no older than fifteen. He had a dark brown complexion with green eyes that sparkled with terror. Roxii guessed he had encountered a complication with his DNA mutation because half of his face looked charred and blistered as if it had been burned. There were two rabbit ears on his head, one folded at the middle and the other severed at the middle. A puff of a rabbit tail was on his backside, but it looked shriveled and poorly made, the fur not exactly growing correctly.

A reject.

The wolf's ears perked up as the boy gazed at her and asked quietly, "
Where am I?" His voice held a Native American accent, intriguing the wolf-human.

Roxii pushed away all of her emotions and responded matter-of-factly, "
We are in the pit." A slight Russian accent coloured her tongue. "You and I are to fight to the death."

The boy's eyes widened as he took a few steps back. "
I don't want to fight!" He turned and began pounding on the door he had emerged from. "Let me out!" he screamed. "I can't fight! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" His fingers began leaving scratches in the door, despite not having any sort of animalistic claws.

The wolf ignored the fact that she had to rip this boy's life away forcefully and ran forward. Within a matter of seconds, she was about a foot away from the boy. She refused to show any emotion but made sure that, when the boy looked into her eyes, he could see the apologetic gaze. It wasn't enough, though, she knew. Still, she grabbed the boy and bit into his shoulder at the base of his neck. He let out an earsplitting scream as she broke his collarbone and the blood seeped into her mouth. Over the years of being a pit fighter, the wolf hybrid had realized that all the hybrids' blood and flesh tasted like their animal DNA. The blood began increasing her thirst for the red liquid, so she moved her jaw to his neck and began slinging him around like a ragdoll. A few shakes was all it took to snap the frail boy's neck, but the wolf inside her wasn't done. She dropped the boy's lifeless body to the ground and crouched down, tearing into the corpse's flesh. He tasted like rabbit to her, and she couldn't help but quench her thirst for blood. Her wolf instinct was too great for her human mind to overcome.

Roxii heard a few footsteps behind her, and she whirled around. Her mouth and hands were dripping with blood, and the bloodlust was evident in her gaze. The scientists took a cautious step back, not yet used to the wolf-human's sudden mood change. Still plagued with the thirst for blood, the wolf hybrid turned and began charging at the scientists, wondering what they would taste like to her. One of the scientists, however, quickly retrieved a tranquilizer gun and shot it. The poison immediately began taking effect as she lolled to the ground, crash landing. She slid a bit then came to a stop. The wolf began whining and growling, but she began going quiet as the darkness of unconsciousness took over her body.
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After a few hours of feeling my blood practically boil, I had slightly grown accustomed to the pain and was only grinding my teeth instead of full on screaming. The scientist looked at me with interest spread across his face and I glared back at him. "You are fairly tolerant to pain, even consistent pain... For your age and weakness, I wouldn't expect something like this." He wrote something down in a clipboard and ordered the guards to bring me to my cell, since tossing me in the 'room' never actually made me more cooperative. I was dragged back to my cell kicking and screaming. Once they got me in my cell and locked the door, I slumped against the wall and winced at how I could still feel my blood boil, even if it was only a little of pain.

I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them. I felt the pang of sadness that only came every so often and started crying louder than I meant to. I loved being alone, but I'd never actually seen any other test subjects, so I felt like I was the only test subject in the whole facility, which made me feel the kind of alone that I hate. I slowly flicked my tail back and forth on the floor and began singing the song that always managed to make me feel better. "I don't mind, no I don't mind, I don't mind the rain... the simple things and subtleties, they always stay the same... I don't mind that I don't mind, no, I don't mind the rain... like a widow's heart we fall apart, but never fade away..." I continued singing softly and the deep sadness was significantly lessened. I looked at the colorless padded walls and decided I needed some sort of bright color, but I knew it wouldn't happen. Ever.
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I was sitting on the floor while staring at my wings, they were the only color . It's about time, maybe they'll leave me alone today, she hoped. Nope, in a few minutes they opened the door and carried me out the door. I tried to get them off me by spreading my wings, and yelling "Please not today!" I couldn't help but cry. I passed by somegirls's room, but I was too distracted. Next thing I know, everything turns black.
Ears flicking and tail twitching, the wolf-human began fluttering her eyes open. Her vision was blurry, so she tried blinking a few times to form one solid picture. It was working; slowly but surely. She began pushing herself off the floor, but a sharp pain throughout her right side caused her to falter and collapse back to the ground. How long had she been out? A few minutes? An hour? Days? Weeks? Months? She wasn't too sure; the lack of natural light and absence of an updated calendar irritated the anthropoid.

As she laid on the cold, hard ground, Roxii wondered what the outside world was like. Having been taken in by the scientists at the early age of six, she has basically spent her entire life enclosed within the walls of a laboratory. Thirteen years, she's been trapped inside this hell. She's wondered how she lasted so long.

Once the pain began to subside and her vision cleared, the hybrid pushed herself up into a sitting position, her legs folded in front of her so that she could hug her knees again. She gazed at the wall with an emotionless stare, thinking about the murder she had committed before she was tranquilized. The wolf had lost herself. Again. The poor boy's screams of terror and fear and pain resonated in her mind. The consistency and texture of his flesh and blood made her shiver. She had just torn the life from an innocent boy and began feeding on his dead body.

Like an animal.

was an animal now. She may have the morals of a human, but that didn't mean she was completely human anymore. When her human DNA had wolf DNA fused with it, it had created another mind within her. Another soul. And whenever that wolf soul was given power, such as when she gave into the bloodlust, then her rational mind would lose all control. The wolf inside would surface and begin to make her do unspeakable things. And that terrified her. She wasn't just a human with wolf DNA, and neither was she a wolf with human DNA. She wasn't exactly sure what she was anymore.

All she knew was that she wasn't even human anymore.
My ears perked and I stopped singing when I heard a girl outside my room crying and yelling, then silence. I winced at the thought of the needle the guards had most likely stabbed her with to sedate her. Know what? I'm going to get rid of my stupid fear of needles, I don't know how, but I will. I glared at my arm that was full of tiny little spots from being injected.

I stood up and stretched. If there was one thing I hated apart from needles and being tested on, it was being penned up. I only really liked small spaces for sleeping or hanging out in, not living in. I've always been full of energy and felt super athletic, so I just wished I could run around somewhere for a little bit, even if it was just in the facility's long halls. I decided that if I just try to do some push ups or something that'd help me feel better. Plus I'd get stronger at the same time, and I knew I needed to be physically stronger since I was so weak. How do you do push ups again.....?

I frowned slightly. I'd never really seen anyone do pushups since I'd been outside, which was about two years ago. To be honest, I never really knew how to do pushups, but I did know how to run and do simple parkour moves that an older boy had taught me. I think his name was David Becker or something like that, but I remembered how to do vaults and weird jumps called cats. Pushups. Stop getting off topic.... Right... I think I put my feet way back there and my hands in a triangle... I scolded myself and got into what I was sure was the pushup position. I lowered and raised myself a few times and collapsed on my stomach.

I am horrible at this.... No wonder I can never overpower the guards... I dug my claws into the padding in frustration and was surprised to see it peeling off of a steel floor. "Wait what..?" I got off my stomach and began tearing apart the floor, finding a complete layer of steel beneath it. A few minutes later I heard heavy footsteps in the hallway that stopped in front of my door. I stared at the door, knowing I had really messed up.
Slowly, I opened my eyes and immediately recognized the horrifying room. The injection room, I mumbled. My wings were tied up, and the pain of the rope on my feathers- No not my feathers I'm a human, humans don't have feathers. The feathers on my- no the wings that they put on me. Suddenly, my arm was in so much pain, just like it is every day it was the same thing. I felt some tears fall down my cheeks, and then one of the scientist walked in and I froze, since my hands were held down I couldn't move.

"Ahh, Experiment HB01. How's the youngest experiment doing?" He said in a joking tone. I frowned, and started to tear up knowing what they were going to do to me. He looked at me struggled to be freed, mainly my- I mean the wings. "Ahh, the little birdie wants her wings freed"

"I am not a birdie! and I do not have wings!". He looked at me with a smirk, them he told me the good news.

"Good news, Birdie. Today, you will get less injections, but only because we need a physical exam from you, you know to see the effects of our injections on your body." He explained. Then, he held a needle and began the injections. I hate needles but mainly because of the pain they bring.
My door flew open and I stumbled backwards and up against the padded wall. One of the guards, most likely the lead guard, stepped into the cell and inspected the floor I had torn up. "You know you aren't supposed to be messing up the rooms we generously give you... There's and different kind of 'room' we've been working out for you, I'm sure you'll love it...." I wondered what he was talking about, but while I was distracted he pulled my arms forward and shoved handcuffs on them. He grabbed one of my arms and began taking me to this 'different kind of room' while I tried to drag my heels, but the smooth steel surface of the floor had no traction at all. Ironic, actually. "LET GO OF ME! I WAS JUST CURIOUS, I NEVER MEANT TO TEAR UP THE FLOOR, I SWEAR!!" We reached the end of an unfamiliar hall and I was tossed in some pitch black room, the door locked behind me. I was soaking wet, so I stood up in confusion. My eyes adjusted and I saw I was in kneedeep water. "Hey.... Can you guys.... not leave me in here....?" I looked around only to see the room was very big. If only there wasn't water, then it would be perfect for running... My facial expression drooped heavily. I was really cold from the water and felt miserable. Looks like they found a punishment room for me after all.
"Ow" even though it was half the normal injections it still was super duper painful. After, half the usual painful routine, I opened my eyes and found that my arm hurt once again. He opened the door, and carried me out to a long hallway. When he dropped me on the floor, he waited for me to get up.

"Come on, Birdie. I don't have all day" he said impatiently. It's not as easy as it was, weeks ago, I thought. As hard as I tried, I was unable to get up; my feet hurt. I was Afraid, ashamed and Shocked.

"I can't." I mumbled, as I hung my head in shame my hair covered my face. "Hmm... Interesting" he said not surprised at all. "What do you mean intresting!?! I can't stand up!" I was scared. But he remained calm, "Your DNA is mixed with hummingbird DNA, their feet are naturally weak. Here" He walked over and freed my wings.

"Now get up, using your wings" he said. I quietly did so, and felt a whole lot better. He walked next to me as I flew down the hall and back, not wanting to get in trouble I followed his directions as best as I could.
He saw me, I could feel that he saw me me do it, and it was not a good thing. I messed up and now I'm was going into the room, "oh no", I whispered to myself, I looked behind me and there he was. He stared at me, he had totally noticed what I was doing.

"Birdie. Room. Now" he said in a stern tone, but somepart of me just wouldn't budge, so I stood there. "I'm sorry, I swear I didn't-wasn't going to do it. Please not the room" I quietly said, looking at the white floor halls but I knew what the answer was going to be. But it still frightened me when he yelled,

"Now!" Then he grabbed me, of course by my wings and dragged me all the way to the infamous room. He opened the door, quickly tossed me there and shut the door. It was filled with water, cold water, it wet my wings and they felt heavier, and I knew I couldn't fly because they were wet. So I sat on the floor just staring at the door, waiting for my punishment to be over.
I stumbled back at the loud, echoing sound of a big splash. Then, I myself ended up falling backwards in surprise, also making a loud splash. I yelped and quickly got on my feet again, staring at where the splash came from. Though it was pitch black, my cat eyes could easily see the form of some girl in the water with wings. "Uuhhh, hiii..?" I walked forward cautiously. "How did you even get in my punishment room...?" I helped her up, hoping it would signify trust and all that stuff.
I may have missed something or to be more accurate someone was in here with me. I looked at her, I could barely see but I managed to take her hand and stand up. "Hi"

Ooc: sorry it was short I am going to bed good night
The ocelot-human and another subject's screams resonated through the hall and into the wolf's room, breaking her out of her trance. She was so out of it, though, that she didn't hear what they said. She didn't care, though. They didn't concern her.

Silence filled the laboratory again, and Roxii fell into the turmoil of her thoughts. Would she ever escape this place? She didn't think so. The anthropoid had given up that hope long ago after taking advantage of countless opportunities to escape. It ranged from being stealthy by picking the lock and attempting to leave when they weren't working to full on punching the guards, dazing them, and speeding down the maze of halls. She was always caught in the end, followed by unspeakable and terrible punishments.

It wasn't long before a few guards unlocked her cell door and walked in. She didn't notice the three guards until her hands were pried from around her knees and handcuffs were slapped onto her wrists. They harshly pulled her to her feet and led her out of the cell. Their actions were rude and angry, treating her as if she'd done something wrong. She hadn't done something wrong... Had she?

They stepped out into the hall and closed her cell door. They didn't go anywhere, though; the four just stood there. The wolf was confused. She tilted her head to the side, silently asking what was going on.

We're going to try something different," one of the men snarled. But Roxii could hardly understand him. She was so lost inside her mind that everything sounded as though she were underwater. His words were muffled and distorted, and it made her feel sick.

The one who spoke grabbed another guard's hand and turned it palm up, and then he revealed a pocket knife. Before the guard could react, he sliced the blade down his palm. Blood began dripping down his hand onto the floor as he recoiled in shock and pain. The scent of blood entered the wolf's senses, and she could feel her thirst for blood increasing. She wanted blood. To taste the metallic liquid on her tongue, and to feel the flesh of her prey in her mouth.

Without warning, she lunged at the bleeding guard, plunging her teeth into his shoulder. He cried out in agony as she was pulled off of him. The third guard tended to the other and the first simply observed. Taking advantage of not being restrained, Roxii took off down the hall. Maybe she could escape this time.

That hope was crushed as a burly guard tackled her to the ground. She continued to struggle and kick and bite and snap like a captured animal, so he grabbed a tazer and mercilessly jabbed it into her side. She screamed and convulsed as the electricity pulsed through her body. The tazer left contact, and she stayed still, completely worn out.

She closed her eyes as she was slung over his shoulder, tired from the events. The hybrid expected to be taken back to her cell, but the walk was longer than usual. Next thing she knew, she was being thrown into a dark room filled with water. A loud splash was heard as she made contact, and Roxii was startled by the different environment. However, she continued to lie there, exhausted by the recent events.
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My head whipped towards the door as yet another person was tossed in with me. "What the heck is going on..?" I hardly even realized I accidentally spoke my thought aloud.
Cole sat in the corner, staring at the plain cushioned wall with the same expression he had given it every day for years. And the wall gave him the same look it had for years as well. As if it could look any differently. If he drew on it, they replaced it. If he scratched it, they replaced it. If he tore it off, they replaced it. He wished the room had decayed along with him. At least then he wouldn't have felt like no time had passed since he was captured because everything always looked exactly the same. Everything. Always.

He began tapping his fingers on the flooring in a rhythmic and spastic motion, a tick he had developed among many others during his stay in the facility. What time was it? He didn't know. What day was it? Again, he wasn't sure. How old was he now? Now that was a sad question to ask and even sadder that he didn't have an answer. Twenty or two hundred, it hardly mattered to him when he was locked away. At least if he was two hundred, he could die a lot sooner. Dying... Living... Staying here.. forever...

And suddenly he was gripping the wall with all the force he had, tearing at it, scratching it and unleashing torrents of shrieks from that emitted from the depths of his body. Some thoughts always triggered these outbursts and the thought of simply being there and having to be there for what seemed forever drove him mad. It wasn't exactly furious screams but broken and lost ones mingling with sobs and tears that streamed down his face. It only took a few moments for the staff to come to his door and open it.

"Calm down..."

He shoved the man away and made a break for it. As usual he was tackled to the ground after a few feet. His face collided against the harder flooring with a crack and a few seconds later a metallic taste filled his mouth signaling blood. He had either hit his tooth or busted his lip. Judging by the throbbing in Cole's lip, he assumed it to be the latter. They dragged him shaking and silently crying down the hall. He closed his eyes shut tight, refusing to believe he was even there though the smell of disinfectant and latex told him otherwise. Suddenly the feeling of water washed over his skin. Instead of running to the door before they closed it, he sat where he was, curling up into a ball and wept quietly into his arms.
I slowly backed away as yet another person was tossed into my punishment room. After backing up a few feet my back hit a wall and I sighed. This room was way too big for my liking. Not only that, but up to my knee had turned super wet and I knew I would end up with trench foot if I was stuck in here any longer. I looked at the ceiling, which surprisingly enough, had metal rafters. I readied myself and leaped, grabbing hold of the rafters and pulling myself up. I sighed in relief from not having to be in the water any longer.


"Yee Hawww!" Exclaimed the scientist that now sat upon Hidden's back. He wasn't a horse so his spine was killing him, not build to support a full grown man's weight. Yet, he trotted around the spacious room anyways, not wanting to get the saddle and bridle put on again. The bit's taste was still sour upon his tongue from the last time this test was conducted. After the final dizzying turn, he stopped as instructed and knelt down to allow his rider to get off from a safe height. The centaur held his head in his hands, trying to keep from falling upon his right flank. The room was spinning intensely, and the hunger that currently gnawed at the pit of his stomach didn't help much. "That's all for today, can you please lead my mount back to it's stable" It. Being referred to as something other then a biological organism hurt more then being ridden. He wasn't just some horse used to plow the fields, toiling endless hours just waiting for the sun to set so he could retreat to his ever bare prison. NO! He was a living, breathing, being and should be treated as such! It was this hell spawn of a man that laid his curse down upon him! Yet, Hidden made no rebellious move. But instead waited for the large double doors to be opens so he and his large rack could just barely squeeze through.

As he followed the armed guard down the pristine hall, the hybrid's hooves clicking quite sharply on the tiled floor. The sharp sound echoing throughout the surrounding area. As he passed by various rooms, one being for punishment and others for testing. And due to the way the door was locked, it was quite obvious that someone had been a bit naughty. Then, as he passed by another testing laboratory, the sound of muffled sobbing could be heard. Hidden let his gaze drift slightly downward, his large ears folding back slightly. This place had to be one of the levels spoken by Dante himself.

Soon enough, they arrived at his little humble abode. Being shoved inside, the padding muffling the click of his hooves. The door soon closed leaving the sour, man made beast to his own devices. Laying down on his right side, Hidden let his head rest on the padding as to give it a rest from holding the gigantic rack of bone upon his head.
The wolf heard the others move in the water and a voice, and she sat up and backpedaled to the wall. She hadn't realized she'd been thrown into a room with others. This experience was completely new. And the worst part: she still felt the effects of her bloodlust, and now she was surrounded by three other subjects.

Afraid of losing control over her wolfish instincts, she curled her arms around her knees and began digging her claws into her legs. She didn't want to lose control. She couldn't. These subjects' deaths couldn't be on her hands; they didn't even do anything.
Adam finished listening to the movement of guards and screaming of the other test subjects outside his cell door, his dark eyes full of fear. He had listened until everything was quiet again, when he was fully alone again. He wasn't too sad to notice the wolf-hybrid being moved from the cells, but he still didn't like what they intended to do to her. He moved his brown rabbit ear away from the door and he slowly moved away from the door. He tried to steady his heartbeat with soft breathing, walking backwards to the back of the room as far as he could. The rabbit boy slid down the wall into a sitting position, biting his bottom lip lightly. Adam stood back up and, against his better judgment, walked back to the door. He mustered his courage and peeked out of the small narrow window of the cell door, clearing his throat. "Is anyone still there?" he asked with a soft voice, a small amount of fear in his voice. After several moments of silence he slunk back away from the door, before he heard movement outside again and the sound of hooves.

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