Open Discussion [Archetypes of Exalted]

Let me lighten your worries a slight bit! I am still doing this, I've just not been posting here because I didn't want to bother anyone else with my little corner of NOT-Creation (Autochthonia), I have been keeping in touch with Sunder though! And my sheet isn't up yet because it isn't quite done, still need to check a few things with the boss, to be sure everything's all right (what with the odd nature of Alchemicals)... it's at about 98% done though, so won't be too long!
Sorry i haven't done much, had migraine and now my computer just came back from getting it's brain fixed by a friend. I'll pist my character tonight.
GBat seems to be missing, so I dunno if my Solar mate will be playing or not, in case the game does take off sometime soon.
If you'd like, I'm totally willing to get you started now, and if he materializes again he can join you. Sound good?
All done, Character is now visible to all! The realm of Brass and Shadow awaits!

A thank you to Myllinnia for unknowingly offering me a frame from which to adapt my Sheet, so I'm giving you whatever proper copyrights and accolades might apply! (I had no Idea how to do tabs before copying off you through a non-posted Reply, so like I said: thanks!)
Aww no problem. Copy, manipulate, alter. After all. That's what I did. ^^

Anyway... Crunch... I will have to think of fluff... Stupid heat making it hard to do this part.


Artifact Razor Filament - 3 dot 'Custom' Artifact 6 attune

(I made it a base weapon, so no MM materials attached. Unless the base stats need changing.)

Strike -S:5 A:+2 D:+6L/3 Def:+2 R:2 DOPR

Clinch -S:6 A:+3 D:+6L/3 Def:- R:1 DOPR
I Know I'm not ST but I figure I aught to try and help with that ribbon, feel free to disregard anything I say

So you've removed the MM bonus, countered that by removing the Repair rating... that sounds like a fair trade...

add 1 to both Accuracies, remove 1 from both Damages, Add 3 to defense, add 1 to rate... I assume these bonuses are to counter the fact you're not using the "rating 3" bonus of the Scourge that allows you to hit with aggravated damage?

Might I recommend that in stead of using that last "Artifact point" to improve it's generic stats that you use that last point to improve upon the reason why you wanted to use it in the first place: the Laughing Sounds Style? Like say a power that allows you to either inflicting greater pain than normal with your strikes (enhancing Kiss of the Whip) , or to steal back away the pain and use it for yourself (thus enhancing the Form charm)? In using this method it would theoretically enhance you more in the long run but it would require certain conditions (using the Laughing wounds style) to get the benefit, making it technically less potent in the grand scheme of things, allowing it to "only" be worth the third dot of artifact (since each point is supposed to be worth exponentially more from the last). Oadenol's codex does encourage giving unique powers to custom made toys soo... :D

As for fluff, plenty of ectoplasmic spirit stuff around where you aught to be, tortured souls and all that, that might be a starting point as to how it was made and it's appearance?

Well anyway that's just a thought, feel free to disregard it! (ya, I know, I have long winded thoughts, that's why I slapped a warning label under my avatar Picture xD )
A lot of good stuff, I will re-read once I have had my sleep and adapt with it.

I thank you for the efforts, and it makes sense at them moment. ^^

Anybody Here?... Here?... Here?... Here?...

Wow this place has a nice Echo!... Echo!... Echo!... Echo!...

Well anyway jokes aside, it seems like nobody has posted here in an eternity or two... the game's started for Lord-Leafar and myself and I've seen a few new character sheets show up since the last time something was posted here, but otherwise nothing seems to be happening, unless of course stuff is happening behind the scenes and I just can't see it, in which case please just let us know that "Something" is going on, don't even need to know what, just that things aren't going Idle!
Question: If you buy Charms from an Immaculate Style, should you receive the form weapon benefit of that style (i.e. the two Chakram dmg for just one attack with Air Immaculate Monks) upon purchasing just one of the Charms (i.e. just Air Dragon's Sight) from the Air Immaculate Celestial tree or should you have to purchase up to Air Dragon Form in order to receive the benefit?

The reason I ask is I'd like the form weapon benefit but I don't necessarily want to fill up my purchases on just Celestial martial arts. I'd like to throw in a few social charms as well, like Language Learning Method from the Linguistics tree.
you get it upon buying the first Charm, but only get the benefit when using Air Dragon Style,

Also, as DB, you cannot learn more than one Celestial Style at the same time, so if you want to learn another style, you'll have to complete buying all of Air Dragon Style. No Charm dipping in Celestial styles.
Red's right on all accounts, though I feel it should be elaborated a "bit".

First off you can only learn the immaculate style associated with your elemental aspect, unless you "Beg the Dragons" which has special rules attached to it, ALL charms even non MA charms have a one mote surcharge and that's the only style you can learn until you master the style in question (and they all require essence 4 to master so it'll be a while)... though you are not limited from learning Terrestrial styles, or Dragon blooded "Normal charms", it's just that if you're an immaculate you're severely limiting yourself if you do, Immaculate styles are really powerful for DBs and if you CAN learn one you only get 5 charms Excluding enlightenment charms, Pasiap's Humility & Moment of Daana'd, so if you really want to learn normal charms you can, but you're giving up Higher value Charm slots to do it, personally I'd use BP to learn normal charms you'll get exactly what it's worth that way (Normal Charm = 5BP, Immaculate Charm = 7BP). Also considering you seem to have your eye on eh Air dragon style' special benefit, consider that one of it's second charms is basically a one hit KO that ignores all soak if it hits (including perfect soaks like Adamant Skin Technique) : (Strength + MA + Essence) Vs. Diff = Stamina, and you do this twice with cumulative effects for a 1m surcharge and take a good long look at Wrathful Winds Maneuver (Especially it's 1 WP surcharge effect), just a thought before you "just take the first charm, and trash the rest"...

anyway I'm getting off topic a bit to answer your real question: yes just one charm from the style will allow you to use it's style weapon's special benefit IF you are a Dragon Blooded, if you're not a DB then you don't get that benefit (a sidebar in the Errata explains this), also with the air dragon benefit, it's not compatible with Flurries (I imagine there is an exception when it comes to Magical flurries since there is one in the style). oh and until you've learned the Form type charm, I don't think you can use the special benefit in the same action you're using a charm from outside the style (Such as thrown charms), but then again it's not specified, so it's really just a matter of opinion...
Thanks for the help guys! I was actually thinking my character concept was more in line with a Fire Immaculate, but I'm still trying to decide between that and an Air Immaculate. @KG-Motte the detail is awesome
Guys, I am extremely busy in real life right now, big changes coming up and I just don't have enough time to keep up with all the games I'm on at the moment, I'm gonna have to drop a few in order to free some of my space and avoid dragging the game down with my slow post rate, so unfortunately I'm gonna have to drop of out of this one. Sorry for any trouble, and hope that those that remain keep having fun.

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