Open Discussion [Archetypes of Exalted]


I prefer for discussion to be related to the game, but tangents are acceptable. Feel free to discuss what you like with impunity, just keep it respectful, and don't double post. It bothers me for unimportant reasons.
Alright, just a couple of questions regarding chargen, each splat uses their own standard bp costs correct? Also, are you accepting Merits & Flaws? And lastly, any chance us Lunars could exchange the Solar bond freebies for more heart's blood or perhaps tattoo artifacts?
Yes to the first, Merits are ok, Flaws are not, and nope! The Solar Bond points are there and optional, because it shouldn't cost you to be friends with your Solar, in my mind, and the free Heart's Blood and extra Charm slots are the actual balance bit. Or, such was my thinking. Don't worry, you're only supposed to be somewhat established, through game play you can easily pick up anything you don't start with, is the plan. Hence custom rules with backgrounds acquired through play.
Gotcha, one more question, I'm considering having a Great Terror as my Spirit Shape from the North direction book, now a Great terror is about 10-12 feet tall, but is certainly not as large as a yeddim or a Tyrant Lizard, would I need Towering Beast Form knack to acquire that shape?
In general I assume that Knack to be interpreted as "up to the size of a yeddim or tyrant lizard," but there's no strict threshold for what a "normal sized" animal would be, so I'll say you don't need it, you just might still want it for all the reasons one normally would want to be able to become a huge monster, heh.
And the questions keep coming, how much combat heavy is the game gonna be? Should I expect a Wyld Hunt threat on a semi constant basis? I ask this because it will color my choice of charms/knacks, do I make character reasonably skilled/proficient in more areas or do I make sure he survives a Grand Goremaul attack from a heavy hitting armored Immaculate fanatic?
A question, if i buy sorcery, do i get a few free spells? Here at home we've houseruled that when one buys a circle, he gets three free spells where one of them has to be countermagic. Just because learning how to cast spells without learning a spell to cast would be a bit hard we thought.
I will not go out of my way to throw combat at you, but as your goals conflict with the status quo, expect opposition. In other words, between you and your bonded mate, you should have a good mix of skills, and you should both have any combat Charms at all, but neither of you should expect to always be fighting, unless that's how you choose to approach the world.

ThatSmellyGoblin I was considering that, I hadn't been going to, but in the interest of making the game more fun, sure, each circle of Necromancy or Sorcery will come with 1 free spell. Three seems like a bit much, but any at all seems like it would make things more enjoyable.
So playing a water-aspect DB, I will get the two appropriate initiation charms allowing the character access to Celestial MA. Will that allow for starting with Water Dragon MA charms? I'm starting to stat the character out and hope to have it done sometime this week.
If you mean the Immaculate Water Dragon Style, then yes, you can begin with it, provided you, you know, meet all the prerequisites as usual.
As soon as your companion is ready, you two can get started. The advantage of structuring initial threads as individual and paired events: flexible start times! The two of you can choose to split up at your own discretion, but it is my working assumption that you'll want to typically tag-team any issues either of you are faced with, for more efficient problem-solving?
So my sheet is pretty much done. I need to ask about these few things before finalizing.

First a custom Whip... I'm thinking of a slight alteration on the Alchies Mono-filament whip thingy for mechanics/fluff or asking for a floating ribbon to act more like whip for the purposes of Laughing Wound Style.

Second: For the above is it even okay if use that style? It is in the Scroll of the Monk and I'm not sure on its balance. (Would be silly to take either option for a weapon to find I can't use the style. xD )
Oooh a rewrite? I shall look and see if it alters my choices. Still up to our ST if either are allowed. Thanks for the link regardless! *scours linkies information!*

Edit: I do like these charms better than Scrolls. Well they make more sense thematically then the other. Again, not sure on their balance, but they seem better done than the book's. But I'll trust to the intent to break the Immortality build to have been accomplished in this rewrite.
That is an interesting re-write, but I'm fine with the canon version. There is no build which cannot be counteracted. As my friends and I are fond of putting it to newcomers to Exalted, "the system uses a unique form of balance in that there are too many ways to be mechanically broken, so if you think you're being clever and making an auto-win build, don't worry, there are 50 more like it, all you're doing is raising the threshold of insanity."

We have a lot of fun with this system.

As for your first question, Myllinnia, of course you can have a custom artifact. I generally encourage people to take the basic artifact weapons, because most bases are covered, but if you want a variant of some sort, that's absolutely allowed. You understand the system, go ahead and put together what you think its mechanical values should be, and an artifact rating, and pitch it then, and if I feel it's under or over powered for the dot rating, we can go from there.

I encourage people to give themselves custom artifacts through play or character creation. It adds depth and personality!
Coolness! I'll get to hammering out the weapon's fluff and stuff later or tomorrow. Whichever proves better a better use of time between broken sleep. xD
Posted my sheet, I have a few details I need to finish, like my backstory, some unspent bonus points and mote pools calculations, but I reckon I'll have it finished tomorrow.
Sooo I guess I should be worried. Its been a while since I last posted here and only 3 of us have sheets. Oo

Anyway I will have my fancy whip concept up tomorrow. Or later tonight...which ever happens first.
I would normally be more active about badgering people, but I've been somewhat dramatically ill... again... and it's only just begun subsiding. There is a good chance I'll be better tomorrow but that's when I return to the states, so I'll need a day for jetlag.

Then there'll be a reckoning.

By which I mean, I'll be an active ST, then, actually.
Awww, still getting that ill thing? And away from the US? Hope you had fun away and not too badgered by illness!

Anyway get well! Rest up and so on. ^^

And... now to get back to sleep again... stupid light sleeping.

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