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Fandom OP: Navy Traitors Character Sheets



Junior Member
Things to note while designing your character

  1. Your characters can be strong, but think start of the journey strong, they aren't mooks but trying to go it alone isn't going to end well.
  2. Your character is allowed a single boon: a weak devil fruit, access to a unique ability (Jango's hypnosis, a special fighting style, etc.), weak armament or observation haki, or be a novice six powers user.
  3. While your characters can have their own reasons for leaving behind the Marines they should at least have some level of morality, even if it takes its odd odd shape.
  4. Everybody has got a gimmick, make sure you have fun and give your character some quirks.
  5. Timeline for the RP is set post- Paramount War but pre-Return to Sabaody. That being said it will be a bit before you run into the more familiar names of the series, through you might have run ins with some and end up in their spheres of influence.

Character Sheet

  • Name:
  • Age:
  • Species: (Half giant? Fishmen? Human? Long arm/leg tribe? Mink? Any available outside true giants.)
  • Ship Role: (What does your character do on the ship, what role do they take? Given this was a Navy vessel just being a fighter is fine.)
  • Fighting Style: (Does your character use a sword? A gun? Maybe they have some more interesting techniques?)
  • Boon: (The skill, tool, or etc. that makes your character above the other white shirts. Replaced by Devil Fruit if eaten.)
  • Devil Fruit: (Only needed if your character has eaten a fruit.)
  • Personality:
  • History:
  • Appearance: (Picture or description.)
  • Etc: (Everything else)
Calista D. Constantine New

Calista D. Constantine

Name: Calista D. Constantine

Ship Position/Role: Sniper

Pirate Epithet: TBD

Bounty: TBD

Nicknames: Cali


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Devil Fruit: N/A

Haki: Observation

Fighting Style: Rifle

Species: Human

Calista D. Constantine's journey to becoming a Marine began in her small hometown on a remote island in the West Blue. Raised by her grandmother after her parents' mysterious disappearance, Calista's early life was one of simplicity and survival. Her village was modest, a community of fishermen and traders nestled on a rugged coastline, far removed from the bustling towns and cities governed by the World Government. The only semblance of authority came from the occasional visits of Marine patrols who would come by every few months to resupply or recruit fresh blood.

Calista was not like other children in her village. She was sharp-eyed and quick-witted, always the first to notice when something was amiss. This acuity, combined with a natural talent for shooting, set her apart. Her grandfather, a retired hunter, had left behind a rifle that became Calista's prized possession. She spent hours in the forests, practicing with it, learning to track and hunt small game. The rifle became an extension of herself, a tool that honed her senses and provided an escape from the monotony of village life.

The villagers respected her grandmother for her wisdom and knowledge of herbs, often sought after for remedies and counsel. Calista's parents had been adventurers — her mother a sharpshooter and her father a navigator — who left the island in pursuit of the One Piece when she was just a child, only to vanish without a trace. Growing up with tales of their bravery and skills instilled in her a deep yearning for adventure and a curiosity about the world beyond her island home.

At the age of 15, Calista's life took a drastic turn. A notorious group of pirates, the Iron Blood Crew, descended upon her village. They were ruthless, pillaging and burning, leaving nothing but ruin in their wake. Calista watched as the Marines stationed nearby failed to protect her home. The pirates slaughtered many, including her beloved grandmother, before the Marines could finally mount a response. Enraged by the Marines' incompetence and the pirates' cruelty, Calista resolved to do something with her life that would make a difference.

The death of her grandmother left her with a void that could not be filled by the quiet life of the village. Calista knew she couldn't stay there, surrounded by the memories of what had been lost. She wanted to make sure no one else would have to go through the same horror. With her parents' legacy in mind, she decided to leave the island behind.

At 16, with nothing more than her rifle and a few personal belongings, Calista made her way to the nearest Marine base. There, she enlisted, driven by a desire to protect those who could not protect themselves and to find some semblance of justice for her lost family. She knew she had to be stronger than the Marines who had failed her village.

Her early days in the Marines were not easy. Her superiors were initially dismissive of her due to her young age and the fact that she came from an isolated village. But Calista was undeterred. She worked harder than anyone, pushing herself to her limits in every training exercise. Her sharpshooting skills quickly caught the eye of her superiors, who realized she had the potential to be a formidable sniper.

Calista's talent with a rifle was undeniable. She could hit a target from distances that most would consider impossible. This talent earned her a place in the Marine training program for marksmen. She trained under some of the best snipers in the Navy, honing her skills further. Her discipline, determination, and unwavering focus made her stand out. She earned the respect of her peers and the trust of her commanders.

By the age of 19, Calista had risen to the rank of Ensign, a remarkable achievement for someone so young. She was assigned to the "Calamity," a ship under the command of Captain Salvantas Moores. Captain Moores was known for his strict code of conduct and his disdain for corruption within the Navy ranks, a stance that resonated deeply with Calista's own ideals. Under his command, Calista found a mentor who shared her sense of justice and integrity. She learned more than just combat and strategy; she learned what it meant to lead, to protect, and to fight for what was right, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

The crew of the "Calamity" became her new family, a group of individuals bound by a shared sense of duty and honor. For the first time since her grandmother's death, Calista felt like she belonged. She took pride in her role as the ship's sniper, often tasked with taking out key threats before the rest of the crew engaged in combat. Her calm demeanor under pressure and her ability to remain unseen until the critical moment made her a valuable asset.

Everything changed the day the Celestial Dragon boarded their ship. Calista watched with growing disgust as the so-called deity abused his power, treating the crew like his personal servants and flaunting his authority with every breath. She seethed with anger but kept her feelings in check, out of respect for Captain Moores and the chain of command.

When the Celestial Dragon turned his gun on the child slave, Calista's blood ran cold. She knew that she could not stand by and watch an innocent life be taken for the amusement of a twisted aristocrat. But before she could act, Captain Moores made his move. The sound of his gunshot was like a clap of thunder, shattering the tension that had hung over the ship for days.

In that moment, as she saw the Celestial Dragon fall, Calista felt a sense of liberation. Captain Moores's actions gave her the courage to make her own choice. When he offered the crew a chance to leave, she knew there was no going back. The Marines she had joined were not the just force she had imagined. They were beholden to corrupt powers, to the whims of those like the Celestial Dragons who saw themselves as gods above men.

Calista decided then and there to stay with Captain Moores. She had joined the Marines to protect the innocent and uphold justice, but now she saw that true justice did not wear a Marine's uniform. Her journey had begun with a desire to make a difference, to protect those who could not protect themselves. Now, as a pirate, she saw a new path — one where she could fight for the freedom of all people, where she could make her own rules and uphold her own sense of justice.

From that night on, Calista D. Constantine's story became one of rebellion against the corrupt institutions that had failed her and so many others. She was no longer a Marine bound by orders but a pirate, a free spirit in search of true justice on the open seas. The rifle she carried was not just a weapon; it was a symbol of her resolve to never again be powerless in the face of tyranny.

Calista D. Constantine’s personality is a complex blend of determination, empathy, and a fierce sense of justice shaped by her experiences and upbringing. She is a character driven by strong convictions, a desire for freedom, and a deep-seated need to protect others from the kind of suffering she experienced.

Calista's most defining characteristic is her unwavering sense of justice. Growing up hearing tales of her parents' bravery and witnessing the horrors of pirate cruelty firsthand has ingrained in her a deep commitment to righting wrongs. She is fiercely opposed to corruption and oppression in any form, whether it comes from pirates or the Marines themselves. This strong moral compass drives many of her actions and decisions, often putting her at odds with authority figures who are corrupt or self-serving.

Calista is incredibly determined and never gives up easily. Her drive comes from a combination of personal loss and a desire to live up to the legacy of her parents. She is not one to back down from a challenge, no matter how insurmountable it may seem. This tenacity makes her a formidable opponent, both in battle and in life. When she sets her mind to something, she pursues it with unwavering focus and resolve.

Loyalty is another cornerstone of Calista’s personality. She deeply values the bonds she forms with her crew and considers them her chosen family. Having lost her grandmother and been abandoned by the system she believed in, she places immense importance on the trust and loyalty within her new pirate crew. She is fiercely protective of those she cares about and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being, even if it means putting herself in danger.

Calista has a strong independent streak. Having lived a life dictated by the constraints of her village and then the rigid hierarchy of the Marines, she deeply values her newfound freedom as a pirate. She has little tolerance for rules or authority figures that do not align with her sense of justice. This independence also manifests in her thinking; she often questions the status quo and is not afraid to challenge the norms that others accept without question.

As a sniper, Calista has learned to maintain her calm even in the most stressful situations. She has a remarkable ability to remain focused and composed, particularly in high-stakes situations where her skills are needed most. Her calm demeanor often gives her an edge in combat, allowing her to make clear-headed decisions and execute precise, calculated moves. This trait also makes her a steadying presence among her crew, someone they can rely on when things get chaotic.

Beneath her tough exterior, Calista is deeply empathetic. She has a strong ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which often compels her to help those in need. Her empathy is what drove her to join the Marines in the first place and later what led her to stay with Captain Moores after his act of defiance against the Celestial Dragon. She feels a deep connection to those who suffer and has a soft spot for children and those who are powerless.

Calista's determination can sometimes border on stubbornness. She has a strong will and is not easily swayed once she has made up her mind about something. This can be both a strength and a weakness; while it gives her the perseverance to overcome obstacles, it can also make her resistant to advice or help from others. She can be quite headstrong, insisting on doing things her own way, which sometimes leads to friction with others who might have different approaches or perspectives.

Calista often spends time reflecting on her past and the choices she has made. She is introspective, frequently questioning her own beliefs and actions to ensure they align with her principles. This self-awareness makes her a thoughtful leader and a considerate companion, but it also means she carries a heavy burden of guilt and responsibility for those she feels she has failed to protect.

In summary;
Calista D. Constantine is a multifaceted character shaped by her past traumas and her deep sense of justice. She is driven by a desire to protect the innocent and uphold her own code of ethics, even when it puts her at odds with the world around her. Her strong personality traits make her both a formidable ally and a relentless adversary, someone who is not easily swayed once she has chosen her path. As a marksman and a pirate, she is a blend of calm precision and fiery determination, a character who will stop at nothing to ensure that justice is served.

Calista has a peculiar superstition where she refuses to step on any cracks, whether it's on a ship’s deck, a cobblestone street, or even in the jungle if she spots a broken branch. She believes that stepping on a crack will "break her luck," so she’ll often do little hops or sidesteps to avoid them, no matter how odd it looks. Her crewmates find this behavior amusing, especially when she’s focused and intensely stepping around cracks in the middle of a serious mission. Despite the teasing, Calista insists it’s what keeps her sharp and her aim true, and she never misses a shot after carefully avoiding every crack in her path.​

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Name Grayson
Age 29
Species Human

Ship role fighter

Fighting style sword and claws

Boon Devil fruit

Devil fruit Kuma Kuma no mi type Grizzly. Zoan turns user into a grizzly bear.

Personality: He is jovial laughing even in the face of danger. To his comrades he is a kind figure who will be an ear for them to vent. Those who stand in his way they learn why you don't mess with a bear.

History: Grayson didn't come from a loving home. Infact he didn't come from a home at all. He was a bastard orphan with no family name. Even so he always had a sense of justice not letting the younger orphans be harmed by the older ones or even the adults. This would repeatedly cause him to be beaten up but he didn't care as long as they were safe.

When he was fifteen he stumbled upon a strange fruit. Hungry he decided why not and took a bite. It was the worst thing he ever tasted. Shortly afterwards his nose changed to bear snout and his hair a dark blue turned brown. Than his clothes ripped as he was on all fours looking like a grizzly bear.

At eighteen he joined the Marines. He still wanted to help people and figured this was the best way. He served with honor for many years.

As he served he started to slowly understand how the world truly worked. How Warlords could get away with everything and they were powerless to stop them. How the cruel nobles could treat everyone like insects and he had to turn a blind eye let alone protect them. He was sick to his stomach about all of it. The paramount war was the last straw. He saw the lengths the Navy went to to execute some pirate just because his farther was the dead king. And the fallout that occurred because one Admiral seemed to have a grudge. And yet another warlord ended up destroying Marineford and all the Admirals were trying to take out a near dead kid instead of dealing with the actual threat.

After the war he was assigned to the Calamity. His plan was to just finish his term of service and be done with it all. He came to respect Captain Moores one of the few officers he worked for that wasn't corrupt. Than the celestial pig and his cronies came on board and made everything worse. His animal instincts wanted to tear that fish bowl apart yet his human side trusted the Captain a trust that was well placed. As the celestial went down Grayson transformed into his hybrid form and defended the captain from the guards. Looking at the captain he nodded "I was going to retire anyway."

Description (this is AI. I can't draw to save my life)
Name: Ramsey
Age: 18
Species: Mink (Goat), Human
Ship Role: Engineer

Fighting style:
A powerful and sturdy physical juggernaut with exceptional perceptive abilities and a surprising amount of precision. Maintaining a firm stance, they use every part of their body to strike or open their opponents up for follow-up blows, including purposefully taking hits if needed thanks to their natural durability. This also extends to using the environment with improvised weapons, including controlled demolition, to create new weapons, traps or a more advantageous battleground.
Boon: Physical Juggernaut
Devil Fruit: None, Ram-Ram no Mi

Personality: Stoic, serious and lacking the concept of subtlety or figurative speech. She appears to keep her softer side well hidden, instead coming across as stubbornly direct with a temper. Despite this she has shown to be creative for improvisation with practical solutions over esoteric, with her temper flaring when all else fails. The two real situations that seem to find her relaxed are either during her work on a project, or sleeping.
The Daughter of Mary Geoise slaves, Ramsey was a morbid curiosity and pet, or more accurately, a toy of a Celestial Dragon. Being the only life she has known, it has deeply affected both her mindset and personality having endured the cruel inhuman treatment for her entire life. One of these was that all these cruelties were in fact “love” given that the attention the “gods of the world” gave her was a blessing regardless of its context, the privilege of having a god look or pay attention to them. This was further pushed by the lie her parents were killed by god's enemies and not the Celestials treatments, claiming the enemies were vanquished by the gods and now they were raised in their “care”. Eventually becoming somewhat bored of her, she has recently been discarded to the Blues as a point of entertainment to the Marines to see how a wild beast would play well with them. Ramsey took up the task seeing it as being able to better show gratitude and service. Many question how the girl has survived so long, however pressure from higher ups has forced decisions and her loyalty to the Marines themselves can not be questioned. It has been theorized she holds some strong connection to a higher up within the government, though the truth of the matter is she was little more than a pet of the world nobles they decided to set loose for entertainment within the Blues.

A Tall thickly built girl with a wild yet curved appearance along with powerful muscle, standing tall at nearly nine feet. Thick braids of ash blonde hair flow down the sides of her head in twin tails, past a crown of curved horns and as well as all the way down to her thighs in a third. A rather stern and serious face holds twin piercing amber eyes with an unusual horizontal slit. While normally covered in fine fast-growing wool, they have taken to shaving such constantly. Rather than the traditional marine attire they retain relatively little attire, consisting mostly of a black unitard with woolen lined boots and gloves created from bound cloth. In addition they are known to carry a large fleece over themselves as a cloak at nearly all times.

-Cashmier Cloak
-ToothGnasher, A Large Hammer Axe with a chain flowing from its hilt
-Engineering Tool Chest
-Straight Razor

  • Name: Marcelo Alboran
  • Age: 20
  • Species: Human
  • Ship Role: Helmsman
  • Fighting Style: He fights with a saber he calls Media Luna and a red muleta. The muleta works for covering the saber, but it's also resistant enough and can be wrapped around people to restrain and pull them to Marcelo. He also has used it for acrobatics. His go to move is a series of three spinning slashes known as the Steel Waltz.
  • Boon: He was seen in combat as a particularly agile fighter, and as a helmsman, while seen as reckless, he shows his skill. He is getting the hang of Geppo.
  • Devil Fruit: None.
  • Personality: Marcelo is, generally, seen as if he had a death wish. Cocky, daring, and seemingly treating his life as a game. But, he is ultimately aware of how things could end in an instant, and doesn't want to leave regrets. Between his risk taking attitude and intolerance for injustice, he has run into a lot of trouble, even against orders. Even so, he does care a lot about the crew and has a strong sense of honor. However, he has a weakness for gambling and ladies, which can trip him up.
  • History: A native of an island on the South Blue, born to a merchant family, he was basically raised over a ship, helping out the crew and learning the ropes of both sailing and combat, particularly from Romero, who put him through a lot to learn the Dancing Of Beasts style. At eight, a particularly bad attack of a Sea King that knocked him overboard, he was left fending off on the seas for days until he was found. That event left a mark on him, as he we seemed to look at life more like something that could be extinguished in a second. Both in training and in daily life, he seemed to work harder and get into more trouble with his antics. As it was, life seemed fairly peaceful, or as peaceful as it could be when your life is spent on the sea, but at fourteen, he and the ship he was on was attacked by a particularly dangerous pirate crew, causing a huge fight that caused several members of the crew to die, including his teacher, Romero, and his father got wounded. After that event, Marcelo left home, and spent some time drifting along, using his gambling and combat skills to keep himself fed and mobile. During his trips, he ended up running into a Marine base, and after a lot of trouble, he ended up in the Calamity. While he is seen as talented, and gets along with most of the crew, he is also another problem child they've had to bail out, and more than once has had to be stopped from going on against a pirate crew on his own or taking swings to his more... extreme colleagues. That all changed that day a Celestial Dragon came in and he had half a mind to see if he could knock him off into the sea and get away with it, but his Cap got ahead of him, and seeing what happened, he could only ask "your turn to be nuts, boss?". But tossed his white coat to the floor, making it clear which side he is taking on this matter. The chaos of this world always took you by surprise, and now, he just has to live with that.
  • Appearance: 03bb6077052936119d08fd9ca4e285c2.jpg
  • Etc: (Everything else)
Name: Saadia bint Hassan al-Sabasa (formerly Ms. Asclepius)

Age: Late 20s

Species: Human

Ship Role: Member of the medical staff of the Calamity

Fighting Style: Contrary to what one might expect from stereotypes, Saadia is a capable fighter but does not utilize tools of the medical trade like poisons or medical instruments. While not a matter of absolute principle, she has a distaste for using things that should heal injury and disease to instead cause pain and death. However, she does carry a modified version of the naval saber commonly used by the Marines, in which the inside of the curve is sharpened instead of the outside, and the handguard is adjusted accordingly. This allows it to be used similar in manner to the curved sword called the khopesh. Furthermore, the saber can extend a long shaft from its hilt, allowing it to be converted to a polearm when the additional reach is needed.

Boon: Extensive medical experience, as well as experimental inoculations that grant fast healing (though far from instantaneous), as well as invulnerability to most known poisons and diseases.

The dominance of the Kingdom of Alabasta over the Sandy Island of the Grand Line is undisputed, and has been for centuries even before Queen Nefertari Lili took the throne, and led the nation into a state of prosperity that won her a seat at the formation of the World Government. But this side of the story begins with much more recent history. Not every community that inhabited Sandy Island wanted to become a protectorate of Alabasta, even considering their pre-eminence after the founding of the World Government. One of them was Sabasa, a once-prosperous port city that maintained firm but consistent relations of trade with Alabasta and other territories on the large island.

However, wear and tear began to show in the influence of Sabasa for almost a century before the present day, as Nanohana grew in size and power, taking over trade due to its direct affiliation with Alabasta. While the sea's bounty never waned, more and more of it went to Nanohana, and fewer and fewer ships and boats were moored at Sabasa, whether by the locals, or merchants and travelers from overseas.

Many in the recent generation began to take flight from the increasingly decrepit town, most taking up trades that would take them afield, either further inland across the sand or across the sea, either as pirates or merchant sailors.

One of those who stayed on land was Saadia, a young woman who had grown up an orphan, but was taken in by Hassan, a merchant who had inherited a once-great trading caravan that had become increasingly marginalized by Alabasta's influence. Eventually the day came when Hassan made the decision to pack up and leave Sabasa, with him and Saadia personally joining one of their caravans to attempt to re-establish their trading network without yielding to Alabasta. Aside from traders and guards, many tradesmen of all types inhabited the caravan, whether blacksmiths, jewelers, leatherworkers, seamstresses, and performers alike. However, one that drew Saadia's interest the most was Jabir, an aged man who was an expert physician and surgeon, plying his trade in assistance of not only the caravaneers, but also those in need wherever they stopped.

It was in this manner that Saadia spent several years learning both science and trade of the doctor under him, while also observing the growing poverty of those who would not bend the knee to Alabasta. Soon few people in the towns could afford Jabir's medicine and treatment, let alone the food, textiles, or anything else Hassan's caravan brought them. Some withheld their goods, but Jabir continued to treat those in dire need at a loss, or even charitably. But some things could not be gotten without payment, and eventually even their resources dwindled.

It was at this time when Saadia caught wind of Baroque Works, a conspiracy that claimed to be plotting against the Nefertari dynasty, aiming to overthrow them and restore order and prosperity to not just Alabasta, but to all the inhabitants of Sandy Island. With few reservations, but against Hassan and Jabir's advice, Saadia enlisted in the organization, her expertise earning her the rank of one of the Billions, though short of an officer agent due to her solid but unimpressive abilities outside of medicine. Despite her devotion, the organization ultimately fell, many slain or captured by the Marines or Alabasta, and the survivors scattered.

By the time Saadia reunited with the caravan, many of its members had dispersed, settling in other places or joining other, more influential entities. The few that remained informed Saadia that Jabir had died of shock when the caravan was caught in a battle instigated by Baroque Works, while Hassan had gone missing not long after.

Disconsolate, Saadia left her home behind and set out on a boat alone, seeking either a repentant death or a new way to seek justice.

One stormy night, as her boat was tossed by the waves, she chanced upon the Marine ship, the Calamity, led by Salvantas Moores. Choosing at that moment between burial at sea and a new mission, Saadia agreed to come on board, formally enlisting in the Marines.

Recent events have left her uncertain of the crew's next move, but renewed in conviction. While not absolutely loyal to Captain Moores, she follows his orders dutifully, and believes he made the right decision.

All in all, Saadia is a polite and professional person, firm in her principles but flexible in who they apply to. She does not believe in automatically obeying or punishing someone, whether they fly under the flag of the Marines or the Jolly Roger, and she accepts that the same pair of hands can heal and hurt, though it is better to spare, even save a life than take it. With renewed purpose, she enjoys seeing new places and environments, traveling to places far afield of Sandy Island.

  • Name: Hunter Babull
  • Age: 38
  • Species: Long arm tribe
  • Ship Role: Navigator and amateur weapon smith
  • Fighting Style: Hunter's fighting style is dependent on his gauntlets for both attacking and blocking. Due to the special properties of Wapol metal his right hand gauntlet can transform to have a short sword blade pop out from the part covering his fist while the left gauntlet can create a chainwhip attachment for even more reach. In both cases this means the gauntlets cover less of his arms and thus offer less defense.
  • Boon: Wapol metal Gauntlets
  • Personality: Hunter honestly doesn't care about the marine's justice or laws, personal loyalty is far more important to him. He also has a love for unique weapons and isn't above stealing them from enemies/strangers, however if the weapon belongs to a friend or ally he will simply ask to inspect it. On the other hand simple swords, no matter their quality, hold no particular interest for him. In his free time he is often sketching ideas for upgrades to his gauntlets, though most of the stuff he comes up with is for fun and is too impractical to actually use. He does really want to get his hands on seastone so he can upgrade his weapons to be effective logia devil fruit users.
  • History: Hunter had a pretty normal childhood on Kenzan island growing up above his parents' bookstore. Naturally growing around so many books he naturally developed an interest in them, especially those about distant lands and weird weapons. His parents realized he would most likely leave to explore the world long before he did and while they weren't happy decided to support him. As soon as Hunter was old enough they signed him up for both martial arts and cartography lessons. At first Hunter hated this loss of free time and often argued with his parents about wanting to stop. It wasn't until some peaceful pirates arrived at their town that Hunter finally realized he wanted to see the world and understood the reason for those classes. For the next five years Hunter focused on learning how to fight and navigate until he finally graduated both at the age of 18. Before setting out he got his first tattoo's to remind him of everything he had learned and why.

    Hunter didn't immediately join the marines and worked on a merchant ship for the first two years of his travels. It wasn't as exciting as he had hoped since they stuck to mostly safe paths but he got along with the rest of the crew. However this part of his life also ended at the hands of pirates who attacked the ship. The crew tried to fight them of but were outmatched. Still the pirates didn't kill any of them, instead they took all the fight, gold and even weapons including cannonballs on the ship. Luckily it was only another two days to the nearest island and as dangerous as the Grand Line can be the crew was experienced enough to make it there without casualties.

    After that incident Hunter only stayed with the merchant ship long enough to reach the nearest marine base where he signed up, not wanting to be unable to defend himself in the case of another run in with pirates. ?For the most part his years as a marine were pretty uneventful until he joined the Calamity and saw Captain Moores shoot a Celestial Dragon for what was admittedly a pretty good reason. After being given the option to leave Hunter threw his marine jacket overboard and sat down on the deck without a word.
  • Appearance:
  • As is normal for members of the long-arm tribe Hunter has very long double jointed but skinny arms. He has several tattoo's on his arms to commemorate major life decisions. Hunter is about 6'2 tall with brown hair and green eyes. He wears a black hanfu top with the sleeves rolled up to above his first elbow joints.

  • Etc: Hunter has a tattoo on his arms for what he considers every major decision in his life, a pair of boxing gloves to represent his weapon of choice, a globe for leaving his homecountry to see the world, the marine seagull for when he joined the marines now crossed out for leaving the marines, and the crossbones the Calamity crew adopted as their pirate flag

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