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Multiple Settings oooooh you wanna check this int check as well ooo (original RPs)

mechanical meatsack

rival schools
Roleplay Type(s)
studio ghibli GIF

mech's one stop original rp search!
sorry if there's a lot of stuff here, or if it looks like a mess. not exactly a tidy guy​

    • Mainly semi-lit. I write a couple of paragraphs (2-5), minimum 300 words and maximum around 700? I could definitely push for more paragraphs but it will take me some time.
    • I'd usually write in 3rd person, though I'm also okay with first person.
    • My response time is usually 1 response a week or two. It could be a whole month if I'm really busy or took a break from RPing
      • To add on to the last point, if I ghost you for a month or more, that doesn't mean I lost interest in the RP. I'm probably busy with stuff I prioritize more on so I took a break from RPing. If I lose interest in the RP, I will explicitly state so.
    • I am currently 16. I'm alright with RPing with anyone as long as you're not, like, a creep.
    • English? Not exactly my first language so if you see any bad grammar or punctuation or the sentence is just. Awkward. Feel free to call me out on any of that. I want to improve my writing.
    • I do have discord. We can do it there if you'd like, but not required.
    • I can play characters of any genders and am alright with all kinds of pairings, whether platonic or romantic.
    • Ghost friendly! Though, i'd prefer if you let me know firsthand if you're leaving for a while.
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Interested? I’ll be takin’ a week long break here, but I’d be interested to figure somethin out.

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