Ooo! Look Here!~ ((Always Looking!!!!))

7: Forced Marriage This is another topic that particularly interests me. The idea itself, is entertaining. What could happen, is perhaps two fighting, probably rich, families take their child from each side and force a marriage to unite them, and stop the fight. This one especially, though it's the same as all the others, is open for all the different gender pairings. (MxM, FxF, MxF).

8: Human x Human

This is very open. Could be, a more dark, gangster boy meeting up with a shy, quiet girl. Or, could even be, perhaps that they are both in the same activity with the same passion, such as dancing, or even some sort of art, could be a good idea.

3: Hunter x Hunted As the title of this says, a hunter and someone who is being hunted. This could be a regular perhaps, assassin of sorts sent out to kill someone. Or, this could be the more common demon hunter, chasing after a demon of sorts.

If you're still interested, these are the ones that have intrigued me. (:
Hey, so I'm very new to this site and I've been on hiatus from role playing in general for a while. However, I've been wanting to get back into it for some time and this post caught my eye. This in particular caught my attention and I'd love to start one if you're still interested.

1: Angel x Fallen Angel

Alright. There could be multiple ways this could go. It could be simply, that an angel stumbles upon a fallen angel. They don't get along at first, though then start falling in love? Something along those lines. Or, could be an angel is given an assignment. They are put in charge of a fallen angel, told to put them back on the right track. Though, will this work, or will the angel just fall in love?

OR, any other ideals anyone might have for this.
Still looking? Hunter x Hunted, Angel x Fallen Angel and Master x Slave sound like fun, personally.

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Are you still looking? Because I would love to do 3 and 7 with you c:

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