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Fantasy ᴍɪꜱᴛ & ʙᴏɴᴇ [𝘖𝘖𝘊]

a banshee studying mortuary science is the best thing i’ve ever read. 😭 it goes so well together. don’t mind me, im just skimming everyone’s character sheet.
I'm about to check them too I've mainly skimmed. Just got a lot going on right now lol
no literally, i feel like today was one massive burnout. i’ve just been lazing around. i read the cs’ while i can though, but eventually i want to fully read every one of them. i’ve only fully read the GMs’ characters sheets.
I have officially sent out pms to everyone who submitted sheets with an update. If you did not receive one please let me know as soon as possible! Again, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to submit sheets for Mist & Bone as I loved getting to read all of them (even though the decision was more difficult). I will be clearing up the CS in a few days, so for those with characters not accepted who would like to save their sheets you have time to do so!

As far as any further updates regarding the RP, those will be posted in the discord.

Thank you all again. <3

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