Whats a stun deck?

Is it like a stall deck?

Because my intended character, a smug asshole type, was going to have a deck all about locking down opponents and making them lose through drawing all their cards.


A stun deck would be something like, say, a deck based around getting out Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8 and Royal Decree to simply prevent the uses of any and all spells and traps your opponent might try to use. This example's a bit dated, but it gets the point across. A stun deck basically keeps your opponent from being able to do anything on their turn. They're absolute nightmares to play against.
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Nah. My idea was just to prevent monster attacks from being successful.

Or failing that, a deck that is based solely around gaining craptons of life points.
So are we using any outside software or websites to conduct our duels or is everything going to be done in the RP?
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@GinkyGotBack @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai 

@F o o l i s h n e s s @Rurnur @DemetrioMachete @Arael

 @TPBx @Brinie @Brass Skeleton @The Endergod

With people making their CS, I'd like to ask some questions bwfore I can officially start.

1) Should I only have fusion as the only extra deck type and unlock more as the rp progresses? (Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum)

2) Should OCG cards be allowed?

3) Banning of certain cards?

1.) I think that it should be fine to have them all, so long as they fit the theme of the deck.

2.) I'd say so, we could go by the OCG card rulings, or perhaps change them depending on everyone's view of a certain card, eg. the OCG ruling is at 2 but the group as a whole thinks it should be at 1 so we change it.

3.) I mean, it depends on the card and everyone's feelings on said card.
My original idea of a synchro deck goes out the window if we go with that but at the same time I can see how it's fair to start off with the basics and work your way up. 

As for ocg card rulings for me it all depends on the cards we'retalking about, same for the third question. Like I'm completely againstthe idea of stacking a deck full of exodia pieces. 
My original idea of a synchro deck goes out the window if we go with that but at the same time I can see how it's fair to start off with the basics and work your way up. 

As for ocg card rulings for me it all depends on the cards we'retalking about, same for the third question. Like I'm completely againstthe idea of stacking a deck full of exodia pieces. 

Pretty sure youre only allowed to have one of each Exodia piece.

Also what particular cards are we banning? 
1) Naw, but I wouldn't be against only having "themed" extra deck cards, meaning no stacking your extra deck with all the absolute best rank 4 xyz (castel, 101, etc) or just stick with the extra deck monsters from your chosen archetype

2) I'm not too up to date with what cards they have, but i'm sure it wouldn't be too harmful unless it's some up and coming meta archetype, there's this one unreleased Sylvan card i'd really like to use

3) No, i'm okay with sticking to the tcg banlist, however there are some banned cards choices I don't really agree with, so if someone wanted to use classic shaddolls with construct, I wouldn't complain.

Any further banned cards should probably come under the "no meta decks allowed" rule, unless there are some ridiculous OP cards out right now that I don't know about, Solemn Strike was kinda crazy when I last checked @YoungX

@The Endergod i'm gonna be running Sylvans as mentioned before, been playing them since I first got into Yugioh when Primal Origin was first being released. I love how many options there are to build the deck, and all the crazy strategies you can pull off. (Plus they're super cute and have awesome art) Not many other decks have been that fun to me, except those Red Dragons, which are also great, looking forward to dueling you! @Brass Skeleton
No one is going to make a deck revolving the best normal monster in the game? 

Sweetness! I'm probably either gonna go with my old school favorite, Glad Beasts, or my new favorite, Fluffals. Who needs those fancy synchros, XYZs, or pendulum summons when you got fusions? 
I am deciding between using a deck themed around "You can't attack me" or "Life Point gains".

Im worried the "You cant attack me" deck would be counted as a Stun Deck though, because it makes use of cards like Gravity Bind and Marshmallon.

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