Alright, starting tomorrow, I will begin messaging those who are inactive, and if they haven't done something by friday, their character will be moved into the "Bacta Tank" category, basically, their character is injured, as so has to spend time in a tank. If they still don't respond, they die during treatment.

Survey Says?
Or rather that the galaxies current bacta supply was tainted during the war, leading to defective treatments
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How long will it be till they start dying during treatment

IC-ly we could make it that mass assassination attacks were being carried out by darkside adepts who had gone rogue from the Empire

Problem for me is how would they even be able to get to my char or even know about her...
Super sorry I've been MIA for a bit, but life got a bit full. I should be good for more regular posting.
Starting Tuesday, I will begin messaging, and failing to receive responses from people, kicking them from the rp, so it is not as large as this. As well, I am deciding to step back from the rp role itself, and withdraw my faction, unless someone wants to take it and edit it for themselves.
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Yeah same, I was excited when we started, but that has waned substantially. I'll see you guys around though. You're also welcome to use my character as you wish as well. 


After some thinking, I have made a decision of withdrawing from this RP.
@ArisenMoon So which organizations have lost their heads. I was thinking about creating a villain to replace them. Like after their heads one way or another emptied their positions he swooped in and unified the broken factions.

@Donder172 you going to jump back in this?

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