Feel pretty rubbish for going quiet for so long without saying anything, welp. Sorry, I kept getting distracted with other things.

I am so sorry for falling off the face of the earth! I've been drowning in work and studying at college (I guess there's a good reason for my school being ranked in the top three for most stressed out student bodies...). What have I missed/how should I jump back in? (I'll try to start posting daily again)

I am so sorry for falling off the face of the earth! I've been drowning in work and studying at college (I guess there's a good reason for my school being ranked in the top three for most stressed out student bodies...). What have I missed/how should I jump back in? (I'll try to start posting daily again)


No worries! I've basically disappeared from everything, too, really only keeping track because of school. Trust me, I get it.

We basically rebooted everything, and right now we're playing Capture the Flag. Matt and Vi are on the same team (*nudge nudge*) and Corey would be on that team, too--Team Red. Elena would be on Cora and Noah's team--Team Blue. Basically, Team Blue is close to getting the Red flag and nothing much is happening at the Blue Flag. :)

Oh, and just a note: Original Daydreamer had to leave, so Lillian doesn't exist anymore. (We're keeping the relationships from the previous roleplay but started the roleplay itself.

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