Quick question, are gijinka limited to the moves their Pokemon can have legitimately in the game?
Alright, thanks. That's pretty much what I figured, but I thought it would be best to ask and make sure.
Should those who are playing gijinka say what pokemon they are doing here so no one accidentally picks the same one as someone else?
I knocked out a character sheet and posted it in the other section. Hopefully it's along the right lines (:
Well I've run into a bit of a problem. I could use a bit of help deciding what to do. For some of the moves I was thinking of going with a few of Luxray's typical fang attacks (Thunder fang, ice fang, crunch, etc.) but then I started to wonder, would it be kind of weird for a gijinka character to mostly have biting moves? Or would it be weirder for them not to have them given that they're a Luxray? It seems rather odd for a person to mainly rely on biting in a fight, but at the same time not having those moves seems weird... What would you even put in their place? 

Anyway, I know this is probably a really dumb thing to worry about. If you have any thoughts on it though feel free to chime in.
I knocked out a character sheet and posted it in the other section. Hopefully it's along the right lines (:

It's lovely!

Well I've run into a bit of a problem. I could use a bit of help deciding what to do. For some of the moves I was thinking of going with a few of Luxray's typical fang attacks (Thunder fang, ice fang, crunch, etc.) but then I started to wonder, would it be kind of weird for a gijinka character to mostly have biting moves? Or would it be weirder for them not to have them given that they're a Luxray? It seems rather odd for a person to mainly rely on biting in a fight, but at the same time not having those moves seems weird... What would you even put in their place? 

Anyway, I know this is probably a really dumb thing to worry about. If you have any thoughts on it though feel free to chime in.

Think about it though, it could lead to some interesting ic situations. If you want that.

@Stamper Is it alright to make TWO characters? They'll both be human!

@Saberwolf00 I think having just Bite moves would be cool if it fit their personality.

That's alright!
You know what... I think I will go for it! 

I might need to get a sign for him though, like "Don't pet the gijinka" Because you know at some point somebody is going to be stupid and do it, and then they'll get bit.
If only Luxray had a way of learning poison fang. I could go: Tunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Crunch, and Poison Fang.

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