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Fandom (OOC) Warriors: Beyond the stars

stennie stennie how were midterms?
Okay-ish, I just finished the second one! The others are all next week or so. Honestly I'm a little nervous about how I did because my brain totally blanked on the first, but hey, something's better than nothing lol. Thanks for asking.
How have you been?
(Also, I never got to thank you for the good luck wish yesterday!)
A late welcome and good luck on the others next week.

Blanking during exams/tests is normal. At least in my experience.

I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. Downloaded some new games for my ps4 to play.
A late welcome and good luck on the others next week.

Blanking during exams/tests is normal. At least in my experience.

I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. Downloaded some new games for my ps4 to play.
Thanks, again!
Yeah, it seems to be. It's just annoying bc like, I knew that I knew this stuff, but brain go Bonk
And, that's cool! Mind if I ask which games?


A lot of games I couldn’t download due to not having the space but these are the ones that downloaded:
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Beyond: Two Souls
  • Metro 2030: Redux
  • Nier: Automata
  • The Raven Remastered
  • The Turning Test
  • The Technomancer
  • Homefront: The Revolution
  • Shadow of the Beast
  • Bloodborne
  • Infamous: Second Son
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A lot of games I couldn’t download due to not having the space but these are the ones that downloaded:
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Beyond: Two Souls
  • Metro 2030: Redux
  • Nier: Automata
  • The Raven Remastered
  • The Turning Test
  • The Technomancer
  • Homefront: The Revolution
  • Shadow of the Beast
  • Bloodborne
  • Infamous: Second Son
Ooh, nice!! I only know a couple of those games but they all seem cool. I hope you enjoy them!
Yeah his parents think, and Spider does too, that Star clan made a mistake when giving a disabled cat a ‘gift’ and that it should be given to a normal able bodied cat.

His mentor is trying to be mediator between Spider and his parents but they don’t listen to Mouseleaf. However, Mouseleaf sees, if Spider isn’t going then this gift is unfair to other apprentices for one to have it and the others cannot have gifts.

I got plans in place for Spider, so he will of course go, it’ll just be difficult getting him on board when it’s safer for him, in his eyes and knowledge, on River territory then out in the wilderness. He knows the high risk of dying due to his birth defect (being half dead deaf which he hides) and his twisted leg.
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Yeah his parents think, and Spider does too, that Star clan made a mistake when giving a disabled cat a ‘gift’ and that it should be given to a normal able bodied cat.

His mentor is trying to be mediator between Spider and his parents but they don’t listen to Mouseleaf. However, Mouseleaf sees, if Spider isn’t going then this gift is unfair to other apprentices for one to have it and the others cannot have gifts.

I got plans in place for Spider, so he will of course go, it’ll just be difficult getting him on board when it’s safer for him, in his eyes and knowledge, on River territory then out in the wilderness. He knows the high risk of dying due to his birth defect (being half dead which he hides) and his twisted leg.
That makes much sense! I understand why they feel that way.
I have plans too for Murkpelt’s friend. (He really wants to tag along but idk if he could since it’s for the 10)
Yeah, one thing I have mind for the 10 to face will likely affect both Hawkpaw and Spiderpaw.

His parents, Spiderpaw’s, just view Spider as an embarrassment since birth due to his being the runt of their litter and his disabilities. His lack of enthusiasm for the only role a cat can get in the clans as warrior doesn’t make things easier for him either so they run him ragged and abuse him with words, notes and scratches or pushing him about.

I always found it boring about warrior series how you could only be a warrior for your life. That’s probably why I didn’t get into the series at all abd I found the overall premise/storyline boring.
Yeah, one thing I have mind for the 10 to face will likely affect both Hawkpaw and Spiderpaw.

His parents, Spiderpaw’s, just view Spider as an embarrassment since birth due to his being the runt of their litter and his disabilities. His lack of enthusiasm for the only role a cat can get in the clans as warrior doesn’t make things easier for him either so they run him ragged and abuse him with words, notes and scratches or pushing him about.

I always found it boring about warrior series how you could only be a warrior for your life. That’s probably why I didn’t get into the series at all abd I found the overall premise/storyline boring.
Oooh. From that, I feel he may have a good backstory. They shouldn’t treat him that way! He’s only a baby.
Alike Murkpelt, the cats don’t really like her because she’s not like the Clan cats, she was from somewhere else. (Bc of her accent and size). Her only friend is Reedfrost.
I could make him friends with her through the storyline if you’d like. (Idk I’m suggesting. )
Not really. Hawkpaw has the more interesting story along with his older siblings and mother.

But yeah, their son is an embarrassment to them for the reasons listed above. His parents would likely forbid the friendship since they are from different clans and Murkpelt would be forced to kill Spider in battle of it came to it. Despite having family in the clans, I figure they may occasionally breed with cousins (since animals, including cats, do that) just to keep the family pure.

But I would be okay with him making another friend outside of his clan. He’s never interacted with cats out his clan unless they were family.
Basically, Mouseleaf thinks, since Star Clan has refused to remove his ‘gift’, they are forcing the ten to go and Spider doesn’t want that so ran away.
Basically, Mouseleaf thinks, since Star Clan has refused to remove his ‘gift’, they are forcing the ten to go and Spider doesn’t want that so ran away.
Spider deserves a hug-
Or. whatever the cat equivalent of a hug would be, I guess. But you get me lol

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