OOC (Tribal Feud)

KiKi Kitsune

The Fire Panda Fairy
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Please feel free to chat to your hearts content. Let's stop from insulting each other too much though. I don't want too much drama ooc, alright? Awesome! We do have a skype group running. If you wish to be a part of it, just send me your details and I can add you.

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TerraBooma said:

  • Name: Harry Lindson

    Age: 19

    Pokemon Team:

    Name: Gunther



    Type: Donphan

    Moveset: Rollout, RockSmash, Earthquake, Horn Attack

    Name: Shelly



    Type: Lapras

    Moveset: Surf, Ice Beam, Hydropump, Sing


    Personality: Harry is a fairly quiet guy, happy to be with others but at the same time he's also happy to be by himself. Never the center of attention, Harry's always found himself happy to be in the back of the pack, even during battles he prefers quick and done tactics, those that won't take too long to try for a knockout and end a fight before it really began. That said Harry isn't a recluse, and he enjoys the company of others, open up a conversation with him on Pokemon or really anything and he'll happily chat your ear off for hours. Shy but friendly, Harry does his best to make others feel welcome in his presence.


    Harry's Pokemon journey had been largely uneventful. Catching Gunther and Shelly early on and trained them exclusively. Harry's been happy to wander around and spend his time exploring rather than challenging gyms. More interested in seeing the world around him than fighting battles or catching new pokemon. Harry had discovered that life was more enjoyable if you discovered things at your own pace. Happy to explore, Harry continued on his path until eventually something amazing would appear before him.

Both Harry and Specks are accepted
[QUOTE="The J]
  • Name: Luvien
    Age: 34

    Pokemon: Blastoise

    Tribe: Kiba



    Personality: Luvien tends to gravitate towards being a strong, silent type. He tends only to speak when he needs to, engage in chit-chat, and hates people wasting his time. One of the only times that he ever shows emotion is in combat, unleashing his rage upon his foes as he obliterates them. Another of these rare times would be dealing with humans, as he holds nothing but hatred and contempt for their race, and would gladly kill one given half a chance.

    He is intensely loyal to Kiba, and would gladly defend his tribe, home and any of its members to the death if he had to.

    Crush/Mate: Open, though highly unlikely

    History: Luvien's parents were members of Kiba, but spent little time on the island itself - they were sailors, exploring the surrounding area for weeks on end to find new islands, each with their own fauna and flora. It is thanks to them that much of the island's surrounding sea is charted.

    One day, the ship that they were using was caught in a storm, and they were forced to head for the mainland, as that was the closest place, and the safest bet for them to actually make it to shore before their boat got sunk. Limping ashore, they barely made it, and the ship was irreparable. They spent days on that shore, having only about a week's worth of supplies, and soon they were found by humans. He didn't understand what was happening, but his parents made him hide and promise to be quiet. Soon after, he heard people shouting, and his parents' screams, as they were taken off, seen as oddities and not even as people.

    He was saved, though, and he eventually plucked up the courage to exit his hiding spot, and it truly sunk in how alone he was. He knew, roughly, how to sail, and apart from the shell on his back, which was hidden by his coat, as well as his tail, he made a pretty convincing human. Soon enough, he managed to steal a boat small enough for him to pilot alone, and using the last of the ship's supplies and his parents' map, made agonisingly slow progress from island to island until he made it back to his home.

    From then on, he despised humans with a passion, and almost completely locked away his emotions. His approach to combat and his determination determination eventually earned him his rightful place as general, and has led the military side of Kiba with great strength ever since.

    Move set:

    - Hydro pump

    - Aqua Jet

    - Protect

    - Iron defense

    - Flash cannon

    Other: Certified Grade-A Badass, general for Kiba


minismurf said:

  • Name: Isaac

    Age: 9

    Pokemon: Klefki

    Tribe: Azoth


    Personality: Isaac is a lonely and "shut-in" child, he usually doesn't talk to anyone unless they adress him first unless if he's reporting to the alphas, small talk is something that's unheard of to him, all that he knows is his work and the importance of his duty as guardian of the gate leading into Azoth. He often can be found sitting on top of the wall, looking out into nowhere, some young gijinkas whisper about him using Magic Room to make his own world.

    Crush/Mate: N/A

    History: Isaac was born into a loving family, even if not many would think so of a child with a Cofagrigus and Aegislash as parents. However the two parents loved their parents always, even if they weren't able to show it, for you see Isaac is a horribly powerful child, even at birth his powers were tremendous, so strong that when his mother gave him his first touch with her lips on his forehead he nearly drained the life out of her. No one understood why the mother suddenly collapsed after greeting her newborn into the world, but they quickly learned that it was the childs power that had stolen the energy of the mother.

    As he grew older it became obvious that Isaac wasn't like the other kids, sure he walked and talked like them, but it was his power that was his unique trait. When an older Aggron child had decided to bully the little Klefki Isaac had only seen it as a game, and at the time he ended up playing Rough. When the "play session" was over the Aggron child was so hardly beaten that he barely had any life left in the poor boy. This led to the true realisation of Isaac's powers, the Alphas approached him a few days after the incident and said that they'd take care of him.

    After a mere year of training with Suvinay and Anaika they considered him to be safe enough with his powers for him to be around people, however Isaac had lost his will of being with people, he'd grown afraid of hurting people, afraid of his own powers. When the Alphas saw that Isaac preffered to be away from people they decided to make him the keeper of the Gate that lead into the tribal village, the previous Gatekeeper was an old Conkeldurr who'd lost his strength over the ages of his work, and when the news of him getting exchanged he left the gate with a warm smile in the hands of Isaac. Isaac enjoyed the place, it was at the edge of the village so it was secluded enough for him to be alone whenever he wanted to be, the view he got from sitting at the top of the wall was very satisfying as well, if he looked up he could see straight through the shrubbery of the forest up into the sky.

    At the first day of his work Isaac tore down the old gate that was built up of a bunch of wooden pillars and used his Fairy Lock to replace the wood with a large metal gate with an uncountable amount of locks, Isaac felt way safer knowing that it was his own power that kept the village safe, and it barely drained his energy at all for him to keep it up.

    Move set:

    - Fairy Lock

    - Imprison

    - Play Rough

    - Magic Room

    - Draining Kiss

    Other:Isaac handles the gate into the Azoth tribe, making sure no one unwanted gets in... or out

I'm ready to bring back the mander. *smirks as he cracks his kunckles to get Xander back into this* Star crossed lovers are still fun. Just gonna let it go more slowly this time.
Kiroshiven said:
I'm ready to bring back the mander. *smirks as he cracks his kunckles to get Xander back into this* Star crossed lovers are still fun. Just gonna let it go more slowly this time.
Ship will fly!
Heya Kiro!

I've been wondering, Specks is friends with May, so he must have at least had regular contact with Xander, we need to decide how they got along.
I was thinking maybe he acts as a messenger for Xander. Keeping him up to tabs on May, despite him leaving. Other than that, Xander and Specks probably got along fine. So long as Specks didn't try anything that is. @TerraBooma
it really depends how May reacted. If she cried or something, Specks probably wouldn't be too amused. They might not be on the best terms. We'd need Kiki's input to decide xD

Specks doesnt' care about most Kiba, but Xander might be the exception.
Kiroshiven said:

  • Name: Akane

    Age: 16

    Pokemon: Umbreon

    Tribe: Kiba


    View attachment 255778

    Standing in at 4'10" Akane is not a tall woman, but she is fast and a pain in the rear to catch.

    Personality: Akane is a no nonsense ninja that serves her Lord Emrik without question. He could ask her to cut off her own hand and she would do just that. It is a level of loyalty over the years that she has been with the Kiba tribe. Other than that, Akane comes off as emotionless and brutal. Many think she is just a dark entity created for the purpose of serving Emrik til she dies. She is the eyes and ears of the Kiba tribe and proud of it.

    On the off chance that you find her NOT doing some form of Lord Emrik's bidding, she can be found training deep within the caves. That, or in her room creating artwork of the home that she actually cherishes and wishes no human will find their way to. Kiba's land is sacred and she believes that it should be portrayed as the wondrous place it is, not the despicable violent underworld the Azoth make it out to be.

    Crush/Mate: Open

    History: Akane was born as a Kiba tribe member from a Mamoswine father and Umbreon mother. Her dad was a general and her mom was considered a great healer. However, Akane was a small child, a runt if you could even give her that kind of credit. So her family thought she wouldn't be suited to the front lines of combat. They left her behind on countless occasions when something went wrong. With nobody to turn to she found herself often leaving the safety of Kiba village, even at the young age of five years old. Unfortunately for her, she found herself in Azoth territory once. It did not go well.

    Found by more.....aggressive members of the Azoth tribe, Akane thought her life would be over. However, not a single finger touched her when a young Mightyena stood before her and his mere presence was enough to send the men running. Not understanding what had happened to the fullest, but she did grasp something. She wanted to be of use to this man. Akane had found something worth doing with her life.

    The next few years, Akane trained under her mother and father's strict supervision. They had an idea that the male she wanted to serve, Emerik, would become Alpha in the near future. They trained her to be sturdy and able to withstand anything no matter the consequences. She would need to be able to take a hit and get up. Ultimately, Akane only proved to be good at two things. Speed and Endurance, but with those two things she probed to be better than anyone else as a scout. She hardly ever tired and was fast enough within the jungles of the island to escape. When she finally learned how to make smoke bombs, nobody could catch her.

    On the day that she finally got to meet Emerik for a second time, he had a mate and was the alpha of the tribe. This was when she swore her fealty to him and dedicated herself solely to serving him and no other. Since then, she has spent nearly every hour near him, watching from the shadows so that no knife can slip into his back.

    Move set: (5 max, no TMs, 1 egg move allowed)

    - Moonlight

    - Confuse Ray

    - Guard Swap

    - Feint Attack

    - Endure

    Other: Akane is Kiba's scout. Akane has managed to learn enough about the herbs and minerals on the kiba side of the island to create smoke bombs that aide in her escapes. She carries around five with her at any one time.

They are all accepted
Jayus said:

  • Name: Anaika

    Age: 27

    Pokemon: Persian

    Tribe: Azoth



    Personality: Anaika has a very loud, bold personality with strong opinions which may make her come off as quite rude to those who are on the more sensitive side. She's kind-hearted, overly friendly and is willing to do quite a bit for what she believes is the right thing to do. Despite her inability to watch what she says she's cunning enough to come up with a number of solutions, but needs Suvinay to tell her when is the best time to act on them.

    Crush/Mate: Suvinay (Mate)


    Growing up as the only child of the reigning Alphas for Azoth one would think Anaika would be snooty and uptight, but this was not the case with her. Anaika was a very down-to-earth child who enjoyed the thrill of mischief despite the air of refinement she carried with her. She would often get into trouble playing too rough with the other kids and always came back with bruises or scratches thanks to her very tom-boy nature.

    She often had to attend lessons to be more of a leader and less of a loose cannon leaving her little time to play, something she is still sour about to this day. Due to this she is often known to make spontaneous decisions. The time was well spent, however, and her brash behaviour was able to be converted to a very confident style of leadership. Anaika's extremely considerate to all living creatures around her and doesn't see the harm in trusting those who give her no reason to be on her guard.

    Anaika ended up falling for her childhood friend, Suvinay, much to everyone's surprise and the two have been happily together for a little over ten years now. Anaika holds her friends opinions very highly, mostly her childhood friends May and Drystan, but at the end of the day Anaika mostly will only listen to reason from Suvinay.

    There was one time when Anaika wouldn't listen to reason. After hearing the story of Isaac Anaika felt an instant connection and refused to back down until Suvinay agreed to take in the child. Luckily it didn't take much convincing and the two were able to train and almost raise him for about a year before Suvinay decided the child would most likely best fit the job of a gatekeeper.

    Although it saddened her to have to part with him she eventually saw it best to agree with Suvinay, yet still finds time to make visits to the child.

    Move set:

    - Charm

    - Fake Out

    - Play Rough

    - Switcheroo

    - Power Gem

    Other: Female Alpha of Azoth. Is allergic to seafood. Biggest fear is losing those she holds close to her.

  • All accepted
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d1ca40e_Theyhaveweapons.jpg.3f43744e9562f6bd1342901ad3a57baa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d1ca40e_Theyhaveweapons.jpg.3f43744e9562f6bd1342901ad3a57baa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

to all my fellow eeveelution lovers. Meet the Eevalkyries



  • They have weapons.jpg
    They have weapons.jpg
    151.4 KB · Views: 108
SpicyLickiTounge said:

  • Name: Tanner Verde

    Age: 10

    Pokemon Team:


    Type: Water

    Ability: Torrent

    Moveset: Pound, Watersport, bubble, peck




    Although reckless and a bit of a slow learner, Tanner is also determined and shows kindness to friends and strangers alike. He also has an overwhelming sense of honesty, willing to keep a promise even if it kills him...which sometimes tries to.


    Tanner lived in a remote village around sinnoh before his pokemon journey. He was friendless at the age of 5 until a boy named Nate has met him, causing them to be best friends. After hearing nate's dream of becoming a pokemon master, Tanner was completely in board, figuring that if nate liked it, he'd like it too. He hadn't regretted it since. They waited until they were both ten and after begging their local professor, they obtained their starters and began their journey, managing to travel for a while month and a half now.

I will accept your characters, but please proof read before you post ^^
@Blue Fire You posted in the IC thread without having your characters accepted. Please understand that their is a procedure that needs to be followed for this RP.

I do not think your writing style fits this particular RP, so I am afraid I can not accept your entry.
[QUOTE="KiKi Kitsune]Yes it is ^^

Sweet! I'll work on my character tomorrow morning.
[QUOTE="KiKi Kitsune]All the needed information is in the other tabs. If you are unsure about something, please don't hesitate to ask ^^

Am I accepted?

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