OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

I want a love like Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. Just without the burning at the end.

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XDXD we'll have to have a day or weekend where you come over and just watch things I force you to watch.

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great.....sounds like loads of fun... xD anyway i sent archer over to brittany. and i know you saw the post. you liked it. xD and promptly forgot about it. xD
Hey, I'm going to bed. I probably won't be on much (if at all) tomorrow night, because pep band. See you guys! 
@Vladimir If my character is needed to do something and I'm not here, you have permission to roleplay her. Within reason. <suspicious glare>
You're gonna hate me for this but. I'm reaching my limit. And it seems like half of this rps players are in a marching band or pep band
ah ok. well, archer and akio could be fighting and i need sleep as well. @Akio hold till tomorrow evening please? 
night everyone. sorry to all who itll inconvenience. DX

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