Wait really? Its so dark here...& cold....& the moon is out....~goes to sleep outside~ just my kind of weather, well any weather is my kind of weather.
I see...welp, more chatacter I don't know about....actually, If Naota meditates, the guardians can have full control over most of this school....~comes up with a menacing Idea~ huehuehue
I know but still =u= ~rubs hands together~ Theres gonna be something amazing thats gonna go do- o-o wait how much have I missed since Naota started the car?
I see....so i really am completely lost in the matter.
Oh also...could he potentially sink the entire place in a fault if ...ya know...you guys want too...~just wants to add drama & contribute since he's been useless this whole time because of work & studies~
Ah alright =q=, thankfully. Welp might as well be a bit racist towards my own Race ~Sags pants with a coacola bottle in his hand~ SO WHU HEWD U REPPIN CUZ?