OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

Well Jen is technically crazy right now. She's living in a dream world and she dragged Gypsy into it.

@Vladimir do you want Ravi to notice that something is wrong now?
Saph for me its not a matter of controlling their actions, remember when I said Akio was a part of me, a few traits of me increased and then set up? Well I react how I would. And honestly if I was in akio's situation id be down in the dumps.
Me too lol I was in this soul eater rp and he got so pissed he tossed my character and her weapon in a closet locking the door on them. xD all you need to know it was booster shot day for my poor charrie.
Wonderful xD

This rp seems so dark sometimes recently, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Ya I can see that. I wonder if this rp will have piece even for a little while with all these problems.
Its times like these that I can't help but remember axels house, that was our last moment of genuine peace even with some relationship troubles and after the lab for a really short amount of time. But after we delt with Ylissa's death, Connor, leading up till now. I'm honestly unsure if Akio will be forgiven or much less ever be happy again and I don't know Z's plan for mika
Maybe but even if mika gets rescued Akio will be forced to watch and then theirs the arc I have planned which is dark even by my startards...

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