OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

Twilight, can I ask you something? How does having two of your characters hate Akio, and only akio, lend to helping solve the problem? I'd think having a neutral character capable of calmly explaining things to him would be better. Also, again, anger isn't helping you.
if we want to talk about who causes problems we could look at everyone in this rp, mika starts crap, winnie starts crap, elsa starts crap, any aggresive or strong willed char starts a lot of crap. Bree is very into drama im not sure if you noticed
Also the akio in game doesent hate twi's characters in the slightest, im just mad as me personally for my character at this irrational anger, akio never died anything to twi or any of her characters and she acts like he murdered her family
-puts fringe up for quiet wants to hear nothing else- shush -puts in ear buds blasts music- sorry saph but im done. I want hear nothing else. Please dont bring it up. 
Akio. Shut.the.hell.up. right.now.

Akio, Twilight has tried to stop this argument twice now. You're not getting anywhere. It's time to stop, and at least calm down before you say anything else. You've made Ana cry, ignored my suggestions to defuse the situation, and have managed to do the very thing that Bree wanted us to avoid through the failed therapy session.

*sighs* im sorry my day hasent been great ethier, it was better at the end as many of my days but this argument just built on my earlier bad mood
Twilight, if you're going to ignore us, just don't post, and we'll tag you when it's a different topic. Right now it seems like you just want to spread your bad mood.
Sorry saph ill attempt though i somehow still imagine bree will chew me out when she gets back *rolls eyes good naturally* So my watch begins. *jokes before sitting and waiting for the next post*

At least I got cut off before I started getting going. *also settles down, this time wishing she had some hot cocoa to help her calm down* 
Oh, and Akio? Since I doubt Twilight will do it, go apologize to Ana. The two of you made her feel so bad she's crying now.
*raises eyebrow* My experience is that the angrier of the pair never apologizes, so sorry. It's just your argument was WAY too much like my parents' before they began the divorce.

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