OOC [Toulouse Academy of Refinement~Year 2]

Kids these days have no stamina ((probably younger then you))

The only times i truly sleep is when im up for 3 days straight then im out
No, I have stamina. I can stay up for quite some time if I wanted to, I just don't want to most of the time

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its not that eternal, i just literally cant sleep most of the time, unless it past midnight i cant force my eye closed. Sometimes i cant sleep at all. Sleep is nice i don't get much of it however
Then of course theirs the occasional dream that wakes me up at 2 am that i forget instantly then im just up bored
Grape, grape is by far my favorite flavor for juice, fruit flavored candy, or anything like that
Well bree what will you do now, if you want to go to sleep i wont try to stop you but when you say you think you'll be back in a hour and decided against it warn me :o
Sorry I didn't plan on falling asleep xp but yeah, think ima head to bed. Terrible migraine. More rp tomorrow though, got a whole two hours during school to do it ^^

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im on every day all day and i rarely see you pull of more then one post in school. You do know ive been taking my phone to school now right? i can and will reply at any time

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