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Fantasy ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* OOC Thread

more stuff was added to the "Dragon Riding" section and "Divisions" section for clarification!! i also replaced some terms. more changes might be made, but they won't greatly impact the RP :)
the academy doc will likely be finished by tomorrow!!! once that's done, applications will open up and we can get started <3
hey guys!! for the record, since it would make most species INCREDIBLY uninteresting to play if they were unable to do most things that made them interesting, things that are intrinsically tied to a species are considered "innate" and would not require the usage of magic and therefore would have a miniscule chance of corruption. like vampires being able to suck blood or werewolves turning into wolves on full moons, for the most basic of examples. anything further than that would be considered not innate; like, a vampire flying isn't really as built-into-the-lore inherent, so it'd take some magic to get it off of the ground, and it'd take magic for a werewolf to turn into its wolf form on days other than the full moon.
the rp will likely be open for applications today :)

i made a major change in the lore and made it so that Corruption was publicly identified 112 years ago instead of 250 years ago because it felt more interesting that way, and efforts to contain Corruption has been changed to "began 50 years ago". there was also an inconsistency with the timing of the franticness of managing Corruption and the fall of Majia, so that should be fixed now. i also added a few tidbits of information in Cirmaia and Bylcade under "culture & people" and hope to brainstorm further details in OOC!!

let me know if you notice other inconsistencies. <3
RP applications are now open!!

you can find the Academy doc here, which discusses all the St. Valens related stuff. take your time going through it!!! suggestions are more than welcome!!! if you notice any inconsistencies, please point them out!! and don't be afraid to ask questions :)

here's the doc that contains the story so far, rules, and some character sheet information.

here's the lore doc again that had a few last-minute changes for clarification. as with the academy doc, suggestions are welcome and feel free to ask questions!! since the doc is so massive, i really don't recommend reading it in one sitting in a linear fashion. please take your time going through it!!!! and, again, if you notice any inconsistencies, please point them out! <3
question: would it be fine if a non-magical person was caused to be magical by having magic performed on them? the chance would correlate to the amount of magic introduced, but the max chance is still very low. it actually happening to someone, especially from a spell that doesn't have a high volume of magic involved, is a complete statistical anomaly.

asking for an idea for a little guy :3 (he will suffer)
question: would it be fine if a non-magical person was caused to be magical by having magic performed on them? the chance would correlate to the amount of magic introduced, but the max chance is still very low. it actually happening to someone, especially from a spell that doesn't have a high volume of magic involved, is a complete statistical anomaly.

asking for an idea for a little guy :3 (he will suffer)

yes!! this is actually how Enchantments work in-lore!! magic surges into a non-magical creature, turning them magical. this process tends to be spontaneous and random, and is nowadays exceedingly rare because now Enchantments are just Corruption. i'm assuming that your character was purposefully altered magically by another conscious being, which wouldn't quite be an Enchantment, but this would still fit in the lore dokjacore and i have.
yes!! this is actually how Enchantments work in-lore!! magic surges into a non-magical creature, turning them magical. this process tends to be spontaneous and random, and is nowadays exceedingly rare because now Enchantments are just Corruption. i'm assuming that your character was purposefully altered magically by another conscious being, which wouldn't quite be an Enchantment, but this would still fit in the lore dokjacore and i have.
thanks for the answer!! and yes, it was a purposeful thing, though him turning magical wasn't exactly a part of it, ha... :horns: i'll try to get his info out soon (and maybe get another Loser in the works). super excited for your guys characters!!! ikio seems like a piece of work /pos
hello everyone! student groups are separated from division and subdivisions right? I imagine a club president is still mandated to pick what division they wish to be apart of and it's a necessity - student groups are just optional choices?
hello everyone! student groups are separated from division and subdivisions right? I imagine a club president is still mandated to pick what division they wish to be apart of and it's a necessity - student groups are just optional choices?
yeah, clubs have nothing to do with divison/subdivison. they're just things you can do alongside the usual student workload, so you still have to have a division and everything else students normally do. they aren't a replacement.

most clubs are just dedicated to a concept (like a sport or debate or whatever.) and any division student can join, since its just an extracurricular, although representatives are usually the ones pushed to found or lead ones for the experience ^^
yeah, clubs have nothing to do with divison/subdivison. they're just things you can do alongside the usual student workload, so you still have to have a division and everything else students normally do. they aren't a replacement.

most clubs are just dedicated to a concept (like a sport or debate or whatever.) and any division student can join, since its just an extracurricular, although representatives are usually the ones pushed to found or lead ones for the experience ^^

Okay, so, REALLY freaky question. I noticed the fact that you guys really approve of silliness, but I'm not sure if this is the /right/ type of silliness so I just wanted to confirm with everyone! My character is 75% human, neat, right? Okay. He is 15% angel. Now I'm thinking -- are Angels allowed here? He's not descending from heaven, he's just a being that was inspired by Cupid himself and it's more so a biological inheritance from his parents? With this he ONLY gets cool wings that change into extremely dark colors with the more hate he's full of (teehee cupid inspiration), and quite frankly nothing else. He can't like, high-five God since I assume this universe has it's own religious pantheons and versions of the afterlife, I don't wanna bring over Christianity into the lore pool mix 😔 I was just wondering if you guys were cool with him having angel wings or if I should make him more of an avian than angel to better suit the custom fantasy aspect of our universe?

(( i dont even wanna get into the fact that in his lore he was canonically bitten by a lycan and has like ~10% werewolf DNA in him because it just gets complicated 😭))

Okay, so, REALLY freaky question. I noticed the fact that you guys really approve of silliness, but I'm not sure if this is the /right/ type of silliness so I just wanted to confirm with everyone! My character is 75% human, neat, right? Okay. He is 15% angel. Now I'm thinking -- are Angels allowed here? He's not descending from heaven, he's just a being that was inspired by Cupid himself and it's more so a biological inheritance from his parents? With this he ONLY gets cool wings that change into extremely dark colors with the more hate he's full of (teehee cupid inspiration), and quite frankly nothing else. He can't like, high-five God since I assume this universe has it's own religious pantheons and versions of the afterlife, I don't wanna bring over Christianity into the lore pool mix 😔 I was just wondering if you guys were cool with him having angel wings or if I should make him more of an avian than angel to better suit the custom fantasy aspect of our universe?

(( i dont even wanna get into the fact that in his lore he was canonically bitten by a lycan and has like ~10% werewolf DNA in him because it just gets complicated 😭))

yes, angels are completely fine so long as they aren't ACTUALLY religiously affiliated!! they might be believed to be culturally, but in this universe, there aren't really Gods except for magic itself, like i've said before, so no one is actually one or can be affiliated with one. however, species with aspects of religious creatures are completely fine, so the idea of having an angel is totally fine! the abilities you listed also sound good!! and fun for character moments, too :)

make sure you briefly cover your take of the species in the 'species' section!!
also, just a note for everyone! acceptance cookies will be handed out every saturday to completed applications. this week is gonna be skipped since there's only one and it's still a WIP. we may also skip next week if there's still very few applications, since we predict most apps will take a while to write and finish ^^ all of you, take all the time that you need!!!
yes, angels are completely fine so long as they aren't ACTUALLY religiously affiliated!! they might be believed to be culturally, but in this universe, there aren't really Gods except for magic itself, like i've said before, so no one is actually one or can be affiliated with one. however, species with aspects of religious creatures are completely fine, so the idea of having an angel is totally fine! the abilities you listed also sound good!! and fun for character moments, too :)

make sure you briefly cover your take of the species in the 'species' section!!
Awesome sauce! Is there a way to make his wings be inherited through some sort of relation to his powers? I've noticed there are primarily elemental abilities written, but this dude (freak of nature more like.) has more or so ergokinetic love manipulation! he pulls out love from sources such as humans and animals nearby and utilizes the energy in order to form basic kinetic applications like summoning weapons, shields, etc. etc!

I thought it'd be funky if maybe at some point his ancestors were messing around with love magic and they were avians at the time, perhaps those two attributes ended up mixing themselves into the gene pool overtime and created the concept of a lovebird in the most LITERAL form LOL
Awesome sauce! Is there a way to make his wings be inherited through some sort of relation to his powers? I've noticed there are primarily elemental abilities written, but this dude (freak of nature more like.) has more or so ergokinetic love manipulation! he pulls out love from sources such as humans and animals nearby and utilizes the energy in order to form basic kinetic applications like summoning weapons, shields, etc. etc!

I thought it'd be funky if maybe at some point his ancestors were messing around with love magic and they were avians at the time, perhaps those two attributes ended up mixing themselves into the gene pool overtime and created the concept of a lovebird in the most LITERAL form LOL
this SHOULD be fine! we did write that most species can have an innate ability that isn't elemental if it's a part of their lore, and that seems like a part of cupid lore. most innate abilities have biological limitations, though, so please make sure that your character's abilities are balanced ^^
this SHOULD be fine! we did write that most species can have an innate ability that isn't elemental if it's a part of their lore, and that seems like a part of cupid lore. most innate abilities have biological limitations, though, so please make sure that your character's abilities are balanced ^^
GREAT!! I sincerely hope I am not frustrating you with these questions, I'm actually genuinely interested and I tend to inquire ALOT kjdhfjd

I was wondering -- could survivors of the fallen country of Majia that were not corrupted transfer to the academy as first years? Considering their country is effectively fallen now I imagine they'd sign up for citizenship elsewhere, I was curious if Bylcade was open to refugees that were confirmed to be non-corrupted?
you definitely aren't frustrating us!!!! we love questions <3

i'll answer your next question in dms :3
hii!!! back again but this time on the public thread lol

i swear this is relevant. but has the printing press been invented yet? or, more accurately, is there any widespread news sources that can get information out reliably fast? i assume theres no modern technology (phones, tvs, etc), so how long would it take for news (such as an odd boy with a big fuckoff flower growing on his horns) to spread from town to town?
hii!!! back again but this time on the public thread lol

i swear this is relevant. but has the printing press been invented yet? or, more accurately, is there any widespread news sources that can get information out reliably fast? i assume theres no modern technology (phones, tvs, etc), so how long would it take for news (such as an odd boy with a big fuckoff flower growing on his horns) to spread from town to town?
I assumed there was modern technology with the involvement of the dragon-rider celebrity groups that could become musicians, actors and all alike! maybe I read something wrong? Im curious too!
hii!!! back again but this time on the public thread lol

i swear this is relevant. but has the printing press been invented yet? or, more accurately, is there any widespread news sources that can get information out reliably fast? i assume theres no modern technology (phones, tvs, etc), so how long would it take for news (such as an odd boy with a big fuckoff flower growing on his horns) to spread from town to town?

something akin to the printing press likely existed for some time, but was wiped out alongside Majia getting wiped out or alongside the entirety of the internet-equivalent getting wiped out, so newspapers (or their equivalent), the main way news is shared, are now most likely hand-written and found in major cities. i suppose this counts as a reliably-fast widespread news source, but considering how information reaches the rich first before drifting down to the lower classes by word of mouth only, and how outside of cities information travels significantly slower, i wouldn't say this is particularly widespread or fast. the way news gets to those cities is likely via messengers, both dragon riders or faefolk or just some messenger dudes. i haven't worked out the details and i think it'll be something that's easiest to get into in OOC because i definitely wouldn't be able to come up with national and international information networks in this sort of world entirely on my own.

essentially, news of your boyo would take a little bit to get around if they're encountered away from cities at first, since village to village and village to city and city to village information can be pretty slow unless something is particularly nefarious. if something is particularly nefarious, i would think that the government would invest in some very fast dragon riders to spread the news around by mouth.

i hope that all makes sense!!! again, i don't have much information generated yet for messaging systems, so i hope it becomes clearer in ooc. dokjacore dokjacore can add his tidbits if he'd like since i think he'd have a more precise way of wording what i said
I assumed there was modern technology with the involvement of the dragon-rider celebrity groups that could become musicians, actors and all alike! maybe I read something wrong? Im curious too!

yes, there is modern technology!! there just isn't much of it available and most is illegal. there's some markets and whatnot for tech that's considered magically stable and safe to use, and underground markets for tech that isn't considered stable. the exact details on what is banned and what isn't will likely be worked out in ooc. i think for now, things like laptops, phones, and anything that can Do Stuff (such as transmit information, chats, etc.) wirelessly is banned in most nations on the grounds of them needing magic to function which can be dangerous given everything going on
something akin to the printing press likely existed for some time, but was wiped out alongside Majia getting wiped out or alongside the entirety of the internet-equivalent getting wiped out, so newspapers (or their equivalent), the main way news is shared, are now most likely hand-written and found in major cities. i suppose this counts as a reliably-fast widespread news source, but considering how information reaches the rich first before drifting down to the lower classes by word of mouth only, and how outside of cities information travels significantly slower, i wouldn't say this is particularly widespread or fast. the way news gets to those cities is likely via messengers, both dragon riders or faefolk or just some messenger dudes. i haven't worked out the details and i think it'll be something that's easiest to get into in OOC because i definitely wouldn't be able to come up with national and international information networks in this sort of world entirely on my own.

essentially, news of your boyo would take a little bit to get around if they're encountered away from cities at first, since village to village and village to city and city to village information can be pretty slow unless something is particularly nefarious. if something is particularly nefarious, i would think that the government would invest in some very fast dragon riders to spread the news around by mouth.

i hope that all makes sense!!! again, i don't have much information generated yet for messaging systems, so i hope it becomes clearer in ooc. dokjacore dokjacore can add his tidbits if he'd like since i think he'd have a more precise way of wording what i said
oh, the way i phrased it was that there's most likely some businesses that run on making hand-written news and selling them (at a higher price than what you'd get if they still had a printing press) in major cities' markets. so it's easy to find news in markets so long as you have enough disposable income to buy things you won't necessarily need, such as news. as such, only the rich or noble usually have easy access to the hand-written news, but commoners don't, so they only find out about things when gossip trickles from the upper class to the lower class, resulting in even greater gap between classes.
just so everyone knows, i will become extremely busy with nursing school next week!! i will do my best to make sure my activity doesn't falter much, but i may take longer to get back to people :)

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