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Fantasy ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* OOC Thread


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This is the OOC thread for those who have yet to be accepted into the Turbo Bush RP! The OOC for accepted members will be in a discord server :)

Perhaps this will be pretty someday.

Fantasy - ʜᴇʟᴘ! ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* lore-heavy dragon rider academy rp <-- interest check
Fantasy - ɪ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇᴅ ᴀ ꜱᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏᴛ ᴛᴜʀʙᴏ ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ — ✧.* applications <-- applications
RULES & STORY SO FAR VO - TURBO BUSH (VIEW-ONLY) <-- rules, story so far, and character sheet
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currently, the lore doc is in its fourth draft. i hope to reduce its content to 30 pages at the most sometime soon. right now, it's mostly just a bunch of thoughts i, dokjacore, and ebanon had that we slam-dunked together, had proof-read, and then rushed near the end when we realized that if we didn't get this out soon we'd just never get it out LOLLLLL

in short, please excuse the current mess, and if you have any questions, ask me or dokjacore and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!!
what does… this mean…
That I'm tracking the thread so I get notifs haha
I got a busy day today since my niece and nephew are visiting, so I may not be very active, but I still wanted notifs

questions regarding cirmaia's scorched:​

  • so there was no corruption when they burned it all, because majia just collapsed, right? just checking
  • if i'm understanding this correctly, they just...fucking killed everyone who was/lived in the area? were there evacuation orders at LEAST??? not that that would help much for medieval era common folk with like, only horses for leaving, or not even for some. maybe they had government transport for the people...???? i am REACHING for some caveat here, but on the other hand i really like the idea for government sanctioned mass murder. damn bro the military was wildin :dead:
    • if they did the murder thing on purpose, did they go out of their way to kill people? like, if people tried to run from the fire and stuff would they gun them down? asking for a friend
      (their name is character backstory)

other questions:​

  • about magical species, are you taking more broad suggestions, like general overviews? cause i could totally give a few ideas about some of em. elementals nymphs in specific, mostly for the sake of my little guy, but also because WORLD BUILDING, YAAAAAAY
  • could leste autuire, hypothetically speaking, ban someone from entering their borders? i am being forced to ask this please send help /j
  • there IS an illegal gun trade, right? specifically in cirmaia, i could totally see that nation as having a big gun problem. especially if they were the ones who CREATED guns. there must've been a lot that went under the bigwigs noses. being involved in wars typically fucks up a countries crime rate and spreads a government thin, el oh el
That I'm tracking the thread so I get notifs haha
I got a busy day today since my niece and nephew are visiting, so I may not be very active, but I still wanted notifs
OH, okay, that makes sense!! thank you, then :) and i hope you have fun with your niece and nephew!

questions regarding cirmaia's scorched:​

  • so there was no corruption when they burned it all, because majia just collapsed, right? just checking
  • if i'm understanding this correctly, they just...fucking killed everyone who was/lived in the area? were there evacuation orders at LEAST??? not that that would help much for medieval era common folk with like, only horses for leaving, or not even for some. maybe they had government transport for the people...???? i am REACHING for some caveat here, but on the other hand i really like the idea for government sanctioned mass murder. damn bro the military was wildin :dead:
    • if they did the murder thing on purpose, did they go out of their way to kill people? like, if people tried to run from the fire and stuff would they gun them down? asking for a friend
      (their name is character backstory)

  • there WAS corruption when they burned it, actually! when majia fell it basically became a Corrupted wasteland, so everything touching it had shit going on along the border. a lot of countries had to shrink in response, which is why kelflana, quetvelm, and daefmir look so small -- that brown region used to be their territory, but it's all unlivable now.

    also, there were evacuation orders. it was hard to get out but whatever dragon riders Cirmaia has helped as many people as possible, since helping folks from Corruption is the job of a few of the subdivisions, they were (and are) essentially the only good source of mass transportation. of course, they also purposefully left behind anyone who set off even the slightest bit of suspicion of Corruption, and there was also a lot of people they just couldn't reach, so... yeah, a lot of people died. but there's a lot of people still in Cirmaia who survived that whole event! probably, like, 40% of the people who were once living in that area.

    also, for the last bit, if they were obviously Corrupted, yeah, absolutely. if it wasn't obvious then they'd be left alone, but they'd be gunned down later when it became obvious.

other questions:​

  • about magical species, are you taking more broad suggestions, like general overviews? cause i could totally give a few ideas about some of em. elementals nymphs in specific, mostly for the sake of my little guy, but also because WORLD BUILDING, YAAAAAAY
  • could leste autuire, hypothetically speaking, ban someone from entering their borders? i am being forced to ask this please send help /j
  • there IS an illegal gun trade, right? specifically in cirmaia, i could totally see that nation as having a big gun problem. especially if they were the ones who CREATED guns. there must've been a lot that went under the bigwigs noses. being involved in wars typically fucks up a countries crime rate and spreads a government thin, el oh el

yeah, we absolutely can take broad suggestions!!! me and the rest can put them into the doc with a few more details if necessary :) and yes leste autuire can ban people, it can blacklist anyone it wants. ESPECIALLY if they brought undue political strife into their borders because they're really against getting involved in major politics.

and, yup, there's an illegal gun trade. there's an illegal trade for basically every magical item majia used to make. and guns were created by majia, as were most modern appliances (they could figure out how to operate them by magical means, but not scientific ones), but cirmaia probably has the biggest problem with it sheerly due to it being the fighting country. it probably bought the most guns from majia and had trouble getting rid of them.
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cracks knuckles hehe.. reading the document as of current! one question before I begin, will this roleplay utilize combat mechanics like dice rolling? Could we potentially add DND sheets to our characters, or is it preferable not to? just thinking!
cracks knuckles hehe.. reading the document as of current! one question before I begin, will this roleplay utilize combat mechanics like dice rolling? Could we potentially add DND sheets to our characters, or is it preferable not to? just thinking!

i personally have absolutely 0 experience with DND, so im unsure about how we could incorporate DnD combat mechanics........................ concepts ARE under development so we could go for it if everyone else is fine w it, but i'd need to be taught about the dice rolling stuff for sure first.

i think it'd be fine to have DnD sheets to characters tho if that'd be fun for you!!!! u can supplement your character sheet with anything so long as it includes the required information (which will be made available once the academy doc is done!)

we can discuss more in the discord server i think!!! we can ask everyone what htey would prefer to do for battles and put the dnd thing as an option. i'd like to get the academy doc out first before major RP mechanic decisions are made if that's ok!!!
i hope the reading has been going smoothly!!! i know it's a lot of info, so pls don't hesitate to ask if you want anything cleared up!!! it'll help me out too since explaining stuff again more concisely will give me better ways to summarize the brain-rotted mound of information i dumped in the doc LOLLLL
That I'm tracking the thread so I get notifs haha
I got a busy day today since my niece and nephew are visiting, so I may not be very active, but I still wanted notifs

i hope you have fun!!! <3

i'll add that word to the arsenal of RPN vocab im learning :)
i personally have absolutely 0 experience with DND, so im unsure about how we could incorporate DnD combat mechanics........................ concepts ARE under development so we could go for it if everyone else is fine w it, but i'd need to be taught about the dice rolling stuff for sure first.
^^ for the record, i have experience with DnD and i love the idea for dice roll combat mechanics!!! like fig said, we're going to ask about what people prefer when everyone's accepted and decide then, since we weren't initially planning on it, but you have my vote!

questions regarding cirmaia's scorched:​

  • so there was no corruption when they burned it all, because majia just collapsed, right? just checking
  • if i'm understanding this correctly, they just...fucking killed everyone who was/lived in the area? were there evacuation orders at LEAST??? not that that would help much for medieval era common folk with like, only horses for leaving, or not even for some. maybe they had government transport for the people...???? i am REACHING for some caveat here, but on the other hand i really like the idea for government sanctioned mass murder. damn bro the military was wildin :dead:
    • if they did the murder thing on purpose, did they go out of their way to kill people? like, if people tried to run from the fire and stuff would they gun them down? asking for a friend
      (their name is character backstory)

dokjacore answered this thoroughly (thank you!!!!!!!) and now that i am not so braindead i will share some tidbits for extra context
  • Corruption has existed in the eastern portion of Cirmaia since prior to Majia's collapse!! in fact that actually leads into Cirmaia having beef with Majia: Cirmaia's eastern region was getting crippled in Corruption, but Majia didn't show signs of particularly caring even tho they're "The Heart of Magic." Cirmaia got pretty mad about that. Corruption got worse after Majia's collapse tho, and the region was bombarded with fire around the time of Majia's collapse because the Corruption just abruptly got That Bad.
  • exactly how the bombardment happened is honestly still in development, but for now, i think what dokjacore says applies entirely!!! so yes there Were evacuation orders, but a lot of people didn't make it out due how quickly they wanted the entire area scorched. i like the thought of there being cases where the military squads would actually just gun down/burn people on purpose. Cirmaia has pretty intense politics and internal strife, so whatever you come up with that's most fun could become canon :)
also......... i thought to mention that i completely forgot to add a pretty important aspect of Cirmaia: gladiators and fighting rings. i added a paragraph super quick in the Cirmaia section under The 8 Nations; i'll go into further detail sometime after the Academy doc is out and once i have more solid ideas on just how the country works
dokjacore answered this thoroughly (thank you!!!!!!!) and now that i am not so braindead i will share some tidbits for extra context
  • Corruption has existed in the eastern portion of Cirmaia since prior to Majia's collapse!! in fact that actually leads into Cirmaia having beef with Majia: Cirmaia's eastern region was getting crippled in Corruption, but Majia didn't show signs of particularly caring even tho they're "The Heart of Magic." Cirmaia got pretty mad about that. Corruption got worse after Majia's collapse tho, and the region was bombarded with fire around the time of Majia's collapse because the Corruption just abruptly got That Bad.
  • exactly how the bombardment happened is honestly still in development, but for now, i think what dokjacore says applies entirely!!! so yes there Were evacuation orders, but a lot of people didn't make it out due how quickly they wanted the entire area scorched. i like the thought of there being cases where the military squads would actually just gun down/burn people on purpose. Cirmaia has pretty intense politics and internal strife, so whatever you come up with that's most fun could become canon :)
thanks for your guys' answers!!!! really enjoying the worldbuilding so far, can't wait until we get more with the academy doc :grinningteeth:
yes. perfect! its time to terrorize the ooc thread with questions >:D

- can we make up lore for magical creatures? my character (the guy worshipped as a god) is a half selkie half siren with some Extra Cool Lore for sirens (theyre tiny pixie guys with betta tails who work together in teams to make the visage of humanish women to protect themselves) but i can totally change it/use other species/just use the selkie thing if those do not work :]
- how do we feel about half-dragon characters? do they exist? or are dragons a dragon/dragon thing only?
yes. perfect! its time to terrorize the ooc thread with questions >:D

- can we make up lore for magical creatures? my character (the guy worshipped as a god) is a half selkie half siren with some Extra Cool Lore for sirens (theyre tiny pixie guys with betta tails who work together in teams to make the visage of humanish women to protect themselves) but i can totally change it/use other species/just use the selkie thing if those do not work :]
- how do we feel about half-dragon characters? do they exist? or are dragons a dragon/dragon thing only?

  • yup, you can make up lore for magical creatures!!! you'd just have to run major decisions through me, dokjacore, and/or ebanon first so that we can be sure their lore fits in with the rest of the world and all that fun stuff, but you have pretty much free reign to do whatever you want :)

  • there might be half-dragons, yes. i'd like to think there's a lot of half- everything in this world, but they aren't very common and don't exactly have populations of them, since their existence was brought by magic. if we wanna get genetic, dragons don't have compatible genomes with most other species, so some very complicated spell-work would have had to be done to produce a child that was half-dragon. a half-humanoid half-dragon raises some strange moral implications that might get me booted off RPN, so i'm a little wary about that going on, but a half-dragon half-anything-that-isn't-humanoid could work if the pairing also didn't result in some strange moral implications. i'd recommend running it through me and dokjacore in a group dm so that we know what exactly you're going for, such as the species you want this character to be, before i can confidently say yes to a half-dragon character!!
my character (the guy worshipped as a god) is a half selkie half siren with some Extra Cool Lore for sirens (theyre tiny pixie guys with betta tails who work together in teams to make the visage of humanish women to protect themselves) but i can totally change it/use other species/just use the selkie thing if those do not work :]
by the way, this particular lore is lovely!!! we'd love for you to bring your own lore to the table and from what you described, it seems great! just write a little description of your take on the species when you make the application so we can be sure it's all good :)
i have a few questions about cirmaia

  • there are three languages, so what are the ethnic relations like? is there a dominant ethnic group, and if so what is the relationship with the non-dominant ones?
  • is there a large criminal underbelly? i'd assume there is considering the history. what is the relationship between criminality and the government? how politically corrupt is the government (i mean they obviously are, i'm asking in what ways)
  • what is the general population's view on magic? is there anti-magic bigotry, or is it seen as something dangerous but prestigious, something to aspire as it is used by military's high ups?
  • how integrated are all the languages? are they all official languages, or are some non-official but highly prominent? are there significant cultural differences between the ethnic groups?
  • is it religious? what are the demographics in terms of religion like?
my current idea for two characters are twins who are children of the leader of a large criminal group, cirmaian and ethnically russian coded. they are sent to the academy as political actors, with the ultimate aims to infiltrate the higher ranks of both the byclade military and politics, in order to get more political power for their organisation as it is ultimately aiming to take substantial power in the cirmaian government.
i have a few questions about cirmaia

  • there are three languages, so what are the ethnic relations like? is there a dominant ethnic group, and if so what is the relationship with the non-dominant ones?
  • is there a large criminal underbelly? i'd assume there is considering the history. what is the relationship between criminality and the government? how politically corrupt is the government (i mean they obviously are, i'm asking in what ways)
  • what is the general population's view on magic? is there anti-magic bigotry, or is it seen as something dangerous but prestigious, something to aspire as it is used by military's high ups?
  • how integrated are all the languages? are they all official languages, or are some non-official but highly prominent? are there significant cultural differences between the ethnic groups?
  • is it religious? what are the demographics in terms of religion like?
my current idea for two characters are twins who are children of the leader of a large criminal group, cirmaian and ethnically russian coded. they are sent to the academy as political actors, with the ultimate aims to infiltrate the higher ranks of both the byclade military and politics, in order to get more political power for their organisation as it is ultimately aiming to take substantial power in the cirmaian government.

!!!! these are great questions <3

1. the dominant ethnic group is most likely the ethnic group in the West (the equivalent of the Australians, essentially) while the non-dominant ethnic groups are those in the east (the Polish- and Russian-equivalents). i'm unsure about the relationship they have, but it isn't a positive one, likely because the West was the one that made the decision to create Scorched, and the East didn't have much to say about it and could only quickly move to evacuate its people. there's still a lot of bitterness that the East feels towards the West for how exactly that territory became a part of Cirmaia (Cirmaians took it by quite a bit of force).

2. there is a large criminal underbelly!! there's a lot of black market activities that goes on in Cirmaia.

the government is pretty politically corrupt, but it varies depending on the region. i don't have specifics on just how politically corrupt they are, but i do know that slavery, although outlawed, is kind of ignored by the government and they don't bother punishing people who get caught unless they're obvious about it, and in a way that makes it allowed, so with that said, the political corruption is high. i'm unsure about how i can describe the relationship between criminality and the government since once again i don't yet have specifics, but i do know that there's a lot of pride to be found in battles and all that, so a lot of criminal behavior is probably ignored since the government sees it as a source of pride. i think i'll let other roleplayers decide on the details

3. it depends on the region. the East, for one, sees magic as a more terrifying thing and they are typically very, very anti-magic (with some exceptions), but a lot of the West sees it as dangerous-but-prestigious. Cirmaia is so very large and information is difficult to share in a medieval environment, so it can get quite polar in terms of views on magic. the majority of Cirmaia dislikes magical stuff, though, as a result of their massive beef with Majia and now with Bylcade. the languages aren't very integrated.

4. the official language is Cirmaian. the other two languages are considered secondary languages. and, yes, there are significant cultural differences between the ethnic groups. the Russian- and Polish-equivalents have almost the exact culture as they do irl, but they still have that sense of pride from battles. they've been a part of this nation long enough to have pride over a lot of Cirmaian stuff, and pride over what they've made of Cirmaia, so that adds to them being just as battle-hungry as the West. i don't yet have exact details.

5. the West is atheistic while the East is split between a worship of magic (20% of the East is like this) and the Catholic-equivalent (80% of the East, and i don't have details on the religion yet). i'd say 70% of Cirmaia is atheistic because belief and morality systems depend more on one's ability to contribute to the country and fight for their pride.

i'm excited to see the twins!!!!
oh!! by the way, if you want to come up with your own answers to your questions and just generally make suggestions and veto stuff that dokjacore and i have come up with, you're free to!!! dokjacore and i are 100% open to suggestions and reworkings of current lore if whatever you come up with is better (makes more sense, funnier, etc.) the lore is still not fully established and there's a lot that's inconsistent, so a lot of things can definitely be changed to make for a more cohesive and interesting world!!

right NOW, major changes to lore can't be FULLY implemented until the RP actually opens because we'd have to delay the application start (which...... i really don't want to do............), but we're still fully open for suggestions and all that!!! if you make a MAJOR suggestion and dokjacore and i really like it, but it'd need a lot of rewriting of the lore to do, what we'll do is keep it in mind until we have our RP group established and only then would we go and implement it because if we were to implement it straight away, it'd risk another delay and i..... i really want to rp my silly men already................
just so everyone knows, the lore doc's Divisions section has been edited for clarification! it might make a little more sense now if you were confused before ^^

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