OOC Thread

Makes going out on adventures more worthwhile. 

Possibly, although I must confess I was only thinking it would be easier to extend out from there than if the tiers were set so that 1 was highest. It could be that grade 1 is essentially scrap magicite and grade 4 is the highest quality they've found to date. I suppose if you're saying its 100% pure that's fine, but if the RP takes off it just seems a shame to have a cap built into it that might essentially only give you 4 missions before you've found the best of the best magicite.
I have had the flu pretty bad but I am finally better so I would love to help out with everything as well.
@Tedronai No I fully agree with you. We can say that the tiers are simply what ARRM and, to a greater extent, the world have been able to document. The possibility that there are greater and greater forms of magicite would help flesh out the world more and give me as the quest giver more opportunity to build grander adventures. Actually I rather like this idea. I'm making it official here and now.

Everyone consider the tiers of magicite not set in stone. I'll edit the guide to magicite at a later time to reflect this change of ideology. For now however, please continue to use the guide as is and keep coming up with these wonderful ideas. 
Yeah my ear infection is gone now, though I still get random pings of pain. I've gotten more free time now so I can focus on the roleplay again. Thanks for asking. Sorry it's been so long to reply. 
Hey everyone. Sorry I was gone for so long. Life hahaha you know how it is. Just pulls you away from stuff. Anyways I've got something to bring up with everyone. So I've been mulling over the various topography and whatnot of the world and it just sort of donned on me how hard I've been making this simple task. So as a heads up I've gone and decided to take a simplistic approach to the guide relating to the various regions of the world. Kinda like a brochure you would find for traveling. It will have a base idea/ description of what you'll be going into such as the Dragspera Mountains or the Norowlon Jungle. It will point out common dangers and useful tidbits from other seekers, but otherwise will be bare. Instead when you go on a mission I will provide you more detailed descriptions of the environment surrounding you. I usually do this for my D&D group because it helps me stay on track and helps set my mind up for what to come next. Before I go through with this however I would like your opinions on this. Would you guys like or mind having the world unfold around you like that or would you prefer to have a detailed guide of each of the regions? I haven't gotten very far in the guide so breaking down what I do have into a more simplistic format would be quick I could probably get this out in like a week give or take. 

Also thank you all for sticking with me through this. I honestly didn't think my idea would get off the ground. The fact that you're all still here is amazing. Major respect. Oh and I'm still accepting Bestiary pages so if you want to contribute to that please check out this Google Docs I made a base skeleton for. You can fancy it up however you like so long as you fill out just this base template. Anyways guys thank you for being patient with me and I hope we can continue to work together to make this project great.  :smile2:
I'm still interested in this and I'd be happy for the world to evolve as we play, it would lend nicely to the idea of exploration. I would recommend having yourself have to approve any major revelations to stop people breaking the game by just stumbling across a mine with 100% pure magicite or some shit.
@Wandering Grim Hollow Yeah a roll call might be in order. I'll send out another recruitment post in the forums to see if I can drum up new blood so to speak. I checked recently and we've lost a few people. Which to be honest was to be expected given my sudden absence for more than a month. I'll see if everyone besides the four that are present here (You, me, Alteras, and Tedronai) are still interested in the idea. 

@Tedronai I was thinking the same thing. I still have to adjust the magicite guide to fit that new undefined rarity ceiling we discussed a few months back as well now that I think about it. I'll try to stay on top of this better. It's been awhile since I've tried to tackle something so big. 

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