OOC Thread


New Member
If you have anything to say out of character that's not related to the roleplay thread or if you've got something that you think should be added into the roleplay, then this is the place to do it. 
Can I create minor departments that would normally make sense in an organization?
Hang on. I just wanna clear something up.

Tier 1 is the most powerful/pure right? Followed by 2, 3 and 4? 

Yes so it goes Tier 1 - 4 from highest to lowest. 

Can I create minor departments that would normally make sense in an organization?

Yeah I mean it would make sense. I only really listed the major ones as they take up a large portion of the company's assets. But go ahead I'll just need to approve of them first to be safe. 
Hey sorry it's been taking so long to get those other guides out. I've been having some issues with a few things. Ya know, some trouble every so often, some pain here and there. A bit more work than I thought was going to be in these guides lol. Still it's been fun building these things. I may have to crunch some of it down though..... I guess abridge some details here and there. Nevertheless, the point should still get across. 
So, just as a reference for future CS, what is the limit on background history paragraphs?
Hey sorry it's been taking so long to get those other guides out. I've been having some issues with a few things. Ya know, some trouble every so often, some pain here and there. A bit more work than I thought was going to be in these guides lol. Still it's been fun building these things. I may have to crunch some of it down though..... I guess abridge some details here and there. Nevertheless, the point should still get across. 

You could ask for help ya know?

P.S Aiden's CS is done. Just left with my last character. Should be done within two days. If my schoolwork isn't too taxing.
@Alteras I don't really have a restriction honestly. I promote character development and backstories. It helps give me, as a reader, an understanding of where the characters come from and what direction you, as the writer, plan on going in a vague sense. I actually quite enjoyed reading Aureole's backstory.

@Wandering Grim Hollow I rather enjoyed reading all 3 of them and finding how subtly interwoven they are. I'm interested to see how it will work out in the roleplay.

To be honest I'm having trouble with the bestiary. I've been so focused on the various lands of the world and I just got a new job, I haven't had time to work on the bestiary. If you guys want to PM me bestiary entries that would go a long way. Plus it would give me an idea of what you want in terms of creature culture. I've built a basic bestiary skeleton if anyone is interested in helping build the world with me. I mean you guys seem to have a grasp on the idea of technology I wanted for the world so heck might as well ask you guys to aid me with that as well lol. I enjoy reading your characters so much and your ideas on how the technology of the world has advanced. It makes me happy to see your ideas come forth in such interesting ways. 
@Alteras I don't really have a restriction honestly. I promote character development and backstories. It helps give me, as a reader, an understanding of where the characters come from and what direction you, as the writer, plan on going in a vague sense. I actually quite enjoyed reading Aureole's backstory.

@Wandering Grim Hollow I rather enjoyed reading all 3 of them and finding how subtly interwoven they are. I'm interested to see how it will work out in the roleplay.

To be honest I'm having trouble with the bestiary. I've been so focused on the various lands of the world and I just got a new job, I haven't had time to work on the bestiary. If you guys want to PM me bestiary entries that would go a long way. Plus it would give me an idea of what you want in terms of creature culture. I've built a basic bestiary skeleton if anyone is interested in helping build the world with me. I mean you guys seem to have a grasp on the idea of technology I wanted for the world so heck might as well ask you guys to aid me with that as well lol. I enjoy reading your characters so much and your ideas on how the technology of the world has advanced. It makes me happy to see your ideas come forth in such interesting ways. 

I'll check the skeleton out. zeroskillz90 is me.
Hi @Xeris, I've just been reading through the info and was wondering if I could make a suggestion? Perhaps switching the tiers of magicite would make more sense, since you say that magicite of the highest levels of purity are in areas of great danger, so it could be that there's ever greater purity of magicite yet to be 'discovered'. Just a thought.
Hey everyone sorry I've been away for so long. I've had an ear infection for the last two weeks and it moved from one ear to the other. I'm still about half deaf in either ear and for the most part I'm doing okay. I'll try to be more active with you guys again in here soon, but for the time being I'm still gonna be in and out for a next few days.

@TedronaiThat's a great idea! Makes going out on adventures more worthwhile. 
Hey everyone sorry I've been away for so long. I've had an ear infection for the last two weeks and it moved from one ear to the other. I'm still about half deaf in either ear and for the most part I'm doing okay. I'll try to be more active with you guys again in here soon, but for the time being I'm still gonna be in and out for a next few days.

@TedronaiThat's a great idea! Makes going out on adventures more worthwhile. 

Ah. I see. Well I'll be working on the bestiary so rest well! I hope you'll get well soon! :3

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