[OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread... [In the Senate's Name...]

It's the out of character thread but you are acting rather in character.

I don't mean literally. I mean we all should be doing things that are not apropos for our personages.

But, by bringing this up I am acting in character and making a bad joke, that is very much a stretch, and then explaining it ad nauseum because this is text on the internet and I like to be understood.


I've never used that smiley before, is that technically out of character?

It's 4 in the morning here. It would be out of character for me to go to sleep now.
"This is me breaking the 4th wall. See I am talking to you and such... and I suppose I am in character for what I am. But so are you as gamers, ne?" :D
(Walks into the room with the rolled up newspaper)

(At first, he slaps it against his arm like he's about to bap someone on the nose with it, but then he gets out a cup of coffee, sits down, crosses his legs, and starts to read it)

What? ^_^
Tsk tsk tsk...

So I see that Bii has not only wormed her way into the forum, but into the game itself.

Come on, man! How long are you going to be kicked around by a figment of your own imagination? Stand up to her!

What's the worst she could do to you? :)

Note that I said "to you." I'm not risking it myself...

You could try coming up with a treaty or something with her. Try getting drunk before you write it up, though. If memory serves it should increase your chances of coming up with something good.

Anyway, wrote up a small bit for the Mural of Creation. I probably could have done better, but it's very late and brain thinking kinda sloppy. viewtopic.php?f=411&t=2849
"What's this? I take a few days off and everything falls to pieces... typical. Can't trust you humans to do things right." 8)
d1ng0d0g, how did you get a die pool of 16 with a (Charisma 8 + Socialize 7) with no stunt die provided by me or by the wyld stunt background?

Also, erm... your heart DV looks off now that I look closer at it.

It being calculated as [(Willpower/2) + Dodge + Essence]/2. Which should have gotten you 5 instead of 8/7.
I just have to ask... why "The Fortunate Cyan Nassak"?

Which if I felt at the moment to work in a running gag, should have been "The Fortunate The Cyan Nassak" anyway... :roll:
As to the sixteen dice, for some reason I fucked up there.

As for the calculation about his heart DV...

I made a mistake with the calculations. . Fixed now. I think I had half willpower rounded up + dodge + half essence, which does indeed come out at 8.

Both mistakes are corrected now.
"Fortunate" is because it's rather difficult to come up with a polite and respectful title for a total klutz. ^_^
Just so people aren't mistaken. The High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice is really 'civil' at the moment. Actually he's also having a bit of fun. And at the same time he's entirely serious. Really, when things get heated you'll know.
Since it's been requested repeatedly....

Please make note of p.239-240 of Graceful Wicked Masques on the nature of shaping combat. Keep in mind that it's only as serious as the participants decide to make it.

There's various degrees and shades and, in the end, Sword shaping is only narratively different from, say, Cup shaping. Mind you, you're free to do as you wish.

Think of this as me being a bit tired of certain mistaken assumptions being repeated over and over.
This is very likely a multiple action situation. Just so you know.

Also, you ready your shaping weapon as your first action ?

Also, your Shaping Weapon only has a rate of 1.
Grace of the Infinite Revolving Spheres says sup.

What's your point with your first comment?

Gee. You edit out your post all ninja-like. -_- Not cool.
Sorry, was editing my reply as I made a mistake there. I really need to read first then react.

Still, you are pulling out your atom bomb in a squabble ?
Wouldn't there be a join shaping combat or some attempt at a stealth action before you could make an attack?

Addendum: Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my wife hogged the laptop. I am gonna let this play out a bit more before I post.

I know I wasn't a direct target of that last IC bit, but...

Is this REALLY how things are going to be this whole game? With Magdalene I mean? Because as far as I can tell all it's been is "I can and want to crush you painfully, but it would be too much trouble just now" and "Oh, and we should be doing things MY way, once I get bored" without any team-capable mentality. It's all nice and all how puissant you are, but if it's going to be nothing but subtle and overt threats the whole time...

I know it's the character's theme and all, and it's a fairly good one... I just don't see how it can really work as part of a cohesive group, even a hypothetically temporary, mission-based one such as this.
There's a good time to know when it's about time to call it quits. I had high hopes for this game.

They were dashed miserably.

Have fun everyone. <3

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